Game Show
The people of The Incomparable play various games, including trivia, classic board games, word games, and even a few reimagined classic game shows from years gone by.
All Episodes
March 12, 2025 Random Pursuit XLII
251 Nature’s Sausage
Recorded live in the courtyard at the LAX Marriott at Gallifrey One in February 2025! Listen as random podcasters and one astrophysicist are ambushed during a nice brunch in the sun with the recording of the 42nd edition of Random Pursuit. Do you know where your towel is?
February 26, 2025 Inconceivable! Episode 36
250 I Just Flipped It in My Head
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
For our tenth anniversary episode, we’ve invited our most frequent panelists to combat in a series of grueling challenges. They’ll have to identify famous books from their discarded titles, find the fake entries in popular romantasy series, and go undercover with some spy movie mash-ups. Kathy Campbell, Tony Sindelar, and Erika Ensign take on Antony Johnston, Liz Myles, and Steve Lutz in a nail-biter for the ages.
February 12, 2025 Careers 5
249 Lousy with Fins
Kathy returns to defend her Careers crown, this time with a real nature vibe. Will Dan’s two wives help him unseat her? Will Glenn’s princess-wife carry him to victory instead? It’s a bumpy ride, so buckle up!
January 29, 2025 Random Pursuit XLI
248 Cognac and Milky Way
In this episode of Random Pursuit, knowledge of the works of John Lucarotti will come in handy more often than you might think!
January 15, 2025 Doctor Who Feuding Families
247 Two Unpopular Robots
Feuding Families returns, and it’s about time! Our loveable listeners have provided answers to a survey about Doctor Who. It’s up to our two teams of contestants to decide whether they want to answer the questions correctly, or if they want to answer them according to what the listeners said.
January 1, 2025 Random Pursuit XXXX
246 Bare Butts and Flubber
Zip up your vest and look out for dinosaurs—Random Pursuit is back with some silly questions and some very dark ones. At one point, Steven asks “What is wrong with Trivial Pursuit!?” Related: content warning for harm to a pet.
December 18, 2024 Mind Meld 10
245 A Mind Meld Tenmas
The tenth edition of Mind Meld is a Christmas special! Listen as our contestants try to match their knowledge of what they think they should know, or if they’ll do better at matching what they shouldn’t know.
December 4, 2024 Christmas Trivia 3
244 Dark Christmas
Some Christmases are white, some are merry and bright, and some are darker than you expect from a silly game show. Brace yourself for some history — and also plenty of fun and hijinks — it’s still an Incomparable Game Show, after all!
November 20, 2024 Inconceivable! Episode 35
243 Bad News about Zeus
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
It’s on once again as we ask our panelists to figure out tricky categories, decipher punny clues about animals, and identify Disney movies with missing letters. Mikah Sargent, Shelly Brisbin, and Tony Sindelar take on Kelly Guimont, Chip Sudderth, and Kathy Campbell in pitched battle.
November 6, 2024 Careers 4
242 Opportunity Crocks
It’s the return of Careers, a fun and popular board game from the 1950s! Will anyone choose to become a uranium prospector? Who will get wrecked at sea? And how many opportunities are too many opportunities?
October 23, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXIX
241 Pittsburgh
This time on Random Pursuit, we learn who’s a loss leader, whose gut is death, and who you should toss your questions to.
October 9, 2024 Friendly Competition 11
240 Remember, I Am Capricious
Friendly Competition is back! Will this be the episode where Silent Carl finally finds the winners podium? Or will Silent Carl fail to find favor with the host (who is also Silent Carl)?
September 25, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXVIII
239 The Hamptons Children’s Edition
It’s Random Pursuit time again! In this edition: Star Treks, children’s golfing habits, a first-time player, very few ghost points, and more!
September 11, 2024 Mind Meld 9
238 Liverpool River Otters
It’s the ninth edition of Mind Meld, where contestants try to match each other’s answers while simultaneously going off the rails. Will there be sports? Yes, and nobody seems happy about it.
August 28, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXVII
237 In A Row
It’s the 37th (consecutive) edition of Random Pursuit, and it’s also time for our annual Uncanny Magazine Kickstarter crossover! Join us as our wonderful donors try to guess answers to questions mostly about things that happened in different countries than theirs.
August 14, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXVI
236 Not For Export
It’s a special edition of Random Pursuit! This week, your host and scorekeeper join in on the fun, trying to answer questions from two editions of Trivial Pursuit sold only in Canada! How many Canada-specific questions will they get?
July 17, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXV
235 Triceratops on a Bicycle
Two first-timers, a second-timer, a third-timer, and an old pro walk into a game show. It’s not a joke, it’s the 35th edition of Random Pursuit! And we put a new-to-Erika edition of Trivial Pursuit, the 25th Anniversary Edition, thoroughly through its paces. Thank you Listener Matthew!
July 3, 2024 Trivial Retreat 4
234 Do Ghosts Eat?
You wait around for years for another Trivial Retreat, and then two come along pretty much at once! See how our players adapt this time to coming up with questions to Trivial Pursuit answers, and whether or not they’ll fall prey to a Ponzi scheme.
June 19, 2024
233 Turns Out: Disney Lore
What happens when three Disney parks fans try to pull the wool over the Incomparable’s Disney parks expert’s eyes? And no, Disney Lore isn’t one of David’s distant relatives…
June 5, 2024 Trivial Retreat 3
232 Last Week is Not History
It’s the third instalment of Trivial Retreat, the game where we play the original Genus edition of Trivial Pursuit backward, where players must invent or guess the questions and categories based entirely on what’s on the back of the card. Points are awarded partly on guessing the right questions, but let’s face it, they’re really doled out by how much (or how little) players annoy the host…
May 22, 2024 Careers 3
231 That Belongs in a Museum (for $5000)
It’s the return of Careers! The popular board game, this edition from 1955, involves contestants trying to be the first person on the moon, going out to sea, possibly becoming a farmer, and braving the dangers of uranium prospecting. No one said it would be easy.
May 8, 2024 Mind Meld 8
230 Icelandic Conspiracy Theories
It’s the eighth edition Mind Meld! And if you thought there couldn’t possibly be another set of categories our group of contestants could (mostly) agree on, then you’d be wrong! And being wrong in this game is not the right thing to do.
April 24, 2024 Marvel Feuding Families: Endgame
229 Good Lord, Everyone Needs Nachos
Somehow, the answers to questions submitted by you, the listeners, about the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been stretched into three entire editions of Feuding Families! And we saved the best for last! Well, we didn’t, but we had fun playing, and we think you’ll have fun listening.
April 10, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXIV
228 Opossum My Possum
Random Pursuit returns! With a first time contestant (we think), three regular contestants who have never won before (but who we still love), and one contestant who has won several times (but doesn’t remember any of those victories). Who will win this time? And will they remember it?
March 27, 2024 Inestimable 2
227 The Unethical Zoo
Join us for another outing into the edges of the knowable with Inestimable, a game show that asks its contestants and a live audience of Incomparable members about rocking Amadeus, counting Mars bars in space, and just how powerful is an unarmed elephant after all? Chart the slow descent into madness of scorekeeper Tony Sindelar as we examine the wisdom (?) of the crowd and the approximating abilities of panelists.
For the final round in the episode, this YouGov poll was our source.
March 13, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXIII
226 We Keep Our Rocks Modestly Covered
It’s a family and friends edition of Random Pursuit as every contestant on this, the 33rd Random Pursuit, has a direct connection to host Erika. Sometimes even through family bloodlines! That’s all great, but how will all these friends feel after they have to answer questions of increasing and random difficulty?
February 28, 2024 Mind Meld 7
225 Glenn Interrupted Himself
Mind Meld returns for the seventh iteration of America’s favorite game show! This one is extra chaotic, and only because Glenn makes his first appearance. Remember: there is no strategy!
February 14, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXII
224 A Book Is Just A Really Long Song
It’s another episode of Random Pursuit! In this episode: a brand new contestant, an epic run, and which version of Trivial Pursuit will be Erika’s least favorite this time?
January 31, 2024 You Think You Know Me
223 Democracy, Get It While It Lasts
On this episode of the Game Show, we play You Think You Know Me, a card game by Amy Baio that has panelists figure out other people feel about things like romantic movies, second changes, villains, and time itself!
Get your own copy of Amy’s game at Pink Tiger Games.
January 17, 2024 Random Pursuit XXXI
222 Genus IV: The Voyage Home
New year, new Random Pursuit! Join us the 31st edition to learn how Roman numerals work, a deep dive into one specific day in the history of one of rock and roll’s greatest bands, and an end result you will have to hear to believe!
January 3, 2024 Marvel Feuding Families: The Infinity Feud
221 Between Mars and Ego
Feuding Families, Marvel Cinematic Universe Edition, returns again for a sequel! Or is it a reboot? A multiverse variant? Answers submitted by our lovely listeners, some of which are correct, as the two feuding families determine who is the worst of the X-men, the best MCU movie, and what a planet is.
December 20, 2023 Christmas Trivia 2
220 Christmas Is About Winning
There’s a world inside your podcast player
And it’s a world of dread and fear
Where the only game that’s playing
Is a trivia game from yesteryear
And the Christmas questions ring
There are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank god it’s us, instead of you! -
December 6, 2023 Marvel Feuding Families: Assemble!
219 Invent a Supervillain
Feuding Families returns, this time polling listeners about their knowledge of Marvel! Will Team HYDRA become triumphant? Or will the heroes of Team S.H.I.E.L.D. save the day? Survey says: Excelsior!
November 22, 2023 Random Pursuit XXX - Doctor Who 60th Anniversary
218 The Cheese of Rassilon
It’s the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who! And what better way to celebrate the history of a TV show that has often been a little loose on the rules with a special edition of Random Pursuit with three versions of a game that are a little loose on their quality of questions: Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit!
November 8, 2023 Careers 2
217 What Happened to Nathaniel?
It’s the return of Careers! That popular board game from the 1950s where players try to fulfill their dreams by either becoming uranium prospectors, sitting on the beach in Florida, winning an Oscar…or all three!
