Lazy Doctor Who

Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro, The Memory Cheats) and Erika Ensign (Verity!, Total Party Kill) are married Doctor Who fans (who also co-produce a fiction podcast for Uncanny Magazine). This is a podcast where they watch every Doctor Who story ever made, from start to finish. Each episode is recorded live on a red couch.

No, they have no “schedule”. They’re lazy. Want proof? Check out this fab listener-created spreadsheet of episode releases.

Follow on Mastodon and Bluesky or email at

All Episodes

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 12, 2025 4C (1)
    263 The Ark in Space - 1

    Erika and Steven have somewhat opposite feelings about this story, at least in terms of emotional baggage.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2025 4A (4)
    262 Robot - 4

    Steven and Erika finish off the Barry Letts era and vibe with the Doctor and Harry.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2025 4A (2-3)
    261 Robot - 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue talking about mad scientists, a robot, and an adorable toy tank.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2025 4A (1)
    260 Robot - 1

    Steven and Erika embark on the Tom Baker era, but not without some fond reminiscences of the Jon Pertwee era. What a difference a Doctor makes!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 13, 2025 ZZZ (6)
    259 Planet of the Spiders - 6

    Erika and Steven complete the Pertwee era, and it’s a bittersweet farewell! Against all odds, Erika is genuinely sad to see ol’ Pert go!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 13, 2025 ZZZ (4-5)
    258 Planet of the Spiders - 4-5

    Steven and Erika continue podcasting from the Gallifrey One hotel and approach the end of both the Pertwee era and the new-to-Erika era of Doctor Who. It’s bittersweet!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2025 ZZZ (2-3)
    257 Planet of the Spiders - 2-3

    Erika and Steven watch two episodes of Doctor Who, and stuff even happens in one of them!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2025 ZZZ (1)
    256 Planet of the Spiders - 1

    Steven and Erika are in LA (early) for Gallifrey One, and what better way to prep for a Doctor Who convention than to watch some of that very show?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 29, 2024 YYY (6)
    255 The Monster of Peladon - 6

    Erika and Steven complete the penultimate Pertwee story!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 29, 2024 YYY (4-5)
    254 The Monster of Peladon - 4-5

    Steven and Erika quite like “The Monster of Peladon”! We said what we said!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 28, 2024 YYY (2-3)
    253 The Monster of Peladon - 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue Erika’s journey of discovery of “The Monster of Peladon” with slightly(?) less talk about “The Space Pirates.”

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 28, 2024 YYY (1)
    252 The Monster of Peladon - 1

    Steven and Erika start another new-to-Erika story, which is going well…so far! Oh, and once again they end up taking about “The Space Pirates.” (We swear we’re not doing it on purpose!)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 2, 2024 XXX (4)
    251 Death to the Daleks - 4

    Erika and Steven dispense with the saxophones and somehow end up talking about “The Space Pirates.” Again.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 20, 2024 XXX (2-3)
    250 Death to the Daleks - 2-3

    Steven and Erika discuss saxophones and floor tiles.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2024 XXX (1)
    249 Death to the Daleks - 1

    Erika and Steven start another story that is new to Erika. Not new to Erika? Daleks.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2024 WWW (6)
    248 Invasion of the Dinosaurs - 6

    Steven and Erika complete one of the few remaining entirely new-to-Erika stories, and it’s a great big hit — even with the silly, sometimes-adorable, rubber dinos!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2024 WWW (4-5)
    247 Invasion of the Dinosaurs - 4-5

    Erika and Steven are enjoying this story very much, and also get briefly distracted by Kitten Academy hi-jinks.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2024 WWW (2-3)
    246 Invasion of the Dinosaurs - 2-3

    Steven and Erika ROAR their approval for this great Sarah story!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 9, 2024 WWW (1)
    245 Invasion - 1

    Erika and Steven start a new-to-Erika story that makes up in atmosphere what it lacks in special effects.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2024 UUU (4)
    244 The Time Warrior - 4

    Steven and Erika finish off an epic day of podcasting by finishing off The Time Warrior!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2024 UUU (2-3)
    243 The Time Warrior - 2-3

    Erika and Steven maybe agree on this story more than Erika thought.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2024 UUU (1)
    242 The Time Warrior - 1

    Steven and Erika dive headlong into season 11 and a story they (for a change) don’t really agree on!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2024 TTT (6)
    241 The Green Death - 6

    Erika and Steven complete “The Green Death”, season 10, the Jo Grant era, and this style of opening/closing credits. Many endings!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 11, 2024 TTT (4-5)
    240 The Green Death - 4-5

    Steven and Erika get depressed about capitalism and picky (then less picky) about mispronunciations.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 13, 2024 TTT (2-3)
    239 The Green Death - 2-3

    Erika and Steven love Bert, like Fell, appreciate Cliff, are mixed on maps, and clearly need supper.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 1, 2023 TTT (1)
    238 The Green Death 1

    Steven and Erika are back in the (green, glowing) saddle again. This story makes Erika sad. For multiple reasons. But they vow to get through it!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 13, 2023 SSS (5-6)
    237 Planet of the Daleks 5-6

    Erika and Steven finally finish this story, exactly one year after we started it — on Erika’s birthday!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 11, 2023 SSS (3-4)
    236 Planet of the Daleks 3-4

    This rollicking adventure continues to rollick along. Join us for excited chatter about fun moments and purple blankets!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 28, 2023 SSS (2)
    235 Planet of the Daleks 2

    It’s been a while, but we’re still on goopy Spiridon, this time, with barbecue sauce!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 13, 2022 SSS (1)
    234 Planet of the Daleks 1

    Steven helps Erika celebrate her birthday in style — by watching a goopy episode of Doctor Who that’s presumably sponsored by IKEA.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 23, 2022 QQQ (6)
    233 Frontier in Space 6

    Erika and Steven finish a delightful day of podcasting with a bittersweet final episode of a rollicking great story!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 23, 2022 QQQ (4-5)
    232 Frontier in Space 4-5

    Steven and Erika enjoy more interplanetary intrigue and shenanigans!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 23, 2022 QQQ (2-3)
    231 Frontier in Space 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue marvelling at the building of both the world and the level of tension/frustration in this magnificent story.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 23, 2022 QQQ (1)
    230 Frontier in Space 1

    Steven and Erika start their holiday Monday diving into a story they both really love. And Erika gets the joy of seeing a surprise Sandbagger!

    Lazy Doctor Who is proudly produced on Treaty Six Territory, in amiskwaciy-wâskahikan.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 21, 2022 PPP (4)
    229 Carnival of Monsters 4

    Erika and Steven finish off this colourful story, and Erika vents about Vorg. A LOT. She hates him. A LOT.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 13, 2022 PPP (2-3)
    228 Carnival of Monsters 2-3

    Steven and Erika get back to this colourful story!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 23, 2022 PPP (1)
    227 Carnival of Monsters 1

    Erika and Steven start a story that might as well be new to Erika. What fun!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 25, 2021 RRR (4)
    226 The Three Doctors 4

    Steven and Erika wrap up their very-mini-marathon of Christmas Day Doctor Who by completing “The Three Doctors”. Such delight!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 25, 2021 RRR (2-3)
    225 The Three Doctors 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue the Christmas 2021 celebration with more Doctor Who 10th-year celebration!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 25, 2021 RRR (1)
    224 The Three Doctors 1

    Steven and Erika celebrate Christmas with a celebratory story to commemorate the 10th season of Doctor Who!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 10, 2021 OOO (5-6)
    223 The Time Monster 5-6

    Erika and Steven finish off perhaps the grooviest story in Doctor Who’s history with one of the longer episodes in the history of this podcast. There’s a lot to say! And not all of it is bad! (Though yes, some of it definitely is.)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 11, 2021 OOO (4)
    222 The Time Monster 4

    Steven and Erika celebrate Thanksgiving in the traditional manner — by watching Doctor Who from the 1970s.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 5, 2021 OOO (2-3)
    221 The Time Monster 2-3

    Erika and Steven dive back into Lazy Doctor Whoing (Lazy Doctoring Who?) with a couple episodes of a notorious story. So far so good? mostly? ish?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 31, 2021 OOO (1)
    220 The Time Monster 1

    Steven and Erika waste no time and dive right into the Doctor Who episode with the most T&A jokes of any so far. Which is a bit of a shame because there’s also a lot to like. Oh. Oh. Oh.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 31, 2021 NNN (5-6)
    219 The Mutants 5-6

    Erika and Steven celebrate the Saturday night of a long weekend by watching Doctor Who (and doing laundry).

