Brian Hamilton
Brian Hamilton is a media professional, podcast editor extraordinaire, and longtime contributor to The Incomparable. They may care about video game controllers too much.
Podcasts Hosted by Brian Hamilton
Guest Host
- 570 Game of Thrones S8E6 Review: "The Iron Throne"
- 566 Game of Thrones S8E5 Review: "The Bells"
- 335 Rock Facts: "The Unknown"
- 331 Rock Facts: "Into the Unknown"
- 327 Rock Facts: "Babes in the Wood"
- 323 Rock Facts: "The Ringing of the Bell"
- 320 Rock Facts: "Lullaby in Frogland"
- 317 Rock Facts: "Mad Love"
- 314 Rock Facts: "Songs of the Dark Lantern"
- 311 Rock Facts: "Schooltown Follies"
- 307 Rock Facts: "Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee"
- 305 Rock Facts: "The Old Grist Mill"
- 187 "Stranger Things": Season 1 review
- 171 Game of Thrones S6E6 Review: "Blood of My Blood"
- 164 Game of Thrones S6E4 review: "Book of the Stranger"
- 93 True Detective S2E8 review: "Omega Station"
- 91 True Detective S2E7 Review: "Black Maps and Motel Rooms"
- 90 True Detective S2E6 Review: "Church in Ruins" 
- 88 True Detective S2E5 Review: "Other Lives"
- 86 True Detective S2E4 review: "Down Will Come" ​
- 84 True Detective S2E3 Review: "Maybe Tomorrow" 
- 83 True Detective S2E2 Review: "Night Finds You"
- 82 True Detective S2E1 Review: "The Western Book of the Dead"
Game Show
Recently Played
The Incomparable Mothership
- 753 Robot vs. Nature
- 743 Doritos and Tequila
- 742 Hi, Anxiety
- 712 Arguably the Saddest Record
- 666 Max Von Sydow Was 44
- 677 Pink Magic
- 671 Fuches is Everyone's Dad
- 654 Goth Girl Handbook
- 640 Did He Really Date Madonna?
- 629 Bum Bag Beatdown
- 606 The Bears Did It
- 604 Team Creepy
- 580 We're Gonna Be Good CEOs
- 553 In the "King's Speech" Barrel
- 536 Sometimes the Drawer is Empty
- 531 Linda Hamilton Bicep Fan Club
- 530 Let's Talk About Turnips!
- 524 ASMR From Hell
- 523 Chekhov's Land Mine
- 513 Hats Off
- 512 Eponymous
- 491 The Yellow Ones Don't Stop
- 484 Werewolfism
- 479 Specifically Boo Berry
- 473 Belarusian Chupacabra
- 466 Bane on a Plane
- 435 Fun Facts!
- 433 You Like Garbage
- 428 Sour and Smells Like Feet
- 413 How Ironic, Tony!
- 405 That's Definitely You
- 393 The Ol' Reverse Lucifer
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 387 Good Job, Jerks - The Best of 2017
- 382 She's a Librarian
- 380 Floppy Shark
- 376 Terrifying Fear of Clouds
- 375 Sentimental Spite
- 370 Someone We've Never Heard Of
- 358 I Kissed Them Both
- 338 All About Evey
- 337b ...But Too Much
- 337 20 Minutes Into the Future
- 325 The Monster Mash
- 322 Tastes Like College
- 320 The Power! The Power! The Power!
- 309 Boats in Space
- 308 Is Winter Coming?
- 307 Mascot Hands
- 294 Science Is Never Frightening!