October 25, 2023 Low Definition 26
216 Equal Parts Clippy and a Demon
This edition of Low Definition is the spoooookiest yet! Crammed full of scary monsters and super creeps, the 26th edition of America’s favorite game show will get you prepared for Halloween in the best way possible: getting definitions wrong!
October 11, 2023 Random Pursuit XXIX
215 That’s Embarrassing
It’s time for another special Random Pursuit/Uncanny Magazine tie-in episode! Join us as several Uncanny Magazine Kickstarter supporters compete for random trivia bragging rights in this, the 29th edition of Random Pursuit!
September 27, 2023 Friendly Competition 10
214 Pity Points
It’s the return of Friendly Competition, America’s favorite Game Show! In this edition, Silent Carl gains a voice in the form of Chat GPT. Will the other contestants be friendly towards Carl GPT? Competitive with Carl? Neither? Both? Listen and find out!
September 13, 2023 Mind Meld 6
213 Number One Fish
The yearly custom of Mind Meld has now become an annual tradition, with this, the sixth, melding of minds so far. Note: you may become hungry while listening! There are more rounds about food than a Weird Al Yankovic album.
August 30, 2023 Family Feud (Classic)
212 Thank You, 1978
It’s the return of the vintage board game version of Family Feud from 1978! And since the internet didn’t exist in 1978, we flew in all the contestants to an undisclosed location to play in person! Just like in the 1970s!
August 16, 2023 Random Pursuit 28
211 Backdoor Pilot For Yogi Berra
Recorded live at an undisclosed location, it’s the 28th proper edition of Random Pursuit! Listen as contestants get questions wrong, get others right, and hear Erika complain about selection editions of Trivial Pursuit…in person!
August 2, 2023 Inconceivable! Episode 34
210 One Hour’s Worth of Radon
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
We recorded live in a spooky basement, as our panelists try to figure out siege engines and peppers, identify villains who have made their ways to other movies, and try to suss out what this podcast could have been called.
July 19, 2023 Mind Meld 5
209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
Mind Meld returns for its record-breaking fifth installment! All the players in this edition have featured in past episodes, so they’re already in sync in some ways. But will their answers be? You decide! (You don’t decide. The scorekeeper does.)
July 5, 2023 Low Definition
208 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goo
Jock, start the engine, because it’s time for the 25th edition of Low Definition! There are no short rounds here, just many long definitions that confound our contestants as they try and grasp the Holy Grail that is the championship title. Why hide in a fridge when you can listen along? Set the dial to destiny!
June 21, 2023 UK Triv XI
207 We Learned a Lot!
Antony asks non-Brits questions from an original British edition of Trivial Pursuit, and even offers to spell things if they think it’ll help. (It doesn’t.) Featuring our first non-American player!
June 7, 2023 Mind Meld 4
206 Square is Not a Fruit
New contestants! A slightly new format! New banter! But the same delightful fun in the fourth edition of America’s favorite game show, Mind Meld.
May 24, 2023 Total Pursuit Kill 1
205 Total Pursuit Kill
Are you a fan of Random Pursuit AND Total Party Kill? Well, get ready for the mashup of all mashups as we play Total Pursuit Kill, where DMs and GMs from TPK face off to play Dungeons and Dragons Trivial Pursuit! Roll for initiative! And to, you know, pick your questions.
May 10, 2023 Friendly Competition 9
204 Objectivist Mickey
Four contestants are each on a mission To gain points in each round by addition Whoever gets most And doesn’t annoy the host Wins this round of Friendly Competition!
April 26, 2023 Random Pursuit 27
203 Elvis Has Left The Building
Random Pursuit joins the 27 Club! (Don’t worry, more episodes will be coming later).
April 12, 2023 Mind Meld 3
It’s the third edition of Mind Meld, America’s new favorite Game Show! See how in tune our contestants are this week as they attempt to go home with some fabulous prizes*!
(*No prizes will be awarded)
March 29, 2023 Random Pursuit 26
201 Muppets Eating Other Muppets
It’s time for another edition of the edutaining Random Pursuit! Knowledge of island penal colonies is not required, but it is a bonus.
March 15, 2023
200 The 200th Episode Spectacular
The Game Show celebrates its 200th episode with a grab bag The Incomparable’s favorite shows, including Random Pursuit, Low Definition, Inconceivable, and more!
March 1, 2023 Low Definition
199 Awash in Goo
Welcome to the latest episode of Low Definition! In this episode, our contestants will once again be put to the test as they attempt to come up with the least accurate definitions for a whole new set of obscure words. With hilarious results guaranteed, our contestants will battle it out in a series of rounds, hoping to avoid elimination and ultimately emerge victorious as the reigning champion of Low Definition. So sit back, relax, and get ready for another round of laughs and unexpected twists on today’s episode of Low Definition!
(by Chat GPT)
February 15, 2023 Careers
198 Careers
A new game on The Incomparable! It’s Careers, the 1950s version of the board game where contestants try to achieve their desired combination of fame, wealth, and happiness. Who will be the first human on the moon? Who will mine uranium in Peru? Does everyone want to be a farmer?
February 1, 2023 Inconceivable! Episode 33
197 I Can Hear the Screams in My Head
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
We return after a long hiatus to ask our panelists to identify characters by their extremely long sobriquets, sniff out what doesn’t fit in a list, and decipher some mashed-up movie musicals. Glenn Fleishman, Shelly Brisbin, and Steve Lutz take on Kathy Campbell, Monty Ashley, and Annette Wierstra in a nail-biter for the ages.
January 18, 2023 Random Pursuit 25
196 If You Weren’t Sweepin’, You’re Weepin’
It’s the 25th edition of Random Pursuit! Only one player can win, but the silver lining is everyone learns something, even if that something is what they don’t know about Trivial Pursuit!
December 25, 2022
195 Steve Wink. And Art Carney.
There’s no game like Turns Out for the holidays, and no matter how wild these stories are, at least one of them is true. On this special holiday bonus episode, we’re talking about holiday specials, from Peanuts to Rankin-Bass and beyond. We also introduce the glacial lightning round, there are holiday songs but no caroling, and a wee bit of the blarney even though it’s not St. Patrick’s Day.
December 21, 2022 Christmas Trivia
194 Christmas Trivia Is All Around
‘Twas the week before Christmas, And all through the Incomparable, Not a creature was stirring, Not even a…wait, what rhymes with Incomparable?
Never mind, here is a delightful Christmas-themed trivia game. Happy Holidays, everyone!
December 7, 2022 Mind Meld 2
193 Clear Minds, Full Melds
America’s favorite game show is back with Mind Meld, now a regular part of the of the Game Show rotation! Will this week’s contestants lock minds and win? Or will their stubborn iconoclasm ruin the day? Listen and find out!
November 23, 2022 Are You The Spy? (Episode 8)
192 Huh… Hmm
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?”, where panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like Star Trek, Ursula K. Le Guin, or Back To The Future. For our second (and last for now) theme episode, we’re tackling science fiction! One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of various science fiction properties to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
November 9, 2022 Mind Meld 1
191 Uniqueness Counts Against You
It’s the pilot of episode of America’s favorite new game show, Mind Meld! Host Tony Sindelar wrangles contestants to try to not stand out in the crowd because points are awarded based on how similar each person’s answers are to everyone else!
October 26, 2022 Are You The Spy? (Episode 7)
190 That Word Is Terrible
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?”, where panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like Wicked, Seasons of Love, or Patti LuPone. That’s right, it’s a special oops-all-musicals episode! One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of various musicals to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
October 12, 2022 Random Pursuit 24
189 Your Fifteen Minutes is Up
It’s the 24th instalment of Random Pursuit! How many times will Andy Warhol be mentioned? Will scorekeeper Annette be kinder to the contestants than Steven is? And which contestant will not survive for the next edition? Tune in and find out…
September 28, 2022 UK Triv X
188 It’s the Pope!
Once again Antony fires extremely trivial questions from an old British edition of Trivial Pursuit at an increasingly baffled panel of North Americans, for your (and our) amusement. But for a game filled with so much Art & Literature, there are a surprising number of nazis around…
September 14, 2022
187 A Beatdown in Dangertown
Action Castle returns! This time, the contestants take a trip to the Land of Violence when they play Dangertown Beatdown, another amusing and entertaining text adventure game from Parsley Games!
August 31, 2022 Random Pursuit XXIII
186 One More Astronaut
It’s Random Pursuit time! The 23rd edition of America’s favorite game show features first time contestants, astronauts, trees, starships, and some new questions never before asked on Random Pursuit!
August 17, 2022 Star Wars: Feuding Families - Episode III
185 Revenge of the Feud
Feud! The contestants are crumbling under attacks by the ruthless host, Jason Snell. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere. In a stunning move, the fiendish Incomparable listeners have swept into the Incomparable Star Wars survey and answered questions as they best see fit. As the host attempts to flee the besieged game with his valuable sanity, two teams of contestants lead a desperate mission to rescue victory….
August 3, 2022 Low Definition
184 Rumbledethumps
At long last, it’s the return of Low Definition with host Steve Lutz! Words, phrases, artworks, humps, and of course the CRAZY ROUND all feature in this classic version of America’s favorite game show!
July 20, 2022 Random Pursuit XXII
183 So Many Questions About That Rhino
It’s a special Random Pursuit/Uncanny Magazine tie-in episode! Join us as two Uncanny Magazine Kickstarter supporters battle along with some familiar names from Random Pursuits in the past for non-random bragging rights!
The Uncanny Year 9 Kickstarter is LIVE (until August 22, 2022)! If you’d like to support this fabulous magazine, please check it out!
July 6, 2022 Eat Or Be Eaten
182 Sparkling Oatmeal
Take a dash of Friendly Competition, a zest of Trivial Pursuit, one heaping half cup of fun, bake for 55 minutes, and you’ve got yourself the debut edition of Eat Or Be Eaten! Don’t scrimp on the muesli!
June 22, 2022 Low Definition
181 The Battle of the Relay FM Network Superstars
Low Definition: Tech Edition returns, with the gang from Relay FM! (This was originally part of last year’s Relay FM Podcastathon.) Words and phrases just waiting to be defined. It’s up to the contestants (and YOU) to determine which definitions are true!