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 26, 2021 NNN (3-4)
    218 The Mutants 3-4

    Steven and Erika can’t stop after watching just one episode and zip through two eps of this thrilling (and depressingly still relevant) Doctor Who story.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 12, 2021 NNN (2)
    217 The Mutants 2

    Erika and Steven celebrate Erika’s birthday weekend with another episode of Doctor Who! They also start with a long tangent about two random movies. Chalk it up to birthday indulgence.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 6, 2021 NNN (1)
    216 The Mutants 1

    Steven and Erika fight through the pandemic fatigue and fog to get back to watching Doctor Who together.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2021 Anniversary CarCast
    215 CarCast!

    Erika and Steven take a day-long road trip for their anniversary, and on the way home, they answer listener questions!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 28, 2020 LLL (6)
    214 The Sea Devils 6

    Steven and Erika finish off “The Sea Devils”. So much action!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 12, 2020 LLL (5)
    213 The Sea Devils 5

    Erika and Steven do lots of follow-up from their last episode! And talk about submarines! And blowhards from ministries!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 11, 2020 LLL (3-4)
    212 The Sea Devils 3-4

    Steven and Erika pick back up with “The Sea Devils”. Swords! Sneaking! Sandwiches! Boats!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 12, 2020 LLL (2)
    211 The Sea Devils 2

    Erika and Steven continue on with “The Sea Devils” — including one of the most iconic sword fights in Doctor Who history. Also, we’ve spotted our first sandwich.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 11, 2020 LLL (1)
    210 The Sea Devils 1

    Steven and Erika have a holiday weekend, so that means it’s Lazy Doctor Who time. Tonight, we’ve watched the first ep of a rare Pertwee story that Erika has seen multiple times!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 5, 2020 MMM (3-4)
    209 The Curse of Peladon 3-4

    Erika and Steven finish off a story that Erika deeply loves. They also talk about pronouns, the character arc for a character with a disability, Big Finish Peladon possibilities (that may already exist), how this story fits in the range of 3rd Doctor stories, how much Erika loves Doctor Who and why, what’s going on in Casa Castria, rewatching season 18 week-by-week, and how great Total Party Kill is for knitting a Doctor Who scarf.

    Most of the tangents come at the end, so feel free to bail if you’re just here for the Who info.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 5, 2020 MMM (2)
    208 The Curse of Peladon 2

    Steven and Erika finally get back to “The Curse of Peladon”, but no worries — they remember everything that’s happening because it’s so exciting and fun!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2020 MMM (1)
    207 The Curse of Peladon 1

    Erika and Steven close out a Canada Day mini-marathon with the first episode of a story Erika remembers and loves. Well-written Jo is back! And has real chemistry with Peladon! We get an assortment of cool aliens! And court intrigue! What a lovely note to end on for this holiday. (Certainly that falling statue won’t harm the Doctor or anyone else…)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2020 KKK (4)
    206 Day of the Daleks 4

    Steven and Erika complete the story that Steven claims is peak-hair for both the 3rd Doctor and Jo. Erika is just excited to see the end of a story and not know what’s going to happen. Happy Canada Day, all!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2020 KKK (2-3)
    205 Day of the Daleks 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue the Canada Day celebration with more Doctor Who and lots of appreciation for the sets, costumes, makeup, casting, and Aubrey Woods.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2020 KKK (1)
    204 Day of the Daleks 1

    Steven and Erika celebrate Canada Day as is their tradition: with Indian food and Doctor Who.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 13, 2020 JJJ (4-5)
    203 The Dæmons 4-5

    Erika and Steven finish off season 8 on Erika’s birthday! What a way to celebrate!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 16, 2020 JJJ (2-3)
    202 The Dæmons 2-3

    Steven and Erika watch a couple more episodes of rural, “magical”, Masterful Doctor Who.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 13, 2020 JJJ (1)
    201 The Dæmons 1

    Erika and Steven decide to make it an official Easter weekend mini-marathon by doing a third podcast episode and starting in on “The Dæmons”. It’s exciting because we’ve been there!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 13, 2020 HHH (6)
    200 Colony in Space 6

    Steven and Erika celebrate their 200th episode by finishing off a story they both quite enjoy. Endings are hard, and there are some issues here, but overall, “Colony in Space” is still a very enjoyable story.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 13, 2020 HHH (4-5)
    199 Colony in Space 4-5

    Erika and Steven celebrate the holiday weekend with two episodes of 1971 Doctor Who goodness. This story continues to please, and provides some excellent Master headcanon.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 6, 2020 HHH (3)
    198 Colony in Space 3

    Steven and Erika continue the one-episode-per-episode pace, if only to savour this story, which Erika is enjoying mightily! There is also a lengthy tangent on the Doctor Who viewing preferences of one Frank Skinner. Because why not?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 4, 2020 HHH (2)
    197 Colony in Space 2

    Erika and Steven continue through this many-layered story. A thickening plot! A robot! An unfortunately dated reference! A disappointingly not-terrible haircut! So much to dig into, and we’re just two episodes in!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 29, 2020 HHH (1)
    196 Colony in Space 1

    Steven and Erika move along to a story Erika knows pretty much nothing about. It’s a “and now for something completely different” episode of Doctor Who. The TARDIS works (if a little strangely)! It’s not on Earth! Time Lords?!?!!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 24, 2020 GGG (4)
    195 The Claws of Axos 4

    Erika and Steven finally get back to watching this Doctor Who serial from 1971. Sadly (for Erika, at least), they also have to listen to it.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 20, 2020 GGG (3)
    194 The Claws of Axos 3

    Steven and Erika watch another single episode of this Jon Pertwee story from 1971. But let’s be real, this one is really all about the Master.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 10, 2020 GGG (2)
    193 The Claws of Axos 2

    Erika and Steven trip through more psychedelic Doctor Who shenanigans. And the terrible haircut pays off!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 3, 2020 GGG (1)
    192 The Claws of Axos 1

    Steven and Erika dive into a story Erika has never seen before, but she somehow knows about many of its characters—the good, the bad, the unfortunate, and the bad-haircutted.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 25, 2019 FFF (6)
    191 The Mind of Evil 6

    Erika and Steven finish off a delightful story with many great moments. Perfect cap to a lovely Christmas day!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 25, 2019 FFF (4-5)
    190 The Mind of Evil 4-5

    Steven and Erika are full of Christmas dinner and ready to settle in for some Doctor Who. Erika delights in the subtlety of the performances. Steven likes the ACTION.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 24, 2019 FFF (2-3)
    189 The Mind of Evil 2-3

    Erika and Steven plow ahead and watch a couple more episodes because what’s more Christmas-festive than prison riots and dragon-based attempted murder?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 24, 2019 FFF (1)
    188 The Mind of Evil 1

    Steven and Erika, after a break that’s long (even for them), return to celebrate Christmas with some forced mind-alteration in a prison! Tis the season!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 1, 2019 EEE (3-4)
    187 Terror of the Autons 3-4

    Erika and Steven finish the first story of season eight. So much plastic. So much action.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 1, 2019 EEE (2)
    186 Terror of the Autons 2

    Steven and Erika continue on into the Doctor-and-Jo era of Who. Why trolls? Why clowns? So many whys.

