Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Guy English discuss superhero TV shows and movies in the inimitable style that their loyal readers have come to love.
All Episodes
March 24, 2025
230 Daredevil: Born Again ep 4
Fresh off a truck heist last week we’re back to our favourite basement plot point on this installment of Daredevil: Born Again. This show continues to do good work while tredding a little bit of water this episode. How’d we like it? Read along to find out.
March 17, 2025
229 Daredevil: Born Again ep: 3
Covering Daredevil: Born Again is the right thing to do so we’re back this week to take on City Hall in court. Follow along as we discuss some deeply questionable legal tactics, what Wilson Fisk may be up to, and Johnny Dollar. The fate of the White Tiger is in the hands of Matt Murdock and the trial has the potential to spark a new, wider conflict.
March 10, 2025
228 Daredevil: Born Again Ep: 1 & 2
Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk are back as Daredevil: Born Again kicks off with two episodes. Some big changes are afoot but we’re in a familiar pattern for what has come before on the Netflix show. This week we were so engrossed in talking about the show we forgot to drop a Star Trek reference. It’s a good show.
February 24, 2025
227 Spider-Man (2025) Ep 6-10
This week we discuss the giant sized back half of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and it is spectacular! If you’ve not been watching the show you owe it to yourself to do so. This is some high-octane Spider-Man and it sticks the landing.
February 17, 2025
226 Spider-Man (2025) Ep 3-5
The Passion of the Spider-Man! We’re back to cover episodes 3 through 5 of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Oooh boy! What a show we’ve got in our robo-tentacles. In our Superhero Sweep segment we share our excitement over the trailer for Fantastic Four: First Steps.
February 10, 2025
225 Spider-Man (2025) ep 1 & 2
Amazing Stories! This week we watch the first couple of episodes of Marvel’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. A title too long to squeeze comfortably into our podcast title field so we’re just going with a soupçon of the show’s full and robust title. What we get in this show, however, is some reimagined and distilled Spider-Man.
February 3, 2025
224 Creature Commandos
People are strange when you’re a stranger. This episode we chat about James Gunn’s Creature Commandos as a series. With an eye to what it might portend for the DCU, we struggle with what it is while appreciating the craft behind it.
January 13, 2025
223 What If? Season 3 Episodes 5-8
Who Watches The Watchers? Some huge jerk is who. We’ve got a shattered Earth, a wild west, and a giant sized Fight Fight Fight. Join us as we discuss the final four episodes of What If…?
January 6, 2025
222 What If? Season 3 Episodes 1-4
Sometimes you just want to eat an Egg MacGuffin and what this episode asks is What If you could? Marvel’s animated grab-bag of good-times is back again this holiday season and Dan, John, and Guy are back to review the first four episodes. Strap yourself in to your giant robot, secure your super-soldiers, and put on your dancing shoes because we’ve got a lot to cover.
December 30, 2024
221 Superman Trailer
Look up! Our hero in the red underoos returns and in style. We discuss the new Superman trailiner and take a look at James Gunn’s first live action entry for his new DCU.
December 16, 2024
220 Creature Commandos & Kraven
We’re fans of G.I. Robot and he’s got some pals. This week we’re back in Amanda Waller town to discuss the first two episodes of James Gunn’s Creature Commandos. A greater gang of misfits you’ve never seen since the last of Gunn’s many works. Following that we turn our sights to Kraven-the latest, and possibly final, effort in Sony’s Spider-Man villain universe.
December 9, 2024
219 Arrowverse: We Built This City
The finale of Superman & Lois brings an end to the decade long CW Arrowverse. We take the opportinity to pay our respects to Arrow — the show that started Biff — and the whole CW catalog of super-hero shows. Stay tuned to hear our picks for which characters should escape the dying of their universe and make cameos elsewhere.
November 28, 2024
218 Deadpool & Wolverine
What better way to celebrate Marvel’s Jesus from Canada than on his birthday—American Thanksgiving? Go deep into your mind palace and sniff around like a pig hunting truffles as you try to find all the references in this inter-reality really violent romp. It’s a fun one for the whole family(1). Or for you as you sneak away for a couple of laughs.
(1- it is not for the whole family)
November 18, 2024
217 Giant-Sized Superhero Sweep #11
This week Dan is back and we try to catch up on all the news. We’ve got a Captain America, we’ve got a Thunderbolts*, and we’ve got so much more. In this Giant Sized episode we try cover what’s what in superhero news while remaining upbeat and being oblivious to a giant red rage monster behind a podium.
November 11, 2024
216 Comfort Viewing
Join John and Guy on this Very Special episode where we cover some of our favorite episodes of television to unwind with. Not the best episodes. Not the most consequential, nor the funniest. Just the episodes that are fun and relaxing and help us find a little peace for 42 minutes at a time.
November 4, 2024
215 Agatha All Along Ep 8 & 9
It is the end of Agatha! After a brief climatic fight fight fight all is revealed about The Road, Agatha’s past, and the fates of our friends. It’s a double-whammy witchy finale full of feels and fantastical fun.
October 28, 2024
214 Agatha All Along Ep 7
All this has happened before, and it will all happen again. Threads weave together as our favourite witches try to avoid needing stitches as swords of Damocles dangle above their heads. Pull up a chair and draw a card because this ep is always a winner.
October 21, 2024
213 Agatha All Along Ep 6
Buckle up for a big episode! We jump a few years back and learn a little about the boy named Billy / Teen. It is a rare episode of any show that makes what has come before it better.
October 14, 2024
212 Agatha All Along Ep 5
Grab your brooms and come fly with us across the the blood red moon as we discuss Episode 5 of Agatha All Along. At the midpoint of the season we pivot abruptly as Agatha is haunted by her childhood after playing a little Ouija.
October 7, 2024
211 Agatha All Along Ep 4
Put on your deepst v-neck shirt and prepare to rock’n’roll because this week our witches are in the studio laying down one firey track. We discuss the visual style adopted by the show and how well it fits the narrative. Then we dip into some dark Conspiracy Corner as we try to devine some true identities.
September 30, 2024
210 Agatha All Along Ep. 3
Agatha’s coven of chaos faces their first trial along The Road and it’s an escape room at a beautiful beach house. Join us as we follow our less-than-merry gang through their darkest visions and preppy sartorial choices. In a brief Sweep segment we discuss the new trailer for the very fun looking Thunderbolts*.
September 24, 2024
209 Agatha Gets a Posse (S1E1-2)
Look, this ain’t the first unidentifiable body we’ve ever seen in this pacifc-nothwest town. Follow our protagonist Agatha through a gauntlet of opportuninties to do evil.
September 16, 2024
208 Biff is Back
Like Ollie in Arrow season 4 we are somehow back after getting tossed off a cliff with a sword in our chests. Dan and Guy discuss what’s been going on in the realm of superheroes since our last episode. We also take the opportunity to discuss the new Star Wars open world game Outlaws.
July 22, 2024
207 X-Men: Days of Future Past
This week we’re going back in time with X-Men Days of Future Past. Join us as we jump our brains back into the taut, toned, and bone clawed body of a younger Logan as he tries to prevent the rise of The Sentinels. Meanwhie, in the future, there’s an awful lot of fight, fight, fight.
July 1, 2024
206 My Adventures with Superman Season 2 ep1-5
Our pal Clark is back with another season of My Adventures with Superman, a charming cartoon about everybody’s favourite big blue boyscout. This time out a stranger looms, we’re re-introduced to an old adversary, and Sam Lane comes to stay.
June 17, 2024
It’s a very special Father’s Day episode of Biff! as we discuss James Mangold’s 2017 superhero masterpiece LOGAN. Following the mysterious death of all the X-Men we find Logan left taking care of an elderly Charles Xavier with failing mental health and grip upon his enormous powers. When a young scamp enters his world she turns it all topsy-turvy and eventually teaches an old grouch to love.
June 3, 2024
204 X-Men ‘97 (ep 8-10)
You didn’t go to four years of Dahar school for nothing. This is it, folks—The ante-penumtimate, penultimate, and Ultimate X-Men ‘97. Whoo what a ride! That was an optic blast from the past. Remember it!
May 13, 2024
203 The Wolverine
This week we’re catching a ride on a bullet train as we’re wisked off to Japan with our old pal Logan a.k.a. The Wolverine. Some great action sequences, a good bit of fun, and then there’s a third act. Then during our Superhero Sweep segment we chat a little about the new Batman animated series that’s coming out and some Fantastic Four casting news.
May 6, 2024
202 X-Men ‘97 (Ep 4-7)
Huzzah! Dan is back and we’re back on the X-Men beat. This week we cover an eclectic set of mid-season episodes. A fun Tron-Romp, some trippy malevolent force thing, and a simply stunning and terrific episode on Genosha.
May 1, 2024
201 Tiny Size Super Hero Sweep
With Dan away for the week John and Guy fumble their way through a brief look at whats on deck in superhero land.
April 14, 2024
200 Ep: 200: X-Men: Origins: Wolverine
It is episode 200 of everyone’s beloved super-hero TV shows, movies, and dumb jokes podcast — BIFF! This week we tackle X-Men Origins: Wolverine. In which things happen to our hero rougjly in sequence until the end where he forgets them all. As a special episode two hundred treat we quickly revisit the various shows we’ve watched over the years and give a few briefs thoughts about each. Biff has a been great fun for all of us and we’d like to thank you all for reading along and being true Biffs.
April 1, 2024
199 X-Men ‘97 (ep 1-3)
To me my forty-ish year old fans of laser beams, sexed up cartoons, and remarkably timeless social commentary cartoons! In this episode we cover the first three installments of the new X-Men cartoon that was a big hit in the 90s.
March 18, 2024
198 X-Men: The Last Stand
If you love the X-Men do we ever have a movie for you. So long as you only love Wolverine. This movie starts off with a bang in the holodeck and then quickly gets to work killing a bunch of our heroes either literally or just by erasing their personalities. Sometimes even both! Read along with us as we cover the last (?) of the X-Men movies.
March 15, 2024
197 X-Men 2: X-Men United
It’s a Giant Size X-Men epsiode this time! Hold on to your thinly veiled metaphores as we revisit the X-Mansion and meet our X-Pals and a few new friends too.
February 13, 2024
196 X-Men (2000)
Before the superhero ball got rolling the mutants were there to give it a push. This week we visit the X-Men in the original movie from the year 2000. It’s not perfect. There are plenty of flaws. But, wow, what a movie. It may not be so much of a template as Iron Man (or The Incredible Hulk) but it is inarguably in the vanguard of what would become the dominant blockbuster movie events since it was released.