June 8, 2022 Friendly Competition 8
180 Nice Glenns Finish Last
It’s the return of Friendly Competition, featuring many games and challenges adjudicated via friendly arbitration! Like the Klingon prison planet Rura Penthe, you learn the rules when you break them!
May 25, 2022 Danconceivable 2: Electric Danaloo
179 Danconceivable 2: Electric Danaloo
After two years, it’s the return of the world’s favorite game show, Danconcievable, where the only thing in common is that all the answers have something to do with Dan. Not that Dan, the other one.
May 11, 2022 Q and Eh
178 Q and Eh
Think you have what it takes to be a Canadian? Think again, as host Annette Wierstra guides her American guests through a series of Canadian trivia questions and challenges, with no apologies given!
April 27, 2022 You Think You Know Me
177 Tony’s Organs, Free to a Good Home
We play “You Think You Know Me,” a card-box game created by Ami Baio. Participants try to figure out whether statements or questions about other players fit them or not. Chaos ensues. Lives are changed, possibly forever. There may be cotton candy. We adapted this game for the podcast format, but you can get your own set of 500 cards from Pink Tiger Games, along with Ami’s three others!
April 13, 2022 Random Pursuit 21
176 Venerable Boos Outfit
Random Pursuit returns for its 21st edition! It’s now old enough to drink, and you may wish to join in those exploits yourself when you hear the answers to some of these questions.
March 30, 2022 Geography Bee
175 There’s No Whining In Geography
It’s the first Incomparable Geography Bee. Test your knowledge of geographical features and locations against our players. Featuring not just one, but two drafts, and some good-natured complaining about the fairness of the game. As usual.
March 16, 2022 The Spreadsheet Hurts Me
174 Kermit Is Immeasurable
Introducing Inestimable, a game show which features panelists making wild numeric, comparative, and order of magnitude guesses about animals, bodies of water, foods, popular music, and much more. Knowledge isn’t required; in fact, it may be the enemy of success! Panelists play against a live audience of Incomparable members whose answers are averaged to show the wisdom of crowds. It’s the show that rewards guessing and also penalizes guessing. Listeners may find pen/pencil and paper handy to play along.
March 2, 2022 Random Pursuit 20
173 We Don’t Need No Stinking Badgers
After a long hiatus, Random Pursuit makes a triumphant(?) return. Well, it’s a return anyway! We have lovely players and decidedly un-lovely questions, which seems about right.
February 16, 2022 Inconceivable! Episode 32
172 National Bola Association
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
In our latest installment, we quiz our panelists about fantasy geography, see if they can identify vehicles from fiction solely by their license plate, then round it all out with some movie/podcast mash-ups. It’s Antony Johnston, Jean MacDonald, and Jason Snell versus Kelly Guimont, Brian Hamilton, and Glenn Fleishman, and the stakes have never been higher.
February 2, 2022 Are You The Spy? (Episode 6)
171 Cicero Cicero Cicero
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?”, where panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like Jon Snow, Iron Man, or The Shape of Water. One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of Game of Thrones, Incomparable podcasts, MCU Avengers, and Best Picture winners to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
January 19, 2022 UK TRIV IX
170 Unfortunately, Six
Four contestants pursue a life of (sports and) leisure, but wind up confused by cricket - it can only be UK Triv! Once again our North American panelists try to answer questions from an original 1983 British edition of Trivial Pursuit.
January 4, 2022 Low Definition: Tech Edition
169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
It’s time for a new version of Low Definition, the likes of which have never been seen before! (Unless you tuned in to Relay FM’s annual fundraiser, anyway.) Jason Snell takes the reins of the show and forces usual host Steve Lutz and several other players to identify the meaning of tech terms or supply their own! It’s a high-scoring shootout only a screenager could love.
December 8, 2021 7 or C?
168 Chaos is a C Word
It’s time for the second annual installment of “7 or C”, the game show no one asked for. Enjoy a discussion of how many cities Glenn was born in, what cheeses are memorable, and a VOCABULARY QUIZ.
Content warning: the amount of blood in the human body is discussed.
November 26, 2021 Friendly Competition 7
167 As Wrong As Possible
It’s time for another Friendly Competition, with games of chance, skill, rapping, and rhyming. Hear Glenn and Jean spit verses, listen in on Bohemian Rhapsody trivia, and meet your new friend Silent Carl.
November 10, 2021 Inconceivable! Episode 31
166 My Step-Dad is Aquaman
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
In our latest rounds of torturous trivia we question our panelists about musical end credits, actors who cross universes, and political/espionage movie mash-ups. Cicero Holmes, Shelly Brisbin, and Tony Sindelar take on Jean MacDonald, Glenn Fleishman, and Kathy Campbell in an epic game for all time.
October 20, 2021 Ghost Court
165 Most Valuable Ghost
What better time than SHOCKTOBER to introduce you to Ghost Court, the improvisational game of spooky arbitrations and ghastly rulings. Thrill at the intricacies of landlord v. ghost, ghost dog ownership, and supernaturally incurred accidents.
October 6, 2021 Pumpkin Town
164 Pixie Duck Is My Roller Derby Name
It’s SHOCKTOBER here at the Incomparable Game Show, and it’s time for another great Parsely Adventure—Pumpkin Town! Will our players find all the halloween candy, or be thwarted by the nefarious parser?
September 18, 2021 Classic Feud!
163 Blame it on Burbank
We go back to where it all started! Let’s play the feud… the actual original home game of Family Feud, with answers compiled by polling 1970s audiences standing in line to watch “Family Feud!” Survey Says…
August 18, 2021 Are You The Spy? (Episode 5)
162 The Villain Monologue
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?” Panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like Minecraft, Futurama, or River Song. One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of video games, Doctor Who companions, animated shows, and mystery tropes to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
August 4, 2021 Trivial Retreat 2
161 Cleveland Browns Callback
It’s Trivial Retreat, the game where we play the original Genus edition of Trivial Pursuit backward, where players must invent or guess the questions and categories based entirely on what’s on the back of the card. In this episode, a brave group ponders the history of the NFL, the only international war crime tribunal to usurp the executive powers of the U.S. government, and a diminutive Muppet troll.
July 7, 2021 Trust Me, I’m a Superhero 2
160 Interdimensional Shaft
Time for another round of “Trust Me I’m a Superhero.” Will the best superhero leverage the power of fashion, grizzly bears, sea horses, steam, or cone to save the day? (Probably not cone.)
June 23, 2021 Friendly Competition 6
159 Lex Explains Xylophones
Contestants compete in games of luck and skill, including naming famous Als, chain restaurants, and … numbers. Just any numbers.
June 9, 2021 Star Wars: Feuding Families - Episode II
158 Surprise! Actors!
Star Wars Feuding Families has returned! Two teams of three contestants each try to outwit the collective intelligence of the Game Show audience when it comes to facts about Star Wars. What makes the appearance of an actor unexpected? When is a rebel base not a rebel base? We love our listeners!
May 26, 2021 Low Definition XXII
157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
Remember Low Definition? It’s back! And the definitions are just as dumb as always! Six contestants fight with weird words, old comic strips, questionable community names, and people on the internet who just can’t help but correct cinema errors.
May 12, 2021 UK Triv VIII
156 Too Much Entertainment
How many twos can our North Americans roll while trying to answer questions from an original 1983 British edition of Trivial Pursuit? “Two” many, in Antony’s wisdom. But then, that wisdom does begin in a surprising place…
April 28, 2021 Trust Me, I’m a Superhero
155 God of Bears
It’s Trust Me, I’m a Superhero—a game about mixing and matching super powers, arguing, and probably some yelling and shouting! (It’s available on Tabletopia if you’d like to create your own Hall of Justice.)
April 14, 2021 Are You The Spy? (Episode 4)
154 Ethereal Werewolf
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?” Panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like Superman, werewolves, or Kermit the Frog. One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of superheroes, mythical creatures, blockbuster franchises, and Muppets to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
March 31, 2021 Friendly Competition 5
153 I Knew I Ate It Before 1970
Limericks, presidential cartoon characters, and lots of silliness — in other words, another classic competition amongst friends.
March 17, 2021 Incomparable Spelling Bee 2021
152 Everybody Had Weltschmerz
It’s time for the second annual Incomparable Spelling Bee! Five new contestants enter the ring, spelling English words competitively! Only one can be crowned this year’s Champion Speller. Along the way, we’ll learn some important lessons about parts of speech and using things in a sentence.
March 3, 2021 Random Pursuit 19
151 I Learned the Truth at Seventeen
We have a lot of new trivia blood in this episode! The scores are also pretty bloody, and Scorekeeper Steven makes no bones about it. At least there’s always fantasy in the adult box.
February 17, 2021 Inconceivable! Episode 30
150 Can I Have A Ding Ding?
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
The querulous questioning quiz returns, as we make our panelists decipher book titles in a dead language; decide between wizards, swords, and aliens; and battle heroic smashed-up movies. It’s David J. Loehr, Julia Skott, and Monty Ashley versus Shelly Brisbin, Glenn Fleishman, and Kelly Guimont, and nothing riding on it but the whole game!
February 3, 2021 Bedecked!
149 A Heart-Stricken Moose
Have you found other Game Show episodes too comfortably on the rails? Welcome to Bedecked, a Game Show concept that does away with tracks, trains, passengers, and the idea of reality itself. In this first outing, panelists each bring one or more decks of cards from games (listed below) to play on an arbitrary board created by the host. Will Moby Dick defeat a blue dragon? Can knowledge of synonyms for prison keep Monty from pursuing new and exciting narratives? Only time will tell, and a salty Kathy.
January 21, 2021 Star Wars: Feuding Families - Episode I
148 Don’t Show Your Bossk
Break out your Lego bounty hunters and put away your adult Wookiee holo-entertainment—it’s time for the game where Incomparable listeners infuriate and confuse Incomparable panelists with their opinions about Star Wars! Two teams feud, like families, in a galaxy-spanning battle for points, planets, and porgs.
January 6, 2021 Random Pursuit 18
147 His Nose
This is another genre-editions only episode, in which we wonder where the heck the Doctor is, are overwhelmed by Harry Potter, and discover just how terrible the genre questions really are.