    Special thanks to Listener Sam from Texas for the amazing spreadsheet!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 24, 2019 EEE (1)
    185 Terror of the Autons 1

    Erika and Steven hurl themselves headlong into season 8 of Doctor Who. Will Erika be as annoyed at the lack of Liz Shaw as she expected to be? Listen and find out!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 4, 2019 DDD (6-7)
    184 Inferno 6-7

    Steven and Erika finish off season seven. What a way to go out. Erika’s feelings upon completing Jon Pertwee’s first season are surprising, mostly to her.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 4, 2019 DDD (5)
    183 Inferno 5

    Erika and Steven were gonna watch both episodes 5 and 6 before recording again, but Erika had a lot to say, so here’s another episode right away!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 4, 2019 DDD (3-4)
    182 Inferno 3-4

    Steven and Erika celebrate their long weekend and Edmonton’s Heritage Festival by diving back into some 1970 Doctor Who with a couple episodes of “Inferno”.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 19, 2019 DDD (2)
    181 Inferno 2

    Erika and Steven move on to episode 2 of the final story in season 7. Erika doesn’t want it to end. Like really doesn’t want it to end. Like really really doesn’t want it to end.

    She may go on a bit…

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 20, 2019 DDD (1)
    180 Inferno 1

    Steven and Erika dive into the final story of season 7. Important take-aways include “Liz is awesome” and “never touch the goo”.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 10, 2019 CCC (6-7)
    179 The Ambassadors of Death 6-7

    Erika and Steven finish off the second-last story of season 7. Title significance is achieved! Reegan is awesome! The Brig kicks ass! Erika is appalled that S7 is so close to over!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 7, 2019 CCC (3-5)
    178 The Ambassadors of Death 3-5

    Steven and Erika care so much about Doctor Who that they neglect a game 7 NHL playoff game (until it goes into OT). Liz is awesome; her hat is not. The Doctor is awesome; his clipboard is not.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 4, 2019 CCC (2)
    177 The Ambassadors of Death 2

    Erika and Steven slowly but surely roll through this story like an oversized truck carrying a space capsule.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 1, 2019 CCC (1)
    176 The Ambassadors of Death 1

    Steven and Erika dive back into season 7 with one of Steven’s favourite Doctor Who stories ever. Will Erika like it too? Maybe not the gunfight scenes…

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 16, 2019 BBB (6-7)
    175 Doctor Who and the Silurians 6-7

    Erika and Steven make it to their goal — completing every Doctor Who episode through “Doctor Who and the Silurians” Episode 7 before the Verity! recording on March 17th. Mission accomplished!

    Humanity survives; the Silurians don’t; the Doctor isn’t happy about it. But Erika is happy to be able to take a bit of a break from Lazy Doctor Who to work on some special Incomparable member bonuses. Fear not though! LDW will be back before too long, when the pace will likely be much more sedate.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 16, 2019 BBB (4-5)
    174 Doctor Who and the Silurians 4-5

    Steven and Erika while away their Saturday afternoon with more colourful Doctor Who from 1970. Erika is delighted with one particular scene that displays some impressively modern gender politics and never ever wants Liz Shaw to leave the show. Ever.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 16, 2019 BBB (2-3)
    173 Doctor Who and the Silurians 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue to be teased by glimpses of a mysterious cave dweller. What could it be? Before we find out, we discover that the Doctor has the worst license plate ever, but a great relationship with Liz Shaw (who has the greatest wardrobe ever).

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 16, 2019 BBB (1)
    172 Doctor Who and the Silurians 1

    Steven and Erika record an episode first thing in the morning because they can’t wait to see more colourful Doctor Who. Erika learns the 3rd Doctor is really quite delightful when he’s paired with Liz or the Brig or both.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 15, 2019 AAA (4)
    171 Spearhead from Space 4

    Erika and Steven finish off the 3rd Doctor’s first story (and what Erika feels is the first real, official episode of the 3rd Doctor — he finally feels very 3rd Doctorey).

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 15, 2019 AAA (2-3)
    170 Spearhead from Space 2-3

    Steven and Erika continue to get to know the 3rd Doctor, though not as intimately as the crew apparently got to know him during the filming of that shower scene!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 13, 2019 AAA (1)
    169 Spearhead from Space 1

    Erika and Steven join the glorious world of colour as they follow Doctor Who into the 1970s. EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT. EVERYTHING.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 9, 2019 ZZ (10)
    168 The War Games 10

    Steven and Erika make it to the end. The end of “The War Games”. The end of Patrick Troughton’s Doctor. The end of black and white. The end of 60s Doctor Who.

    Moment of silence.

    Followed by tears.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 9, 2019 ZZ (7-9)
    167 The War Games 7-9

    Erika and Steven close in on the end of an era. The Chiefs (Security and War) are dead, the fighting has stopped, and the Doctor is on the run again — but will he make it?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 8, 2019 ZZ (5-6)
    166 The War Games 5-6

    Steven and Erika reach a pivot point in the 2nd Doctor’s final story. The baddies start turning on each other, and the Doctor’s people get a name. Time Lord alert! And of course, there’s a good helping of enthusiasm about the sets, plus a fond farewell to Lady Jennifer.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 6, 2019 ZZ (2-4)
    165 The War Games 2-4

    Erika and Steven can’t watch just one! So they zip on through three episodes of “The War Games” and wish they had the energy for more. That said, it’s nice to take a break so they can gush and squee and exclaim with glee for many minutes about this story — whee!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 3, 2019 ZZ (1)
    164 The War Games 1

    Steven and Erika begin the end, so to speak. Because Erika has seen this story (and loves it so), it’s difficult to talk about it in a totally spoiler-free manner, so she doesn’t bother to try very hard.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 1, 2019 YY (5-6)
    163 “The Space Pirates” 5-6

    Erika and Steven finish off their final reconstructed episodes of Doctor Who. What a milestone! Erika bucks received fan wisdom once again and quite enjoys this space story. Now, on to one of the greatest stories in Doctor Who history. Yes, they’re pretty excited about the next one and spend some time looking forward.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 27, 2019 YY (3-4)
    162 “The Space Pirates” 3-4

    Steven and Erika can’t get enough of “The Space Pirates” so they watch two more episodes. Space machinations! Space plot twists! Space captures! Space pirates!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 27, 2019 YY (2)
    161 “The Space Pirates” 2

    Erika and Steven watch the only moving-footage episode of “The Space Pirates”, and Erika has a lot to say about it: Robert Holmes has an egg agenda; Milo Clancy’s “old prospector” voice isn’t quite up to Incomparable podcast snuff; and she discovers her favourite Doctor Who spaceship (besides the TARDIS, of course).

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 26, 2019 YY (1)
    160 “The Space Pirates” 1

    Steven and Erika embark upon their final reconstructed story, despite Steven’s continuing bout of con crud. What will Erika think of this generally derided piece of Doctor Who history? Well, she really likes beginnings, so it’s a fairly decent start! But will that opinion hold? Who knows?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 20, 2019 XX (4-6)
    159 The Seeds of Death 4-6

    Erika and Steven complete their journey to the moon and back, and along the way enjoy a FOAM PARTY! Fewsham has layers. Managers aren’t always connected to reality. Good direction is everywhere in this story. We are closing in on the end of Patrick Troughton’s era! Oh my giddy aunt!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 9, 2019 XX (2-3)
    158 The Seeds of Death 2-3

    Steven and Erika continue to enjoy the exciting adventures of the Doctor and his companions as they take a rocket to the moon! Fewsham is insulted and pitied, Ms. Kelly and Mr. Phipps are admired, the direction is appreciated, and T-Mat dumbwaiters are invented. So much fun!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 3, 2019 XX (1)
    157 The Seeds of Death 1

    Erika and Steven finish off their day of Superbowl counter-programming with the first episode of a story they both like quite a bit. If it wasn’t for Erika’s pesky day job, they might press on, but alas; it is bedtime for her.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 3, 2019 WW (3-4)
    156 “The Krotons” 3-4

    Steven and Erika finish off “The Krotons” and discuss what might happen to Gond society after the Doctor & Co. run off without saying goodbye. This story might not have the greatest fan reputation, but we enjoy it quite a bit!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 3, 2019 WW (2)
    155 “The Krotons” 2

    Erika and Steven continue the birthday celebrations in high-brain fashion with some cake and a bit of crystal-slurry. Delicious!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 3, 2019 WW (1)
    154 “The Krotons” 1

    Steven and Erika celebrate Steven’s birthday in style — by watching “The Krotons”! Now that’s a party!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 2, 2019 VV (7-8)
    153 “The Invasion” 7-8

    Erika and Steven finish off one of the most epic stories we’ve come across yet. Packer and Vaughn and Cybermen and bombs and missiles and UNIT and action and a stroll across an empty-looking field. This story has it all!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 31, 2019 VV (5-6)
    152 “The Invasion” 5-6

    Steven and Erika finally reach the titular invasion! It’s every bit as iconic as we remembered. Tobias Vaughn continues to be one of the greatest Doctor Who villains of all time. Erika re-thinks her love of Isobel (just a little bit).