January 29, 2024
195 Echo
We’re off to Oklahoma to catch up with a stand out character from the Hawkeye show — Maya Lopez A.K.A. Echo. Taking refuge from the Fisk organization after having shot Kingpin in the face we find Maya returning to her roots, those she left behind after a tragic childhood accident, and coming to terms with her heritage and who she is.
January 24, 2024
194 What If? Season 2 Episodes 5-9
We’re back to close out our coverage of the second season of What If. There’s some real highpoints in this back half of the season and a whole lot of fun to be had. So strap in to your Hydra-Stomper and prepare yourself to visit strange new worlds.
January 8, 2024
193 What If? Season 2 Episodes 1-4
Imagine, if you can, a reality where Biff Conklin won! You can’t because that’s an Elseworld. If you’d like to tune in for a bit of holiday cheer as we discuss the first four episodes of What If? season 2 then we’ve got you covered. Like the dark fog of a besieged Xandar lit up by justice. The love of an adoptive family. The persistence of the pernicious to become purple, powerful, and petty is perfect. And, as always, Jeff Goldblum finds a way.
December 18, 2023
192 Blue Beetle
Get in the Tacoma, Biffs, ‘cause we’re going to Miami—er, Palmera! This week we’re covering the last DCEU movie (or maybe the first DCU movie?) and are left a little befuddled and bemused.
December 4, 2023
191 The Marvels
Do you like fun? If you’re a fan of fun you’ll find some fanstatic photonic frequency flipping fun in this film. Find yourself entangled in our discussion of The Marvels: their familial, friendly, and firmly political relationships. (Featuring a flirty bonus round!)
We’re off to outer space with a song and a dance as we cover The Marvels.
November 19, 2023
190 Loki S2E6 - Glorious Purpose
Loki season two wraps up and it is a real humdinger of an episode. It is our glorious purpose to relieve you of your burden of indecision and finally bring you our thoughts on what we’re quite sure you already knew in your heart-our rating system isn’t always up to snuff.
November 9, 2023
189 Loki S2E5 “Science/Fiction”
Following last week’s annihilation of all our charcacters and space time itself we’re back for another fun episode of Loki. No harm no foul! Loki is out to put the team back together and we’re off to adventure in their pasts.
October 30, 2023
188 Loki S2E4 “Heart of the TVA”
This week OB and Timely meet their respective heroes but things quickly unravel, dreams are crushed, and a perfectly good hot chocolate is spilled. How many points does Dan get this episode? You’ll have to tune in to find out how we coddle him.
October 23, 2023
187 Loki S2E3 1893
If you missed the Chicago World Fair of 1893 then this is the episode for you! In a crackerjack episode we come to some sort of loggerheads and we knock our heads together trying to work out what is going on.
October 16, 2023
186 Loki S2E2 Breaking Brad
After a brief break, where a lot of stuff has happened, we’re back. This week we’re hot on the tail of some time bandits and those cats always land in a McDonalds.
October 9, 2023
185 Loki S2E1 Ouroboros
Hear me out—what if, and this is a crazy idea, some piece of media explored the idea of time travel and multiple universes? A temporal multiverse, if you will. What if that piece of media was a delightfully rendered, irreverant yet earnest, romp through time set somewhere outside of space? Join us as rejoin Loki following the harrowing events of last season finale.
September 12, 2023
184 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Join us as we dive deep into the Spider-Verse and swing with glee through its gorgeous visuals, rousing soundtrack, and heart warming story telling. A beautiful movie in every way.
August 21, 2023
183 My Adventures with Superman
Save the cat! We’re back with a look at the new and delightful animated Superman show: My Adventures with Superman.
July 31, 2023
182 Secret Invasion S1E6 - Home
We click the heels of our ruby slippers together and chant, in unison, “there’s no place like home” as we cover the final episode of Marvel’s Secret Invasion.
July 24, 2023
181 Secret Invasion S1E5 - Harvest
After the failed assault on the American President’s motorcade Fury whisks Ritson off to hospital while Gravik faces a revolt at home. Join us as we delight in Olivia Colman, take a few odd turns, and dig in on this penultimate episode of Secret Invasion.
July 17, 2023
180 Secret Invasion S1E4 - Beloved
Turns out to be a show best enjoyed as a love story. This week the pace picks up and we get a few terrific scenes, feel a little let down, but broadly enjoy sinking our pointy little teeth into an episode that divides our happy little gang.
July 10, 2023
179 Secret invasion S1E3 - Betrayed
It’s space-eggs for breakfast as we kick this week off with a brief visit to the C.I.A. (the food one, not the spy one). After Dan rights the ship we’re off to sea with a submarine vs. plane conspiracy so tangled you’d better have packed a diver’s knife. Also, dogs — good boys or not? Our characters take surprising positions!
July 3, 2023
178 Secret Invasion S1E2 - Promises
Someone’s got a secret! Pretty much everyone has a secret, to be honest. This week we’re back to cover the second episode of Marvel’s Secret Invasion. Join us as we play the thrillling game of Script or Skrull!?
June 25, 2023
177 Secret Invasion S1E1
Trust No One. Except Olivia Colman who is very pleased that you are so extraorindary in your listening habits. This week Dan, John, and someone presumed to be Guy, discuss the first installmenet of SECRET INVASION.
June 19, 2023
176 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3
Dan and John discuss the final episode of James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy films. A film where our central hero loves his friends, refuses to abandon them, and, ultimately teaches us what it means to be part of a loving family of choice. Guy does not appear in this episode.
May 30, 2023
175 Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania
Dan is back and we dive into the Quantum realm with our intrepid Ant-Gang! When a mysterious vortex sucks up our heroes they find themselves transported to a strange new world full of people with strange new customs doing strange new things. After a harrowing journey our heroes confront the cruel wizard ruling the realm with a teeny tiny iron fist—KANG! Also, M.O.D.O.K is here and he Designed Only For Lols.
May 15, 2023
174 No Bloody Ant-Man, Batman, Constantine, *or* Deadpool
With Dan on assignment this week John and Guy kick things off with our of first impressions of Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3, and Ant-Man: Quantumania. With the writers strike in full swing we get into some of the details behind it and briefly discuss our support for the WGA. Before long we venture a little afield and discuss if Link, and game characters in general, are superheroes. Once we’ve dipped our toes in that water we venture out to where no one has gone before.
May 1, 2023
173 Superhero Trailer Park
It’s Trailer Time in the Biff-cave! This week we cover the recently released trailers for The Flash, Blue Beetle, Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse, The Marvels, Secret Invasion. And we wash that down by coming full circle and chat a little about the recent episode of The Flash where our old pal Ollie Queen returns.
April 17, 2023
172 Daredevil: Born Again (1986)
In anticipation of the upcoming Marvel Daredevil show we asked Time Travelling Dad to snag us a copy of the original comic book run. We discuss the seminal arc and characters with an eye to how they are very much of their time and how they differ from their Netflix versions.
April 3, 2023
171 Giant-Sized Superhero Sweep #10
I guess all we do these days is gossip so buckle up as we go over some recent news. Topics include some casting news for the MCU and DCU. We also discuss Jonathan Majors’ alleged abusive behaviour. If that’s a subject that will upset you please skip past it. Then we make stuff up about Captain America 4, The Batman 2, and a bunch of other stuff.
March 20, 2023
170 Giant-Sized Superhero Sweep #9
We kick off this giant size sweep episode with some quick thoughts on Shazam: Fury of the Gods. Dan then fills us in on the homework he’s been doing watching the final season of The Flash. We then move on to the Marc Guggenheim (or Arrowverse fame) complaint that he was uncerimoniously pushed aside as Jame Gunn took over the DCU proper.
March 6, 2023
169 MCU in a Funko
This week we cover the news of the MCU slowing down a bit and meander down a bunch of side roads. We touch on (without spoilers) Andor, Picard, and Time Travelling Dad.
February 21, 2023
168 James Gunn v. DCU Exhibit B
We’re back with the unofficial James Gunn-cast where we talk about all things fun from Mr. James Gunn. This week we close out our chat about the TV side of the announced DCU strategy. Then we move on to the new trailers for The Batmans & Flash before rounding things out with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
February 5, 2023
167 James Gunn v. DCU Exhibit A
James Gunn has released a six-ish minute YouTube and in this episode of Biff! we take a full hour-ish to discuss about half of it. Let’s be honest, you didn’t sign up for the brains.
January 16, 2023
166 Dan’s Report Card
We’re back after a holiday break to chat about what Dan has been watching. On his list are Pennyworth colon The Origin Of The Butler To The Batman, Stargirl Season 3, and Black Adam.
December 19, 2022
165 Wakanda Forever
This week we revisit Wakanda in the wake of Chadwick Boseman’s death. A movie about loss, grief, and a dude with wings on his feet.
December 4, 2022
164 Guardians, Go-Bots, and Gunn
We’re back this week to chat about the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special, the trailer for their next movie, and James Gunn’s DC plans.
November 14, 2022
163 The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes
We’re back this week to chat about Netflix’s episodic television adaptation of one of the greatest comic books ever written: Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. There is so much meat on Morpheus’ slender pale bones that we mostly just covered Preludes & Nocturnes. You’ll need to dream our thoughts on The Doll’s House.
October 31, 2022
162 Superhero Sweep X Again
In this episode we have nothing much to discuss, but one of our members has a change of heart and, ultimately, we all come around to just giving Biffs to everything. We discuss the Marvel news, the DC news, and all that news. This is a horrible pitch, but it is a good one.
October 24, 2022
161 Werewolf by Night
Do not adjust your set. This very special episode of the MCU is presented in glorious black and white. Pop some corn, turn off the lights, and get ready to set your tuba alight because this week we cover Marvel’s Werewolf by Night.
October 17, 2022
160 She-Hulk S1E9: “Whose Show is This?”
In this final episode of She-Hulk Jen finds herself at the end of her rope. But, like Captain Kirk before her, she refuses to accept a no-win scenario.
October 10, 2022
159 She-Hulk S1E8: “Ribbit and Rip It!”
Put some jet fuel in your rocket boots and chow down on some toasty frog legs because this week we’re introduced to Leap-Frog! When the wanna-be superhero sets himself alight Luke Jacobson finds himself in court against Jen. But he’s got the devil on his side. In this episode She-Hulk smashes.
October 3, 2022
158 She-Hulk S1E6: “The Retreat”
ABOMASTE! Peace and clarity be with us this week after Blonsky’s ankle monitor goes off and Jen visits his retreat for the weekend. We’re introduced to a bunch of new characters but, touchingly, also to Jen herself. If you’re wondering what we think about Josh’s betrayal you won’t wait long to find out.