December 23, 2020 Six-Gun Showdown
146 This Belt Bucky is Trickle
Howdy pardner! It’s time for tumbleweeds and cactuses, as we head to the Old West for a text adventure. You’re sleeping one off, but there’s trouble afoot! Can our players avoid getting shot or being victimized by the many dangers of the desert? Probably not.
December 17, 2020
145 7 or C?
It’s the second-ever (and first public) episode of 7 or C! It’s a game where all the questions are about sevens or C. Seriously, that’s it.
December 7, 2020 Friendly Competition 4
144 Contestants Are Angry
The music of REM, the randomness of numbers, improvised poetry, and a real live joke contest are just some of the shenanigans in the latest edition of everyone’s favorite game show where everything stays friendly — except for occasional animosity toward the host, which is totally fair.
November 13, 2020 Random Pursuit 17
143 Unexpected Batman
In our first ever genre editions-only episode of Random Pursuit, we discover Kathy and Antony are trivia twins…mostly. Also, when in doubt, answer 18.
October 27, 2020 Friendly Competition 3
142 Great For Baseball
It’s time for more Friendly Competition, the podcast where friends compete against each other in ridiculous contests of skill, luck, and speed. Beatles songs, poetry, and plenty of wackiness all ensue!
October 7, 2020 Random Pursuit 16
141 Do the Toilets Pay You?
Hope you’re ready to yell answers at your listening device again because Random Pursuit is back — with a new development! Erika finally admitted she needed help and convinced Steven to come on board to keep score (and occasionally read Wikipedia to us). How many mounties does it take to make a podcast episode? Listen and find out!
September 9, 2020 Are You The Spy? (Episode 3)
140 Fight!
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?” Panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like the Joker, vampire slayers, or The Bachelor. One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of Batman villains, reality tv shows, fictional jobs, and musicals to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
September 2, 2020 Action Castle IV
139 Bring Your Own Backstory
The Parsely Action Castle trilogy continues with ACTION CASTLE IV. All your favorite nerds are here to pepper Tony with commands as they seek to discover the meaning of Actions and Castles! Go north and ride west to find daggers, rope, crossbows, and haircuts!
August 19, 2020 Friendly Competition 2
138 Quinoa Car
Lex welcomes new scorekeeper Dan Moren and five new players for exciting competitions spanning delightful audio, coin flip predictions, Googlewhacks, and word guessing. Hilarity ensues.
August 5, 2020 Random Pursuit 15
137 British Ghosts
This special episode of Random Pursuit sees Erika pulling players from around the Commonwealth to answer trivia questions that are largely American-based. Will the lone Canadian have an advantage? Will there be Lizzing? Will the Lizzing be confined to Liz? And just what do they have in Canadian shopping malls? All this, plus a whole lot of whispering on this episode.
And yes. Erika knows she accidentally awarded Liz a point she didn’t earn. Blame the ghost.
July 29, 2020 Inconceivable! Episode 29
136 I Really Should Have Studied My Dans
Welcome to “Danconceivable!”, a rogue version of the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
For this special episode, Lex Friedman takes over the hosting reins with the help of scorekeeper Jason Snell and tries our panelists at their knowledge of Dans, where certain fictional terms are from, and, of course, mashed-up works of art.
July 15, 2020
135 Trust Me, I’m a Doctor
Trust us, we’re doctors! Okay, not really. We simply played the delightful card game Trust Me, I’m a Doctor from Half-Monster Games. It’s available on Tabletopia if you’d like to try your hand at medical (mal)practice.
July 1, 2020
134 No One Picked Me
In this inaugural episode of the Friendly Competition game show, host Lex Friedman forces guests Jason Snell, Dan Moren, Kathy Campbell, Monty Ashley, and Tony Sindelar to compete in a series of increasingly silly rapid-fire contests. Lex decides who earns points, and his decisions are final. Bragging rights are on the line!
June 17, 2020 Trivial Retreat!
133 Did You Play Music, Dr. Boogie?
Welcome to Trivial Retreat! In this new spin on an old classic, players get answers from the back of a Trivial Pursuit Genus Edition card and then try to guess the questions—or invent better ones.
June 3, 2020 Inconceivable! Episode 28
132 One of Those Great Cities With an Umlaut
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
We have questions, they (hopefully) have answers! This time we quiz our panelists about fictional cities, have them mash up TV shows and songs, and, of course, recite some verse. Antony Johnston, Jean MacDonald, and Tony Sindelar take on Brian Hamilton, Kathy Campbell, and Cicero Holmes.
May 20, 2020 Random Pursuit XIV
131 Boasting Mountains
It’s time to get random again! Another group of intrepid players gathers to do their best to avoid Chex Trivia questions. Is Fred Astaire the answer to everything? Is Dan a pile of ants? Just how much homework is Erika assigning? Listen to find out!
May 6, 2020 Are You The Spy? (Episode 2)
130 Jetty Mind Tricks
Welcome back to “Are You The Spy?” Panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like chess, Darth Vader, or waffles. One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of Incomparable podcasts, Star Wars characters, board games, and breakfast foods to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
April 22, 2020 Inconceivable! Episode 27
129 The Meatball is a Relic
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
It’s some of our most diabolical questions yet, as panelists try to identify cryptic cryptids, figure who uttered those memorable (or not so memorable) last words, and untangle some mashed-up Disney movies. Chip Sudderth, Quinn Rose, and Steve Lutz take on Kelly Guimont, Glenn Fleishman, and Liz Myles for the title.
April 8, 2020 Random Pursuit XIII
128 Who Is Lamargine Gumbody?
In this edition of Random Pursuit, a friendship is on the line. Will it survive a bunch of questions about geography and underwear? Listen and see.
March 11, 2020 Low Definition XXI
127 It Is I, The Deceptor!
It’s time for more Low Definition, the game show that builds your word power! But with poop jokes! We also investigate government agencies, ponder the final words of French philosophers, and ponder some questionable input from the users of Google.
February 26, 2020 UK Triv VII
126 The Murder Edition
Death, destruction, slaughter, and a bit more death — and that’s just the questions. Once again, Antony Johnston gathers a panel of north Americans to play a British edition of Trivial Pursuit, and it gets dark…
February 9, 2020 Are You The Spy? (Episode 1)
125 Non-Quadruped Thaumaturgy
This is the first episode of a new game show, Are You The Spy? Panelists must name clues that point to potential topics like Bigfoot, Transfiguration, or the Fast and the Furious movie franchise. One spy doesn’t know the topic they’re trying to discuss, and must figure it out before the rest of the group figures them out. In this episode, players put their knowledge (or lack thereof) of cryptids, Hogwarts classes, blockbuster franchises, and Cats (2019) to good use.
If you would like to play along as a civilian and know the topic words that the spies are trying to guess, click here to see the answers. If you would like to play along as the spy, just start listening!
January 25, 2020 Random Pursuit XII
124 Wayne Gretzky
From Wild, swingin’ Swaziland to the frozen north of Canada, there’s nothing better than getting a bunch of friends together to play trivia games — even when Trivial Pursuit changes how its own cards work. AGAIN.
January 8, 2020 Inconceivable! Episode 26
123 Three of the Four Have Been to Space
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
In our latest episode, our teams test their knowledge of suspiciously similar spies, things that don’t fit a pattern, and classic ’80s sci-fi/fantasy/horror movies…with a twist. Kathy Campbell, Annette Wierstra, and Tony Sindelar face off against Antony Johnston, Jean MacDonald, and Erika Ensign for the crown.
December 17, 2019 Kringle Krisis
122 That Seems Naughty
A new Parsely adventure? It’s a Christmas miracle! We take a tour of the North Pole and try to save Christmas by entering basic commands into a human parser. What secrets lie in the Candy Cane Forest? Who lives atop Yeti Mountain? What is Mary Claus’s marital status? Tis the season!
December 7, 2019 Turns Out! 6
121 Canadian Crime Fighting Beaver
Turns Out returns, as we take a look at toys that caused holiday riots like Tickle Me Elmo, the Cabbage Patch Kids, and Barbara the Beaver. You don’t know Barbara the Beaver? Maybe you’ve heard of Flirting Flossie? What is the liquid filled dice agitator and why is it so popular? Ask again later.
November 14, 2019 Low Definition XX
120 Gobble Search
Your favorite game of bad words and even worse definitions is back! In this mildly Thanksgiving-themed episode of Low Definition, Steve reveals a surprising co-host, we learn about other cultures, and discover that something is rotten in Denmark’s movie theaters. Join gobble us, won’t you?
October 30, 2019 Fiasco!
119 The Michelangelo of Space Alpaca Raising
We return to Fiasco, featuring a visit to Space Station 119, generally considerd the bus station of space stations. From there, a complicated web of intrigue is spun, involving alpacas, poison gas, a hammer, and a very elusive piece of paperwork. Space paperwork.
October 1, 2019 TL;DR Episode 2
118 Resources and Wood and Stuff
Let’s play TL;DR, the game of hasty summaries and reckless connections! Two teams compete against each other, and the clock, to show off how little they know about anything that isn’t Marvel. Watch out for Quinn’s surprising deep cuts, and a new ‘Lizzing’ record!
September 17, 2019 Spooky Manor
117 Luxuriating with Lord Spooky
You stop your bicycle by a forbidding wrought-iron gate. A cobblestone path winds its way to the north. To the east and west stretches a dark and lonely road. It is raining.
August 23, 2019 Random Pursuit XI
116 Flubber Franchise
Once again a group of unsuspecting game players must answer trivia questions randomly selected from random editions of Trivial Pursuit! Plus there may be more Chex trivia—you never know. In this episode, our members of the World of People ponder many questions about the World of Places. Join us in the World of Podcasts, won’t you?
August 7, 2019 Federation Feud II
115 I Named Two Klingons!
Our audience: the final frontier. Federation Feud returns, as two teams comprised of two Star Trek fans and one non-Star Trek fan each battle for control of the galaxy by guessing your stupid answers to our stupid Star Trek questions!