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 30, 2019 VV (3-4)
    151 “The Invasion” 3-4

    Erika and Steven push ahead with more 1968 Doctor Who. What more need be said than “PACKER”?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 30, 2019 VV (1-2)
    150 “The Invasion” 1-2

    Steven and Erika hurtle headlong into the UNIT era of Doctor Who! With the super-suave Brig on one side and super-suave Tobias Vaughn on the other, plus adorable Doctor+Jamie and capable Zoe+Isobel, that’s the makings of the start of one heckuva story.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 15, 2019 UU (3-5)
    149 The Mind Robber 3-5

    Erika and Steven finish off this delightfully fictional story in one fell swoop. They also wander off on many tangents, but they’re pretty much all fictional so that qualifies as being kinda-sorta on-topic. Probably.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 6, 2019 UU (2)
    148 The Mind Robber 2

    Steven and Erika make their way through a forest of letters to bring you this podcast episode. And they eat more Pizza Pops.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 5, 2019 UU (1)
    147 The Mind Robber 1

    Erika and Steven brave the awesome-trippy nothingness that is this extra episode of Doctor Who. Sometimes budgetary constraints lead to great things. Then they beg for a toaster oven. Yeah, just like this DW ep, this podcast ep takes a weird turn.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 4, 2019 TT (4-5)
    146 The Dominators 4-5

    Steven introduces Erika to a Canadian delicacy: Pillsbury Pizza Pops. Maybe it’s their effect, but she came out of this story thinking it was “a hoot”! A comedic hoot.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 4, 2019 TT (2-3)
    145 The Dominators 2-3

    Erika and Steven debate Quarks and comedy, then chat about Dulcian fashion, customs, and physiology. Plus, potential pizza pops! It’s quite a mixed bag here at LDW HQ tonight!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 26, 2018 TT (1)
    144 The Dominators 1

    Steven and Erika embark on season six of classic Doctor Who! How will Erika’s opinion stack up against the fairly abysmal opinion of received fan wisdom? So far “RFW” has it wrong. Again. (But that could very well change as we go along. This story seems to have plenty of room to slide swiftly downhill.)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 21, 2018 SS (5-6)
    143 The Wheel in Space 5-6

    Erika and Steven finally finish off Zoe’s debut story, and Erika enjoys it more than received fan wisdom has led her to expect. There’s some neat stuff going on here.

    Now for true authenticity, please go back and re-listen to Lazy Doctor Who episodes 113, 114, 115, 116, and 117 before moving on to episode 144.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 10, 2018 SS (3-4)
    142 The Wheel in Space 3-4

    Steven and Erika knock out two more episodes of “The Wheel in Space”, one of which is actually moving! Zoe is great, Bill names a bug after himself, and Jarvis continues to be annoying.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 9, 2018 SS (2)
    141 The Wheel in Space 2

    Erika and Steven press on in hopes of an episode with more dialogue and more stuff happening. And they’re in luck because while episode two may lack the Doctor, at least there’s still a doctor. Also, ZOE! Hurrah!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 9, 2018 SS (1)
    140 The Wheel in Space 1

    Steven and Erika watch the BritBox-exclusive reconstruction of the first episode of this Doctor Who story from 1968. Some stuff happens. But not all that much. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 4, 2018 RR (6)
    139 Fury from the Deep 6

    Erika and Steven complete this lovely, happily-ended story and say a fond farewell to Victoria.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 3, 2018 RR (3-5)
    138 Fury from the Deep 3-5

    Steven and Erika zip through three episodes of this creeptacular Doctor Who story from 1968. Foam party!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 31, 2018 RR (2)
    137 Fury from the Deep 2

    Erika and Steven wish you a happy Halloween! They just watched one of the spookiest episodes in all of Doctor Who — much to Erika’s delighted surprise!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 21, 2018 RR (1)
    136 Fury from the Deep 1

    Steven and Erika are impatient when it comes to watching Doctor Who. We can’t watch today’s episode of series 11 yet? Well then we’ll watch an episode from 1968!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 8, 2018 QQ (5-6)
    135 The Web of Fear 5-6

    Erika and Steven celebrate Thanksgiving by finishing off “The Web of Fear”, a Doctor Who story they definitely give thanks for—both because it’s really Quite Good, and because (most of) it EXISTS.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 30, 2018 QQ (3-4)
    134 The Web of Fear 3-4

    Steven and Erika power through a recon and a moving episode. They’re mostly entranced, with one notable exception on Erika’s part. Then they somehow end up in Newfoundland. You never know what you’ll get on Lazy Doctor Who

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 8, 2018 QQ (2)
    133 The Web of Fear 2

    Erika and Steven continue to work their way through “The Web of Fear”. The Doctor is missing; Anne Travers continues to be awesome; a Welshman is stereotypical; and Steven nearly chokes on popcorn—or on a bad Canadian joke.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 4, 2018 QQ (1)
    132 The Web of Fear 1

    Steven and Erika forge ahead with more Doctor Who and learn they’re much peppier when they record earlier in the evening. Hope you’re ready for lots of laughter and at least one great big tangent.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 3, 2018 PP (5-6)
    131 The Enemy of the World 5-6

    Erika and Steven wish you a happy Labour Day! As is our wont, we bring you some classic Doctor Who goodness on this long weekend. What better way to celebrate than to finish off a story we both enjoy? While we do have a couple lingering questions about “The Enemy of the World”, we’re quite satisfied by the end.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 18, 2018 PP (3-4)
    130 The Enemy of the World 3-4

    Steven and Erika bring you greetings from Worldcon 76 in San Jose, California, where it’s time for some hotel-based Doctor Who viewing. Because we know how to party at a con.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 4, 2018 PP (2)
    129 The Enemy of the World 2

    Erika and Steven wish you all a happy Heritage Festival weekend and celebrate the occasion with an episode of “The Enemy of the World”. From Hungary to Mexico to Fiji to Australia, this one is all over the map!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 28, 2018 PP (1)
    128 The Enemy of the World 1

    Steven and Erika get back to Doctor Who with a story they’ve both seen several times (including quite recently). This doesn’t faze them a bit, as they both still very much enjoy it.

    Erika just wishes she had remembered to mention the groovy wallpaper in Astrid’s bungalow.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2018 OO (6)
    127 The Ice Warriors 6


    Erika and Steven finish off Canada Day by finishing off “The Ice Warriors”. It had its ups and downs, but in the end they agree it’s a pretty good story.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2018 OO (4-5)
    126 The Ice Warriors 4-5


    Steven and Erika keep trucking along though the ice. To her delight, Erika finds the voices are much much better when there are moving creatures to pair them with. Steven talks about Pink Floyd — and even manages to make it relevant.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2018 OO (2-3)
    125 The Ice Warriors 2-3

    …ahem… TWO - THREE

    Erika and Steven continue the Canada Day festivities with more Doctor Who. However, Erika isn’t feeling very festive, due to the vocal performances of some of the actors in this story. Why does it have to be a SIX-parter?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2018 OO (1)
    124 The Ice Warriors 1

    …or should we say “THE ICE WARRIORS ONE” to match the opening credits?

    We should definitely say Happy Canada Day! As per tradition, Steven and Erika spend part of their national holiday watching this show (created by a Canadian!) and podcasting about it.