September 26, 2022
157 She-Hulk S1E6: “Just Jen”
Bring your sensible shoes for dancing because we’re off to a wedding! This week Jen attends her old friend’s wedding and things get a little out of hand when Titania turns out to be dating the groom’s pal. Listen in as we discuss the episode and a couple of classic movies before doing a little bit of superhero dusting.
September 23, 2022
156 She-Hulk S1E5: “Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans”
It’s off to court in this law comedy as Jen sues Titania for using the name She-Hulk to hawk beauty products. John, Guy, and a special surprise guest recap the episode and then chat a little about the D23 announcements.
September 13, 2022
155 She-Hulk S1E4: “Is This Not Real Magic?”
Swipe right for Real Magic! This week Jen fights off a bunch of goblins over drinks and also fights off a bunch of goblins to help out Wong. We also find ourselves blessed by the introduction of Madisynn. Bottomless be her G’n’T. Then we do a little fantasy casting for Fantasitc Four in anticipation of the D23 event that has since happened.
September 4, 2022
154 She-Hulk S1E3: “The People vs. Emil Blonsky”
Jen takes on her first big case and smashes the A and B plots together like coconuts. We chat about Megan Thee Stallion, Blonksy, and Wong, before heading back into conspiracy corner. Who’s the boss? Only Frakes can reveal the truth in this episode of Biff that will have you dancing in the office.
August 31, 2022
153 She-Hulk S1E2: “Superhuman Law”
She-Hulk gets fired from her gig in the DA’s office but through the magic of montage finds herself quickly re-hired at the Law Offices of GLK/H. Unfortunately they seem to want to staff her primarily because she’s a HULK. Worse, her first client is Emile Blonsky AKA The Abomination. Then in our sweep segment John and Guy discuss:
Larry Wilmore’s interview with She-Hulk writer Jessica Gao
Jordan Elsass’ exit from Superman & Lois
The cancellation of Batman: Caped Crusader and rumours that Matt Shakman will be directing the Fantastic Four movie.
August 23, 2022
152 Never Tackle She-Hulk
This week we try to tackle the first episode of She-Hulk. Never tackle She-Hulk. Within the first twenty minutes we decide that John has won at BIFF and we can close the whole thing up. For the rest we discuss our enjoyment of She-Hulk, and end up going a little far afield.
August 15, 2022
151 Light, Magic, and Dream
Believing they didn’t have enough to fill an hour your intrepid hosts hatched a plan to steal the show and go boldly into the well explored. Everything unravels as they discover an hour worth of conversation about the Groot animated shorts, the Light & Magic documentary series, and The Sandman. They’ll never sit in the captain’s chair again after this Giant Sized Sweep episode.
August 8, 2022
150 DCEU vs. WBD
This week we have three podcasts in one as we discuss the cancellation of Batgirl and the general chaos that is the Warner Brothers / Discovery+ mess.
Also, a lovely reader sent along a conversation with the people who cut together the terrific Wakanda Forever trailer.
July 31, 2022
149 MCU vs. SDCC
John and Guy are back this week to discuss some of what Marvel announced at San Diego Comic Con. We cover the trailers for Black Panther 2, SHE-HULK, and assorted stuff about what’s on the way.
July 22, 2022
148 Thor: Love & Thunder
This episode of Biff finds our heroes dealing with loss and learning why love is always the answer. Toss in some rock’n’roll, some pointy fonts, and some colourful muppets and you’ve got a real spectacle on your hands. It’s another classic Biff adventure as we discuss Thor: Love & Thunder.
July 14, 2022
147 Ms. Marvel S1E6: “No Normal”
It’s the final episode of Ms. Marvel and things are hitting the fan. We discuss the show’s Spider-Man 2 moment, comic callbacks, and that scene—you know the one. Then, on our Letters Page, we talk about acknowledging the creators of these shows that we love. Plus, a programming note for one of our hosts.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 7, 2022
146 Ms. Marvel S1E5: “Time and Again”
Things go timey-wimey on this week’s episode of Ms. Marvel, and we discuss unexpected history lessons, quick villain wrap-ups, and accidental name mistakes. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, some familiar faces seem bound for Echo and maybe She-Hulk? Finally, we address a letter from a reader about our villains’ introduction.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 30, 2022
145 Ms. Marvel S1E4: “Seeing Red”
We’re off to Karachi in the latest episode of Ms. Marvel, as we discuss murky villains, excellent character moments, and what the hell a dimension is, technically. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk about rumors of unannounced upcoming MCU projects.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 23, 2022 Ms. Marvel, Season 1, Episode 3
144 Ms. Marvel S1E3: “Destined”
Get out your finest because we’re going to a wedding in the latest episode of Ms. Marvel. We discuss great dance scenes, MCU tie-ins, and surprisingly fast (too fast?) heel turns. Plus, in our Letters Page, we address some questions about the first episode of Ms. Marvel and award our first Biff No-Prize.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 16, 2022 Ms. Marvel, Season 1, Episode 2
143 Ms. Marvel S1E2: “Crushed”
We’re back to talk about the latest episode of Ms. Marvel this week, including bringing some much needed authenticity, inadvisable teenage house parties, and why you should always finish saving people before striking a superhero pose.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 9, 2022 Ms. Marvel, Season 1, Episode 1
142 Ms. Marvel S1E1: “Generation Why”
Grab your favorite cosplay outfit and strap on your cosmic bangles, because it’s time for the debut of the latest MCU streaming series, Ms. Marvel. We discuss family dynamics, documentary footage of the Avengers, and, of course, Scott Lang’s podcast interviews. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk about the trailer for Black Adam and wrap it all up with a visit to the Letters Page.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 2, 2022 We’re All Over the Place
141 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #8
This week we’re still between shows, so we take a little time out to discuss the Moon Knight making of special on Disney+, talk about toxic fandoms ruining things, and at long last answer some reader mail in the much-awaited return of our Letters Page segment.
Send us your letters at or find us on Twitter!
May 25, 2022 Thor: Love & Thunder
140 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #7
As we take a break between shows, our hosts rundown the slate of upcoming MCU outings, including discussing the Thor: Love & Thunder trailer, the upcoming Ms.Marvel show, and a putative Daredevil revival.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 19, 2022 The Batman
139 The Batman
We get detecting on this episode, discussing the recent Dark Knight outing The Batman. Is it too dark? Or is there an arc? Too many riddles? Not enough…fiddles?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 12, 2022 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
138 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Things just got out of hand. Join our multiverse traversing crew as we embark upon the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. We discuss some trademark Sam Raimi moves, which characters were well-served, and just a boatload of Marvel easter eggs.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 5, 2022 Moon Knight, Episode 6
137 Moon Knight E6: “Gods and Monsters”
Our wild and woolly trip through Moon Knight concludes this week, and we discuss Oscar Isaac acting against Oscar Isaac, a surprise superhero, and what that closing scene means for the uncertain future of these characters. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk the cancelation of our dear Legends of Tomorrow and some shake-ups in the MCU. Plus, we tease our members-only special for the year, coming soon!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 28, 2022 Moon Knight, Episode 5
136 Moon Knight E5: “Asylum”
We get mind-bending this week, as we delve into the latest episode of Moon Knight and discuss why you should probably not get therapy from this doctor, trauma and tragedy, and a possible appearance of a new identity. One thing’s for sure: there’s a whole closet of shoes left to drop in the final episode next week.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 21, 2022 Moon Knight, Episode 4
135 Moon Knight E4: “The Tomb”
Put on your fedora and grab your whip, because it’s the adventures of Dr. Steven Grant in this week’s episode of Moon Knight. We discussed scenes pulled from the comics, a mental institution that’s clearly not designed to help people get healthy, and the friendliest of creatures: the hippo. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we break down the newly released trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 14, 2022 Moon Knight, Episode 3
134 Moon Knight E3: “The Friendly Type”
We’re off to Egypt for this overstuffed episode of Moon Knight, where special guest Tony Sindelar joins Dan Moren and Guy English to discuss bad trial decisions, evaluate weird choices in collecting antiquities, and take a quick trip to Conspiracy Corner about a mysterious third personality. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we get Tony’s opinions about Peacemaker and briefly talk about Pixar’s latest, Turning Red.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 7, 2022 Moon Knight, Episode 2
133 Moon Knight E2: “Summon the Suit”
Don your best white suit, because we’re back to talk about the latest episode of Moon Knight, including gods who are jerks, who the real protagonist is here, and fighting invisible monsters…part two. Then in a brief Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss complex comic book movie villainy.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 31, 2022 Moon Knight, Episode 1
132 Moon Knight E1: “The Goldfish Problem”
Let he who hasn’t stolen a cupcake truck and driven it through the Alps cast the first gun. We’re talking the first episode of the latest MCU streaming series, Moon Knight, including lovable sad sacks, surprising comedic beats, and the legend that is F. Murray Abraham. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, a quick overview of The Batman and a preview of our upcoming discussion.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 17, 2022 Marvel’s Spider-Man
131 Marvel’s Spider-Man
We diverge from our usual coverage this week to talk about the 2018 Marvel’s Spider-Man for PlayStation, as well as its 2020 remaster. What makes a good video game adaptation? Why does this succeed where others have failed? We also touch upon other titles, including Marvel’s Avengers and the recent Guardians of the Galaxy.
Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the new trailer for the Ms. Marvel series coming to Disney+ later this year, as well as what it portends for the future of the MCU.
March 10, 2022 Peacemaker, Season 1
130 Peacemaker, Season 1
Do you really want to taste it? We convene to discuss HBOMax’s Peacemaker, a spin-off of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. Hot topics include redeeming sociopaths, walking the line between offensive and insightful, and surprising heart. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we briefly discuss the upcoming Moon Knight show and one of us has seen The Batman.
March 3, 2022 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 13
129 Legends of Tomorrow S7E13: “Knocked Down, Knocked Up”
We come full circle as we cover the season finale of Legends of Tomorrow and discuss heroic moments, who’s in charge of the timeline, and the introduction of a certain well-known DC Comics character. Then, in Superhero Sweep, we briefly discuss the 2018 Spider-Man video game, a topic we plan to revisit in more depth later on.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 24, 2022 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 12
128 Legends of Tomorrow S7E12: “Too Legit to Quit”
Is it all over for our heroes? Ehhh, probably not. We’re back to cover the penultimate episode of Legends of Tomorrow’s seventh season, and discuss seeing our futures, two characters with childlike wonder, and just letting the cast loose to have fun. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we delve into if, when, and how Marvel might choose to adapt its former Netflix shows into the MCU.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 17, 2022 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness…Trailer
127 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #6
With our usual shows on a winter break, our panel is back with one of our giant-sized episodes covering what’s going on in the superhero world. This time, it’s a deep-dive into the latest trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, including cameos aplenty, Marvel conspiracy theories, and some serious Zaprudering. Plus, a brief digression on the making of Eternals special now on Disney+, and the future of the MCU.
