Aleen Simms
The Incomparable Mothership
- 757 Goodnight Moon Dragons
- 755 Is This... Dystopian?
- 752 Empathy for My Python Scripts
- 749 Just Clean the Beakers
- 744 Pineapple of Disappointment
- 735 Who Took My Lady?
- 729 A Mean Man Made Me Rank Things
- 726 Too Many Books in This Book
- 719 Three Novellas in a Trench Coat
- 715 Don't Let Books Make You Cry
- 711 Creepy Bone Owl
- 704 Kramer Before Kramer
- 687 Resurrected Corpse
- 683 It Was Okay
- 678 People Who Care About Kaiju
- 673 Ten Years or One Bullet Hole
- 670 I Guess I Like People?
- 669 Friendship & Cinnamon Rolls
- 663 A Lot of Ocean
- 657 A Cloud Atlas with 12 Monkeys
- 656 Endless Slumber Party
- 652 A Long Zoom
- 651 Breakfast Club for Superheroes
- 648 Magical NDA
- 620 Alien Donut Lady
- 616 Bad Decision Theater
- 605 Apocalypse Doctoring
- 601 The Most Holden Move
- 600 The Machine Was a Vampire
- 594 Money in His Underwear
- 585 Remember the Soup
- 574 Time Cop, Not a Time Cop
- 571 You Paint Mushrooms Beautifully
- 565 The Avengers of Cities
- 562 The Gentleness Axis
- 555 Dawson's Crypt
- 554 Don't Split the Party
- 552 Oh No, My Elixirs!
- 551 Transdimensional Tech Warlord
- 537 Roast Me, Amigo!
- 531 Linda Hamilton Bicep Fan Club
- 529 Ancient Goat Lettering
- 528 To Quantity!
- 525 Sorry, Ocean
- 524 ASMR From Hell
- 521 Knights of Exposition
- 516 Like a Fruit Salad
- 504 Bullied by Local Toughs and Snails
- 501 The Kickstarter of Space Exploration
- 499 I Love Space Fedoras
- 498 That Puppet Has an Agent
- 496 Get Into the Elephant Stuff
- 492 The Sith You've Dated
- 488 What If Romeo and Juliet Were Terminators
- 478 Death Snuggle Fort
- 477 Klimt Versus Monet
- 472 33 Percent Rule
- 471 High School Is a Strange Time
- 461 Team Jerkface
- 460 Three and a Half Mothers
- 456 Where's the Raccoon?
- 454 I Wrote a Letter to Myself
- 442 Sword is Definitely a Personality
- 440 Full Disclosure - The Best of 2018
- 429 A Juicer For People
- 427 A Lot of Rocket Metaphors
- 424 Never Not Wolves
- 423 Weird Alien Jiminy Cricket
- 419 This Is Why I Can't Be a Wizard
- 416 My Favorite of the Chrises
- 412 His Books Are Like Popcorn
- 407 Robot Lovin'
- 394 High on Mushrooms
- 393 The Ol' Reverse Lucifer
- 389 Tales from the Spirit Bathhouse
- 387 Good Job, Jerks - The Best of 2017
- 384 An Old Sock Full of Diamonds
- 381 That's Me Only Shirt!
- 371 Grandpa and His Musical Friends
- 359 I Tried to Quit This Book Twice
- 347 I Tore My Pants
- 346 Go to the Moon
- 344 Metaphors All the Way Down
- 340 Give the Robots Some Time
- 328 Panspermia, but for Clothes
- 325 The Monster Mash
- 308 Is Winter Coming?
