Not Playing with Lex and Dan
A podcast where two guys fill the gaps in their pop-culture knowledge by watching classic movies that they haven't seen before.All Episodes
November 1, 2024
10.7 The Rookie
We move into the eighth inning of our baseball season. This time, Dan and Lex follow a coulda-been-a-contender pitcher in 2002’s The Rookie. Hot topics include Disney movie formulas, offscreen plot developments, and how this is basically two movies in one.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
October 18, 2024
10.6 Everybody Wants Some!!
Back from our checks scores fifth-inning stretch, our baseball season continues! This time, rookie freshman Lex Friedman is taken under the wing of (very!) veteran Dan Moren in 2016’s Everybody Wants Some!! Hot topics include repercussions (or the lack thereof), how this differs from our college experiences, and whether this movie is even really a baseball movie.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 2, 2024
10.5 Fever Pitch
As we hit the middle of our tenth season, Lex journeys to Dan’s hometown for a momentous historical baseball event with a so-so love story in 2005’s Fever Pitch. Hot topics include an unlikeable lead, when the sport overshadows the story, and missing comedy.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 19, 2024
10.4 Major League
It’s the top of the fourth, and grizzled veteran catcher Dan Moren is trying to corral wild pitcher Lex “Wild Thing” Friedman as they watch 1989’s Major League. Hot topics include a terrible romance based on stalking, a surprising lack of comedy, and how exactly a team this offensive lasted so long.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 5, 2024
10.3 Eight Men Out
We return for the third inning of our baseball season, where intrepid reporters Dan Moren and Lex Friedman try to get to the bottom of a cheating scandal in John Sayles’s 1988 film, Eight Men Out. Hot topics include ticker-tape simulcasting, playing good baseball badly, and so many character actors.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 21, 2024
10.2 The Natural
For the second inning of our baseball season, newcomer (?) phenom Lex Friedman joins the down-and-out team of grumpy manager Dan Moren in 1984’s The Natural. Hot topics include allegories, villainous villains, and whether the main character is a ghost.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 7, 2024
10.1 Bull Durham
We lead off the tenth(!) season of our podcast with a fastball right up the middle as veteran minor leaguer Dan Moren takes prodigal but wild talent Lex Friedman under his wing in 1984’s Bull Durham. Hot topics include what to get a couple for a wedding gift, why it’s called Bull Durham, and whether a certain character is too annoying.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 8, 2023
9.8 Gattaca
As season 9 draws to a close, naturally born Dan Moren and genetically superior Lex Friedman must work together to overcome a discriminatory society in 1997’s Gattaca. Hot topics include: when is a metaphor just a metaphor, so many surprise actors, and whether Uma Thurman is a superhero.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 25, 2023
9.7 Little Shop of Horrors
Finally, a movie musical that tells the truth: dentists are jerks. Lex Friedman sits down Dan Moren to watch 1986’s Little Shop of Horrors, a movie based on a musical based on a movie (that wasn’t a musical). Hot topics include: Can a puppet be both impressive and unsettling? Has Rick Moranis ever been more Rick Moranis? And how do you ride that line between too weird and not weird enough?
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 11, 2023
9.6 The Rocketeer
The Rock-a-who? Crotchety old inventor Dan Moren and handsome flying ace Lex Friedman team up to watch 1991’s Disney adventure flick, The Rocketeer. Hot topics include what makes a superhero, the joys of central casting, and why no one can twirl a mustache like Timothy Dalton.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 28, 2023
9.5 Pretty Woman
Not listening to this is a big mistake—huge. Dan Moren and Lex Friedman sit down to watch Julia Roberts’s star-making turn in 1990’s Pretty Woman. Hot topics include surprising agency, corporate raiders with a heart of gold, and Jason Alexander’s affinity for playing jerks.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 14, 2023
9.4 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Who are these guys? Why, they’re wily outlaw Dan Moren and taciturn gunslinger Lex Friedman, who are fleeing their relentless pursuers while watching the 1969 classic, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Hot topics include a dynamite rapport, the death of the West, and so much smoldering.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 30, 2023
9.3 GoodFellas
Damn, it doesn’t always feel good to be a gangster. Mobster Lex Friedman takes young up-and-comer Dan Moren under his wing as they watch the 1990 classic GoodFellas. Hot topics include cameras that won’t stay still, the way you get whacked, and so many drugs.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 16, 2023
9.2 All the President’s Men
Follow the podcasts! Intrepid journalists Dan Moren and Lex Friedman unravel a ripped-from-the-headlines presidential conspiracy with 1976’s All the President’s Men. Hot topics include which reporter is which, barging into people’s houses, and eerie resonances.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 2, 2023
9.1 Clueless
It’s time to embark upon a brand new season of Not Playing!
This time, popular high schoolers try to make Lex Friedman and Dan Moren cool by showing them 1995’s Clueless. Hot topics include cellphone size, family religion, and Jane Austen.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 12, 2022
8.4 12 Monkeys
To bring this mini-season of Not Playing to a close, we have to go back to the beginning. Time traveler Lex Friedman encounters asylum inmate Dan Moren as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of 12 Monkeys.