February 10, 2022 Superman & Lois, Season 2, Episodes 1-4
126 Superman & Lois S2E1-4
Taking a break from our regularly scheduled coverage, we take this opportunity to discuss the second season of Superman & Lois thus far. Hot topics include whether there’s another villainous shoe to drop, why the DoD is a jerk to Superman, and what we can all learn from a little family drama.
February 3, 2022 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 11
125 Legends of Tomorrow S7E11: “Rage Against the Machines”
If you’ve stopped one time-traveling robot from changing history, haven’t you really stopped them all? We’re back to discuss this week’s episode of Legends of Tomorrow and whether robots have digestive systems, how you can never have too much Tala Ashe, and why some characters have to be shot and taken off screen to recuperate. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we’re all over the map, talking briefly about Superman & Lois, Peacemaker, Young Justice, Naomi, and Harley Quinn before sitting down to watch the most recent trailer for The Batman together.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 27, 2022 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 10
124 Legends of Tomorrow S7E10: “The Fixed Point”
It’s the bar where everybody knows your name, and what time you’re from. This week, Legends of Tomorrow makes a stop in Sarajevo, and we discuss unexpected character pairings, cartoonish death loops, and surprising historical accuracy. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, it’s all about Marvel’s upcoming Moon Knight.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 20, 2022 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 9 / Eternals
123 Eternals / Legends of Tomorrow S7E9
This week we get real, as we discuss the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow by talking directly to the camera, including deft handling of non-love triangles, actors stretching their wings, and committing to the bit. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we dive deep on Marvel’s Eternals, talking about its big swings, subversive streak, and as the launching pad for way too many MCU properties.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 13, 2022 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 8
122 Legends of Tomorrow S7E8: “Paranoid Android”
Wait, maybe we’re the robots? We’re back with the latest installment of Legends of Tomorrow, discussing conservation of actors, ’80s riffs, and yes, giant muscled arms. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we wax philosophical about a possible sale of the CW network and the future of its superhero properties.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 6, 2022 Spider-Man: No Way Home
121 Spider-Man: No Way Home
We convene to discuss Spider-Man: No Way Home, the third movie in the extremely profitable MCU/Sony joint. Hot topics include satisfying arcs for surprising characters, resetting the Spider-Man story, and how to pull off a movie with a bananas number of villains.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 30, 2021 Hawkeye, Season 1, Episode 6
120 Hawkeye S1E6: “So This is Christmas?”
It’s all over but the arrow shooting. As we cover the finale of Hawkeye, we discuss important matters, like elevator fights, incredible shrinking trucks, and what exactly happened to the Big Guy. Plus, a long-awaited impression returns.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 16, 2021 Hawkeye, Season 1, Episode 5
119 Hawkeye S1E5: “Ronin”
We’re back to cover the latest episode of Hawkeye and discuss all manner of things, from an epic Yelena-Kate dinner to Jack’s cheerful arrest to the reveal of “the big guy.” Plenty of threads to wrap up, and only a week in which to do it.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 9, 2021 Hawkeye, Season 1, Episode 4
118 Hawkeye S1E4: “Partners, Am I Right?”
Don your ugly sweaters and throw on your favorite holiday movie as we cover the latest episode of Hawkeye. We discuss the important question: Whose watch is that? What’s the story with Laura Barton? Jack? And does anybody even talk to each other? Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss a brand new animated Christmas special ripped from another of our favorite superhero shows.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 2, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 7 / Hawkeye, Season 1, Episode 3
117 Legends of Tomorrow S7E7 / Hawkeye S1E3
We promise you this: you will not die in a factory. This week we cover the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow and talk about threading the line between history and comedy, a well-earned villain redemption arc, and important things to know about living in a totem.
Then it’s on to the most recent episode of Hawkeye, as we’re introduced to Maya Lopez, have a thrilling trick-arrow-laden car chase, and, of course, make liberal use of Conspiracy Corner.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 29, 2021 Hawkeye Season 1, Episodes 1-2
116 Hawkeye S1E1-2: “Never Meet Your Heroes” / “Hide and Seek”
What, you thought we wouldn’t cover the show with an arrow-shooting superhero? We discuss the first two episodes of Marvel’s Hawkeye, including the awful wonderful Rogers: The Musical, Clint’s relationship with his family, the comics that clearly inspired this series, and a deep dive into Conspiracy Corner as we try to figure out who the real bad guy is.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 18, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow Season 7, Episode 6
115 Legends of Tomorrow S7E6: “Deus Ex Latrina”
It’s a peek behind the curtain on this week’s episode of Legends of Tomorrow as we find who the real villain is and discuss WWI flashbacks, Russian accents, and a good old 2001 reference. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk about previews of the upcoming Disney+ MCU series and the bonkers nature of the new Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 12, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow Season 7, Episode 5
114 Legends of Tomorrow S7E5: “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist”
Time travel is more of an art than science, as we learn in this week’s episode of Legends of Tomorrow. Dan Moren and Guy English are joined by special guest Tony Sindelar to discuss anachronisms, hair styling, and what the deal is with Matt Ryan’s new character. Then, it’s on to our Superhero Sweep segment, where we talk about the latest rumors on the upcoming Spider-Man movie, plus tease our new feature, Vampire or Not.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 4, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 4 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 13
113 Legends of Tomorrow S7E4 / Stargirl S2E13
This week’s episode is an exclusive one, and the password is…password. First we do a bit of song and dance about the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, then we wrap up this season of Stargirl with coverage of a season finale that ties up everything—perhaps a little too neatly. And then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the trailer for Morbius and why Sony is trying too hard.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 28, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 3 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 12
112 Legends of Tomorrow S7E3 / Stargirl S2E12
Take a trip down memory lane with your hosts this week as we watch the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow and discuss foregrounding background characters, cast budget cuts, and why nobody can save Hawkman. Then it’s the latest episode of Stargirl as the stage is set for a final confrontation with Eclipso…right after we deal with this giant hamburger.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 21, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 2 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 11
111 Legends of Tomorrow S7E2 / Stargirl S2E11
It’s all aboard this week, as we cover the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, including J. Edgar Hoover’s unsavory legacy, Zari’s conspiracy theories, and unlimited bottles of whiskey. Then, things get a little black in white in the latest installment of Stargirl as we take a trip to the Shadowlands. We wrap it all up with a discussion of DC’s upcoming movie properties.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 14, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 7, Episode 1 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 10
110 Legends of Tomorrow S7E1 / Stargirl S2E10
Our intrepid crew is stuck in 1925 this week as they watch the season premiere of Legends of Tomorrow. Then we discuss about-faces and apologies in the latest episode of Stargirl. And it all wraps up with some light discussion of Shang-Chi and the upcoming Hawkeye series.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 7, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 9 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 9
109 What If…? S1E9 / Stargirl S2E9
It’s a flashback special on this week’s Stargirl, as we learn how the Justice Society of America defeated Eclipso the first time around. Then it’s the season one finale of What If…? with some serious mashup madness.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 30, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 8 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 8
108 What If…? S1E8 / Stargirl S2E8
Two of our heroes deal very differently with their fears in the latest episode of Stargirl. Then, on this week’s installment of What If…?, the Multiverse contends with its biggest threat yet.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 23, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 7 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 7
107 What If…? S1E7 / Stargirl S2E7
This week, things are getting extra creepy in Blue Valley, as we discuss the latest episode of Stargirl. Then we take on the party prince himself, Thor, in the most recent installment of What If…?.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 16, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 6 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 6
106 What If…? S1E6 / Stargirl S2E6
In this corner, it’s combat in the cafeteria as we discuss the latest episode of Stargirl. Then, we move on to an episode of What If…? that poses the tantalizing question: what if a complex and nuanced villain was simply a psychopath?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 9, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 5 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 5 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 15
105 What If…? S1E5 / Stargirl S2E5 / Legends of Tomorrow S6E15
Aliens, paint monsters, and zombies, oh my! This week, we cover Legends of Tomorrow’s season finale, in which everything…works out. Then, it’s the latest very creepy installment of Stargirl. Finally, a What If…? episode that really makes you use your brain.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 2, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 4 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 4 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 14
104 What If…? S1E4 / Stargirl S2E4 / Legends of Tomorrow S6E14
The team reassembles this week to take on a bigger threat: three episodes of superhero TV. First up, we cover the penultimate installment of Legends of Tomorrow: too dark? Or just dark enough? Then it’s back to summer school as Stargirl brings back some fan favorite bad guys. Finally, we tackle the most recent episode of What If…? and our previous darkness meter needs to be recalibrated.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 30, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 3 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 3 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 13
103 What If…? S1E3 / Stargirl S2E3 / Legends of Tomorrow S6E13
In this episode our good pal James Thompson steps in for Dan and really flexes! We cover a somewhat dark episode of Legends of Tomorrow, then move on to Stargirl, and round it all out with the latest installment of Marvel’s What If…?. This episode of Biff is sort of a What If? all by itself in a way.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 20, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 2 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 2 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 12
102 What If…? S1E2 / Stargirl S2E2 / Legends of Tomorrow S6E12
Another week, another three superhero TV shows. First we board the Waverider for this week’s murder mystery board game episode of Legends of Tomorrow, then we follow up with Stargirl’s new hero and villain, and finally figure out what happens when T’Challa takes to the stars in a truly outstanding episode of Marvel’s What If…?.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 12, 2021 What If…?, Season 1, Episode 1 / Stargirl, Season 2, Episode 1 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 11
101 What If…? S1E1 / Stargirl S2E1 / Legends of Tomorrow S6E11
You’ve seen us pull double duty, but you’ve never seen us as a triple threat! We’re back with coverage of three—count ‘em, three!—superhero TV shows. First up, the most recent episode of Legends of Tomorrow is a ball, then the season premiere of Stargirl sets the table for drama, and finally the debut of Marvel’s What If…? asks us a very important question.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 22, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 10 / Black Widow
100 Legends of Tomorrow S6E10: “Bad Blood” / Black Widow
It’s episode 100 of our little superhero TV/movie podcast, and we’re celebrating by recapping the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, where we discuss the rules of magic, alien consequences, and dramatic misfires. Then, in a supersized Superhero Sweep segment, we spend a bit pontificating on the latest Loki/WandaVision conspiracy theory, followed by a discussion of the recently released Black Widow. And we wrap it all up with a big thank you to you, our readers.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 15, 2021 Loki, Episode 6 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 9
99 Loki E6: “For All Time. Always” / Legends of Tomorrow S6E9: “This is Gus”
It’s We Who Remain this week. First, it’s the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, with a heartfelt episode about a sitcom, some great hair, and two unexpected pregnancies. Then, we wrap up the first season of Loki and discuss the many threads being spun out, our success and failure at conspiracy theories, and the surprising power of three people in a room talking.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 9, 2021 Loki, Episode 5
98 Loki E5: “Journey into Mystery”
We’re all journeying into mystery this week, with two of our usuals at undisclosed locations as we discuss the latest episode of Loki. Hot topics include who exactly is behind the TVA, whether Renslayer is at all trustworthy, and the majesty that is Richard E. Grant.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 1, 2021 Loki, Episode 4 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 8
97 Loki E4: “The Nexus Event” / Legends of Tomorrow S6E8: “Stressed Western”
Apocalypse, meet aliens. As we continue our double feature, we enjoy a classic romp on Legends of Tomorrow with secrets revealed, a notable guest star, and a singing cowboy? Then, in our recap of the latest episode of Loki, we discuss surprising twists and turns, a notable guest star redux, and conspiracies galore.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 24, 2021 Loki, Episode 3 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 7
96 Loki E3: “Lamentis” / Legends of Tomorrow S6E7: “Back to the Finale: Part II”
Weirdly enough, we run around on two deadly purple alien worlds this week as we continue our moonlighting gig. First up, an excellent midseason finale of Legends of Tomorrow where we enjoy time travel hijinks, exploding mannequins, and the a heartfelt reunion.