- 306 Only One Spaceship
- 305 Mint in Box
- 301 All the Best Words
- 298 Tumblr Would Have Loved It
- 297 The Ohm Whisperer
- 293 I Think I'm Still Confused
- 291 I Like Complicated Books, Glenn
- 285 The Answer is One Elephant
- 274 Rudolph's Hideous Mutation
Random Trek
- 162 "Defiant" (DS9) with Aleen Simms
- 128 "Barge of the Dead" (VOY) with Aleen Simms
- 63 "A Night in Sickbay" (ENT) with Aleen Simms
- 593 The Mandalorian S1E2 Review: "Chapter 2: The Child"
- 539 Star Trek: Discovery S2E7 Review: "Light and Shadows"
- 480 Doctor Who S11E3 Review: "Rosa"
- 375 Star Trek: Discovery S1E12 Review: "Vaulting Ambition"
- 301 Star Trek: Discovery S1E1 Review: "The Vulcan Hello"
- 264 Doctor Who S10E11 Review: "World Enough and Time"
- 244 The Expanse Season 2 wrap-up
- 231 The Expanse Season 2 Midterm Check-In
- 218 The Expanse S2E1-2 Review: "Safe" and "Doors and Corners"
- 139 The Expanse S1E9-10 Review: "Critical Mass" and "Leviathan Wakes"
- 130 The Expanse: S1E2-4 review
- 124 The Expanse S1E1 review: "Dulcinea"
Total Party Kill
- 471 A Gurgle Full of Blood
- 470 Vecna, Vecna, and Lich LLC
- 469 Ooze it or Lose it
- 468 I Speak Rat
- 467 War Picks Have the Power
- 466 Don't Feed the Bulettes
- 465 I Don't Talk to Pizzas
- 464 Capering Mud Men
- 463 Summon Greater Landscaper
- 462 Weekend at Keltar's
- 461 Something Dumb Is About to Happen
- 460 Curse of Strahd: Epilogue
- 459 Strahd, Go to Your Tomb!
- 458 MTV's Crypts
- 457 Please Frickin' Die
- 456 Praise the Nilbog
- 455 Batless in Barovia
- 454 Fern Gully Bat
- 453 Heart! Heart! Heart!
- 452 A Mouthful of Vampire Juice
- 451 OSHA the Spider Hag
- 450 Many Pieces of Furniture Died Here
- 449 Sparkling Despair
- 448 An Octopus Riding a Sabertooth Tiger
- 447 A Showoff Assassin
- 446 Murder Armoire
- 445 Auburn or Blauburn
- 444 Marinara Mimosa
- 443 Spataumatons
- 442 Spa Day
- 441 We're Big Readers Here
- 426 A Troubling Amount of Blood
- 425 Sharp and Pointy and Demanding
- 424 The Fighting Librarians
- 423 Upsetting Image
- 422 Do Do Doo Doo Doo
- 420 Femur vs Glaive
- 419 Fake Blood Curse
- 418 Goblin Brain Trust
- 414 Flying and Dying
- 413 Dog Duty
- 412 Yelling Down a Well
- 411 Really Split the Party
- 410 A Weird Bird Pact
- 409 Cryptic Raven
- 408 Crowded Hovel
- 407 Library Police
- 406 Rat Management
- 405 Meatball Sub Vouchers
- 404 Almost Murdered by a Book
- 403 Approach the Toad
- 402 A Horse-sized Hole
- 401 Lawful Good but Not Nice
- 400 A Walk with Paulie
- 391 Send Forth the Spiders!
- 390 Always Stack Your Rogues
- 389 The Paddington-Chucky Spectrum
- 388 You Gotta Go Up to Go Down
- 387 Look at This Terrible Hallway
- 386 Die, Foul Friendly Creature!
- 385 Come on in, the Water's Blood
- 384 It's Stairs All the Way Down
- 383 Can't Un-flip That Bed
- 382 Why Is This Castle This Way?
- 381 Ask Not for Whom the Bing Bongs
- 380 We're Gonna Be Good Strahds
- 379 Prisoner's Dilemma
- 378 Brunch with Strahd
- 377 Live, Laugh, Lava
- 376 Salamanders from the South!
- 375 Lava Hurts
- 374 Everybody out of the Cloud
- 373 Totally Capacitated
- 372 Cinna and Bon
- 371 Minotaur Sandwich
- 370 Affirmations and Elevators
- 369 A Bad Use of Carlos
- 367 Rats Are Not Heroes
- 366 Short Sword, Long Dagger
- 365 Sorry Your Wolf Died
- 364 We're Kobolds, Not Geniuses
- 356 Bed Bag & Beyond
- 355 Contraband Vampires
- 354 Elavor's Roommates
- 353 A Cup of Coffin
- 352 All Is Not Well
- 351 A Woman of Murder
- 350 Party in a Closet
- 349 Do Not Speak to Me about Chimichangas
- 348 There's a Revenant for Everyone
- 347 A Lighthouse for Dragons
- 346 Corpse Box
- 345 Curiosity Killed the Crucible
- 344 Murder, She Spun
- 343 A Starter Castle
- 342 Scarecrow Carnies
- 341 Goodbye Plunging Torrents!