Hot topics include timey-wimey logic, Brad Pitt’s disturbing eye prosthetic, and all the Terry Gilliaming Terry Gilliam can Terry Gilliam.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 29, 2022
8.3 Tron
We’re past the halfway point in our abbreviated season and this time hotshot programmer Lex Friedman has been sucked into a computer where he meets heroic program Dan Moren and they watch 1982’s Tron.
Hot topics include glossaries of computer terms, frisbee playing, and the power of metaphors.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 15, 2022
8.2 Teen Wolf
In our second episode of this abbreviated season, high school basketball coach Lex Friedman is on a winning streak with star player (and werewolf) Dan Moren as they watch 1985’s Teen Wolf.
Hot topics include terrible parties, dangerous stunts, and is this all a metaphor?
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 1, 2022
8.1 Total Recall
It’s a brand new (mini) season of Not Playing as we take on a quartet of otherworldly movies starting with the letter ‘T’. We kick it all of with amnesiac Lex Friedman facing off against diabolical politician Dan Moren as they watch the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger classic Total Recall.
Hot topics include the boring nature of constant shooting, Jerry Goldsmith’s bombastic score, and like, what is real, man?
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
October 28, 2021 Point Break
7.9 Point Break
To close out season 7 of Not Playing, we check in on Keanu Reeves once again, as surfer/bank robber Dan Moren and undercover FBI agent Lex Friedman sit down to watch the 1991 film Point Break.
Hot topics include bad FBI agents, not enough heists, and why you always remember your first time jumping out of a plane with no parachute.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
October 14, 2021 Speed
7.8 Speed
In the first installment of Keanu Reeves duology, mad bomber Lex Friedman forces SWAT officer Dan Moren to watch 1994’s Speed, or risk being blown up.
Hot topics include other actors floated for Reeves’s role, Dennis Hopper taking it to 11, and whether or not a bus really could jump a 50-foot freeway gap.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 2, 2021 Patriot Games
7.7 Patriot Games
Rounding out our Harrison Ford trilogy, former CIA analyst Lex Friedman is beset by vengeful Irish terrorist Dan Moren as they watch 1992’s Patriot Games.
Hot topics include dense plotting, similarities with other Ford characters, and the complexities of the Ryanverse.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 12, 2021 Air Force One
7.6 Air Force One
We’re flying the friendly skies once again this week, as President Dan Moren’s plane is hijacked by Russian terrorist Lex Friedman, who forces him to watch 1997’s Air Force One.
Hot topics include the evolution of the Die Hard genre, casual deaths of innocents, and Harrison Ford’s vetting processes.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 29, 2021 Witness
7.5 Witness
We’re going Dutch this week—Pennsylvania Dutch, that is, as Philadelphia cop Lex Friedman and Amish kid Dan Moren watch 1985’s Witness.
Hot topics include Harrison Ford’s star power, Amish representation, and a lot of fake blood.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 15, 2021 Trading Places
7.4 Trading Places
Is it nature or nurture? We attempt to find out this week when a couple of old rich white guys swaps the lives of successful executive Dan Moren and down-on-his-luck Lex Friedman in 1983’s Trading Places. (As a note: please be aware that the movie itself contains more than a few extremely problematic and offensive moments.)
Hot topics include the excellent comedic talents of the leads, a surprising season’s theme with female characters, and the racism, oh god, the racism.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 1, 2021 A Few Good Men
7.3 A Few Good Men
There’s nothing we can’t handle this week, as cocky military lawyer Lex Friedman and his assistant (with no responsibilities whatsoever) Dan Moren go to court with 1992’s A Few Good Men.
Hot topics include Sorkinisms, the conflict over the military, verisimilitude, and a murderer’s row of talented actors.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 17, 2021 Top Gun
7.2 Top Gun
Come fly the not so friendly skies with Lieutenant Dan “Gambit” Moren and his wingman Lieutenant Lex “Snuggie” Friedman as they watch 1986’s seminal fighter jet treatise, Top Gun.
Hot topics include surprising comedy, solidly workmanlike craft, and whether or not Tom Cruise will ever sing on film again.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 3, 2021 Risky Business
7.1 Risky Business
We’re back for season seven, and a whole host of popular movies that one or both of us haven’t seen. To kick things off, innocent teens Lex Friedman and Dan Moren are left home alone, and naturally start a burgeoning-if-illicit enterprise while watching 1983’s Risky Business.
Hot topics include Tom Cruise’s star power, the lack of any moral discussion, and a surprising amount of tact for an ’80s sex comedy.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 24, 2020 Heaven Can Wait
6.9 Heaven Can Wait
We’ve reached the Super Bowl of Football Season, but can we win it all? Heavenly administrator Lex Friedman takes reincarnated quarterback Dan Moren under his wing (eh? ehh?) as they watch 1978’s Heaven Can Wait.
Hot topics include Warren Beatty’s storied career, whether this is really a football movie, and some existential questions about the ending.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 10, 2020 We Are Marshall
6.8 We Are Marshall
In our penultimate Football Season movie, unconventional coach Lex Friedman partners up with devastated assistant coach Dan Moren to revitalize a college football program as they watch 2006’s We Are Marshall.