Then, we’re marooned on a dying world for the third episode of Loki and discuss some uneven plot beats, enjoyable character moments, and a heck of a revelation about TVA agents.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 17, 2021 Loki, Episode 2 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 6
95 Loki E2: “The Variant” / Legends of Tomorrow S6E6: “Bishop’s Gambit”
Double trouble continues this week. First, we discuss the most recent episode of Legends of Tomorrow, with a solid Mick Rory story, alien hijinks, and a surprise ending.
Then we rejoin our Time Variance Authority team to examine the second episode of Loki, and ponder the multiverse, get giddy over the destruction of Pompeii, and, of course, sigh about jet skis.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 10, 2021 Loki, Episode 1 / Legends of Tomorrow, Season 6, Episode 5
94 Loki E1: “Glorious Purpose” / Legends of Tomorrow S6E5: “The Satanist’s Apprentice”
What’s better than one show that mucks about with the timeline? Two shows that muck about with the timeline! The crew is pulling double duty this week: first up, the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow complete with a Disney pastiche, a portrait of Aleister Crowley, and the hardest cheese you’ll ever see.
Then, we discuss the debut episode of the latest Marvel series on Disney+, Loki. Hot topics include free will vs. predestination, a psychological breakdown, and time-travel shenanigans.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 1, 2021 Superman & Lois
93 Superman & Lois Revisited
While the Legends have the week off, the crew convenes to discuss the first season of Superman & Lois thus far. We talk about letting Superman fail on the regular (without the world being at stake), realistic family dynamics, and a surprising mid-season twist.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 25, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, Episode 4
92 Legends of Tomorrow S6E4: “Bay of Squids”
What could make the Cuban Missile Crisis more of a crisis? Aliens and time travelers, probably. Strap in for this week’s episode of Legends of Tomorrow as we discuss the challenges of plot without heart, some muddled character development, and the oddest football game ever. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk about a couple of standout Supergirl episodes, the upcoming Eternals, and what we’ve been watching.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 18, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, Episode 3
91 Legends of Tomorrow S6E3: “The Ex-Factor”
Determining the world leader by reality competition? Maybe not that ridiculous. We’re back to cover the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, including commitment to bits, execution vs. premise, and the grace notes that save the day. Plus, in Superhero Sweep, we discuss Batwoman, the upcoming What If?, and discuss everybody’s second favorite Canadian, Wolverine.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 11, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, Episode 2
90 Legends of Tomorrow S6E2: “Meat: The Legends”
You might want to think twice before you eat that burger. We’re back with our coverage of the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, including surprisingly sensible alien lifecycles, fast food chain origin stories, and some finger-snapping totem fun. Plus, in our Superhero Sweep segment we talk up Pennyworth season two, as well as discussing previews of Sweet Tooth and Venom: Let There Be Carnage.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 4, 2021 Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, Episode 1
89 Legends of Tomorrow S6E1: “Ground Control to Sara Lance”
No avenging! We’re taking a break from the heavy societal issues to have a little fun as we return to Legends of Tomorrow. We discuss strong character moments, the un-surprise of a secret alien, and whether Sara Lance is in fact the quintessential human. Plus, it’s the return of our Superhero Sweep segment, in which we discuss a surprising CW show and Marvel’s latest Phase Four sizzle reel. Finally, we dust off a sheaf of letters that got stuck in the transom.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 27, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E6: “One World, One People”
88 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E6: “One World, One People”
This week, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier—if that really is your title!—barrel rolls towards an uneven landing. We discuss impressive stunts, awkward character beats, and whether some punches ultimately get pulled. Plus, what’s next?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 20, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E5: “Truth”
87 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E5: “Truth”
It’s the calm before the storm on this week’s episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. We discuss what the heck that one senator’s job is, whether we’ve seen the last of Zemo, and our spin-off pitch, This Old Boat. Plus, a very quick take on the new Shang-Chi trailer.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 13, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E4: “The Whole World Is Watching”
86 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E4: “The Whole World Is Watching”
It gets intense on this week’s episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as we have multiple showdowns. We discuss John Walker’s increasing twitchiness, an action- and meaning-packed fight scene, and why you should never trust a creepily-singing stranger handing out candy.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 6, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E3: “Power Broker”
85 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E3: “Power Broker”
Let us explain: no, there is too much. It’s a packed episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier this week, and not always for the better. We take on the identity of the titular character, a bar scene that makes no sense, and what exactly the show wants us to think about the Flag Smashers.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 30, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E2: “The Star-Spangled Man”
84 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E2: “The Star-Spangled Man”
We relate to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and not just because the lead characters constantly aggravate one another. This week, we discuss the newly minted “White Cap”, our heroes hatred for sidewalks, and Bucky hitting the nail on the head.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 23, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E1: “New World Order”
83 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier E1: “New World Order”
We’ve got a new assignment, and it’s taking on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. For this debut episode, we discuss Sam and Bucky’s journeys, why it’s so hard to get a loan, and when in a relationship is too soon to reveal your robot arm.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 16, 2021 Superman & Lois
82 Superman & Lois
With a brief window between Marvel series on Disney+, we convene for a high-level discussion about the first three episodes of the CW’s Superman & Lois. We discuss overbuilt suits, conflicts you can’t punch your way out of, and saving people. (Very light spoilers for Superman & Lois as well as some wrap-up WandaVision thoughts.)
March 8, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 9
81 WandaVision S1E9 Review: “The Series Finale”
WandaVision goes off the air…permanently? We discuss the finale, including a logical Vision face-off, remorse and apologies, and how to pull off a superhero costume. Plus, where do we go from here?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 2, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 8
80 WandaVision S1E8 Review: “Previously On”
Who doesn’t like a good clip show? We get insight into what exactly has driven the events of WandaVision this week, prompting discussion of Hayward’s agenda, the effects of grief, and one big name drop ahead of next week’s season finale.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 23, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 7
79 WandaVision S1E7 Review: “Breaking the Fourth Wall”
The chips start to fall on this week’s episode of WandaVision. We sit down and talk directly to the camera about new superheroes, re-capping Marvel movies, and exactly who is behind it all?! (Perhaps not who we think?)
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 17, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 6
78 WandaVision S1E6 Review: “All-New Halloween Spooktacular!”
Classic costumes, troublemaking brothers, and superpowers kids are the order of the day as we discuss the latest episode of WandaVision. We theorize about who exactly is behind the Maximoff Anomaly, whether Pietro is all that he seems, and what the hell was up with that commercial.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 9, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 5
77 WandaVision S1E5: “On a Very Special Episode…”
A very special episode, indeed. Bombshells are dropped, the cracks in reality widen, and we’re left with a real head scratcher as we discuss whether Wanda is behind everything, multiple layers of reality, and what kind of drones the 1980s really had.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 2, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 4
76 WandaVision S1E4: “We Interrupt This Program”
We’re coming back from the looking glass this week, as we leave WandaWorldâ„¢ to see what’s happening on the outside of the TV screen. We discuss the impact of the Blip and our deep and abiding love of Jimmy Woo before embarking upon a lengthy trip to Conspiracy Corner.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 26, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 3
75 WandaVision S1E3: “Now in Color”
We’re all here because… because… well, because someone has to discuss the latest episode of Disney+’s WandaVision! We discuss the cracks that are starting to show; trying to nail that classic humor with a modern edge; the mysteries of Geraldine, Agnes, and Herb; and the technical proficiency required to mimic the look and feel of old TV.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 19, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episodes 1-2
74 WandaVision S1E1-E2: “Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience”/”Don’t Touch That Dial”
Marvel launches its first foray into producing its own TV shows, and of course we’re here to talk about it. And because it’s just too important to leave to us, we also invite our good pal Lisa Schmeiser to join us as we discuss the sitcom trappings, giving two underused characters a chance to shy, and, of course, our theories behind what’s going on.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 14, 2021 Everyone’s coming back!
73 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #5
We’re back after a brief hiatus, and we’re wrapping up all the superhero news we missed: the official cancellation of Green Arrow and the Canaries; Michael Keaton’s possible return to the Batman franchise; Deadpool’s entry in to the MCU; and Chris Evans possibly picking up the shield again. Plus, we’re really looking forward to WandaVision.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 30, 2020 WW84
72 Wonder Woman 1984
For the last show of the year, we gather to discuss Wonder Woman 84, which debuted on HBO Max on Christmas Day. We talk about what we liked, what didn’t work, and what was downright problematic. Then Dan springs a year-end challenge on John and Guy with predictably disastrous results.
December 17, 2020 Multiverses on multiverses
71 Marvel Multiverse of Madness
Just when you thought it was safe to take the rest of the year off, Disney dumps a whole boatload of information on a huge slate of Marvel Cinematic Universe TV shows and movies. We assemble our crack crew of definitely not Skrulls to discuss the latest announcements and sift through all the news.
December 10, 2020 Higher, Further, Faster
70 Higher, Further, Faster
The new Marvel’s 616 documentary series on Disney+ looks at the culture and history of the comics company and its creations. We take a look at episode 2, which deals with the history of female creators at the company, and discuss the rosy picture it paints, and where it falls short. Then it’s a Giant Size Superhero Sweep, covering the latest Spider-Man 3 casting (everything old is new again), filming on the Hawkeye series, and the latest developments in the Arrowverse. Finally, your letters.