- 290 Team Bucket
- 273 The Long-Term Plan Is Kill All Humans
- 252 Three Shames and a Ding
Random Trek
- 564 Game of Thrones S8E4 Review: "The Last of the Starks"
- 561 Game of Thrones S8E3 review: "The Long Night"
- 558 Game of Thrones S8E2 Review: "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
- 555 Game of Thrones S8E1 Review: "Winterfell"
- 470 Game of Thrones S1E10 Rewind: "Fire and Blood"
- 466 The Good Place Rewind: S1E10-11
- 464 Game of Thrones S1E8 Rewind: "The Pointy End"
- 462 Game of Thrones s1e7 Rewind: "You Win Or You Die"
- 460 Game of Thrones s1e6 Rewind: "A Golden Crown"
- 454 Game of Thrones S1E3 Rewind: "Lord Snow"
- 453 "Game of Thrones" S1E2 Rewind: "The Kingsroad"
- 452 "Game of Thrones" S1E1 Rewind: "Winter is Coming"
- 288 Game of Thrones S7E7 Review: "The Dragon and the Wolf"
- 285 Game of Thrones S7E6 Review: "Beyond the Wall"
- 277 Game of Thrones S7E3 Review: "The Queen's Justice"
- 274 Game of Thrones S7E2 Review: "Stormborn"
- 271 Game of Thrones S7E1 Review: "Dragonstone"
- 177 Game of Thrones S6E10 review: "The Winds of Winter"
- 175 Game of Thrones S6E9 review: "Battle of the Bastards"
- 157 Game of Thrones S6E2 Review: "Home"
- 155 Game of Thrones S6E1 Review: "The Red Woman"
- 139 The Expanse S1E9-10 Review: "Critical Mass" and "Leviathan Wakes"
- 130 The Expanse: S1E2-4 review
- 81 Game of Thrones S5E10 review: "Mother's Mercy"
- 80 Game of Thrones S5E9 review: "The Dance of Dragons"
- 77 Game of Thrones S5E7 review: "The Gift"
- 72 Game of Thrones S5E5 review: "Kill the Boy"
- 68 Game of Thrones S5E4 review: "Sons of the Harpy"
- 63 Game of Thrones S5E3 review: "High Sparrow"
- 61 Game of Thrones S5E2 review: "The House of Black and White"
- 18 Game of Thrones S4E10 review: "The Children"
- 14 Game of Thrones S4E6 review: "The Laws of Gods and Men"
- 13 Game of Thrones S4E5 review: "First of His Name"
- 12 Game of Thrones S4E4 review: "Oathkeeper"
Total Party Kill
- 471 A Gurgle Full of Blood
- 470 Vecna, Vecna, and Lich LLC
- 469 Ooze it or Lose it
- 468 I Speak Rat
- 203 Our Cleric Has the Bloodlust
- 201 Awkward Alligator
- 199 Ooze on First?
- 197 Pitfall Situation
- 181 Dragon vs. Octopus
- 180 Tenser's Floating Dog
- 179 I Don't Trust This Table
- 178 What Do You Smell Besides Corpses?
- 177 The Room Really Ties the Rug Together
- 176 Wight Privilege
- 175 All Orc Poetry is Slam Poetry
- 174 Rope Me Once, Shame on Me...
- 173 Hell Bent for Orc Leather
- 172 Stalag-fight!
- 171 Mr. Roper
- 170 The Secret of the Ooze
- 169 Bop, Don't Boop!
- 168 Tunnel Pragmatism
- 167 Sprinklebard!
- 166 We Deserve This
- 165 Don't Eat Strange Bees!
- 164 This Party Is Complicated
- 163 Dog and Pony Show
- 162 Our Monk Is Missing
- 161 The Cultists Aren't That Flammable
- 160 Official Mayoral Business
- 150 That's My Clampy Hand!
- 149 Unreliable Jetpack
- 148 Roll Dump Truck
- 147 File a Radar
- 146 Robot or Not?
