Hosted by Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Guy English
Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Guy English discuss superhero TV shows and movies in the inimitable style that their loyal readers have come to love.
226 Spider-Man (2025) Ep 3-5
The Passion of the Spider-Man! We’re back to cover episodes 3 through 5 of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Oooh boy! What a show we’ve got in our robo-tentacles. In our Superhero Sweep segment we share our excitement over the trailer for Fantastic Four: First Steps.
Previous Episodes
February 10, 2025
225 Spider-Man (2025) ep 1 & 2
Amazing Stories! This week we watch the first couple of episodes of Marvel’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. A title too long to squeeze comfortably into our podcast title field so we’re just going with a soupçon of the show’s full and robust title. What we get in this show, however, is some reimagined and distilled Spider-Man.
February 3, 2025
224 Creature Commandos
People are strange when you’re a stranger. This episode we chat about James Gunn’s Creature Commandos as a series. With an eye to what it might portend for the DCU, we struggle with what it is while appreciating the craft behind it.
January 13, 2025
223 What If? Season 3 Episodes 5-8
Who Watches The Watchers? Some huge jerk is who. We’ve got a shattered Earth, a wild west, and a giant sized Fight Fight Fight. Join us as we discuss the final four episodes of What If…?
January 6, 2025
222 What If? Season 3 Episodes 1-4
Sometimes you just want to eat an Egg MacGuffin and what this episode asks is What If you could? Marvel’s animated grab-bag of good-times is back again this holiday season and Dan, John, and Guy are back to review the first four episodes. Strap yourself in to your giant robot, secure your super-soldiers, and put on your dancing shoes because we’ve got a lot to cover.
December 30, 2024
221 Superman Trailer
Look up! Our hero in the red underoos returns and in style. We discuss the new Superman trailiner and take a look at James Gunn’s first live action entry for his new DCU.
December 16, 2024
220 Creature Commandos & Kraven
We’re fans of G.I. Robot and he’s got some pals. This week we’re back in Amanda Waller town to discuss the first two episodes of James Gunn’s Creature Commandos. A greater gang of misfits you’ve never seen since the last of Gunn’s many works. Following that we turn our sights to Kraven-the latest, and possibly final, effort in Sony’s Spider-Man villain universe.
December 9, 2024
219 Arrowverse: We Built This City
The finale of Superman & Lois brings an end to the decade long CW Arrowverse. We take the opportinity to pay our respects to Arrow — the show that started Biff — and the whole CW catalog of super-hero shows. Stay tuned to hear our picks for which characters should escape the dying of their universe and make cameos elsewhere.
November 28, 2024
218 Deadpool & Wolverine
What better way to celebrate Marvel’s Jesus from Canada than on his birthday—American Thanksgiving? Go deep into your mind palace and sniff around like a pig hunting truffles as you try to find all the references in this inter-reality really violent romp. It’s a fun one for the whole family(1). Or for you as you sneak away for a couple of laughs.
(1- it is not for the whole family)
November 18, 2024
217 Giant-Sized Superhero Sweep #11
This week Dan is back and we try to catch up on all the news. We’ve got a Captain America, we’ve got a Thunderbolts*, and we’ve got so much more. In this Giant Sized episode we try cover what’s what in superhero news while remaining upbeat and being oblivious to a giant red rage monster behind a podium.
November 11, 2024
216 Comfort Viewing
Join John and Guy on this Very Special episode where we cover some of our favorite episodes of television to unwind with. Not the best episodes. Not the most consequential, nor the funniest. Just the episodes that are fun and relaxing and help us find a little peace for 42 minutes at a time.