November 20, 2020 The worst of the worst
69 Villain Draft
We’re back with our nicest episode and yet another draft. This time our intrepid hosts are picking their favorite villains from across comic book TV shows and movies, and while there are some easy predictions here, some of these takes may surprise you! Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss Wonder Woman 1984 coming to streaming, a couple new CW superhero shows, and nothing at all about a certain black-and-white disasterpiece.
November 6, 2020 MCU Moment Draft
68 Our Favorite MCU Moments
It’s an impromptu draft this week, as we pick our favorite moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and discuss exactly what makes them resonate for us. And we wish a happy birthday to a very special someone.
October 30, 2020 The Vision
67 The Vision (2015-2016)
A show about superhero TV shows, movies, and…comic books?! This week, in preparation for the upcoming WandaVision series, we take a look at the 2015-2016 run of The Vision, written by Tom King with art by Gabriel Hernandez Walta, colors by Jordie Bellaire. Hot topics include the importance of family, a superhero story with no villains, and what it means to be human. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss casting rumors for Marvel’s Moon Knight series, the return of the CW’s superhero shows, and what—if anything—we’re excited about.
October 16, 2020 What We’re Watching
66 What We’re Watching
It’s a far-ranging show this week, as we discuss the shows we’re watching. We have a throwback conversation about the first season of Daredevil, as well as the potential future for Netflix’s Marvel characters in the MCU, plus a frank discussion of what doesn’t appeal to us about The Boys. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the recently greenlit (eh? ehhh?) Green Lantern series at HBO Max, and our first peek at Marvel’s stop-motion animated MODOK series. Plus, we sneak in a little Star Trek talk. Of course.
October 9, 2020 Doom Patrol S1
65 Doom Patrol, Season One
It’s gonna get weird. This week, we’re talking about the DCU/HBO Max series Doom Patrol, a character-driven series that is super bizarre, but is probably worth your time. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, the latest MCU casting news, and finally, a long-awaited return to the Letters Page with a quarantine twist.
Remember that you can still support the show and get a great piece of apparel by buying a Lian Yu t-shirt!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 1, 2020 Casting corner
64 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #4
It’s time for some casting news this week, as we run down new additions to Marvel’s upcoming TV series, Sony’s increasingly bizarre Spider-Man franchise, and the Arrowverse on the CW. Then we talk briefly about John’s experience with the Batman: Year One animated movie, among other topics. (Apologies for the audio quality in the first half of the show, we had a recording mishap!)
Remember that you can still support the show and get a great piece of apparel by buying a Lian Yu t-shirt!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 24, 2020 Delays, delays, delays
63 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #3
Extra, extra, read all about it! Lots of superhero news this week. We discuss a new trailer for WandaVision, the delay of upcoming MCU movies, new Justice League reshoots, and the end of a CW superhero series, among other topics.
Remember that you can still support the show and get a great piece of apparel by buying a Lian Yu t-shirt!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 19, 2020 Ted Lasso
62 Ted Lasso
One host might be missing, but all hosts of the show agree that Ted Lasso is not only a great show, but is arguably a superhero? So, uh, technically canon.
September 10, 2020 Chadwick Boseman
61 Remembering Chadwick Boseman
This week, we remember Chadwick Boseman, who passed away all too young. We reflect on his role as T’Challa/Black Panther in the MCU and discuss the power and legacy of his performance.
September 4, 2020 The Batman
60 Reframing Batman
It’s been twenty minutes so of course it’s time for a new take on Batman. So we invited on Batman University mastermind Tony Sindelar to dissect the trailer for Matt Reeves’s The Batman, the Robert Pattinson-led film that will appear sometime in 2021, maybe? Then we use that as a springboard for a larger conversation about more relevant and more interesting takes on Batman that we’d like to see.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 28, 2020 Stargirl Season 1
59 Stargirl, Season 1
After a much-needed break, we’re back with a look at one of our favorite debuts of this year, the DCU’s Stargirl. In our spoiler-filled discussion we discuss complex heroes and villains, an evil plot that leaves the good guys strangely uncomfortable, and the down home charm of Luke Wilson. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss some of the news out of the recent DC FanDome, including The Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman 1984 as well as ask you not to go see New Mutants in theaters.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 13, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 12-13
58 Agents of SHIELD S7E12-13: “The End is at Hand”/”What We’re Fighting For”
Here we are, at the end of all things. The team recaps the final two episode of Agents of SHIELD and tears are shed, laughter is shared, and memories are…reminisced. We discuss enemies who are as strong as the plot demands, the head-scratching contrivances of the plot, and how it’s appropriate that it all ends with a Zoom call.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 6, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 11
57 Agents of SHIELD S7E11: “Brand New Day”
Tune in for the quickly moving plot, stay for the character moments as we recap this week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD. Our hosts discuss time travel mechanics, some genuinely touching scenes, and a nice name-only cameo. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, Captain Marvel 2 may have a director and Spider-Man wants to know what console you’re using.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 30, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 10
56 Agents of SHIELD S7E10: “Stolen”
This week, our trio of hosts mulls over connective tissue as they discuss the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD. Topics include bad guys’ agendas, tying up loose character ends, and a loving homage to a bygone villain.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 23, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 9
55 Agents of SHIELD S7E9: “As I Have Always Been”
This week, our three hosts are condemned to live the same twenty minutes over and over again as they battle a malfunctioning time machine. We discuss tropes that work, real drama, and being condemned to live the same twenty minutes over and over again as they battle a malfunctioning time machine. In our Superhero Sweep segment, it’s some spoiler-free Stargirl discussion, and then in our Letters Page, we answer your latest questions.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 16, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 8
54 Agents of SHIELD S7E8: “After, Before”
This time travel ship is out of control, so we take a quick trip to Afterlife (no, not the Afterlife) in this week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD. We discuss Yo-Yo and May’s not-so-touchy-feely way of working out problems, Coulson’s melancholy, and the ageless nature of several of our stars. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, will The New Mutants get released on streaming instead of theaters, our impressions of the latest Stargirl, and a few other loose ends. Finally, a quick Letter Page to round us out.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 9, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 7
53 Agents of SHIELD S7E7: “The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D”
There’s a hot tub in the Lighthouse and killer robots with lasers—it doesn’t get more ’80s than that as we recap the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD. We discuss Deke’s heart of gold, Mack’s terrible beard, and all the homages you could ever want. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the new lead for Batwoman and the largest gap between MCU movies since the franchise’s inception.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 2, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 6
52 Agents of SHIELD S7E6: “Adapt or Die”
Robots, robots, everywhere. This week, we’re bunkered down to talk the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD. There’s plenty of Conspiracy Corner fodder as we discuss what’s up with Jemma, Coulson’s fate, and where exactly Fitz is? Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we cover the latest episodes of Stargirl as well as what else is on our watchlist these days.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 25, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 5
51 Agents of SHIELD S7E5: “A Trout in the Milk”
This week we’re strapping on our roller skates and heading to the disco as we cover the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD. We discuss ignoring the mechanics of time travel, plenty of Easter eggs, and a truly amazing opening title sequence. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we address rumors of Michael Keaton returning to the cowl and a little bit about the latest episode of Stargirl.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 18, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 4
50 Agents of SHIELD S7E4: “Out of the Past”
The cold rain peppered down like bullets this week, as we go full noir for the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD. We talk about this fantastic homage firing on all cylinders, how the show is even more resonant than when its as shot, and a surprise twist that none of your hosts saw coming. Plus, a long overdue return to Conspiracy Corner. Then in our Superhero Sweep segment, the first peek at the Snyder Cut, continued love for Stargirl, and a little off-topic chat about Star Wars: Squadrons.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 12, 2020 Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 3
49 Agents of SHIELD S7E3: “Alien Commies from the Future!”
This week, we’re traveling to the ’50s to stop a bunch of robots from blowing up Area 51 in the latest episode of Agents of SHIELD. We discuss great-looking production values, some really good gags, and a visit from old friend. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, a Flash actor loses his job and we have an important conversation.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 5, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 14 / Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 2
48 Legends of Tomorrow S5E14: “Swan Thong” / Agents of SHIELD S7E2: “Know Your Onions”
Our double-feature returns as we save the timeline with the Legends of Tomorrow in their season 5 finale, then take on proto-HYDRA with Agents of SHIELD in the second episode of their last season. Plus, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it installments of Superhero Sweep and our Letters Page. And a few brief words about what’s going on in the world.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 28, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 13 / Agents of SHIELD Season 7, Episode 1
47 Legends of Tomorrow S5E13: “The One Where We’re Trapped on TV” / Agents of SHIELD S7E1: “The New Deal”
This week, it’s a superhero time-travel science-fiction double feature as we’re trapped in a TV show, but even more than usual, on the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, then take a jaunt back to 1931 for the season seven premiere of Agents of SHIELD.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 20, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 12
46 Legends of Tomorrow S5E12: “I Am Legends”
Zombies, zombies everywhere, and never a cricket bat when you need it. We convene to discuss the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow which pays homage to the horror movie sub-genre. Then, in a supersized Superhero Sweep segment we discuss Ruby Rose’s surprise departure from Batwoman, the official plans to release “The Snyder Cut”, and our impressions of the first episode of DC Universe/CW’s Stargirl.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 13, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 11
45 Legends of Tomorrow S5E11: “Freaks and Greeks”
We’re going back to school this week, as we recap the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow in which the fate of the universe hangs upon a…beer pong game? Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we revisit recent episodes of The Flash and talk about the reshuffling of superhero schedules. Finally, in our Letters Page, we get musical before we wax philosophical about the pandemic.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 6, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 10
44 Legends of Tomorrow S5E10: “Ship Broken”
One of these three panelists…is a murderer. Or are they? This week, we trap our podcasters on a broken time ship with a blind assassin, a criminal father, and a hellhound to discuss the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, two out of three of our panelists are making bad decisions in watching old superhero movies.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 30, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 9
43 Legends of Tomorrow S5E9: “The Great British Fake Off”
Journey with us back to a mysterious boarding house full of history’s worst monsters and also these characters from the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow. We discuss good vs. great, the possibility of a successfully executed love triangle, and the mysterious sidelining of a major character.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 22, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 8
42 Legends of Tomorrow S5E8: “Zari, Not Zari”
We’ve time traveled back to the present day, as our TV crew members recap the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow. We discuss raising the stakes, hall passes, and a surprising dearth of Supernatural lore. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we cover all the latest delays of properties, thanks to the coronavirus.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
April 15, 2020 I’m always around
41 Superman Returns
Twenty-eight years after Christopher Reeve defined the role, Legends of Tomorrow’s Brandon Routh suited up as the Man of Steel for this pseudo-sequel, Superman Returns. We discuss Routh’s great performance, Superman vs. physics, and why this movie is perfect for the times we’re in now. Up, up, and away!