Hot topics include the tricky balancing act of a movie about a tragedy and a movie about football, a hot take on Matthew McConaughey, and the sidelining of female characters.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 27, 2020 The Blind Side
6.7 The Blind Side
As we continue our Football Season, forceful parent Lex Friedman embraces adopted son Dan Moren as they watch the 2009 film, The Blind Side.
Hot topics include the shift in culture, truth being stranger than fiction, and whose viewpoint we’re really seeing the story from.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 13, 2020 Varsity Blues
6.6 Varsity Blues
Do we want your life? That’s what second-string high school quarterback Dan Moren is trying to figure out with the help of his buddy, offensive linebacker Lex Friedman in 1999’s Varsity Blues.
Hot topics include muddled plot lines, more mustache-twirling than you can twirl a mustache at, and when a “comedy drama” ends up being neither.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 30, 2020 Necessary Roughness
6.5 Necessary Roughness
It’s play by the rules, lose by the rules as straight arrow coach Lex Friedman tries to teach mid-thirties freshman quarterback Dan Moren while they watch 1991’s Necessary Roughness.
Hot topics include a surprisingly respectful shower scene, comedy whiplash, and the inevitable tropes of sports movies.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 16, 2020 Any Given Sunday
6.4 Any Given Sunday
They say anything can happen, and that’s what strident coach Lex Friedman tries to drill into brash young quarterback Dan Moren as they watch the 1999 film Any Given Sunday.
Hot topics include making a capital ‘m’ Movie, how combining four scripts into one film doesn’t necessarily go well, and just generally why Oliver Stone is a lot.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 2, 2020 Rudy
6.3 Rudy
They said he was too small to ever make it, but Dan Moren gets encouragement from kindly old janitor Lex Friedman as they sit down to watch 1993’s Rudy.
Hot topics include why Rudy would make a good superhero, young appearances by two well-known actors, and a football movie that’s only sort of about football.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 18, 2020 Friday Night Lights
6.2 Friday Night Lights
Get your mojo on with tough but fair coach Lex Friedman as he encourages serious quarterback Dan Moren to watch the 2004 film Friday Night Lights, but not the following TV show of the same name.
Hot topics include the heavy weight of Texas high school football, why winning isn’t everything, and why that one dad should not be forgiven.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 4, 2020 Invincible
6.1 Invincible
It’s a brand new season of Not Playing: Football Season. Join veteran Lex Friedman as he clears the way for rookie Dan Moren while they watch 2006’s Invincible, which is merely coincidentally about Lex’s favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles.
Hot topics include the uplifting nature of sports movies, what a 1976 football player gets paid, and the legend of Johnny Two-Hands.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
April 9, 2020 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
3.11 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
It all comes down to this. We return with a special bonus episode that sees the embodiment of all Jedi, Dan Moren, and the collection of all Sith, Lex Friedman, cover 2019’s Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, thus wrapping up their coverage of the storied franchise.
Hot topics include the surprisingly brilliant deployment of Threepio humor, the camaraderie of our main characters, a Kylo Ren-demption, and building an entire story around cast-off Leia scenes.
Thanks for tuning in, and keep your eyes peeled for season 6 of Not Playing, coming this summer!
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
November 14, 2019 Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
5.9 Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Two tough guys who don’t always see eye-to-eye team up this week, which also happens to be the plot of the final (to date) installment of The Fast and the Furious franchise, 2019’s Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.
Hot topics include the evolution of the franchise’s female characters (and often lack thereof), wasted villains, charisma up to your eyeballs, and how the heck the Rock fits in a tiny car.
Plus, stay tuned for an exclusive sneak peek at season six of Not Playing, coming to you sometime next year.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
October 10, 2019 The Fate of the Furious
5.8 The Fate of the Furious
Family never gives up on you, and neither do Lex and Dan as they embark upon the final main sequence film of The Fast and the Furious franchise, 2017’s The Fate of the Furious.
Hot topics include exactly how you program your military base’s gates to act in case of an emergency, bringing up baby, and why you should always avoid swarms of hacked cars on your commute.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 26, 2019 Furious 7
5.7 Furious 7
We’re back, tracking down a techie McGuffin in the seventh installment of The Fast and the Furious franchise, the concisely named Furious 7.
Hot topics include the rat-a-tat nature of stunt sequences, whether this series would be better with supernatural elements, how far we can push miraculous healing, and the continued lack of development of female characters.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 12, 2019 Fast & Furious 6
5.6 Fast & Furious 6
To London we go in this, the sixth installment of The Fast and the Furious series, 2013’s Fast & Furious 6.
Hot topics include when a twist is not a twist, the increasingly comic book superhero nature of these films, too long runways, and why some characters just have to die.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 29, 2019 Fast Five
5.5 Fast Five
We’re back, and it’s off to Brazil we go as we go from car racing to out-and-out robbery in the fifth installment of The Fast and Furious franchise, 2011’s Fast Five.
Hot topics include whether The Rock can redeem this franchise, the trouble with rooting for bad guys, giving as good as you get in a fight, and, of course, massive amounts of collateral damage.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 18, 2019 Fast & Furious
5.4 Fast & Furious
We may not be fast, but we’re definitely a little angry as we slog through the desert on the way to the fourth installment of The Fast and the Furious franchise, Fast & Furious.
