Fantastic Defenders of the Guardians of the Galaxy
Join Jeff Patterson, John Stevens and Fred Kiesche as they once again venture into the void and tangle with technology!
In tonight’s podcast, between three hosts and three guests: microphone, Skype & recorder issues. Two internet outages. Two power outages. Several crossed wires. But…We are joined by Donna Royston, David Keener and Martin Wilsey to talk about their new Tannhauser Press anthology Worlds Enough: Fantastic Defenders.
Waitaminutenow. (flips through table of contents) Patterson? Patterson? They let Jeff Patterson write a story in this thing? Wot?
Listen to this episode (1 hour, 42 minutes)
Show Notes
Sigh…O.K., O.K… Books by Jeff Patterson.
Worlds Enough: Fantastic Defenders
Culture Consumed!
Cosmic Powers (edited by John Joseph Adams)
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2
Jeff Patterson:
Since We Fell (Dennis Lehane)
October: The Story of the Russian Revolution (China Mieville)
World Reader (Jeff Loveness and Juan Doe)
God Country (Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw)
John Stevens:
Iain M. Banks (Paul Kincaid)
Amulet (Kazu Kibuishi)
Wonderbook (Jeff VanderMeer)
Time for the Stars (Robert A. Heinlein)
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray, Erica Henderson)
Hero Girls: Finals Crisis (Shea Fontana and Yancey Labat)
Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China (David Hinton, translator)
Fred Kiesche:
Twin Peaks, Season 1 and Season 2
High Justice (Jerry Pournelle)
Vic and Blood (Harlan Ellison)
American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
Dune (Frank Herbert)
2017: The Year in Graphics (100)