Podcasts Hosted by Chip Sudderth
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
- 737 The Bolthole of My Own Self-Referentiality
- 682 Heroes I Never Heard Of
- 670 I Guess I Like People?
- 617 Group Therapy for One Guy
- 459 Next Up: The Ronan Movie
- 385 Delta and the Porgs
- 372 Jedi Inflation is a Serious Problem
- 279 They Were Jerk Planets
- 518 Voltron: Legendary Defender S8 review
- 450 Voltron: Legendary Defender S5-6 review
- 225 Voltron: Legendary Defender S2 review
- 180 Voltron: Legendary Defender S1 review
- 42 Jefferson Has Beliefs, Burr Has None
- 39 See You on the Dueling Grounds
- 36 I Wrote My Way Out
- 32 At Home in This Nation We've Made
- 23b Intermission
- 21 Awesome, Wow!
- 17 Let Me Be a Part of the Narrative
- 8 Outgunned, Outmanned, Outnumbered, Outplanned
- 1 Just You Wait
This Week in Time Travel
- 74 Stitch and Time
- 61 Karma Chameleon
- 25 The Christmas Runaway Bride Invasion
- 17 Red White (and Orange and Yellow and Blue) and Who
- 4 "Think You Should Only/Write in Emoji"
A Legitimate Salvage
- 29 "Exodus," "Churn," and "Mother"
- 20 "Jetsam"
- 17 "Dandelion Sky" and "Fallen World"
- 15 "Immolation" and "Delta-V"
- 11 "Here There Be Dragons" and "The Monster and the Rocket"
- 9 "The Seventh Man" and "Pyre"
- 5 "Critical Mass" and "Leviathan Wakes"
- 3 "Back to the Butcher" and "Rock Bottom"
- 0 Coming Soon: A Legitimate Salvage
Football is Life
- 34 "Mom City" (S3E11)
- 32 "La Locker Room Aux Folles" (S3E9)
- 26 "4-5-1" (S3E3)
- 23 Extra Time (S2 wrap-up)
- 18 "Man City" (S2E8)
- 5 "Tan Lines" Rewatch (S1E5)
Doctor Who Flashcast
The Incomparable Mothership
- 748 Holes at the End of the World
- 734 Hang a Lantern on a Lantern
- 733 This Could Have Been an Email
- 732 Terrible Clothes, Great Parties
- 728 Golden Age of Quantity
- 722 There Isn't a Twist at the End
- 710 Average Night at the Sicilian Opera
- 704 Kramer Before Kramer
- 697 Three Things and a Blurt
- 695 Uncanny Plastic Head
- 692 The Penultimate Weapon
- 684 The Memory Cheats
- 680 A Better Lando Calrissian
- 679 Fleshy and Gross
- 676 Crisis on Infinite Parkers
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 641 Miles Ahead of Lou Ferrigno
- 634 Addicted to Sand
- 633 Thor Family
- 623 Sand Tuna Thief
- 602 The Show You Think You Saw
- 601 The Most Holden Move
- 599 Have You Tried This Arrow?
- 597 Get Me Pictures of Seven Spider-Men!
- 591 That Poor Pie
- 583 Could They Reboot 'Supernatural'?
- 580 We're Gonna Be Good CEOs
- 573 Evil Helicarrier
- 566 Everyone Loves Metroman
- 557 You Like Witches? Name Three
- 554 Don't Split the Party
- 548 Conveyor Belt to Heaven
- 541 The Incomparable Life Day Special
- 528 To Quantity!
- 526 The Years Have Pants
- 499 I Love Space Fedoras
- 498 That Puppet Has an Agent
- 493 Maybe They've Got Evil Droids
- 486 Crazy With the Lizard Juice
- 479 Specifically Boo Berry
- 469 Snap, Blip, Pop, Crackle
- 455 Ewokalypse
- 451 My Brain Unclenched
- 450 A Surprising Number of Spider-Meetings
- 440 Full Disclosure - The Best of 2018
- 438 There's a World of Biscuits
- 437 Whale Logistics Movie
- 418 I Enjoyed It on a Quantum Level
- 413 How Ironic, Tony!