Hot topics include twists that nobody cared about, an ever-so-marginally better treatment of women, bizarre chronology rearrangement, and why they keep making the same movie.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 4, 2019 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
5.3 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Hop the plane to Japan, because we’re drifting right into the third installment of The Fast and the Furious franchise, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
Hot topics include the inexcusable objectification of women right off the bat, unfortunate accents, why everybody inexplicably wants to give the main character things, and, of course…the drift.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 20, 2019 2 Fast 2 Furious
5.2 2 Fast 2 Furious
Hit the NOS and jump that bridge! We’re back with the second installment of our trip through The Fast and the Furious franchise, 2003’s 2 Fast 2 Furious.
Hot topics include going all-in on sequel names right away, cookie-cutter villains, literally removing the voice of female characters, and are we having fun yet?
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 6, 2019 The Fast and the Furious
5.1 The Fast and the Furious
We’re kicking off Season 5 of Not Playing by getting all speed and irascible with the first installment of the the storied automotive action franchise, 2001’s The Fast and the Furious.
Hot topics include how bad a cop Brian O’Conner is, the disappointing treatment of female characters circa 2001, and why exactly this movie spawned an action franchise.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
March 15, 2019 “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
3.10 Solo: A Star Wars Story
We’ve got a good feeling about this. It’s member season around these parts, and Lex and Dan are back to their old Star Wars tricks, especially for you. Join daredevil pilot Dan Moren and charming gambler Lex Friedman as they steal away with 2018’s Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Hot topics include whoever the hell Laredo is, speaking the Wookiee language, the somewhat mystifying fate of Qi’ra, and why Woody Harrelson playing a Woody Harrelson character is always a good thing.
Plus, we quickly deliver some angry news about the upcoming Not Playing Season 5.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 24, 2018 Skyfall
4.7 Skyfall
Season 4 of Not Playing draws to a close with a dealer’s choice: 2012’s Skyfall, starring Daniel Craig, and released on the 50th anniversary of the franchise. A fitting end.
Hot topics include salt and pepper beards, Bond age, throwbacks to the beginning of the franchise, and what might be in store for season 5.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 10, 2018 Casino Royale (2006)
4.6 Casino Royale
James Bond is a hard man to catch up to, but Dan and Lex have done just that as they sit down to watch the role’s current (as of this recording) portrayer, Daniel Craig, in his debut outing: 2006’s Casino Royale.
Hot topics include why blondes have more fun, Lex’s infuriation about onscreen poker protocol, and the secret origins of 007.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 27, 2018 GoldenEye
4.5 GoldenEye
We’ve hit the ’90s and with it the tenure of the effortlessly cool Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Lex and Dan settle in for his debut in the role in 1995’s GoldenEye.
Hot topics include having your grim cake and eating it too, why the popular video game may be better than the movie, and how not to handle sexual harassment.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 13, 2018 The Living Daylights
4.4 The Living Daylights
It’s the first of Timothy Dalton’s two outings as 007: 1987’s The Living Daylights, and Dan and Lex are buckled in for a new, more serious Bond.
Hot topics include the regression of female characters, a decided lack of Bond-ish one liners, and oh my god is there skiing in this movie too?
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 29, 2018 For Your Eyes Only
4.3 For Your Eyes Only
It’s on to one of the longest-tenured Bonds—and the first English actor to play him—Sir Roger Moore. Dan and Lex take on 1981’s For Your Eyes Only, the fifth of Moore’s seven outings.
Hot topics include Blofeld’s side gig on a particular Disney ride, a strange point of continuity, why you should always pick a car that rolls, and yet another winter chase sequence.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 15, 2018 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
4.2 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Filling Sean Connery’s shoes is no easy task, perhaps even more so when you’re an Australian model.
Dan and Lex return to consider the second actor to fill the title role in the storied franchise, and the only one with a single credit to his name: George Lazenby in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.
Hot topics include questionable parenting decisions, lengthy winter wonderchases, under- and overcranking, and exactly why this never happened to the other guy.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 1, 2018 Goldfinger
4.1 Goldfinger
Four. Season four.
Not Playing is back, and this time around we’re delving into a fifty-plus year franchise with its fair share of fans and detractors: James Bond. We’ll be picking the best entry from the tenure of each actor to play the legendary secret agent.
To kick it off, we’ll be starting with perhaps the most iconic movie in the franchise: 1964’s Goldfinger, starring future Russian submarine captain Sean Connery.
Hot topics include something familiar about the personage of our villain, just how long it takes to paint someone to death, and, the relative wokeness of the James Bond franchise. (Spoiler: Not very.)
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
March 29, 2018 Star Wars: The Last Jedi
3.9 Star Wars: The Last Jedi
This is not going to go the way you think. Or will it? For this special bonus episode, we watch the most recent movie ever to appear on the show, and round out our viewing of one of the world’s biggest franchises. Join grumpy sequestered Jedi Master Dan Moren and enthusiastic would-be trainee Lex Friedman as they team up to check out 2017’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Hot topics include “how do you pronounce the director’s name?”, alienation that has only a little to do with aliens, and the question that’s on everyone’s mind: What is wrong with Lex Friedman?