Elsewhere in the episode, we cover a premiere date for Agents of SHIELD and a new director for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness in our Superhero Sweep, as well as answering your letters.
April 8, 2020 Animated superheroes
40 Lasers are Flying Everywhere
Our series of freeform episodes continues as each of our panelists brings an episode of a superhero animated show to watch. Guy covers Young Justice’s “Independence Day”, Dan discusses Justice League Unlimited’s “Double Date”, and John recap’s The Tick’s “The Tick vs. the Breadmaster.” Plus, a letter takes us very off-topic.
April 1, 2020 What If?
39 Whales in the Hudson
With everything on a break, our faithful superhero team scrounges up some topics, including what Bruce Wayne would have really been like if his parents hadn’t died, our favorite Iron Man suits, and Cap’s real superpower (it’s not just his huge biceps). Plus, we answer your letters!
March 25, 2020 Worst of the worst
38 Comfort Food
With Legends of Tomorrow on a coronavirus-prompted break, we take this week to dive into some explorations of the worst superhero movies that we’ve consumed, how Marvel might finally address the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, and what our comfort food watches are. But not without our usual digressions in to Star Trek and Star Wars. Plus, a few letters have reached us in our self-imposed isolation.
March 18, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 7
37 Legends of Tomorrow S5E7: “Romeo v Juliet: Dawn of Justness”
This week, it’s off to the theater, as our band of merry thespians recaps the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow. We discuss fantastic writing, every character getting their moment, and bid a tearful adieu to two characters, including an original cast member. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk the postponement of the Black Widow movie and other impacts of the coronavirus. Finally, a sartorial Letters Page.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 12, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 6
36 Legends of Tomorrow S5E6: “Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sac”
This week, guess who’s coming to dinner! We rejoin our favorite band of time-traveling idiots to deal with a blast from their past and a dinner party farce that’s beyond compare. Hot topics include how you deal with so many characters so effectively, a weird episode that’s even weirder than most episodes, and the delightful scenery chewing of Neal McDonough. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we get a long-wished-for live action appearance of our favorite villain, plus we discuss what might happen in (and to) the upcoming Black Widow movie. Then we round it all out with the Letters Page.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
March 4, 2020 Batmobiles and butts
35 The Teachers Never Do the Homework
Hop in, we’re going to talk about the Batmobile! Recently released photos of The Batman’s take on Batman’s iconic ride prompt a discussion about the various models we’ve seen over the years. Then, by popular (?) demand, we discuss what is apparently the most iconic butt in comics.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 26, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 5
34 Legends of Tomorrow S5E5: “Mortal Khanbat”
An ode to all things Hong Kong action movie this week as the crew of the Waverider makes its way to the year 1997 to face off against a resurrected Genghis Khan. We discuss the impact of John Woo on modern action cinema, a touching moment from a jerk sorcerer, and great cameo deployment. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we take a peek at Batman’s suit from the upcoming film and expostulate on where we feel Hollywood has wronged the Caped Crusader in recent history. Finally, in our Letters Page, we answer a query about…podcasts!
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 19, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 4
33 Legends of Tomorrow S5E4: “A Head of Her Time”
Vive la France! This week, it’s back to the French Revolution for our time-traveling crew, as we recap the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow. We discuss adult relationships, a turn into darkness, and the importance of a DJ with a s’more for a head. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the latest season of The Flash and how it’s foregrounded Iris West-Allen. Finally, on our Letters Page, how we watch superhero shows.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 12, 2020 Legends of Tomorrow Season 5, Episode 3
32 Legends of Tomorrow S5E3: “Slay Anything”
It’s prom night in the 2000s and the ’80s this week, as we recap a Legends of Tomorrow episode that pays homage to classic horror movies. We discuss automatic trope subversion, the characters you can’t help but love, and the sheer delight that Ray Palmer takes in crudités. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss our glimpses of the upcoming Marvel series on Disney+, as well as brief discussions of DC’s Shazam! and Birds of Prey. Then, in our Letters Page, a last goodbye to Arrow and some thoughts on its potential spinoff.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
February 6, 2020 Arrow Season 8, Episode 10
31 Arrow S8E10: “Fadeout”
How do you do a series finale without the star? With lots of tears, lots of guest stars, and lots of flashbacks, naturally. The former Speedy Arrowcast team reconvenes to do its final duty, covering the last episode of the show that started it all. We discuss character moments trumping plot, the template for future superhero show finales, and, of course, where exactly John Diggle’s fate might take him. Plus, we answer your letters about the Arrow finale.
Lian Yu will live forever in our hearts, so why not get a commemorative t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 22, 2020 Arrow Season 8, Episode 9
30 Arrow S8E9: “Green Arrow and the Canaries”
‘Tis the season for backdoor pilots, so we take a jaunt to Star City 2040 to visit with Green Arrow and the Canaries. We discuss post-Crisis implications, the importance of the “two moms” anchor dynamic, and how glad we are to finally see a truck heist. Over on our Letters Page, we prognosticate the next time Oliver Queen might grace our screens. And, of course, we encourage you to support this year’s member special where we create superhero cocktails.
Just one more week before our Lian Yu t-shirt becomes obsolete. Presumably?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 16, 2020 Crisis on Infinite Earths, Episodes 4-5
29 Crisis on Infinite Earths, Episodes 4-5
Worlds lived, worlds died. The podcast will never be the same.
We discuss the conclusion of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover: the secret cameo we loved, the significance of catering budgets, and the returns that we’ve all been waiting for. Plus, why dementors have to use doors.
Is this the last time we’ll see Purgatory? Maybe, but you can still buy a T-shirt!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
January 8, 2020 Pennyworth, theme parks, and more!
28 More Uncle Ben, Less Batman
With a week to remain before the finale of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Biff! team reassembles to discuss a handful of topics, including a (mostly spoiler-free) look at Epix’s Pennyworth series (and our pitch for The Butlers), how to end a giant saga, and why comedies are sometimes better at addressing hard issues than dramas. Plus, we answer several very important letters from our reading public, including what we’re looking forward to in 2020.
It’s never too late to buy a T-shirt!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 18, 2019 Walled gardens vs. gold in the mud
27 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #2
As we prepare for our winter hiatus, the Super Squad is back with another Giant-Size Superhero Sweep episode. We kick off by discussing the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer, then discuss the divergence of DC and Marvel’s approaches to telling stories in their cinematic universes. Then, it’s a brief foray into the upcoming Stargirl show, and the end of the the Marvel Television universe. Finally, a thought-provoking letter about real-life superheroes.
The holidays are upon us—consider buying a t-shirt for a loved one!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 12, 2019 Crisis on Infinite Earths, Episodes 1-3
26 Crisis on Infinite Earths, Episodes 1-3
The event more than a year in making has arrived. Will the Flash vanish? Will Oliver Queen bite the dust? What conspiracies can we find in this drawer? Our three paragons take on DC’s ultimate crossover, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and discuss the best fan service, how sometimes plots make no sense, and what might be the ultimate impact on the world formerly known as the Arrowverse.
Anybody know what Mandarin for “Purgatory” is? T-shirt!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
December 4, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 7
25 Arrow S8E7: “Purgatory”
And so it ends back where it begins. On this week’s episode of Arrow we’re going back to an island, but not for five years. We discuss Ollie channeling his whiny younger self, why you should always keep DNA samples of your cast, and what the heck is up with these ghosts? Then in our Superhero Sweep segment we try to figure out what the fallout from Crisis on Infinite Earths might be and discuss the newly released Black Widow trailer. Finally, our Letters Page addresses some lingering Arrow questions.
This Lian Yu shirt sells itself this week.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 27, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 6
24 Arrow S8E6: “Reset”
This week’s episode of Arrow throws us for a loop—a time loop. We talk about the lessons Ollie needs to learn before Crisis, the return of another much-missed face, and a fitting goodbye for both the characters and for us. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the “problem” with Superman and talk very generally about the trailer for Birds of Prey and Watchmen. Finally, our Letters Page takes us into the realm of sports, and somehow nobody ever mentions Sportsmaster. What’s up with that?
How do you dress in a time loop? In a suit? In a suit suit? Or in a spiffy t-shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 21, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 5
23 Arrow S8E5: “Prochnost”
What would the final season of Arrow be without a trip to Russia, that magical land where Oliver Queen did some Very Bad Things. And this time, bring the kids! We discuss a fitting cap for our favorite ex-gangster, possible motivations for Lyla’s mission for the Monitor, and why branding matters with your weapons. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk briefly about Batwoman before we continue gearing up for Crisis on Infinite Earths, and in the Letters Page we’ve got lightning round, superhero shows for Apple TV+, and supervillain identities—oh my!
Need that special something to wear when you’re in a underground cage match in Russia? Have we got the shirt for you!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
November 7, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 4
22 Arrow S8E4: “Present Tense”
We’re going BACK…to the present this week, as Arrow smushes together some disparate plotlines and this season finally starts to get in gear. We discuss standout scenes, conspiracy theories about the Monitor, and how you get cell phone reception in the past. Plus, have none of these people ever seen a time travel movie? Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, it’s hurray for some sequels and speculation about the future of the MCU. Finally, in our Letters Page, we field an offspring-related query.
What does one wear to blend in when thrown 20 years into the past? A t-shirt, naturally.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 31, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 3
21 Arrow S8E3: “Leap of Faith”
Our team of assassins turned heroes returns this week with episode 3 of Arrow’s swan song season. We talk about when an Indiana Jones homage doesn’t quite land, the characters that we wish were around this week, confusing motives from an inscrutable being, and a…surprisingly promising ending? Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we speculate about the announcement of a Superman & Lois show in development and whether the Arrowverse can support yet another super-show, plus rumors of a Green Lantern show over on HBO Max Awesome Supreme. Finally, in the Letters Page, we speculate about one thing that could improve a show. And Guy and John take new jobs in a surprising location.
Want to blend in when you join all the other first-year assassins? Consider a spiffy shirt.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 24, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 2
20 Arrow S8E2: “Welcome to Hong Kong”
The Greatest Hits of Arrow continue as we return to the scene of Season 3: Hong Kong. We discuss the callbacks that we appreciated, emotional conversations with some weight, and letting a spinoff stand on its own two feet. Plus, the twist that we sort of saw coming? Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we continue our discussion of Batwoman, and mull over Jeph Loeb’s departure as Marvel TV czar. Finally, in our Letters Page, we choose the superpowers that we’ve always wanted.