July 24, 2019 Random Pursuit X
114 I Believe In The Juicy Rooster
From Chex Trivia about music, to Chex Trivia about TV, to Chex trivia about the ’50s and ’60s, this episode of Random Pursuit has it all! Also a bunch of regular Trivial Pursuit sets, including Doctor Who and Star Wars, but it really did seem like Chex showed up a lot.
July 3, 2019 UK Trivia VI
113 Robbie Williams is Not Dead
What’s a motorway? What’s an FA Cup? When is a mall not a mall? And why do British Trivial Pursuit question-setters have their mind set on topless women? Antony Johnston once again flings nonsense at a panel of confused North Americans for your education and amusement.
June 19, 2019
112 Spelling Bee
Who doesn’t love a Spelling Bee? Inspired by the annual National Spelling Bee, this bee features five of our regular panelists attempting to spell hard words selected by our chief speller, Jean MacDonald.
(If you want to test yourself before listening to the results of this episode, listen to this file first.)
June 5, 2019 Inconceivable! Episode 25
111 If Only We’d Ever Read a Book
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
This time around, our teams test their knowledge of fictional characters’ epitaphs, compound word games, and award-winning books and movies that share a common word. It’s Jean MacDonald, Scott McNulty, and Liz Myles versus James Thomson, Kathy Campbell, and Tony Sindelar.
May 22, 2019
110 Federation Feud!
We’ve gathered two teams from the corners of the Alpha and Beta quadrants to compete in this game, where we try to guess the stupid answers Star Trek fans gave to our stupid Star Trek questions. Which team will reign supreme? The answer will surprise you.
May 8, 2019 TL;DR Episode 1
109 I Think This One Has a Talking Helicopter
It’s time once again to play TL;DR, the game of hasty summaries and reckless connections where two teams battle against the clock, each other, and a sometimes surprising paucity of pop culture knowledge. Will anyone ever get those elusive bonus points? The answer will shock you!
April 24, 2019 Random Pursuit IX: Gally Reunion Edition
108 I Hate People and Places
We didn’t get to play Random Pursuit at the Gallifrey One convention this year, so we got the group behind last year’s wacky installment back together virtually to play again. Will Liz go for the Prosecco? Did Deb get enough cheese and crackers? Is Jason cheating at dice? Your definition of “geography” will be changed forever!
April 10, 2019 Inconceivable! Episode 24
107 I Solved a Question From the Future
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
We’ve returned to quiz our panelists on a variety of topics, including books of chronological conveyance, a panoply of people with personas, and a slew of slapped-together sci-fi and spy stories of the screen. The “J Team”—James Thomson, Jean MacDonald, and Jason Snell—match wits against the “People with E in Their Last Names Team”—Annette Wierstra, Monty Ashley, Erika Ensign.
March 27, 2019 Low Definition XIX
106 Shiver Me Pleasure
Once more unto the breach, dear elflock, and raise the chirogymnast! Steve Lutz is back with more stupid real words and the even stupider fake definitions supplied by a bunch of confused panelists. And it’s almost baseball season, so the host is also probably drunk.
March 12, 2019 TL;DR Pilot Episode
105 TL;DR
It’s time to try out a new game show; one we only just invented, and have never played before! Antony Johnston leads the charge into the unknown as we play a game of hasty summaries and reckless connections.
January 30, 2019 UK Trivia V
104 There Are No Letters in Our Bingo
Perhaps it’s just his British charm? Perhaps it’s the rolled Rs? Somehow, Antony Johnston has once again convinced a group of North Americans to answer questions from a decades-old UK 20th Anniversary Edition of Trivial Pursuit, leading them into a sick world of cricket and boy bands. Who will hit it off the pitch for six? (Did we do that right?)
January 16, 2019 Inconceivable! Episode 23
103 Don’t Give Me Any Grife
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
After a long hiatus, we’ve assembled two teams to match wits when it comes to the first lines of well known books, decipher the origins of monstrous creatures, and identify some movies where a letter has gone missing. Quinn Rose, Scott McNulty, and Jean MacDonald face off against Brian Hamilton, Kelly Guimont, and Steve Lutz.
December 19, 2018 A Very Fiasco Christmas
102 Chasing the Gingerbread Dragon
Scheming elves, desperate reindeer, and strung-out misfit toys—what could this be? Why, it’s a very special Christmas-themed game of Fiasco! We bring disaster and misfortune straight to the North Pole for your delight and amusement.
December 11, 2018 Low Definition XVIII
101 The Low Definition ‘18 Christmas Special
Deck the halls and pour the egg nog, it’s time for the return of a vaguely Christmas-themed episode of Low Definition, a game where players come up with inane definitions of ridiculous words. Plus there are diversions into cultural Christmas traditions, Hallmark TV movies, and unusual Christmas Carols.
November 27, 2018 Episode 100!
100 John Lemon
For our 100th episode spectacular, Kathy Campbell hosts a gigantic panel of players as we play mini versions of numerous Incomparable Game Show games, from Low Definition to Random Pursuit to Feuding Families to Inconceivable and beyond.
November 15, 2018 Feuding Families ‘18, Part 3!
99 The Famous Bat-Gun
Break out your utility belt, dust off your high school bookshelf, and step into the nearest available time machine, because we’re one episode short of the big Game Show 100th Episode Spectacular! To fill the time, let’s play one more round of Feuding Families, the game where our panelists try to guess your ridiculous answers to our stupid questions!
November 1, 2018 Random Pursuit VIII
98 K’on Bragh!
The trivia questions are random, the topics even more random, and yet the players keep coming back for more punishment! It’s the return of Random Pursuit, where it turns out that fandom is great, but trivia boxes designed to serve fandom are not. Not at all.
October 17, 2018 Mindtrap!
97 That’s Not How Trees Work
If a train leaves from Montreal at five past the hour, how many cats will catch 100 mice in the barber shop? It’s time for Mindtrap, a game of brain teasers, puzzles, and atrocious puns.
October 2, 2018 Random Pursuit VII
96 That Bear!
We’re back with even more randomly selected trivia questions from even more random editions of Trivial Pursuit! Star Wars! Doctor Who! Religion questions for kids! No subject is too obscure, and no question is too easy.
September 18, 2018 Action Castle III
95 Take a Bow
You stand among the ruins of the once-glorious Action Castle (castle castle castle). All that’s left is this courtyard, a lonely tower, and a few crumbling walls. A rickety wooden stairway leads up to the tower. A dark stairwell descends to the dungeon. Exits are: UP, DOWN, and WEST.
September 4, 2018 Fiasco II
94 A Penguin Knows to Respect a Gun
Time for another Fiasco! This time our collaborative storytelling game goes to a research station in Antarctica, where there are penguins and broken relationships and illegal medications, as you might expect.
August 21, 2018 Inconceivable! Episode 22
93 The Whole Hasperat
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
For this episode, recorded live at the World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose, CA, it’s a North American face-off, as Team USA takes on Team Canada. The panelists must identify fictional foods, figure out what character a group of actors have in common, and play a little game of musical mash-ups. Helene Wecker, Adam Rakunas, and Navah Wolfe represent the U.S. while Warren Frey, Erika Ensign, and Steven Schapansky fly the Canadian flag.
August 8, 2018 Low Definition XVII
92 I’m Very Epicurious
It’s time once again for Low Definition, a game show featuring a panel of guests trying to guess the definitions of dumb words. In this episode we borrow a book from a Little Free Library, go to see an American movie in Italy, and try to figure out nerds.
July 24, 2018 UK Trivia IV
91 A Squashed Bee Gee
Cruel Brit Antony Johnston uses nostalgia-filled trivia meant for nostalgic UK players to confuse a collection of non-nostalgic North Americans.
July 10, 2018 Inconceivable! Episode 21
90 Random Tolkien Table
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
It’s a nail biter this time around, as our panelists try to identify movies of the NATO alphabet, attempt to determine which items come next in mysterious sequences, and decipher mashups of movies and…stores? Shannon Sudderth, Justin Michael, and Kathy Campbell tee off against rivals Antony Johnston, Aleen Simms, and Steve Lutz.
June 26, 2018 A boomtown Fiasco
89 I’ve Studied the Bible
Inside a clerk’s office in a hotel in the old west town of Boomtown comes a story so dramatic and confusing that it must have been made up on the spot. Join host Tony Sindelar as he guides four players through a tale of greed, betrayal, and weird old-timey accents in the improvisational game Fiasco.
May 30, 2018 Feuding Families 2018, Part Two
88 Pantheon of Muppets
We return with yet more stupid guesses about your stupid answers to our stupid questions! Two “families” of Incomparable panelists compete for glory and adulation, and also something about Cool Cat.
May 16, 2018 Feuding Families ‘18
87 You Shall Not Pass
Based on a survey of Incomparable listeners, it’s time once again for a battle between two “families” of podcast panelists, who will attempt to guess the strange answers our listeners gave to innocuous questions! Along the way we’ll build a hamburger, discover monsters, and ponder the mysteries of Benedict Cumberbatch.
(Kathy had the baby the next day. She has returned to Team Pacific Northwest.)
May 2, 2018 That’s Not Contempt, That’s the Scottish Accent
86 Death and Ferris Wheels
On this episode, we play the new game, You Think You Know Me, created by Ami Baio, a card game in which you win by knowing facts and beliefs of the people with whom you’re playing. If Cards Against Humanity is “a party game for horrible people,” You Think You Know Me is somewhere on the other end of the scale. This trans-Atlantic episode features notable cultural confusion, accidental personal insights, and discussions of mortality! Hilarity, as they say, ensues.
April 18, 2018 Inconceivable! Episode 20
85 Always Trust Mr. Peanut
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Smug and acrimonious are the watchwords in this installment, as our two teams butt heads while trying to figure out the difference between medieval weaponry and dairy products, identify Star Trek movie scores, and expand some tricky abbreviations. Mikah Sargent, Alyssa Franke, and Chip Sudderth team up to take on Kelly Guimont, Brian Hamilton, and Liz Myles for bragging rights.
April 4, 2018 Low Definition XVI
84 The Three-Pack
We return to the game of strange words, stranger idioms, and the strangest mixed drinks of all time! This time we dip our toe into international waters, with three European guests who join us in being flummoxed by the English language. But it turns out that the strangest thing about Low Definition may be the listeners themselves…
March 21, 2018 Inconceivable! Episode 19
83 I’m Hungry and I Like Cake
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Recorded in front of a live audience at Emerald City Comicon 2018! Warning: This episode contains explicit language.