- 405 That's Definitely You
- 404 Thoughts About Thanos
- 401 He Uses His Powers For Evil
- 393 The Ol' Reverse Lucifer
- 391 You Stole My Layer
- 362 An Old Man With Wings
- 352 Hold My Space Beer
- 338 All About Evey
- 335 Perfect Kid Logic
- 334 Three Pillars of Batman
- 324 Pants-Wearing Dragons
- 313 The Ziggurats of Yavin IV
- 309 Boats in Space
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 287 Hole Farmers
- 286 No One in a Powdered Wig is Scrappy
- 268 Let's Hear It for Botanists
- 265 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Final Rounds
- 261 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round Three
- 259 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round 2
- 255 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round One
- 244 The Adventures of Maggie the Mutant
- 232 Learning to Love Heidi II
- 230 World-Class Weirdo
- 203 Get to the Farting Aliens
- 185 A Three-Edged Sword
- 169 A Man with a Long Scarf
- 142 Free Public WiFi
Random Trek
- 684 Doctor Who New Year's Special: "Revolution of the Daleks"
- 680 The Mandalorian S2E6 Review: "Chapter 14: The Tragedy"
- 589 Gargoyles: Awakening, Parts I-V
- 459 Voltron: Legendary Defender S7 review
- 355 Voltron: Legendary Defender S4 review
- 257 Doctor Who S10E7 Review: "Pyramid at the End of the World"
- 123 Doctor Who S9E12 review: "Hell Bent"
- 118 Doctor Who S9E10 Review: "Face the Raven"
- 95 Doctor Who S9E1 review: "The Magician's Apprentice"
- 60 Daredevil Rewind: Episodes 1-3
- 43 Doctor Who review: "Last Christmas"
- 36 Doctor Who S8E11 review: "Dark Water"
- 25 Doctor Who S8E5 review: "Time Heist"
- 19 Doctor Who S8E1 review: "Deep Breath"
Total Party Kill
- 493 Prison Paperwork Adventures
- 492 Side Quest 2
- 491 No Dungeon, No Dragon
- 490 Mop Glory
- 489 Just K'en
- 488 Coat Check Your Bird
Incomparable Radio Theater
Bonus Track
- 300b Hello, Bonus Track!
- 255b Ziggy Played Guitar
- 274b Peanuts Hole
- 244b Crazy Naked Person
- 232b Save it for the Podcast
- 230b Return of Manimal
Game Show
- 251 Nature's Sausage
- 247 Two Unpopular Robots
- 243 Bad News about Zeus
- 229 Good Lord, Everyone Needs Nachos
- 219 Invent a Supervillain
- 216 Equal Parts Clippy and a Demon
- 214 Pity Points
- 209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
- 208 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goo
- 199 Awash in Goo
- 193 Clear Minds, Full Melds
- 180 Nice Glenns Finish Last
- 169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
- 161 Cleveland Browns Callback
- 158 Surprise! Actors!
- 157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
- 129 The Meatball is a Relic
- 122 That Seems Naughty
- 108 I Hate People and Places
- 101 The Low Definition '18 Christmas Special
- 100 John Lemon
- 99 The Famous Bat-Gun
- 92 I'm Very Epicurious
- 85 Always Trust Mr. Peanut
- 81 The Ghost Has Spoken
- 66 Low Definition: I Will See a Wrinklepuff
- 62 Dr. Tiff and the Electric Catfish
- 58 Low Definition XI: Lesser of Two Weevils
- 56 Hug Per Point
- 54 Low Definition: Up to the Third Knuckle
- 42 Game Night: International Genus
- 41 Low Definition: Hell Is Other People's Words
- 39 Low Definition: The Amount of Pan in a Thing
- 30 Game Night: TARFIS
- 22 Cabaret of Fire
- 21 Light Lamp
- 19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
- 15 Vampire Or Not
- 7 Family Spats
Unjustly Maligned
Beginner's Puck
Batman University
Football is Life
- 30 "The Strings that Bind Us" (S3E7)
- 20 "No Weddings and a Funeral" (S2E10)
- 11 "Goodbye Earl" (S2E1)
- 1 "Pilot" Rewatch (S1E1)