Have you been stuck on an island for as much as a decade? Time for a new shirt.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 17, 2019 Arrow Season 8, Episode 1
19 Arrow S8E1: “Starling City”
It’s only appropriate that the former Speedy Arrowcast crew returns to a funhouse-mirror Star City for the premiere of Arrow’s final season. We discuss familiar faces with a twist, the zingers that we stood up and applauded, and threading the needle of a final season and a massive crossover. In our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the season premiere of The Flash and the much improved second episode of Batwoman, then take a jaunt over to our Letters Page for some feedback about the Arrow premiere and where our thinking is on Joker.
Have you been stuck on an island for as much as a decade? Time for a new shirt.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 9, 2019 Batwoman Season 1, Episode 1
18 Batwoman S1E1: “Pilot”
It’s off to Gotham City this week, as we take a look at the latest show in the CW superhero stable, Batwoman. Discussion points include surprisingly deep side characters (and the lack thereof), not dragging out twists, and why you should always have twice as many security personnel as attendees at your “movies at the park” night. Plus, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk about Martin Scorsese not caring for superhero movies, and why it shouldn’t matter, and what an oddball Nicolas Cage is. On our Letters Page, we field questions about the recently cancelled Ghost Rider project and how to pitch superhero shows to your loved ones.
If you’re looking for a way to support the show, have you considered a lovely shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
October 1, 2019 Crisis on Infinite Spider-Men
17 Giant-Size Superhero Sweep #1
As we await the fall debut of a myriad of superhero shows, the newly dubbed Super Squad takes this week as an opportunity for a giant-sized Superhero Sweep segment, discussing the recent resolution of Spider-Man in the MCU, casting for Crisis on Infinite Earths, and news of an upcoming Arrow spin-off. Then we answer a letter about some fantasy casting, and indulge in a lively debate about the pronunciation of everybody’s favorite jerk superhero.
If you’re looking for a way to support the show, have you considered a lovely shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 24, 2019 You’ll believe a man can fly
16 Superman: The Movie
Faster than a speeding bullet, the Biff! team revisits the movie that truly kicked off blockbuster superhero epics: 1978’s Superman. We discuss how Jor-El is kind of a jerk, the amazing dual performance of Christopher Reeve, the world of the 1970s, how time travel doesn’t work, and the alternate universe Superman we want to see—plus much, much more. So hit the revolving door and change into your supersuit!
If you’re looking for a way to support the show, have you considered a lovely shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 17, 2019 Our earliest superhero media
15 Growing up super
We continue our hiatus between shows filled with freeform topics. This week, we discuss the superhero media that we grew up with—TV shows, movies, comics, even books!—and how it shaped our involvement with the genre. Then, a brief Superhero Sweep touches on the new new Suicide Squad movie, and in our Letters Page we transplant a Star Trek episode into the superhero genre.
If you’re looking for a way to support the show, have you considered a lovely shirt?
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 10, 2019 Waxing Philosophical
14 What makes a superhero?
As we find ourselves between shows to recap, our team waxes a little bit philosophical this week, discussing what exactly makes a superhero. Is it the super? The hero? Plus, we talk about the reported casting of Kate Bishop in the Disney+ Hawkeye show and Peggy Carter’s next impossible mission. Then it’s over to the Letters Page to discuss our favorite comic runs and cross-franchise casting.
As always, we’ve got shirts for your wearing pleasure.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
September 3, 2019 Jessica Jones Season 3
13 Jessica Jones Season 3
While Guy is banished to an island, Dan and John take this opportunity to discuss the most recent (and final) season of Netflix’s Jessica Jones, including how different Hellcat is from her most recent comics run, which famous real world “psychic” teamed up with a Marvel villain, and the future of this set of characters. Plus, some discussion of the Disney-Sony fracas over Spider-Man and we answer your letters about our favorite superhero video games and what, if any, comic runs we’re following.
Get your shirts here!
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 27, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6
12 Agents of SHIELD Season 6
Finally back at full strength, the team can discuss this overall season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and venture some predictions about how it will all wrap up. Then it’s over to a giant-sized Superhero Sweep as we discuss the announcements from D23 about the growing MCU presence on the upcoming Disney+ streaming service.
Remember, if you’ve Bruce Bannered your way through your old shirt we’re here to help you out.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
August 14, 2019
11 Agents of Shield S6E12-13: “The Sign”/”New Life”
This week John and Guy discuss the final doubleheader of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. As crackerjack professionals, neither of them knew this was actually a doubleheader, despite Dan having told us so a few weeks ago. Join the fun as we wrap up the show’s penultimate season. We also discuss The Boys briefly, and we dip our toe in Doom Patrol.
August 2, 2019
10 Agents of Shield S6E11: “From the Ashes”
With Dan stuck on an island, John and Guy are left to their own devices and immediately go off the rails. They then go on to discuss Agents of Shield Season 6, Episode 11, “From The Ashes.” Find out why Dan gave this episode a John, Jr. During the superhero sweep segment we cover “Thor 4,” which we’re ecstatic about, and a little bit about Pennyworth, the new Batman-sans-Batman show about a butler.
July 23, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 10
9 Agents of SHIELD S6E10: “Leap”
This week, they’re busting us for possession…see what we did there? We recap the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, discussing the sad death of a favorite, inter-dimensional being hangovers, how soon we forget fear dimensions, and homages to the works of John Carpenter.
Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we pore over the onslaught of Comic-Con information with a particular focus on the details of the upcoming Phase Four of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe, including what we’re most looking forward to. And we answer a quick reader question on the Letters Page.
In honor of Arrow’s final season, don’t forget to get yourself a Lian Yu t-shirt.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 19, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 9
8 Agents of SHIELD S6E9: “Collision Course (Part II)”
Better late than never! Everything comes to a head this week as our team seeks to stop the end of an entire world. Oh, and in Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD too. Important discussions include the size of Henry Simmons’s arms, why you should always suspect the person who takes an impromptu nap, and that friendly baker we’ll all miss. Plus, we discuss the late breaking news about SHIELD’s upcoming final season.
Then in the this week’s Superhero Sweep we gird ourselves for the upcoming final season of Arrow, details of which are beginning to leak out, and discuss Spider-Man: Far From Home and its implications for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And a special matrimonial Letters Page.
We’re still offering fabulous shirts, should your old ones be getting a little threadbare.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 9, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 8
7 Agents of SHIELD S6E8: “Collision Course (Part I)”
We’re an out-of-control truck barreling down the road, headed for an alien structure. Metaphorically and literally! But along the way, we discuss this week’s episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD episode, including why it’s not always wise to dish about monoliths, the value of having a good budget, and being jealous of yourself.
Then, in this week’s Superhero Sweep, we wildly speculate about what Phase IV of the MCU might be and take a look back at Avengers: Endgame a few months after release.
We’re still offering fabulous shirts, should your old ones be getting a little threadbare.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
July 2, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 7
6 Agents of SHIELD S6E7: “Toldja”
Get ready to breathe some fire and freeze some…aliens? This week, we discuss the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Important topics include why locking up two bad guys together is a bad idea, the simple pleasures of being a baker, and how for once somebody really does seem like two sides of the same coin.
Then in our Superhero Sweep segment, Dan’s been watching the third season of Young Justice while John and Guy have been working their way through Doom Patrol. Then, on the Letters Page, we address news of a Sandman Netflix show with mixed feelings.
Don’t forget you can clothe yourself in the finest apparel on offer anywhere today.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 25, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 6
5 Agents of SHIELD S6E6: “Inescapable”
This week, we’re all trapped in a mind prison together as we recap the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Important topics include the emotional resonance of our favorite couple, an appreciation for the show’s early episodes, and why even evil sides need to get some love.
In our Superhero Sweep segment, we have a brief high-level (spoiler-free) discussion about Netflix Marvel shows in the aftermath of the final season of Jessica Jones, which is also the last Marvel show to air on the service. Then we discuss conflicting reports of the Avengers: Endgame re-release. And on the Letters Page, a shout out to some excellent fan art, our predictions (or lack thereof) for season 3 of Legion, and what actual comic books we’re reading.
Don’t forget you can clothe yourself in the finest apparel on offer anywhere today.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 18, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 5
4 Agents of SHIELD S6E5: “The Other Thing”
This week, worlds collide as we recap the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Important topics include flashback bait-and-switches, bad guys who aren’t bad guys, why you should never be best friends with a robot, and this show’s impressive handling of characters and plot.
Our letter of the week—on transplanting characters from one show to another—leads us directly into our Superhero Sweep segment, where we finally take a look back at the five seasons of madness that was Gotham, lauding the casting and the opportunity for actors to run wild, even when it made absolutely no sense. Plus a brief touch on the upcoming Alfred prequel Pennyworth and John watched a little Swamp Thing.
Don’t forget you can clothe yourself in the finest apparel on offer anywhere today.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
June 11, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episode 4
3 Agents of SHIELD S6E4: “Code Yellow”
We’re disrupting podcasts and actualizing our visions this week, as we take on the latest installment of Marvel’s AGENTS of SHIELD. Important topics include executive producers casting themselves, why you should never confess your love for another characters, and how to veer off formula but still succeed. Also, we introduce a new recurring feature: Biff of the Week.
In our Superhero Sweep segment, we touch briefly upon the trailer for Jessica Jones season 3, the kerfuffle around DC Universe’s quickly cancelled Swamp Thing, and why none of us is particularly eager for Dark Phoenix. Then, in our Letters Page, we envision what DC shows we’d like to see on the CW five years from now.
And remember, our shirts are still on sale.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 28, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episodes 3
2 Agents of SHIELD S6E3: “Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson”
The Biff! crew is high as kites and tripping balls this week as we discuss the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. We discuss under-table shenanigans, aliens just trying to earn a living, and why a Chronicom is a great best friend.
In our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the finale of this season of Legends of Tomorrow and what makes that show click. Then, in our Letters Page, we answer your questions about our superhero identities, our “process” for the show, and the first—but probably not last—installment of “Who would win in a fight?”
Finally, a special One More Thing reveal as the much ballyhooed shirts promised in the days of yore are now available for your purchase.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.
May 21, 2019 Agents of SHIELD Season 6, Episodes 1-2
1 Agents of SHIELD S6E1-2: “Missing Pieces/Window of Opportunity”
Welcome to Biff! Rising from the ashes of the Speedy Arrowcast, we’re here to talk about all sorts of superhero TV and movies. This week, we kick off our coverage of season 6 of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and discuss whether or not we’re now watching a Star Trek show, all the good fight scenes money can buy, and multiverse shenanigans.
In our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the past season of The Flash and where it stacks up with the rest of the series. Then, in our inaugural Letters Page segment, we “answer” your questions.
To get your question discussed on the show, email us at or find us on Twitter.