Two teams of all-star authors face off for our second-annual ECCC show. They’ll have to tell us the difference between everything from medieval weapons to astronomical phenomena, figure out famous books with letters missing from the end and, oh yes, we made them sing. K.C. Alexander, Curtis C. Chen, and Alex Wells take on Eric Scott Fischl, Delilah S. Dawson, and Adam Rakunas while host Dan Moren and guest scorekeeper Glenn Fleishman try to keep everyone in line.
March 7, 2018 Parsely Adventures V: Z Ward
82 It’s Meatloaf Day!
It’s a text-adventure journey into horror, as our human players enter the mental hospital in search of the truth about their sister. They’d better tell the computer to SAVE GAME every now and then. You never know what might happen…
February 21, 2018 Random Pursuit VI
81 The Ghost Has Spoken
Look, not every Game Show features a bunch of us in a room in person drinking alcohol and answering trivia questions. But this episode, recorded live in Los Angeles at the Gallifrey One convention, absolutely does. The explicit box has been checked, so go to bed, Glenn’s kids, as Erika Ensign asks us trivia questions from a randomly shuffled set of cards from a dozen different Trivial Pursuit games.
February 7, 2018 UK Trivia III
80 The Answer’s Always Michael George
And again we cross the pond to Jolly Old Blighty, where Antony Johnston will confuse and confound a collection of North Americans with questions about the United Kingdom in the 1980s. From Andrew Ridgeley’s bandmate to old BBC sitcoms, we have literally no idea what Antony is on about.
January 24, 2018 Random Pursuit V
79 Yelling at Rocks
We’re back with more random trivia from random trivia games! Now even more random, with the addition of even more editions of Trivial Pursuit!
January 3, 2018 Inconceivable! Episode 18
78 There Are No Hamburgers in the Phantom Zone
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
In our latest episode, our panelists are challenged to remember the dying words of memorable characters, try to figure out which heroes we are unjustly maligning, and then play a round of TV and movie mashups…with a fresh twist. Liz Myles, Tony Sindelar, and Kathy Campbell take on Glenn Fleishman, Aleen Simms, and Jason Snell while Dan Moren and Lex Friedman attempt to (mostly successfully?) keep the peace.
December 20, 2017 Low Definition XV
77 The Low Definition Holiday Special!
Welcome, one and all, to the Low Definition Holiday Special! Presented for your holiday-themed entertainment: a collection of weird words, translated movie titles, search-engine autocompletes, and peculiar holiday traditions. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you might even learn something about the true meaning of Christmas. But probably not.
December 6, 2017 Victorian Parlour Games, The Second
76 Would You Like to Buy an Apple?
Join us for our second visit to the Victorian Parlour, where we shall play more amusements and delights that would be as at home in the parlours of England as in the rail cars of America. It’s elemental, dear listener.
November 26, 2017 Clickthrough!
75 It All Boils Down to Valerie Bertinelli
If you like The Incomparable’s other Game Shows—well, this isn’t them. This is Clickthrough, a quiz show driven by the erratic behavior of its host, Glenn Fleishman, and Wikipedia’s random article feature. It’s like reading the encyclopedia, if it were written by flat-earth conspiracy theorists. Panelists receive points for correct answers, points for interesting answers, and points for making fun of Glenn. Correct answers lead to clicking through and falling down the rabbit hole of more articles.
November 8, 2017 Random Pursuit IV
74 Baseballers
Our game of random trivia returns, with players randomly assigned one of 72 different categories across 12 different boxes of Trivial Pursuit questions. From Doctor Who companions to very loosely defined Leisure questions, our contestants will truly be tested in their knowledge of random stuff.
October 25, 2017 Low Definition XIV
73 Dinosaur Jousting with Pitchforks
We’re back with more Low Definition, in which your friends invent stupid definitions for stupid (but real) words. Plus we get a little literary, ponder more historical advertising, and take a visit to congress to learn how a stupid bill doesn’t become a stupid law.
October 11, 2017 Random Pursuit III
72 You’re Rolling Like Terrible People
Random Pursuit returns! In this game, players have to answer questions from random categories randomly selected across 12 different editions of Trivial Pursuit! And this time things get a little dark… and a little blue. Glenn’s kids, look away! (And all other kids, too, probably). They say sex and death make for good drama… who knew they were for good trivia contests, too?
September 27, 2017 Inconceivable! Episode 17
71 The Count Of Monte Brisco County
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
The show picks up a few new voices this week, who are immediately put to the test with their knowledge of time travel movies, a round of “what doesn’t fit?”, and finally decipher some strange books trying to ride on the coattails of a popular novel. Kathy Campbell, Antony Johnston, and Quinn Rose face off against Kelly Guimont, Glenn Fleishman, and Liz Myles, while host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman mediate.
September 13, 2017 Turns Out! Excruciatingly Glenn Edition
70 A Dog Named Bodyslam
With the fall TV season getting underway, what better time to take a look at some TV pilots that didn’t quite make it? We predict the future in the past in the form of a question, get caught swapping bodies in outer space, wrestle with the law, and get lost—again—in space. Also featuring the most Glenningest moment of Glenning, turns out.
August 30, 2017 Monty’s Parlour of Game Delights
69 Victorian Parlour Games
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Monty Ashley requests your presence in his parlour for a series of entertainments that are sure to delight you.
August 16, 2017 Inconceivable! Episode 16
68 It’s Not All Horrible Childhood Memories
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
It’s a bitter rivalry this week, as our competitors must identify fictional watering holes, attempt to suss out repeat movie roles from their portrayers, and finally try their hand at some so(u)perhero puns. Mikah Sargent, Liz Myles, and Steve Lutz take on Kathy Campbell, Brian Hamilton, and Erika Ensign, under the watchful eye of host Dan Moren and guest scorekeeper Tony Sindelar.
August 2, 2017 Parsely Adventures IV: Space Station
67 Welcome to Engineering
It’s time to play another Parsely game, in which a group of humans try to confuse a computer parser (played by a human). This time, it’s time to investigate a space station! Will it be an Action Castle success, or a Jungle Adventure disaster?
July 19, 2017 Low Definition XIII
66 Low Definition: I Will See a Wrinklepuff
Low Definition returns with more ridiculous words, Google searches, haikus, art installations, and more.
July 6, 2017 Random Pursuit II
65 The Famous Mickey
Random Pursuit is back! Join a brand new panel of non-random players as they roll a nauseating number of sixes, learn all about Canada, and show off their barnyard animal knowledge.
June 21, 2017 Random trivia, delivered randomly!
64 Random Pursuit
A random selection of Incomparable panelists play a game of Trivial Pursuit where everything is random — not just the categories, but which of 10 different games of Trivial Pursuit the questions will come from! Who will emerge as the random trivia champion? Roll a die and find out.
June 7, 2017 Tales of Glenn!
63 Tales of Glenn!
Presented to you: an experiment in storytelling. Five people, five unbelievable stories of the amazing adventures of Glenn Fleishman, who knows everyone’s cousin and has seen things you wouldn’t believe. From the shores of Hawaii to the Arctic Circle, from Florida to Scotland, we tell you some completely amazing stories of Glenn!
May 25, 2017 Low Definition XII
62 Dr. Tiff and the Electric Catfish
We’re back with more ridiculous words and even more ridiculous definiitions! Plus, we venture to a place we pray Chewbacca has never been.
May 9, 2017 Inconceivable! Episode 15
61 Inclined To Go For The Liquor
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Our teams sing the body corporate as they try to identify fictional companies, then put their musical skills to the test as they play name that tune with movie scores. Finally, they roll the dice on a round of board game movie mash-ups. Host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman lay down the law when Liz Myles, Steve Lutz, and Marisa McClellan take on Antony Johnston, Brianna Wu, and Jason Snell in a battle for the ages.
April 26, 2017 We love our listeners!
60 Feuding Families III: Pity Pass
Once more we return to our survey of Incomparable listeners from last summer, which allows two teams of humans to collectively feud while guessing what listeners answered to our ridiculous questions. It’s Feuding Families time! How Glenn ever won on “Jeopardy!” we’ll never know…
[Edited by Steven Schapansky.]
April 12, 2017 UK Trivia II
59 We Are the World
UK Trivia returns! Antony Johnston once again forces a bunch of North Americans to answer questions about obscure 1980s trivia that only British people should understand.
March 30, 2017 Colonies in Space!
58 Low Definition XI: Lesser of Two Weevils
More ridiculous definitions of ridiculous words. We also visit an unexpected man in an unexpected location, do some more Google searches, and borrow a book from a Little Free Library.
March 23, 2017 Inconceivable! Episode 14
57 Spies, Pies, and Electronics
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Recorded in front of a live audience at Emerald City Comicon 2017! Hear the audience gasp and applaud! Witness our attempts to share three microphones among seven people! Marvel at our host’s total inability to correctly use a $10 scoreboard!
We’ve recruited several writers from the realms of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror to form two teams of first-time panelists. They’ll do battle with devious acronyms, attempt to find which of these things is not like the other, and try their hands at a Golden Age of Television edition of mashed-up movie plots.
March 1, 2017 Doctor Who Game of Matching II
56 Hug Per Point
The Game of Matching returns! Recorded live at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, our contestants try to guess the responses of three panelists, just like a game show from the 1970s, but totally different! Questions have a distinct British TV flavor, of course.
February 15, 2017 Parsely Adventures III: Action Castle 2
55 There Is a Sign Here
It’s time for another journey into the realm of classic text adventures mixed with painful human dynamics, as we return to the world of… Action Castle! (castle, castle, castle). Yes, that’s right, we’re playing “Action Castle 2.” Can the sequel live up to the original?
February 1, 2017 Low Definition X
54 Low Definition: Up to the Third Knuckle
Low Definition returns with more ridiculous people, places, things, and foreign-language movie titles! Plus a shocking number of orifices.