    There’s an awful lot to say about this episode! From incidental music to Victoria headcanon to a surprising amount of talk about Mark Gatiss’ stories, but there’s still time to squeeze in the official Canada Day-Doctor Who theme song!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 24, 2018 NN (5-6)
    123 The Abominable Snowmen 5-6

    Erika and Steven finish off their first shelf of Doctor Who! Erika (amid coughing) develops some potential headcanon for Victoria’s character development. Summer colds are the worst.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 9, 2018 NN (4)
    122 The Abominable Snowmen 4

    Steven and Erika continue their trek through the mountains. Erika continues to discover Victoria’s cleverness. Steven repeats himself. (It was bound to happen eventually. Please forgive him.)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 3, 2018 NN (3)
    121 The Abominable Snowmen 3

    Erika and Steven continue unraveling the mysteries in the monastery, which is important because Victoria doesn’t like mysteries. (You go, girl! Solve that sh*t!)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 2, 2018 NN (2)
    120 The Abominable Snowmen 2

    Steven and Erika get back to the mountains (and argue about which mountains are better) for some more sweet Yeti action. There’s also some yammering about missing episodes, Twitch, royals, a local art installation, and a bunch of vagueness about forthcoming podcast projects.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 19, 2018 NN (1)
    119 The Abominable Snowmen 1

    Erika and Steven are back at it and ready to celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend in style—1960s Doctor Who style, that is!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 1, 2018 MM (1-4)
    118 The Tomb of the Cybermen 1-4

    Steven and Erika say hello from a Calgary hotel as they plow through the entirety of this iconic story, but perhaps not for the reason you think.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 29, 2018 LL (6-7)
    117 The Evil of the Daleks 6-7

    Erika and Steven are back! And we’ve finished season 4 of Doctor Who. Since we’ve been gone so long and want to make up for it, we bring you our longest episode yet! (Ok, that’s not really why. We just have a LOT to say about this excellent and momentous story!) DW DVD menu.jpg

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 3, 2018 LL (5)
    116 The Evil of the Daleks 5

    Steven convinces Erika to (try to) stay up for one more episode of Doctor Who. Perhaps not the wisest idea, as we had to stop and rewind twice to catch poor Erika up after drifting off. Birthdays, man. Whaddaya gonna do?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 3, 2018 LL (3-4)
    115 The Evil of the Daleks 3-4

    Erika and Steven celebrate Steven’s birthday in the most appropriate way possible—watching Doctor Who and then talking about it on a podcast. And there’s quite a lot to dig into in these two episodes.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 30, 2018 LL (2)
    114 The Evil of the Daleks 2

    Steven and Erika didn’t want to stop at just one Doctor Who episode tonight. So on we go (or back we go) to 1866!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 30, 2018 LL (1)
    113 The Evil of the Daleks 1

    Erika and Steven dive into another unfamiliar-to-Erika Doctor Who story, which delights her to no end. Mystery and clues and detecting and Daleks—what more could you ask for? NONE MORE, that’s what.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 13, 2018 KK (4-6)
    112 The Faceless Ones 4-6

    Steven and Erika finish off “The Faceless Ones” (and thus, Ben and Polly’s tenure on Doctor Who) in one fell swoop. It may not be the best goodbye, but at least they get one—and it’s after a delightful story, so all in all, could be worse.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 10, 2018 KK (2-3)
    111 The Faceless Ones 2-3

    Erika and Steven watch a couple more exciting-and-“new” episodes of Doctor Who. The second Doctor is very second Doctorey! Jamie and the Doctor start pairing off! Not enough Polly and Ben! And, most important of all, a truly, truly terrible hat.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 6, 2018 KK (1)
    110 The Faceless Ones 1

    Steven and Erika watch the closest thing Erika has found to truly new-to-her Who yet. With virtually no knowledge of what’s to come, this story takes on an extra layer of excitement!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 31, 2017 JJ (1-4)
    109 The Macra Terror 1-4

    Erika and Steven ring out 2017 ON THE PODCAST! What better way to spend the dying hours of a year than with a delightful Doctor Who story about giant, authoritarian crabs? We couldn’t think of one. So here we are.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 30, 2017 HH (4)
    108 The Moonbase 4

    Steven and Erika finish off 1967’s “The Moonbase” and chat a bit about Cyber-continuity. Erika also has headcanon regarding coffee trays in space.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 26, 2017 HH (3)
    107 The Moonbase 3

    Erika and Steven celebrate Boxing Day with some more of “The Moonbase”. THIS is where Polly’s awesomeness comes to the fore! And Erika remembers to say some stuff she forgot last time. Better late than never!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 24, 2017 HH (2)
    106 The Moonbase 2

    Steven and Erika roll right along into episode 2 because Erika doesn’t want to have to wait any longer to see real moving pictures—and moving sets! Not to mention a buncha sweet “science” and delicious technobabble!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 24, 2017 HH (1)
    105 The Moonbase 1

    Erika and Steven celebrate Christmas Eve by watching the first episode of the second Cybermen story—the animated version, anyway. Beware the Phantom Piper!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 13, 2017 GG (3-4)
    104 The Underwater Menace 3-4

    Steven and Erika finish off what is one of the weirdest stories in the history of Doctor Who. Erika isn’t quite sure what she just saw or if she liked it overall, but man oh man, what a ride!

    When we started this podcast, some people worried we’d hit the recons in the 1st and 2nd Doctors’ eras, get demoralized, and give up. I think we have proved that’s not the case. NOTHING IN THE WORLD CAN STOP US NOW!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 25, 2017 GG (2)
    103 The Underwater Menace 2

    Erika and Steven watch MOVING PICTURES OF PATRICK TROUGHTON. That’s the most important thing right now, really.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 15, 2017 GG (1)
    102 The Underwater Menace 1

    Steven and Erika watch the official BBC recon of “The Underwater Menace” Episode 1 together—and it’s the first time for us both! (Though Steven has seen another recon previously.) Togetherness at last!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 14, 2017 FF (3-4)
    101 The Highlanders 3-4

    Erika and Steven stay up late to finish off “The Highlanders”, the story that introduces us to future-companion Jamie McCrimmon…but doesn’t really do anything else with him.

    Oh yeah, and we finally remember to acknowledge hitting 100 episodes!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 7, 2017 FF (2)
    100 The Highlanders 2

    Steven and Erika laugh it up over Episode Two of “The Highlanders”. Troughton is really coming into his own!

    And we were too lazy to keep track and notice that this was our 100th episode, so the celebration is entirely here in the show notes. Happy 100th ep, everyone! Confetti! Party poppers! Silly hats! Especially silly hats.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 5, 2017 FF (1)
    99 The Highlanders 1

    Erika and Steven dig into the last proper historical for a very long time. No moving pictures, but this ep moves along just fine!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 12, 2017 EE (6)
    98 The Power of the Daleks 6

    Steven and Erika reach the end of the second Doctor’s first serial. And what a grisly end it is! People think Who is dark these days? Sheeeeesh.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 10, 2017 EE (5)
    97 The Power of the Daleks 5

    Erika and Steven take a few moments to talk about their new project on the TeeVee feed: a Lazy Doctor Who spinoff podcast covering every episode of The Prisoner. You (at least some of you) asked for it, so here you go! Please enjoy In the Village.

    And then we talk about creepy Daleks and creepy rebels and awesome Polly and the Doctor.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 1, 2017 EE (4)
    96 The Power of the Daleks 4

    Steven and Erika reach what may be the best single Dalek episode ever—at least, according to Erika.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 23, 2017 EE (3)
    95 The Power of the Daleks 3

    Erika and Steven are making Patrick Troughton’s first Doctor Who story last. It’s one episode at a time for us these days! Savor the goodness!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 15, 2017 EE (2)
    94 The Power of the Daleks 2

    Steven and Erika continue watching the reconstruction of Patrick Troughton’s first Doctor Who story. And go on a brief (but sorta kinda related) tangent about Total Party Kill.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 8, 2017 EE (1)
    93 The Power of the Daleks 1

    Erika and Steven tread into bold new territory: the Patrick Troughton era of Doctor Who!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 5, 2017 DD (1-4)
    92 The Tenth Planet (1-4)

    Steven and Erika are joined by a couch interloper! Annette Wierstra provides a slightly new-Whoish perspective on this, the origin of the Cybermen. We also chat about the series 10 finale and the trailer for the 2017 Christmas special.