Plus, some TOP SECRET info on the upcoming season four of Not Playing.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 7, 2017 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
3.8 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The circle is now complete. We conclude our viewing of the Star Wars saga—for now, anyway—with the most recent installment in the main sequence of movies. Grizzled smuggler Dan Moren teams up with desert scavenger Lex Friedman to take in the spectacle that is 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Hot topics include Kylo Ren as a Vader wannabe, how to get just the right amount of C-3PO, and, of course, the fact that Supreme Leader Snoke is a dumb name.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 24, 2017 Return of the Jedi
3.7 Return of the Jedi
In our penultimate episode, we close out the original trilogy with the movie that began a sixteen year hiatus of the Star Wars franchise. Lovable Ewok Dan Moren leads rebel commando Lex Friedman through the 1983 version of Return of the Jedi.
Hot topics include distracting alien effects, much ado about Admiral Ackbar’s famous line, what the heck the deal with Force ghosts is, and, of course, whether the film is a Vader apologia.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
August 10, 2017 The Empire Strikes Back
3.6 The Empire Strikes Back
We return to season 3 of Not Playing with the rare sequel that arguably surpasses its predecessor—at least as far as one of our panelists is concerned. Roguish smuggler Lex Friedman puts his trust in card player, gambler, and scoundrel Dan Moren to lead him through the 1980 masterpiece The Empire Strikes Back.
Hot topics include the most awkward dinner ever, disconcerting tauntaun animations, and, of course, why puppet Yoda is better than CGI Yoda.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 27, 2017 “Star Wars”
3.5 Star Wars
On to the main course. It’s the 1977 classic that started this whole thing: Star Wars. (And not with any of that “Episode IV” jazz or anything.) Crazy old wizard Dan Moren and whiny farm boy Lex Friedman embark upon the epic beginning of the franchise as season 3 of Not Playing passes the mid-point.
Hot topics include the names of Tatooine’s two suns, the weird slightly retconnings of Rogue One, whether or not the Millennium Falcon really is a hunk of junk, and, of course, why Obi-Wan Kenobi calls his old buddy “Darth”.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
July 13, 2017 “Rogue One”
3.4 Rogue One
And now for something completely different. Rebel spy Dan Moren and reckless criminal-turned-freedom-fighter Lex Friedman take a break from the story of the Skywalker clan to watch 2016’s Rogue One, the first of the standalone anthology movies set in the Star Wars universe.
Hot topics include why droids are programmed with people-like personalities, why the Death Star flaws come in two separate parts, the convincing performance of Governor Tarkin, and hey, Jimmy Smits is back!
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 29, 2017 “Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith”
3.3 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
And with this, we conclude eating our vegetables for this special third of Not Playing covering the Star Wars saga. Dark Lord of the Sith Dan Moren and his apprentice Lex Friedman watch the final installment of the prequels, 2005’s Revenge of the Sith, allowing them to at last move onward and upward.
Hot topics include the complete absurdity of Anakin’s fall to the dark side, the frustrating nature of putting Padmé on a shelf, and, wait, is that Jimmy Smits again?
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 15, 2017 “Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones”
3.2 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
We return to a galaxy far, far away, a slightly less long time ago for the second installment of our epic third season, covering the entire Star Wars saga. Supreme Chancellor Dan Moren guides Senator Lex Friedman through the 2002
soporific borefilm, Attack of the Clones.Hot topics for this episode include telling the difference between clones and droids, a horrendously unconvincing love story, why CGI Yoda is an offense to all right-minded people, and who the hell Jimmy Smits is playing.
Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
June 1, 2017 “Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace”
3.1 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
You’re not seeing things! We’re back with a very special season three of Not Playing with Lex and Dan. Right on schedule, as we promised. Go about your business. Move along.
Regular listeners of the show know that among the most egregious holes in Lex’s movie-watching history are most of the Star Wars saga, so in season three, we’re out to correct that oversight. Join Jedi Master Dan Moren as he takes padawan Lex under his wing and shepherds him through the entire eight (soon to be nine) movie saga.
Hot topics for this debut episode, which covers the 1999
travestyinstallment, The Phantom Menace, include what to do about really uncomfortable portrayals of aliens, why some droids can’t speak English, whether or not Queen Amidala is currently Natalie Portman, and what the hell planet we’re on now.Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!
September 8, 2014 “Scarface”
2.12 Dude, Where’s My Scarface?
Special guest John Siracusa takes time out of his busy operating-system review schedule to join Lex and Dan for Not Playing’s season two finale. Neither John nor your regular hosts had ever seen Scarface. We fixed that.
Of course, Siracusa’s known for being hypercritical. Will Oliver Stone’s script, Brian De Palma’s directing, and Al Pacino’s acting be enough to impress him, or will Scarface need to say hello to John’s little friend: grudging disdain?
Hot topics include what makes a gangster movie successful, random characters who suddenly become the center of attention during the climactic conclusion, and man, is Michelle Pfeiffer beautiful.
Want to support the show? You can stream along from Amazon and give us a kickback at the same time, or if you prefer iTunes, we roll that way too.
You may be wondering when season three of Not Playing will kick off. We’re wondering that, too, and we’ll decide soon! Stay tuned to the site and our Twitter feed for more info.
August 15, 2014 “Sneakers”
2.11 Finders Sneakers
We missed you, too.
We took a few weeks off, but then we felt that longing, that need to once again share the joy of watching a movie most everyone has seen, but that at least one of us hasn’t.