- 340 Three Mimics in a Trenchcoat
- 339 Four Halflings in a Robe
- 338 Everybody Hurts
- 337 Soul Proprietorship
- 336 Shaggy Kank Story
- 335 Follow That Carlos!
- 334 We've Been Everywhere--and Done Very Little
- 333 Grells, Grells, Grells
- 332 Step Three Prophet
- 331 Frosted Demon
- 330 Regdar's Demons
- 329 Invisible Flying Ooze
- 328 We're Specter Inspectors!
- 327 He Stole My Hat!
- 326 Gargoyles Gonna Gargoyle
- 325 New Plan, Kill Everyone
- 324 Lich, Please!
- 323 I Open the Door
- 322 It Was Like This When We Got Here
- 311 The Queen of Red Water, Part 4
- 310 The Queen of Red Water, Part 3
- 309 The Queen of Red Water, Part 2
- 308 The Queen of Red Water, Part 1
- 305 The Wild Sheep Chase
- 304 The Crashed Palace
- 300 Rosethorn, Part 4
- 299 Rosethorn, Part 3
- 298 Rosethorn, Part 2
- 297 Rosethorn, Part 1
- 296 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 3
- 295 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 2
- 294 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 1
- 291 The Night Blade, Part 3
- 290 The Night Blade, Part 2
- 289 The Night Blade, Part 1
- 288 Silence Has Fallen
- 287 Oh No! Bad Vibes!
- 286 Dancing with Corpses
- 285 The Worst Piñata Party
- 284 The Last Temptation of Goats
- 283 Maybe She's Friendly
- 282 Scarecrow Dance-off
- 281 Were There Ever Chads in Barovia?
- 280 How Steep Is this Hill?
- 279 A Vampire Onion
- 278 Blight Maple Syrup
- 277 The Wicker Strahd
- 276 Strahd von Zarovich: Dreamboat
- 275 The Hill I'm About to Die On
- 274 The Last Wine in All of Barovia
- 273 Dungeon Buddies!
- 272 I Used to Like Nature
- 271 A Really Aggressive Salad
- 270 Mummy Corps of Engineers
- 269 Horse Law
- 268 Moon Jerks
- 267 Wolfageddon
- 266 A Face Is a Map of a Person
- 265 Skeletal Cats
- 249 Very Special Holiday Episode
- 248 Backgammon in the Wine Gazebo
- 247 Minotaur Maul
- 246 The Bag Holder
- 245 #hagfact
- 244 Spooky Money
- 243 Follow Me To Great Deals!
- 242 Non-Fatal Arm Wrestling
- 241 Rictavio!
- 240 An Octopus Holding a Bag
- 239 A Most Interesting Bone Ghost
- 238 Little Joys in Big Barovia
- 237 Sad, Unfortunate, and On Fire
- 236 Better Dead than Undead
- 235 Non-Union Ghosts
- 234 Big Trouble In Little Barovia
- 233 Let's Bury the Burgermeister
- 190 Tepanyaki Vampire
- 189 A Hug in the Darkness
- 188 Golem Storage Area
- 187 Too Many Orbs
- 186 Not Much of a Mountain
- 185 I'm a Herder, Not a Fighter
- 184 The Warning Birds
- 183 Snake Preview
- 182 A Million Nerds Skanking
- 181 Dragon vs. Octopus
- 180 Tenser's Floating Dog
- 179 I Don't Trust This Table
- 178 What Do You Smell Besides Corpses?
- 177 The Room Really Ties the Rug Together
- 176 Wight Privilege
- 175 All Orc Poetry is Slam Poetry
- 174 Rope Me Once, Shame on Me...
- 173 Hell Bent for Orc Leather
- 172 Stalag-fight!
- 171 Mr. Roper
- 170 The Secret of the Ooze
- 169 Bop, Don't Boop!