- 145 Dump Zone
- 144 Robotic Neutral
- 143 Death and Dying in Gamma World
- 142 Daiquiri Whacker
- 141 Zom-bacon
- 140 Bob to the Third Degree
- 122 Batsbatsbatsbatsbatsbats
- 121 United States v. Dracula
- 120 Orbs McQuarrie
- 119 The Mirror Has Two Faces
- 118 Please Roll Clockwork Bird
- 112 This Is Turning Into a Death House
- 111 Fake Cult News
- 110 Not My Centipedes, Not My Circus
- 109 The Legendary Hugging Wall
- 108 Tugging on the Orb
- 107 Paladins Crying Uncontrollably
- 106 A Little Dust-Up
- 105 All Children Are Creepy
- 92 Science and Other Sciences
- 91 Brain Genie
- 90 Toxic Vomit
- 89 If You Build It, Bats Will Come
- 84 Ding Dongs and Doolallys
- 64 Have You Seen Billy?
- 63 Root of the Problem
- 62 Jam Cabinet
- 61 Knee Deep in Bat Guano
Bonus Track
Game Show
- 238 Liverpool River Otters
- 225 Glenn Interrupted Himself
- 223 Democracy, Get It While It Lasts
- 214 Pity Points
- 209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
- 208 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goo
- 199 Awash in Goo
- 194 Christmas Trivia Is All Around
- 193 Clear Minds, Full Melds
- 192 Huh... Hmm
- 190 That Word Is Terrible
- 189 Your Fifteen Minutes is Up
- 172 National Bola Association
- 171 Cicero Cicero Cicero
- 169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
- 165 Most Valuable Ghost
- 159 Lex Explains Xylophones
- 156 Too Much Entertainment
- 151 I Learned the Truth at Seventeen
- 139 Bring Your Own Backstory
- 138 Quinoa Car
- 132 One of Those Great Cities With an Umlaut
- 130 Jetty Mind Tricks
- 127 It Is I, The Deceptor!
- 125 Non-Quadruped Thaumaturgy
- 122 That Seems Naughty
- 120 Gobble Search
- 117 Luxuriating with Lord Spooky
- 116 Flubber Franchise
- 113 Robbie Williams is Not Dead
- 109 I Think This One Has a Talking Helicopter
- 106 Shiver Me Pleasure
- 103 Don't Give Me Any Grife
- 102 Chasing the Gingerbread Dragon
- 101 The Low Definition '18 Christmas Special
- 100 John Lemon
- 99 The Famous Bat-Gun
- 94 A Penguin Knows to Respect a Gun
- 92 I'm Very Epicurious
- 88 Pantheon of Muppets
- 85 Always Trust Mr. Peanut
- 84 The Three-Pack
- 82 It's Meatloaf Day!
- 77 The Low Definition Holiday Special!
- 75 It All Boils Down to Valerie Bertinelli
- 69 Victorian Parlour Games
- 68 It's Not All Horrible Childhood Memories
- 67 Welcome to Engineering
- 65 The Famous Mickey
- 63 Tales of Glenn!
- 58 Low Definition XI: Lesser of Two Weevils
- 49 We Love Our Listeners!
- 48 Don't Read the Creepy Old Book
- 47 Low Definition: The Spooky Edition
- 44 Low Definition: The Wicker Moze
- 39 Low Definition: The Amount of Pan in a Thing
- 33 Exits Are Unknown
- 32 Intangibility is a Serious Problem
- 31 Low Definition: Tempted by the Little Man
- 27 Lake Tourist
- 24 Stephen Hawking Said
- 23 Low Definition: Space Blobs
- 22 Cabaret of Fire
- 14 Counterclockwise: Zombie King
Unjustly Maligned
Sophomore Lit
Corner of the Sky
- 58 Random Pursuit: Musicals
- 40 Digital Fur Technology
- 21 Campy Rock'n'Roll Church
- 6 Peak Audience Member
Friends in Your Ears
Agents of SMOOCH
- 85 This RomCom has Good UI
- 46 Day 12 of Love Actually
- 44 Day 10 of Love Actually
- 41 Day 7 of Love Actually
- 38 Day 4 of Love Actually
- 35 Day 1 of Love Actually
- 25 Danny Sous Vido
- 24 Thank God for Tiny Wheels
- 21 You Can't Put a Price on Destino
- 06 Pamplona Bebes!