In this case, Dan introduced Lex to 1992’s Sneakers, which Lex repeatedly attempted to confuse with the Angelina Jolie starrer Hackers. Sneakers is not Hackers, as Dan patiently explained to Lex. Repeatedly. For a movie about cryptography and hacking, Sneakers holds up surprisingly well.
Hot topics include Lex’s confusion between Robert Redford and Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley’s New Jersey accent or lack thereof, and stock characters.
Support the show by watching Sneakers via Amazon streaming, or by grabbing the movie from iTunes. And, as always, we’d love it if you left us a review.
July 21, 2014 “Glengarry Glen Ross”
2.10 Glengarry Glen Ross Glenn Fleishman
ABC: Always Be ‘Casting.
Lex didn’t know how big a David Mamet fan Dan was; he just knew that Dan hadn’t seen Glengarry Glen Ross, and that was an oversight only Not Playing could fix.
So put that coffee down and listen in as Dan experiences the Jack Lemmon / Al Pacino / Kevin Spacey / Ed Harris / Alec Baldwin / Alan Arkin film for the first time.
Hot topics include whether all sales people are really like this, similarities between Mamet and Aaron Sorkin, and enjoying a movie where there’s no one in particular to root for.
We suggest that after you watch (and listen), you follow it up with a viewing of Alec Baldwin delivering his famous Glengarry speech on Saturday Night Live—while motivating Santa’s elves.
It’s true; Glengarry Glen Ross is streaming on Netflix. But if you aren’t a Netflix member, and/or you want to help support the podcast, feel free to stream it from Amazon or iTunes instead.
July 11, 2014 “The Hunt for Red October”
2.9 The Hunt for Red Octoberfest
When you need someone to perfectly embody a Russian military officer, there’s only one man to think of. And that man, of course, is Connery. Sean Connery.
This week, Dan invites Lex to see a movie for the first time—a movie where Connery gets precisely such a role: 1990’s The Hunt for Red October. Lex had been in the theater for this film once, years ago, but he fell asleep after just a few minutes.
That doesn’t happen this time. Or does it?!
Hot topics include unsubtle language transitions, submarine lingo, and whatever the word is for that narrative device where you know more, and also less, than the other characters do. (It’s probably German.)
Support Not Playing by streaming The Hunt For Red October from Amazon or iTunes. And while you’re there, go ahead and leave us a review, won’t you, tovarisch?
July 5, 2014 “There’s Something About Mary”
2.8 Over There’s Something About Mary
History is littered with successful brothers: the Wrights, the Karamazovs, the Wayans, the Hansons, and so on. But perhaps no pair of brothers has become so famous for an extended masturbation joke as the brothers Farrelly.
Dan had never seen their, ahem, seminal 1998 classic There’s Something About Mary. After learning of Dan’s appreciation for the comedy in movies like Army of Darkness and Hudson Hawk, Lex felt like he had a good chance of entertaining Dan with Stiller/Diaz/Dillon hijinks.
You’ll have to listen to learn whether Lex was right. Hot topics include stunt dogs, the brothers Dillon, and cringeworthy comedy.
You can watch along with us by streaming the film from Amazon or iTunes. And while you’re over at iTunes, leave us a rating, why don’t you?
June 20, 2014 “Army of Darkness”
2.7 You and What Army of Darkness
Sometimes things are simply dead. Other times, they are EVIL dead. But one thing will never die: Dan’s affection for Army of Darkness, the third film in Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead trilogy—which Lex had never seen.
Hot topics include director trademarks, when campiness works, and homages to movies that we also haven’t seen.
You can watch along with us by streaming the film—we used the theatrical release version—from Amazon or iTunes.
Dan apologizes for the occasional trucks you’ll hear driving past his open window. But that was better than his suffering heatstroke in the midst of enjoying Bruce Campbell’s fine performance.
June 13, 2014 “Beetlejuice”
2.6 Spelling Beetlejuice
Michael Keaton only appears for 17 and a half minutes—but he’s still playing the title role. And he’s joined by Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O’Hara. It’s 1988’s Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice!
Dan had never seen it, but Lex remembered the film fondly. (Lex even owned a slew of Beetlejuice-themed toys back in his childhood.)
Hot topics include Danny Elfman’s noticeable score, which special effects age best, and the joy of when daylight comes and me wan’ go home.
You can also watch along with us by streaming Beetlejuice from Amazon or iTunes. And we always appreciate ratings and reviews there, too.
If you watch along with us using the commentary track, don’t panic if there’s an extended moment of silence (or two); Skype issues made things a bit difficult for us during the film for a spell.
June 6, 2014 “Hudson Hawk”
2.5 Hudson Hawkward
You’re Bruce Willis, you’ve made it big with Die Hard, and there’s only one obvious next step: You make a goofily silly vanity project with unlikely musical numbers, James Coburn, and Leonardo da Vinci.
And that project is the 1991 box-office bomb—but cult classic!—Hudson Hawk. Lex, like much of America, hadn’t seen it. And, at Dan’s insistence, Lex did no research of any kind; he had no idea what to expect as he watched it with Dan for the first time. In retrospect, Lex thinks maybe he should have been drunk. At least as drunk as Willis himself must have been when he conceived the film.
