Welcome! Thanks for supporting The Incomparable.
We want this to be a fun, pleasant, and harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Spoiler policy:
If you wish to discuss something that might include spoilers, please typing into the channel:
SPOILER :spoilerhorn: "
SPOILER :spoilerhorn: The Expanse s02e04
SPOILER :spoilerhorn: Ancillary Justice
SPOILER :spoilerhorn: The Fuse #4
Then select the "Start a Thread" option for that message you just added. You can then send messages to ONLY the followers (past and future) of that thread. Others can join that thread if they're OK with the described scope of spoiler content.
NEVER click "Also send to..." check-box inside a spoilers thread; EXCEPT: You may use the "Also send to..." if you just wish to remind people about a spoiler thread, but the content of the message should be a repeat of the original message in the channel.
NEVER @ mention someone from inside a spoilers thread, except for the hosts of a podcast for a matching spoiler context.
NEVER edit the original channel's spoilers message to change the scope of a thread. If you change it, you're breaking the agreement you made with the people who are following the thread.
NOTE: It is possible that a future change in Slack will invalidate everything above, so we'll need to be careful about that.
WARNING: The contents of our spoiler threads are visible to searches in Slack... If you care about spoilers, please do NOT use Slack's search feature.
Message Retention:
Because this is a free Slack account, we have restricted scrollback, but Slack--the company--retains complete logs of all channels and direct messages back to the creation of this group. Slack is a U.S. company and therefore subject to subpoenas from U.S. courts. Our logs may be subject to subpoena and could become public as part of legal proceedings.
Harassment includes:
- Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion
- Unwelcome comments regarding a person's lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
- Deliberate misgendering or use of 'dead' or rejected names
- Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behavior in spaces where they're not appropriate
- Simulated physical contact (e.g. textual descriptions like "hug" or "backrub") without consent or after a request to stop.
- Threats of violence
- Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm
- Deliberate intimidation
- Sustained disruption of discussion
- Unwelcome sexual attention
- Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease
- Publication of non-harassing private communication
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact Jason. He'll respond as promptly as they can.
We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. At our discretion, we may publicly name a person about whom we've received harassment complaints, or privately warn third parties about them. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, Jason or his representatives may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from this Slack and identifying the participant publicly as someone about whom we've received complaints.
Credits and License
This code of conduct is based on Annalee Flower Horne's Sample Slack Code of Conduct, which is in turn based on Geek Feminism's Community Anti-Harassment Policy. We have adapted the Sample Slack Code of Conduct for our own use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.