January 19, 2017 Introvocabulum II
53 Mmmoootiny!
It’s been a while, but we’re back with another game of Introvocabulum, the game show that’s definitely not Password. Pull up a chair and practice your Care Bear Stare in preparation for this exciting episode!
January 4, 2017 Star Trek trivia!
52 How Is That Starfleet?
From hell’s heart, five players take a stab at answering “Star Trek” trivia questions from game master and Star Trek expert Scott McNulty. He tasks us, and we shall have him! Or not.
December 21, 2016 All You Need is Gävle
51 Yule Cat Saves the Kids
Let’s see…Sondheim’s songbook, horse skulls, the ghost of Paul Lynde, why pissed on shark is not necessarily better than the pissed off kind, dinner at Sardi’s, goat erections, truly stinky cheese, the wrong Perry Mason, fountain boys, Christmas Pickles and where to stick them, the worst Deliverance adaptation, and a joke for the Rob Brydon fans? It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at the Incomparable Game Show. Also, we premiere some new game show concepts, Moisés gets an explicit tag, and we find out who actually wins this round.
December 9, 2016 Low Definition IX
50 Low Definition: A Family of Clowns
It’s time once again to make up fake definitions for stupid words. This time we also dive into unexplored regions of both iTunes and the App Store. But don’t worry, listener! Steve Lutz is gunning for you.
November 22, 2016 Incomparable Family Feud II!
49 We Love Our Listeners!
Not a feud! No families! Nine Incomparable panelists take sides to guess your dumb answers to our dumb survey questions, live from Anaheim.
November 9, 2016 Inconceivable! Episode 13
48 Don’t Read the Creepy Old Book
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Recorded at the Now Hear This festival in Anaheim, California, our two teams of veteran panelists face off in front of a live (if small) audience, as they attempt to recall important—if arcane—instructions from movies, solve spooooooooky mashed up monster movies, and partake in a bit of
movieliterary mathemagic. Host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Jason Snell oversee the proceedings while Steven Schapansky, Monty Ashley, and Erika Ensign face off against Aleen Simms, Brian Hamilton, and Steve Lutz. -
October 24, 2016 Low Definition VIII
47 Low Definition: The Spooky Edition
When quidnuncs screeve in hempen hahas, and strange and tasteless words echo through the fjords…
Whenever Liebig quivers where the Blattnerphone is deathly still…
That is the time when pooks are present, pudifying their ballhooters with relish; delight. -
September 28, 2016 Inconceivable! Episode 12
46 Dang, I Wish We Were Physicists
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
By your powers combined, this episode’s panelists take on a spate of trivia about the classic ’90s cartoon Captain Planet and the Planeteers, play a rousing round of What’s the Difference?, and manage to decipher a host of characters who are stranger (in fiction). Frank Wu, Lisa Schmeiser, and Steve Lutz take on Marisa McClellan, Scott McNulty, and Erika Ensign in a battle that will shake the ages, while Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman try to keep a semblance of order.
September 14, 2016 Not Family Feud!
45 The Incomparable’s Ten-Foot Poll
Our panelists predict your stupid answers to our stupid questions.
August 30, 2016 Low Definition VII
44 Low Definition: The Wicker Moze
We’re back with more ridiculous definitions! Moze returns from his recent victory, but has to deal with the pressure of being a champion as everyone attempts to avoid falling into his trap. Steve has a good feeling about the victory chances of several contestants who are not Moze. Effigies are built, hats are worn, little ducks are blown, and maybe Mr. Spock will even find love.
August 16, 2016 Trivial Pursuit UK
43 I Don’t Know What Wapping Is
The tables are turned! In this episode, Antony Johnston forces a bunch of North Americans to answer questions from the UK edition of Trivial Pursuit! Bloody Americans…
August 3, 2016 Three-Nation Trivial Pursuit
42 Game Night: International Genus
Representatives from three different nations square off in a battle of 1980s trivia! (Trivia from the 1980s, not trivia about the 1980s.) Canada invented Trivial Pursuit and we’re playing from the U.S. edition, so they’ve got the upper hand. Will our UK players be confused by strange American questions? Will the very definition of geography be disputed? Yes!
July 19, 2016 Low Definition 6
41 Low Definition: Hell Is Other People’s Words
More ridiculous definitions, both real and imagined. Plus, we’ll take your orders for some disgusting mixed drinks, and ponder a Slovenian proverb.
July 6, 2016 Inconceivable! Episode 11
40 Sorcerel Realism
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
This month mash-ups of movie actors and Dungeons & Dragons classes are a critical hit, our panelists attempt to identify the critical difference between crazy sci-fi weapon names and crazy sci-fi spaceship names, and everybody’s a critic when it comes to one-star reviews of famous works of literature. Steven Schapansky, Erika Ensign, and Tony Sindelar face off against Kat Griffiths, Monty Ashley, and Liz Myles while host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman oversee the proceedings.
June 22, 2016 Low Definition 5
39 Low Definition: The Amount of Pan in a Thing
We return with more made-up definitions to ridiculous words. And don’t miss the art project in the center of the room.
June 8, 2016 Trivial Pursuit 1980s Genus Edition
38 Game Night: Gospel According to Short Round
We’re back with another edition of trivia from the 1980s, as we play the original Trivial Pursuit and struggle with questions about geography, railroads, and famous mobsters, all the while grappling with the very definition of the word “leisure.” (Also, we’re not sure if Glenn Fleishman is very good at trivia.)
May 27, 2016 Low Definition 4
37 Low Definition: This Word Sucks
Hide your kids and dictionaries! It’s time for a return to our game of made-up definitions, this time with some added Googling and romance (noveling).
May 11, 2016 Inconceivable! Episode 10
36 This is How We Lost America in the First Place
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
And now for something completely…well, partially different. Team United Kingdom faces off against Team North America for a grudge match, the likes of which have not seen in at least two hundred years. They’ll need to suss out the true identities of characters who go by many names, test their knowledge of the length of TV show runs, and of course deal with our terrible pop music/nerd mash-ups. Joining host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman are Antony Johnston, Liz Myles, and Paul Cornell for the UK side, and Christa Mrgan, Guy English, and Aleen Simms repping the US and Canada.
April 26, 2016 The english-language word game with the Latin name
35 Introvocabulum: Overeager Judge
Pre-taped from the Internet, it’s a new game show that involves pairs of players guessing a magic word with single-word clues. If this sounds like the classic game show “Password,” IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE PASSWORD.
April 14, 2016 Turns Out! episode 3
34 What Am I Doohan Hangin’ Round?
In case you thought we were bluffing, Turns Out is back with the unbelievable stories of where some of your favorite science fiction series really came from. Aleen Simms and Glenn Fleishman join host David J. Loehr in trying to pull the Andorian velour over Scott McNulty’s eyes. Also, we play the most obscure lightning round yet, we find out who’s the Shatner in the room, and we try not to get annoyed when our flight gets delayed. You wouldn’t like us when our flight gets delayed.
March 29, 2016 Parsely Adventures II: Jungle Adventure
33 Exits Are Unknown
We return to the dangerous land of group text adventures with “Jungle Adventure”, in which the survivor of a plane crash wanders through a dark jungle. And wanders. And wanders.
March 16, 2016 Inconceivable! Episode 9
32 Intangibility is a Serious Problem
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Think you can identify a movie from its final line? It’s harder than it sounds. Our panel tries their hand at that task, along with ferreting out fake superhero alter egos and Godzilla monsters, identifying extra obscure jargon, and playing a rousing game of “one of these things is not like the other.” Joining host Dan Moren and fill-in scorekeeper Jason Snell are Steve Lutz, Scott McNulty, Brian Hamilton, Marisa McClellan, Glenn Fleishman, and Brianna Wu.
March 1, 2016 Low Definition 3
31 Low Definition: Tempted by the Little Man
An hour of fun
Definitions from Steve Lutz
Plus Florida Man -
February 15, 2016 Game of Matching: “Doctor Who” edition
30 Game Night: TARFIS
Live from the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, a special “Doctor Who”-themed edition of The Game of Matching! Awkward answers to silly questions! Telepathy gone awry! And more fun than you can shake a [blank] at.
February 3, 2016 Inconceivable! Episode 8
29 Laser Cars are Really Sweet
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
In our long-awaited return, our all-star panel tries to identify fake fantasy lands, mashes up robots (or not), and tries their best to turn acronyms into real words. Joining host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman are Kat Griffiths (Verity!), Mikah Sargent (Cartoon Cast), Erika Ensign (Lazy Doctor Who), Antony Johnston (Unjustly Maligned), Shannon Sudderth (The Audio Guide to Babylon 5), and Monty Ashley (Game of Thrones Flashcast).
January 19, 2016 Game of Matching ‘16
28 Game Night: Dental Dam
In this edition of Game Night, we play a game called The Game of Matching that is totally not at all like a celebrity panel show from the 1970s. Also, Glenn does poetry.
December 20, 2015 Low Definition 2
27 Lake Tourist
In this special holiday edition of Low Definition, our contestants must grapple with weird definitions, obscure holidays, Norwegian movie titles, and even a Morrissey song.
December 1, 2015 Pundit Showdown
26 Pundit Showdown: Rivalry of the Fruits
The Pundit Showdown returns with a year-end edition that covers the Surface Book, Jimmy Iovine, Jessica Jones, emoji, and a visit to the Festivus pole.
November 25, 2015 Harry Potter
25 Counterclockwise: Order of the University of Phoenix
This time we discuss the “Harry Potter” series, both the books and the movies. Topics include: gadgets/spells we wish we could have, decisions J.K. Rowling regrets (and we do too), greatest moments in the series, and the ultimate reason why this series is so wildly popular.
November 17, 2015 Family Feud 1977
24 Stephen Hawking Said
“Family Feud 1977” returns, as our six contestants face off in an attempt to guess what game show audiences in 1977 were thinking. Let’s play the feud!
November 11, 2015 Low Definition 1
23 Low Definition: Space Blobs
In this game that’s absolutely nothing like Balderdash and not a product of Canada, players create their own fake definitions for real worlds. And there are a few twists along the way, because this is most definitely not Balderdash.