- 168 Tunnel Pragmatism
- 167 Sprinklebard!
- 166 We Deserve This
- 165 Don't Eat Strange Bees!
- 164 This Party Is Complicated
- 163 Dog and Pony Show
- 162 Our Monk Is Missing
- 154 Yan-C-Bin Expecting Me?
- 153 Regdar's Unregulated School of Magic
- 152 My Mom Raised Me Not to Lie to a Bird
- 151 Hello from the Tragic Cavern
- 150 That's My Clampy Hand!
- 149 Unreliable Jetpack
- 148 Roll Dump Truck
- 147 File a Radar
- 146 Robot or Not?
- 145 Dump Zone
- 144 Robotic Neutral
- 143 Death and Dying in Gamma World
- 142 Daiquiri Whacker
- 141 Zom-bacon
- 140 Bob to the Third Degree
- 139 For Presta!
- 138 Oh Man, My Mouth Tastes Like Goodberry!
- 137 Artisanal Gore
- 136 Ha Ha! You're In a Cult!
- 135 Turn Left at the Shallow Graves
- 134 The Best Diplomacy Ever
- 133 Got Kank Milk?
- 132 Famed Flautists
- 131 Not All Manticores
- 130 An Auspicious Day
- 129 Tattered Gray Cloak
- 128 Freedom!
- 127 To the Sinkhole!
- 126 The Mul Who Cried 'Boy'
- 125 He's Dead, J'ym
- 124 Rat Sandwich
- 123 A Taste of Kled
- 122 Batsbatsbatsbatsbatsbats
- 121 United States v. Dracula
- 120 Orbs McQuarrie
- 119 The Mirror Has Two Faces
- 118 Please Roll Clockwork Bird
- 117 Netflix and Kill
- 116 We're Hotel Inspectors
- 115 Party in the Front, Stables in the Back
- 114 A Chip Off the Old Rock
- 113 Intimidate the Wind
- 112 This Is Turning Into a Death House
- 111 Fake Cult News
- 110 Not My Centipedes, Not My Circus
- 109 The Legendary Hugging Wall
- 108 Tugging on the Orb
- 107 Paladins Crying Uncontrollably
- 106 A Little Dust-Up
- 105 All Children Are Creepy
- 92 Science and Other Sciences
- 91 Brain Genie
- 90 Toxic Vomit
- 89 If You Build It, Bats Will Come
- 64 Have You Seen Billy?
- 63 Root of the Problem
- 62 Jam Cabinet
- 61 Knee Deep in Bat Guano
Bonus Track
Game Show
- 187 A Beatdown in Dangertown
- 146 This Belt Bucky is Trickle
- 135 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
- 122 That Seems Naughty
- 109 I Think This One Has a Talking Helicopter
- 99 The Famous Bat-Gun
- 95 Take a Bow
- 90 Random Tolkien Table
- 89 I've Studied the Bible
- 87 You Shall Not Pass
- 82 It's Meatloaf Day!
- 80 The Answer's Always Michael George
- 79 Yelling at Rocks
- 78 There Are No Hamburgers in the Phantom Zone
- 60 Feuding Families III: Pity Pass
- 55 There Is a Sign Here
- 49 We Love Our Listeners!
- 48 Don't Read the Creepy Old Book
- 44 Low Definition: The Wicker Moze
- 39 Low Definition: The Amount of Pan in a Thing
- 36 This is How We Lost America in the First Place
- 34 What Am I Doohan Hangin' Round?
- 28 Game Night: Dental Dam
- 27 Lake Tourist
- 26 Pundit Showdown: Rivalry of the Fruits
- 25 Counterclockwise: Order of the University of Phoenix
- 24 Stephen Hawking Said
- 23 Low Definition: Space Blobs
- 15 Vampire Or Not
- 44 This Meeting's at Dawn
- 38 I'm Erasing Myself from the Narrative
- 35 I Have Reasons for Shame
- 29 They Don't Like You
Friends in Your Ears
Batman University
- 18 "The Lego Batman Movie"
- 15 "The Man Who Killed Batman" with Aleen Simms
- 5 "Shadow of the Bat" with Aleen Simms