What’s In The Box?!?
Hosts Stacy Watnick and Heather Berberet
FTS offers another “first”- this time a live unboxing version of Tell and Tell. It might be bigger on the inside…We tempt and tease each other with our current favorite TV (Bad Sisters and Silo), and take a trip into Tangent Town to discuss our culturage heritage when we’re supposed to be discussing nerd food. Please note: The wildly divergent content of this episode and our inability to stay on topic in no way reflects how our brains work.
Listen to this episode (34 minutes)
- Mystery Boxes at San Diego Comic Con
- Bad Sisters
- Silo (TV)
- Silo (Books)
- City of Ember book series
- Percy Jackson Nerd Cookbook
- The best sourdough sea salt chocolate chip cookies ever!
- Our favorite out of this world tiki bar- Mothership
Which may or may not have been one of Youngest Spawn’s Hanukkah gifts.