    It’s a truly momentous episode. We have completed the William Hartnell era, and the timing is perfect to tie in with the current series. Just…wow.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 22, 2017 CC (4)
    91 The Smugglers 4

    Erika and Steven finish off 1966’s “The Smugglers”, go on quite a tangent about the characterization of the Doctor over the years, celebrate the naming of Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor, and finish up by teasing our next episode that will be a little different. We also use this very episode of the podcast itself (in the future! — our future, your present) to coerce help from next episode’s special guest. We hope.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 26, 2017 CC (3)
    90 The Smugglers 3

    Steven and Erika try to power through the last two eps of this Doctor Who story from 1966. Erika fights valiantly to stay awake and mostly succeeds. Blame the travel schedule more than the episode. It’s still fun Who!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 16, 2017 CC (1-2)
    89 The Smugglers 1-2

    Erika and Steven watch some more reconstructed Doctor Who and squee mightily over the fabness of Ben and Polly.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 20, 2017 BB (3-4)
    88 The War Machines 3-4

    After a longish break (to mourn Dodo?), Steven and Erika are back in the classic saddle and have finished off season 3 of Doctor Who.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 26, 2017 BB (2)
    87 The War Machines 2

    Erika and Steven say a sad farewell to Dodo, whose send-off is kinda appropriately pants. Poor Dodo. But hey, there’a new companion duo ready and willing to take her place, starting in the very next scene!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 17, 2017 BB (1)
    86 The War Machines 1

    Steven and Erika jump right into the swingin’ 60s. Computers! Connecting! To each other! The Inferno night club! Sad sailors and sexy secretaries! This Doctor Who episode has it all.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 9, 2017 AA (3-4)
    85 The Savages 3-4

    Erika pushes through a migraine so she and Steven can finish off Steven (Taylor)’s final story. They are So Sad to see him go. They also marvel at the crucial turning point this story presents for the Doctor as a character. “The Savages” is a hidden gem! (We hope!)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 4, 2017 AA (2)
    84 The Savages 2

    Steven and Erika continue to mightily enjoy their anniversary weekend and Doctor Who from 1966. “The Savages” elicits some powerful observations, and we’re only halfway through!

    Also, Erika is very sorry for burping during the podcast. :/

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 4, 2017 AA (1)
    83 The Savages 1

    Erika and Steven celebrate their anniversary weekend in Calgary by watching reconstructed Doctor Who from 1966 in their hotel room. As is right and proper.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 9, 2017 Z (4)
    82 The Gunfighters 4

    Steven and Erika finish “The Gunfighters” from 1966…4 days ago. This is the second podcast they’ve recorded about it. But it’s the only one that still exists.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 26, 2017 Z (2-3)
    81 The Gunfighters 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue watching 1966’s “The Gunfighters”, and finally suss out what’s going on with Dodo. Oh yeah, and there’s whiskey involved.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 7, 2017 Z (1)
    80 The Gunfighters 1

    Steven and Erika haven’t podcasted together since last year! But they’re back to classic Doctor Who with the musical, comic romp that is 1966’s “The Gunfighters”.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 11, 2016 1.12 & 1.13
    79 Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

    Erika and Steven complete their frolic through the 2005 series of Doctor Who. It’s a strong finish for RTD’s “first album”. So that means the foreseeable future will be all classic-Who all the time. Probably.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 23, 2016 DWD2016
    78 Doctor Who Day 2016

    Steven and Erika are flying high…literally! This LDW ep is an experiment from 30,000 feet. We hope you are all having a wonderful Doctor Who Day!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 19, 2016 Y (4)
    77 The Celestial Toymaker 4

    Erika and Steven wash their hands of the final episode of this Doctor Who serial from 1966. The boardgame thing is fun, but the “stupid ball” is back in play in a big way.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 17, 2016 Y (2-3)
    76 The Celestial Toymaker 2-3

    Steven and Erika do a rare mid-week episode, having watched a couple of Doctor Who eps from 1966. No more creepy clowns, but creepy dolls and infuriating nonsense! Oh, and more racism! SIGH…

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 11, 2016 Y (1)
    75 The Celestial Toymaker 1

    Erika and Steven move right along to Doctor Who’s next story from 1966. It’s…less(?) racist than some others. Yay? It’s also full of fun and games…and creepy clowns. Yay?

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 11, 2016 X (3-4)
    74 The Ark 3-4

    Steven and Erika finish off the second half of this story (which is really two stories in one) from 1966. Steven is surprised at Erika’s reaction to the next story!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 10, 2016 X (1-2)
    73 The Ark 1-2

    Erika and Steven had so much fun talking about “The Massacre”, they decide to toddle along to the first couple eps of the next Doctor Who story from 1966.

    Between these stories, we’ve developed quite the headcanon revolving around Steven and Dodo. Is Steven Dodo’s great-grandfather? Is Dodo high as a kite on LSD? Listen and see if we can convince you!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 10, 2016 W (2-4)
    72 The Massacre 2-4

    It’s been a super-rough week in the real world, so Steven and Erika decide to escape into a little 1966 Doctor Who. Erika continues to enjoy this story quite a bit! (Though she does descend into fearful worry at one point. Steven gamely keeps her on track with the delights of the Doctor and Co.)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 4, 2016 1.11
    71 Boom Town

    Steven and Erika are back at long last! The month-of-sports (October) is over, and that means there’s more time for Doctor Who. They jump back in with another episode from 2005. Series 1 is almost over!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 24, 2016 W (1)
    70 The Massacre 1

    Erika and Steven try to build some momentum by diving into the next Doctor Who story from 1966. They’re both surprised by Erika’s strong reaction! Talking in rooms! It’s the best!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 23, 2016 V (11-12)
    69 The Daleks’ Master Plan 11-12

    Steven and Erika finally finish off this epic Doctor Who story, and are utterly depressed when it’s all over. Happily, the talk turns to animated stories, conventions, and juice boxes before the end, so it’s not all doom and gloom from 1966.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 5, 2016 V (10)
    68 The Daleks’ Master Plan 10

    Erika and Steven enjoy another moving-pictures episode of this long serial from 1966. Not a lot happens, but we can see it happening! So that’s neat and stuff.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 4, 2016 V (8-9)
    67 The Daleks’ Master Plan 8-9

    Steven and Erika celebrate New Year’s Eve, 1966 in style! With cricket and a volcano and ancient Egypt! Oh, and a dash of a Meddling Monk and a side of time-travelling Daleks. Never a dull moment in Doctor Who!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 3, 2016 V (7)
    66 The Daleks’ Master Plan 7

    Erika and Steven wish a happy Christmas to all of you at home!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 3, 2016 V (5-6)
    65 The Daleks’ Master Plan 5-6

    Steven and Erika watch a couple more Doctor Who episodes from 1965. Then Erika waxes poetic about a Labyrinth-Doctor Who connection that blew her mind. And there may even be some more Lazy Doctor Who coming this evening, as it’s the start of a holiday weekend!

    This story is really great, you guys.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 2, 2016 V (4)
    64 The Daleks’ Master Plan 4

    Erika and Steven continue making their way through this serial from 1965. This time, Erika has had wine. Which, it turns out, is not a recommended accompaniment to reconstructed Doctor Who.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 26, 2016 V (2-3)
    63 The Daleks’ Master Plan 2-3

    Steven and Erika are back to watching classic Doctor Who from 1965. Erika is high as a kite on codeine, Steven is full of info about missing episodes, and they’re both excited to see moving pictures!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 25, 2016 1.09 & 1.10
    62 The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

    Erika and Steven time-travel to 2005 once again to talk about the genesis of Captain Jack and oh-so-much dancing. It’s Steven Moffat’s debut with Who!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 20, 2016 V (1)
    61 The Daleks’ Master Plan 1

    Erika and Steven had Quite A Day. And what better way to celebrate A Day than to watch some reconstructed classic Doctor Who from 1965? We certainly can’t think of one?