Hot topics include whether this is David Caruso’s best role, the perfection of a certain runaway stretcher scene, and how stupid is too stupid for comedy.
May 23, 2014 “Twins”
2.4 Twins Some, Lose Some
Black and white. Yin and yang. Cheech and Chong. Lex and Dan. Life is full of opposites that go together.
This week, Lex shows Dan the 1988 comedy classic Twins. DeVito. Schwarzenegger. And let’s not forget Preston or Caruso!
Hot topics include how much easier Arnold is to impersonate than Danny, likable bad guys, and unlikable good guys.
You can support Not Playing by filling out our listener survey, checking out Hulu Plus, or also by streaming Twins from Amazon, or ordering the DVD. If iTunes is more your style, you can grab the movie there, too. And don’t hesitate to leave us a rating or a review while you’re there!
May 16, 2014 “L.A. Confidential”
2.3 What the L.A. Confidential?
What do you get when you take a bunch of leading and character actors, mix them together in a 1950s-era neo-noir, and sprinkle on a helping of Not Playing? You get L.A. Confidential, that’s what.
Dan knew Lex had never seen the Russell Crowe/Kim Basinger/Guy Pearce/Kevin Spacey/Danny DeVito flick. He also knew that the movie won Oscars (though it lost many more to Titanic), and, of course, that L.A. Confidential has a 99% fresh rating over at Rotten Tomatoes. What could go wrong?!
Hot topics include whether James Cromwell should even have attempted that Irish accent, how this may well be the spontaneously violent role that Crowe was born to play, and comparisons to The Untouchables (which Lex first watched last season).
You can support Not Playing by filling out our listener survey, and also by streaming L.A. Confidential from Amazon, or ordering the Blu-ray. Or heck, read the book! If iTunes is your cup of whiskey-infused tea, you can grab the movie there, too.
And while you’re in iTunes, think about leaving us a review or a rating. You can even keep your identity (L.A.) confidential.
May 7, 2014 “Moon”
2.2 That’s No Moon!
We all go through moon phases.
Amazingly enough, though Lex had seen the 2009 Sam Rockwell sci-fi film Moon, Dan had not. Fortunately, Lex recognized the gravity of the situation, and righted that wrong with Dan for this week’s episode.
Hot topics include Sam Rockwell’s incredible acting ability, the morality of what’s going on in the movie, and happy endings.
You can support us not only by checking out our fine sponsor below (mmm, delicious Shari’s Berries, with big discounts if you use the code NOT PLAYING), but also by streaming Moon from Amazon, or ordering the Blu-ray. If iTunes is your cup of tea, you can grab the movie there, too.
And while you’re in iTunes, think about leaving us a review or a rating. That would just send us over the moon.
May 2, 2014 “Fargo”
2.1 Fargo to Hell
We're back. But we still haven't seen a lot of movies.
After season one's romp through the 80s, Lex and Dan return for a new season of watching movies that everyone else has seen--but that they haven't. And for season two, we're now part of The Incomparable podcasting empire. (Not that Lex has seen The Empire Strikes Back. Yet.)
Season two kicks off with a movie neither Dan nor Lex had seen prior: The Coen brothers' 1996 black comedy Fargo. Bust out your best North Dakotan accent and let's do this. Hot topics include character actors and the roles we recognize them from, feeling real emotions for fictional characters in comedies, and--of course--wood chippers.
You can support us not only by checking out our fine sponsors below, but also by streaming Fargo from Amazon, or ordering the DVD. If iTunes is your cup of tea, you can grab the movie there, too.
And while you're in iTunes, think about leaving us a review or a rating, why don'cha?
February 21, 2014 “The Karate Kid”
12 I Karate Kid You Not
Wax on, wax off, wax nostalgic: It’s the season finale of Not Playing, and we have both a special guest and a special movie.
Neither Lex or Dan had ever seen the seminal 1984 martial arts classic The Karate Kid. And neither had The Incomparable host Jason Snell, who joins us to watch one of Ralph Macchio’s finest performances.
Hot topics include Elisabeth Shue’s sweater collection, the power of the montage, and whether Mr. Miyagi is kind of a jerk—if a preternaturally good karate teacher. Sweep the leg!
You can support Not Playing by streaming The Karate Kid from Amazon, or by ordering the DVD. iTunes fans can support the show by snagging the film via this link. And while you’re in iTunes, think about leaving us a review or a rating. Seriously. We know karate.
February 14, 2014 “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”
11 Doctor Who Framed Roger Rabbit
We’re not bad podcasters. We’re just drawn that way.
Dan somehow never saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit, the 1988 American fantasy comedy classic directed by Robert Zemeckis, and starring every awesome cartoon character that ever was. And Roger Rabbit murders a guy. Or does he?!
Hot topics include whether Donald Duck utters a racial epithet (no), whether it’s okay for humans to find Jessica Rabbit attractive (also no), and whether Christopher Lloyd has ever portrayed a young man (also also no).
You can support Not Playing by streaming Who Framed Roger Rabbit from Amazon, or ordering the DVD/Blu-ray combo pack. Prefer to show your support for Not Playing via iTunes? Snag the movie there instead. And while you’re there, think about leaving us a review or a rating. Think real hard. Thanks!