November 4, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 7
22 Cabaret of Fire
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
In our latest episode, our panel of panels susses out fake video game villains and knightly houses, plays a game of “What’s the magic word?”, and teases apart some mashed-up “classic” sci-fi movies. Joining host Dan Moren and scorekeeper Lex Friedman are Brian Hamilton (Game of Thrones flashcast), Liz Myles (Verity!), John Moltz (Speedy Arrowcast), Brianna Wu (Isometric), Chip Sudderth (Two-minute Time Lord), and Lisa Schmeiser (The Flash Flashcast).
September 22, 2015 Parsely Adventures I: Action Castle
21 Light Lamp
What if you cross a party game with an old-school text adventure? You get Action Castle, the game that turns a human being into an old-style command line prompt and a bunch of people into a single bumbling adventurer. Go west! Get fish! Inventory!
September 7, 2015 Labor day pundit telethon
20 Pundit Showdown: Breakfast Octopus
With an Apple media event on the horizon, it’s time for a return to the Pundit Showdown! Four pundits vie to become our latest champion! Let’s go to the tote board!
September 1, 2015 Balderdash part the second
19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
Balderdash! Our game of fake definitions returns with new stupid words that almost nobody has ever heard of before. Which player will reign supreme? (Since Dan’s not on this episode, it probably won’t be Jason.)
August 25, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 6
18 Harry Potter and the Odor of the Weasel
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
For our first show recorded live and in person, our panels tell us the difference between warlocks and wizards, identify Terry Pratchett deities and sci-fi sports, and do a little bit of fantasy casting. Husband-and-wife team Scott McNulty and Marisa McClellan (with third wheel David Loehr) go up against husband-and-wife team Steven Schapansky and Erika Ensign (with third wheel Steve Lutz).
August 4, 2015 Balderdash!
17 Low Definition: Hempen Humbug
Once a month the Incomparable family plays a game, like you might around the table with your family. This month it’s Balderdash, the game of obscure words and ridiculous definitions. You’ll never look at pooks the same way again.
July 28, 2015 Pundit Showdown 2
16 Pundit Showdown: International Incident
The Pundit Showdown returns with our panel of four technology experts answering host Philip Michaels’ questions in hopes of earning points and glory! But which panelist will strain international relationships to the breaking point? (Hint: He has a beard.)
July 21, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 5
15 Vampire Or Not
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure.
Obscure 1990s vampires! Batman villains! … High school chemistry? Those are just a few of the things that we quiz our panelists on this month. Lisa Schmeiser, Guy English, and Erika Ensign take on Chip Sudderth, Aleen Simms, and Steve Lutz, while host Dan Moren and scorekeeper pro tempore Jason Snell oversee the proceedings.
July 13, 2015 Counterclockwise 5 - Game of Thrones
14 Counterclockwise: Zombie King
This month’s Counterclockwise is all about HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” Is you-know-who really dead? Who is left to cheer for? Are TV viewers supposed to keep spoilers quiet so as not to offend book readers? Of all the deaths, what was the most memorable? We answer the questions you never asked!
June 13, 2015 Trivial Pursuit
13 Game Night: Golfing with Hitler
This month on Game Night, we take a second spin at playing Trivial Pursuit—the original Genus Edition from the 1980s, of course. Strangely enough, things get a little scatological when we get to the brown spaces.
June 4, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 4
12 Twelve Angry Clowns
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure. As ever, host Dan Moren and scorekeeper/announcer Lex Friedman are on hand to oversee the proceedings, doling out points where appropriate.
This month Antony Johnston, Brianna Wu, and Jason Snell take on Liz Myles, John Siracusa, and Shannon Sudderth in an epic battle, the likes of which has never before been seen. Jargon! Anthropomorphic animals! Team ups! Really easy questions! Math! We’ve got it all! And now you can have it too.
May 26, 2015 Marvel Cinematic Universe
11 Counterclockwise: All-Father Knows Best
This month’s Counterclockwise topic is the Marvel Cinematic Universe! And joining us to discuss four Marvel-themed topics are superhero aficionados Lisa Schmeiser and John Moltz. We do some fantasy casting, offer our choices for best and worst Marvel Cinematic Universe releases, plan future Marvel films, and try to find the comedy in super situations.
May 5, 2015 Pundit Showdown 1
10 Pundit Showdown: February Flashback Edition
There was a time when our thoughts turned to Super Bowls and holiday-quarter Apple financial results and the death of the Shack. That long-ago time was February 2015, when Philip Michaels dusted off the old Pundit Showdown format he stole from the BBC and took it to a new level.
That episode was, for reasons undisclosed, never made available publicly. Until now. Does it augur future episodes of the Pundit Showdown here at The Incomparable Game Show? Only time will tell…
April 30, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 3
9 Mogo is Displeased
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure. As ever, host Dan Moren and scorekeeper/announcer Lex Friedman are on hand to oversee the proceedings, doling out points where appropriate.
Our fantastic panelists this month are Christa Mrgan, Guy English, Maddy Myers, David Loehr, Liz Myles, and Tony Sindelar, and we test them on knowledge of bizarre jargon, Game of Thrones deaths, and monstrous movie puns. Ghostbusters’s lasting impact, Sean Bean impressions, and the unlikely members of the Green Lantern Corps are just a few of the highlights of our latest episode, against a backdrop of laughter…and learning.
April 24, 2015 Turns Out! episode 2
8 Je Suis La Poire
As April winds down, we remember great and not-so-great April Fools jokes. Jason has a lot of de Gaulle, Scott has a nose for pranks, David has an outdated video game console, and Glenn glenns about the original Glenner because Glenn.
April 15, 2015 1970s Family Feud
7 Family Spats
It’s game night! In this installment we’re playing the mid-1970s “Family Feud” home game, which forces our two teams of modern players to guess the thoughts of 100 people waiting in line to see a TV show sometime in the mid-’70s. So put on your spats and your feather hat and join us in the mountains for this whale of a good time.
April 10, 2015 Counterclockwise episode 3
6 Counterclockwise: Long TARDIS Nights
This month’s Counterclockwise topic is “Doctor Who”! And here to discuss four fresh “Doctor Who” topics in 42 minutes or less are “Doctor Who” podcast luminaries Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro, The Memory Cheats) and Erika Ensign (Verity!, The Audio Guide to Babylon 5).
March 25, 2015 Turns Out! Episode 1
5 Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah
In our new panel game of bluffs and double bluffs, Erika’s not drinking the Kool-Aid or whatever that is, everyone finds Glenn’s story hard to swallow, Jason goes international, and David brings up haggis. Also, Dan is not on Candid Camera, because there’s no camera, duh.
March 17, 2015 Counterclockwise Episode 2
4 Counterclockwise: Lost in Stars
It’s time again for Counterclockwise, the panel show where four people discuss four geeky aspects of a single topic, and it’ll all get done in less than 42 minutes.
This week, Jason and Dan are joined by Scott McNulty and David Loehr to discuss “Star Trek.”
Our topics include: “Star Trek” ships, jumping off points for untold stories, future “Trek” TV series, and favorite characters. Plus we all reveal our Starfleet departments and shirt colors!
March 12, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 2
3 Mansplained to Doom!
Welcome back to “Inconceivable!”, the show that tests two teams’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure. As ever, host Dan Moren and scorekeeper/announcer Lex Friedman are on hand to oversee the proceedings, doling out points where appropriate.
This month, join panelists Shannon Sudderth, Monty Ashley, Erika Ensign, Steve Lutz, Brianna Wu, and John Siracusa as they try to identify arcane jargon, pick out which of these things is not like the other, and decipher punny nerd clues to familiar phrases. Are Monty’s answers trustworthy? Have you consulted your physician about Orcrist? Do any of these questions meet with John’s approval? Find out, on the latest episode of Inconceivable!
February 16, 2015 Counterclockwise Episode 1
2 Counterclockwise: Space Minivan
It’s time for Counterclockwise, the panel show where four people discuss four geeky aspects of a single topic, and it’ll all get done in less than 42 minutes.
This week on our inaugural Counterclockwise, Jason and Dan are joined by Tony Sindelar and John Siracusa to discuss “Star Wars.”
Our topics include: “Star Wars” ships and vehicles, the best scenes from the original trilogy, classic video games and books, and who’s going to die in “The Force Awakens.” Plus, we all pick our Sith names!
February 9, 2015 Inconceivable! Episode 1
1 Serious Nerdery
Welcome to the first episode of Inconceivable!—a show that tests our panelists’ knowledge of the nerdy, the useless, and the obscure. Each month, two teams will face off to answer diabolical questions about TV shows, comics, movies, books, games, and more. Host Dan Moren and scorekeeper/announcer Lex Friedman oversee the proceedings, doling out hard-earned points where appropriate.
To launch the show, we handpicked a roster of some of our favorite Incomparable panelists to compete for your amusement. Join Scott McNulty, Georgia Dow, Lisa Schmeiser, Tony Sindelar, Erika Ensign, and, of course, Jason Snell as they identify arcane jargon, test their knowledge of classic books of fantasy and sci-fi, and explore the colliding worlds of mashed-up movies.
(From the people who bring you The Incomparable, Game Show is a new podcast featuring panels, pundits, and more! Rather than being a single weekly game, this podcast contains several different games (with different hosts) rotating through from week to week. What they all have in common is chat, humor, and fun. To subscribe to Game Show, use this RSS feed: We’ve got more game shows on the way, so keep watching the skies!)
March 31, 2014 Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition.
0.3 Tennis with Errol Flynn
Our friends play an entire Trivial Pursuit game. The whole thing. Eight players, the original Genus Edition, no waiting.
(Originally posted as Total Party Kill #19.)
March 30, 2014
0.2 Game Show II
In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, we present the second edition of The Incomparable Game Show. Two teams match up in a battle of trivia and pointlessness. (Or is that redundant?)
(Originally released as The Incomparable #188.)
April 1, 2012
0.1 Game Show
It’s the Incomparable Game Show! In a clash of young(ish) versus old(ish), two teams vie for the honor of being the team who wins. Sci-fi questions, confused androids, and a visit from a parallel-universe version of The Incomparable are all part of the story. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you won’t learn a darned thing. Join us, won’t you?
(Originally released as The Incomparable #85.)