    Why was it Such A Day, you ask? Well, Uncanny Magazine, for which Steven and Erika produce a monthly podcast (and Erika helps proof the magazine itself), won a Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine!

    Erika is Rather Overwhelmed.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 1, 2016 U (4)
    60 The Myth Makers 4

    Steven and Erika bid a fond farewell to Vicki, aka Cressida in this final (reconstructed) episode of Doctor Who’s “The Myth Makers” from 1965. They’re exhausted and full of food after attending Edmonton’s Heritage Festival, but they manage to muddle through a podcast recording anyway.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 23, 2016 1.08
    59 Father’s Day

    Steven and Erika interrupt your regularly unscheduled classic Doctor Who with another dash of series 1 new-Who. This time it’s Paul Cornell’s Father’s Day. So Many Feels!

    We also plug one of our other efforts: Uncanny Magazine, which is running its Year Three Kickstarter!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 16, 2016 U (2-3)
    58 The Myth Makers 2-3

    Erika and Steven continue watching the reconstruction of Doctor Who’s “The Myth Makers” from 1965. Erika is disappointed to learn it’s only a 4-parter, and there’s only one episode left.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 9, 2016 U (1)
    57 The Myth Makers 1

    Is it time for Steven and Erika to go out and enjoy the Edmonton sunshine on a beautiful Saturday? Well, yes, by now it is, but 25 minutes ago, no! It was time to watch a reconstruction of a Doctor Who episode from 1965.

    The much-vaunted, eagerly-awaited “The Myth Makers” is finally here! Will it live up to the hype? Maybe!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2016 T/A
    56 Mission to the Unknown

    Ok, NOW our Canada Day mini-marathon concludes! Erika and Steven complete the last episode in the Verity Lambert era, the unique-in-many-ways “Mission to the Unknown”.

    We watched an animated version of this “Dalek Cutaway” (no, it’s not really called that), which was really fab. Erika felt as much tension watching the animated characters as she has with many live actors. It cooked along and I could tell what was happening!

    More observations and some serious reminiscences await in the podcast!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2016 T (4)
    55 Galaxy 4 4

    Our Canada Day mini-marathon concludes(?) as Steven and Erika complete Doctor Who’s 1965 serial, “Galaxy 4”. We’re back to a reconstruction, but it’s a good’un.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2016 T (2-3)
    54 Galaxy 4 2-3

    Our Canada Day mini-marathon continues as Erika and Steven press on with more Doctor Who from 1965. And one episode is actually made up of moving pictures!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2016 T (1)
    53 Galaxy 4 1

    Happy Canada Day everyone! Steven and Erika get back to 1965 Doctor Who with the first (mostly non-existent) episode of “Galaxy Four”. A Canada Day mini-marathon has apparently become a tradition. We’re good with that.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 2, 2016 1.07
    52 The Long Game

    Erika and Steven jump forward once again to series 1 of “new” Who with “The Long Game”. This story that has a surprising number of parallels with “The Time Meddler”, which they just finished. And both realize they like it more than the remembered!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 2, 2016 S (3-4)
    51 The Time Meddler 3-4

    Steven and Erika complete 1965’s “The Time Meddler”, and thus, season 2 of Doctor Who! It’s time for more monkerey!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 1, 2016 S (2)
    50 The Time Meddler 2

    Erika and Steven move on to episode 2 of 1965’s “The Time Meddler”. And they do one of the most classic North American-Doctor Who-fan things they’ve ever done: a pledge break!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 21, 2016 S (1)
    49 The Time Meddler 1

    Steven and Erika do another on-location episode, this time from the very heart of The Incomparable Podcast Network—Jason Snell’s garage. It’s a perfect opportunity to create some content, in this case, episode 1 of 1965’s “The Time Meddler”.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 3, 2016 1.06
    48 Dalek

    Erika and Steven are popping back to 2005 for some new-Who again. From the comedy Daleks of “The Chase” to something entirely different here. Quite the media whiplash!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 30, 2016 R (5-6)
    47 The Chase 5-6

    Erika and Steven are still in their Calgary hotel room and finished off 1965’s “The Chase”. Erika has feels. Many of them. Perhaps even all of them.

    And if you’re wondering what that background noise is at the very end as we say goodbye it’s the ice maker in the fridge of the fancy hotel room.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 30, 2016 R (4)
    46 The Chase 4

    Steven and Erika record another ep in a hotel room bed after attending Calgary Expo and then watching ep 4 of 1965’s “The Chase”. Erika has words for this episode. Strong, strong words.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 10, 2016 1.04 & 1.05
    45 Aliens of London & World War Three

    Steven and Erika dip into new-Who once again, continuing series 1 from 2005. Farting aliens, anyone? Yeah. Didn’t think so.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2016 R (2-3)
    44 The Chase 2-3

    Erika and Steven cap off their anniversary celebration with two episodes of 1965’s “The Chase”. This story elicits a split decision thus far.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2016 R (1)
    43 The Chase 1

    Steven and Erika continue rolling along with their anniversary celebration. They start watching 1965’s “The Chase”. With wine!

    And before they dig into that, they chat about the “Defending the Museum” extra on the DVD of “The Space Museum”. Rob Shearman is both very right and very wrong.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2016 Q (3-4)
    42 The Space Museum 3-4

    Erika and Steven continue their anniversary celebration by completing “The Space Museum” from 1965. The classic Doctor Who marathon will continue soon…with wine!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    March 2, 2016 Q (2)
    41 The Space Museum 2

    Steven and Erika celebrate their anniversary by getting back to classic Doctor Who, continuing “The Space Museum” from 1965.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 27, 2016 1.03
    40 The Unquiet Dead

    Erika and Steven watch another new-Who ep from series 1 in 2005. This one feels a bit more like classic Who, which is rather comforting.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 27, 2016 1.02
    39 The End of the World

    Steven and Erika take another brief hiatus from classic Doctor Who to continue with the second episode from 2005’s series 1. Erika is pretty sure this is only the second time she’s seen this story. Steven thinks she had issues.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 24, 2016 Q (1)
    38 The Space Museum 1

    Erika and Steven dive into the next Doctor Who serial from 1965. Erika declares it NONSENSE! Steven drops some technical knowledge. It’s a real party. Or a real podcast from a couch. You decide.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 24, 2016 P (2-4)
    37 The Crusade 2-4

    Steven and Erika finish off “The Crusade” from 1965. Erika has a strong reaction to this story! And sings the praises of her new accountant!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 17, 2016 P (1)
    36 The Crusade 1

    Erika and Steven continue on to the first episode of “The Crusade” from 1965. (Mostly because Steven wants to watch something that’s directed better than “The Web Planet”.)

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 17, 2016 N (5-6)
    35 The Web Planet 5-6

    Steven and Erika finish off the fifth serial of Doctor Who’s second season, “The Web Planet” from 1965. And Erika begs for a return to Vortis in series 10. No, really.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 7, 2016 N (2-4)
    34 The Web Planet 2-4

    Erika and Steven close out their Superbowl Sunday Doctor Who marathon by continuing (but not quite finishing) “The Web Planet”. If only humans didn’t need sleep, there’d be more coming, but alas, sleep isn’t just for tortoises.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 7, 2016 N (1)
    33 The Web Planet 1

    Steven and Erika haven’t had enough Doctor Who yet on this Superbowl Sunday. They move on from a historical to something altogether more out-there. You may find the reaction to it surprising.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 7, 2016 M (4)
    32 The Romans 4

    Erika and Steven finish off 1965’s “The Romans”. Happily, Erika finds that the last ep is much less objectionable, which is good because she loves loving Doctor Who.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 7, 2016 M (2-3)
    31 The Romans 2-3

    Steven and Erika continue their Superbowl Sunday 1965-Doctor Who viewing party. And Erika discovers “The Romans” isn’t as easy or pleasant to watch as she’d hoped.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    February 7, 2016 M (1)
    30 The Romans 1

    Erika and Steven spend Superbowl Sunday watching Doctor Who from 1965. First up is “The Slave Traders”, episode 1 of “The Romans”, where the TARDIS crew decides to relax!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 31, 2016 L (1-2)
    29 The Rescue 1-2

    Steven and Erika take their Doctor Who viewing into 1965 with Vicki’s first story. A two-parter means getting through a whole story in one night, which is always fun!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 30, 2016 K (2-6)
    28 The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2-6

    Erika and Steven continue (and complete!) Doctor Who’s second Dalek serial, from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 9, 2016 K (1)
    27 The Dalek Invasion of Earth 1

    Steven and Erika get back to classic Doctor Who right away and watch the second Dalek serial, from 1964.