February 7, 2014 “The Untouchables”
10 The Funtouchables
David Mamet. Brian De Palma. Lex Friedman. Dan Moren. There’s no prohibition on podcasts about 1987 American crime dramas, so this week, Not Playing watches The Untouchables.
Hot topics include Sean Connery’s terrible accent, under-appreciated Naked Gun parody origins, and whether Andy Garcia could successfully portray a young Robert De Niro should the need arise. (Answer: Maybe.)
You can support Not Playing by streaming The Untouchables from Amazon, or ordering it on DVD or Blu-ray. Prefer to show your support for Not Playing via iTunes? Snag the movie there instead. We’ll be … untouchable.
January 31, 2014 “Coming to America”
9 Unbecoming to America
When you think of people who haven’t seen a lot of movies that most people have, think of Lex and Dan. And when you think of garbage, think of Akeem. Dan had never seen the 1988 classic starring Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall and Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall and Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall and Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall: Coming to America.
Hot topics include Eddie’s decision to play multiple characters in many of his films, the versatility of John Amos, and the job insecurity of professional flower petal tossers.
You can support Not Playing by streaming Coming to America from Amazon, or ordering it on DVD or Blu-Ray. Prefer to show your support for Not Playing via iTunes? Snag the movie there instead. We’ll live like princes!
January 17, 2014 “Lethal Weapon”
8 Lethal Weapon of Mass Destruction
Lex is a gruff-but-loving family man. Dan is a maverick on the edge. Together, they team up for a mission only they can accomplish: watching the 1987 buddy-cop classic Lethal Weapon. Which Lex has never seen—otherwise he’d know exactly how that mission turns out.
Hot topics include Mel Gibson’s hair, strange birthday rituals, L.A. traffic, and dealing with the dichotomy of the sometimes terrible things people do and whether that should be viewed as distinct from the art they create.
You can support Not Playing by streaming the movie from Amazon, or ordering it on DVD or Blu-Ray. Prefer to show your support via iTunes? Grab Lethal Weapon there instead.
January 10, 2014 “National Lampoon’s Vacation”
7 National Lampoon’s (Oy) Vacation
As the singer once sang, “Holiday ro-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ad.” Join us as we in turn join the Griswolds on their road trip across the United States in 1983′s comedy classic Vacation. The question: Will Dan, who’s never seen the Chevy Chase film, actually enjoy it?
Hot topics include casual 1980’s movie racism, Anthony Michael Hall, girls in Ferraris, slapstick comedy, and…Steve Jobs?
You can support Not Playing by streaming the movie from Amazon, or ordering it on DVD or Blu-Ray. Prefer to show your support for podcasters via iTunes? Snag Vacation there instead. We’ll get rich!
January 3, 2014 “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”
6 Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Time
This week we travel through time. It’s 1989’s Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, which Dan feels confident Lex will love. Time travel, comedy, and Keanu Reeves—what’s not to love?!
Hot topics include Back to the Future, the later careers of fine comic character actors (like So-crates), and the best time travel moment in cinematic history.
You can support Not Playing by watching Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure on Amazon, or on Blu-ray, or on DVD. Prefer iTunes? Support us that way, instead!
December 20, 2013 “Mannequin”
5 Mannequin Skywalker
Up this week is 1987’s Mannequin, one of Lex’s favorite ’80s comedies. It’s the story of Andrew McCarthy meeting Kim Cattrall, the woman of his dreams, even though she is mostly inanimate. And James Spader is at his weirdest, which is really saying something.
Hot topics include the appeal of window displays, the ancient Egyptians, and tolerance. Oh, and “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.”
Don’t have the movie? Support Not Playing by snagging the two-disc set with Mannequin and Mannequin 2 from Amazon. Baby, we can make it if we’re heart to heart.
December 13, 2013 “Field of Dreams”
4 Field of Dreamy
It’s another homage to the heyday of 1989 this week, as Dan takes Lex on a trip—through the imagination!—to a land called Iowa, and a sport called baseball. Yes, we’re watching Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams.
Hot topics include the rules of magic, the death of an American icon, and arguing with your parents.
Don’t have the movie? Why not support Not Playing by picking up the Field of Dreams (Blu-ray + DVD)
or just streaming it online
from the fine folks at Amazon.
December 6, 2013 “UHF”
3 UHF Yeah
If you’ve never seen the 1989 cult classic UHF, well, you’re in good company. This week, Lex leads Dan through the wonderful world of Weird Al.
Hot topics include kitchen accessories, paragons of acting, and the surprising curriculum vitae of ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic.
November 29, 2013 “Die Hard”
2 Die Hardy Boys
What better way to kick off the holiday season than with Bruce Willis’s star-making turn as an everycop? Dan introduces Lex to the best Christmas movie ever, 1988′s Die Hard.
Hot topics include Alan Rickman’s death scene, expletives in movies, and the many lives of Alexander Godunov.
November 15, 2013 “Beverly Hills Cop”
1 Beverly Hills Copacetic
It’s true: Neither Lex nor Dan had ever seen Beverly Hills Cop before 2013. For the debut episode of Not Playing, they sit down together to watch the 1984 Eddie Murphy classic.
Hot topics include vests, asses, and who exactly is the title character.