    See? We didn’t give up on classic Who! You can relax now.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 9, 2016 1.01
    26 Rose

    Yes, really! Erika and Steven watch and discuss the first episode of “new-Who”, “Rose” from 2005.

    Why on Earth would we jump ahead 41 years? Well, you’ll have to listen to find out! We like to keep you guessing here at LDW HQ.

    But never fear, there’ll be more classic Doctor Who coming at you soon. Or not-soon, depending on how lazy we are. But we’re not giving up on the good old days!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 7, 2016 J (1-3)
    25 Planet of Giants 1-3

    Steven and Erika start season two of classic Doctor Who by watching an entire 3-episode story, “Planet of Giants” from 1964. And yes, Erika is a bit sleepy again.

    If you’ve been following along with the serial codes as we’ve listed them on the website, you’ll note the letter I was skipped. That’s because “I” looks too much like the number 1 and could have been confusing. Production code neepery FTW!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    January 1, 2016 H (6)
    24 The Reign of Terror 6

    Erika and Steven finish off their podcastey New Year’s Eve celebration by watching the final episode of the final story of Doctor Who’s first season (“The Reign of Terror” from 1964). This is the final of the three podcasts for this evening. One podcast ep for each DW ep!

    They also ask each other some questions from Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 31, 2015 H (5)
    23 The Reign of Terror 5

    Steven and Erika continue to celebrate New Year’s Eve by watching the final story of Doctor Who’s first season, “The Reign of Terror” from 1964. This is the second of three podcasts for this evening. One podcast ep for each DW ep!

    They also read some listener tweets!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 31, 2015 H (4)
    22 The Reign of Terror 4

    Erika and Steven celebrate New Year’s Eve by watching the final story of Doctor Who’s first season, “The Reign of Terror” from 1964. This is the first of three podcasts for this evening. One podcast ep for each DW ep!

    They also read some listener letters!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 23, 2015 H (2-3)
    21 The Reign of Terror 2-3

    Steven and Erika continue the final story of Doctor Who’s first season, “The Reign of Terror” from 1964. It’s another extra-lazy from-the-couch night!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 14, 2015 H (1)
    20 The Reign of Terror 1

    Erika and Steven start the final story of Doctor Who’s first season, “The Reign of Terror” from 1964. Erika is exceedingly sleepy and a wee bit grumpy, so it’s only one episode tonight!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 10, 2015 G (5-6)
    19 The Sensorites 5-6

    Steven and Erika are so excited to talk about “The Sensorites” from 1964, they decide to watch the last two episodes and record a second podcast in the same night!

    If you didn’t get the ep with parts 1-4, check your podcatcher app and make sure it’s set to download more than just the one most recent episode from our feed. You never know, this could happen again!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 10, 2015 G (1-4)
    18 The Sensorites 1-4

    Erika and Steven move on to the next Doctor Who serial from 1964, “The Sensorites”. It’s much more to Erika’s taste than “The Aztecs” was, and they both spend quite a bit of time exclaiming over all the bits they enjoy. There are many!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 9, 2015 F (3-4)
    17 The Aztecs 3-4

    Steven and Erika finish off the sixth serial of Doctor Who, parts 3 and 4 of “The Aztecs” from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    December 8, 2015 F (2)
    16 The Aztecs 2

    Erika and Steven are back home in Edmonton and back to watching Doctor Who. Picking up where they left off in London, it’s episode 2 of “The Aztecs” from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    November 5, 2015 F (1)
    15 The Aztecs 1

    Steven and Erika are in LONDON! So of course, they watch some Doctor Who from 1964. This is an extra-lazy from-the-hotel-bed recording so Erika didn’t have to hold up her head while recording. Again. Hey, walking around London (and Cardiff) is tiring!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 26, 2015 E (4-6)
    14 The Keys of Marinus 4-6

    Erika is very sleepy because Steven wanted to watch all of the final three episodes of “The Keys of Marinus”, from 1964. This is an extra-lazy from-the-couch recording so Erika didn’t have to hold up her head while recording. Now that’s lazy!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    October 25, 2015 E (2-3)
    13 The Keys of Marinus 2-3

    Steven and Erika are finally healthy enough to get back to podcasting about “The Keys of Marinus”, from 1964. They’re both still hoarse due to a bout of whooping cough, but they soldier on through talking about two episodes.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    September 3, 2015 E (1)
    12 The Keys of Marinus 1

    Erika and Steven finally get around to starting the next Doctor Who serial, “The Keys of Marinus”, from 1964. Steven has a terrible cough, and Erika is high on Tylenol 3 after some painful dental work. It’s rambly fun!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    August 8, 2015 D (4-7)
    11 Marco Polo 4-7

    Steven and Erika decide to, in one fell swoop, finish off the reconstruction of Doctor Who’s fourth serial, “Marco Polo”, from 1964. How did Erika fare in consuming so much recon in one sitting? Listen and see!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 18, 2015 D (2-3)
    10 Marco Polo 2-3

    Erika and Steven finally get back to watching the reconstruction of Doctor Who’s fourth serial, “Marco Polo”, from 1964. Warning: there’s more singing in this episode.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    July 1, 2015 D (1)
    9 Marco Polo 1

    Steven and Erika celebrate Canada Day in style—by watching Erika’s (almost) first proper recon! It’s “The Roof of the World”, the first episode of Doctor Who’s fourth serial, “Marco Polo”, from 1964. They also explain a bit about why Doctor Who has missing episodes and what a “reconstruction” is. Learning is fun!

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 14, 2015 C (1-2)
    8 The Edge of Destruction 1-2

    Erika and Steven continue Erika’s birthday weekend celebration by watching Doctor Who with Erika’s parents (who do not appear on the podcast, sadly). The story in question is the show’s third serial, “The Edge of Destruction”, from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    June 13, 2015 B (7)
    7 The Daleks 7

    Steven and Erika talk about the seventh (and final) episode of “The Daleks”, Doctor Who’s second serial, from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 30, 2015 B (5-6)
    6 The Daleks 5-6

    Steven and Erika record another podcast on the couch. They talk about the fifth and sixth episodes of “The Daleks”, Doctor Who’s second serial, from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 28, 2015 B (4)
    5 The Daleks 4

    Erika and Steven record a podcast on location! Well, if the couch counts as a “location”. They talk about the fourth episode of “The Daleks”, Doctor Who’s second serial, from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 15, 2015 B (3)
    4 The Daleks 3

    Erika and Steven discuss the third episode of “The Daleks”, Doctor Who’s second serial, from 1964.

    Follow us on Twitter at @LazyDoctorWho and email us at

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 7, 2015 B (1-2)
    3 The Daleks 1-2

    Steven and Erika record a podcast on location! They talk about the first two episodes of “The Daleks”, Doctor Who’s second serial, from 1964.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    May 3, 2015 A (2-4)
    2 An Unearthly Child 2-4

    Erika and Steven discuss the final three episodes of the debut Doctor Who story, “An Unearthly Child”, from 1963.

  • Lazy Doctor Who cover art
    April 27, 2015 A (1)
    1 An Unearthly Child 1

    Erika and Steven explain the premise of Lazy Doctor Who and why this is a podcast. Then they discuss the very first episode of Doctor Who, “An Unearthly Child”, from November 1963.