David J. Loehr
Podcasts Hosted by David J. Loehr
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
- 402 The Alienist S1E06 Review: "Ascension"
- 401 The Alienist S1E05 Review: "Hildebrandt's Starling"
- 396 The Alienist S1E04 Review: "These Bloody Thoughts"
- 391 The Alienist S1E03 Review: "Silver Smile"
- 390 The Alienist S1E02 Review: "A Fruitful Partnership"
- 384 The Alienist S1E01 Review: "The Boy on the Bridge"
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 3.10 Where or When: A Box Just for Wishes
- 3.9 Where or When: The Second Hand Unwinds
- 3.8 Galaxy Scouts: Very Different Today
- 3.6 Galaxy Scouts: In the Vastness of Night
- 3.5 The Wise Man
- 3.4 Galaxy Scouts: Starcross'd
- 3.3 Galaxy Scouts: Lost in the Stars
- 3.2 Knight Must Fall
- 3.1 ...and to All a Good Knight
TV Talk Machine
- 126 Checking the Fien Print
- 119 Best in Show
- 113 One Topic at a Time
- 105 Don't Get Weird
- 87 Lost in Austin
- 50 Jason Missed This?
- 41 Only in Monroe
- 32 Green Brains & Ham
- 28 People Made This?
Game Show
- 233 Turns Out: Disney Lore
- 195 Steve Wink. And Art Carney.
- 121 Canadian Crime Fighting Beaver
- 70 A Dog Named Bodyslam
- 51 Yule Cat Saves the Kids
- 34 What Am I Doohan Hangin' Round?
- 8 Je Suis La Poire
- 5 Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah
- 46 It's Only a Matter of Time
- 41 The Unimaginable
- 37b Consulting the Hamiltome
- 37 I Hope You're Satisfied
- 33 Good Luck!
- 29 They Don't Like You
- 27 Nobody Needs to Know
- 22 You'll Blow Us All Away
- 20b Tony Awards special
- 4 Raise a Glass to Freedom
Sophomore Lit
Football is Life
Where or When
The Incomparable Mothership
- 758 I'm Glad You Have This Sketch to Enjoy
- 754 The Prequel Problem
- 750 The Coolest Job in Space
- 748 Holes at the End of the World
- 746 Ape Mismanagement
- 742 Hi, Anxiety
- 738 Condor to the Neck
- 730 Tight Five on Gibbons
- 725 Most Valuable Ape
- 724 Treacherous Bonobo
- 723 We Bought an Ape Prison
- 718 Starfighters in Their Office Chairs
- 708 Wet Hot Mutagenic Summer
- 697 Three Things and a Blurt
- 695 Uncanny Plastic Head
- 691 You See... They're Ducks
- 689 Have Phaser, Will Travel
- 686 Selective Sequel
- 685 The Execution Kills Me
- 672 Hot Pits
- 665 Defragment Your Data
- 661 Sad Banjo
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 645 Oh No, My Spleen!
- 637 Sorry, Charlie, It's Chinatown
- 632 Time Bandit Titanic
- 631 Timecop After Timecop
- 627 The Czech Office
- 626 Don't Copy That Chip 'n Dale Floppy
- 625 Frisky Vulcans
- 619 Who Will Speak For Fish Police?
- 618 Mars Monkey Dance Number
- 615 People-Positive Management Style
- 609 Chekhov's Toy Store
- 607 I Regret So Many Great Movies
- 606 The Bears Did It
- 600 The Machine Was a Vampire
- 595 I Didn't Have a Tab - The Best of 2021
- 594 Money in His Underwear
- 590 The Car Explodes In Midair
- 587 Is Dracula the Frankenstein?
- 584 Window and Chill
- 582 We Have All Ridden Buses
- 570 Why Can't All Movies Be Muppet Movies?
- 567 Summer of Man-Thing
- 566 Everyone Loves Metroman
- 560 Gaseous Anomaly Platform
- 559 Men vs. Selves
- 558 A Product of Its Time
- 553 In the "King's Speech" Barrel
- 551 Transdimensional Tech Warlord
- 549 Future of the Future
- 547 Catching Up On Stuff - The Best of 2020
- 544 Let Go and Let Kilmer
- 543 I Want to Go to Dog Heaven
- 541 The Incomparable Life Day Special
- 540 Too Good to Live
- 535 The Internet is for Muppets
- 534 The Young Henry Chronicles
- 532 Most Crushable Crew
- 528 To Quantity!
- 526 The Years Have Pants
- 522 Burning Man for Aliens
- 501 The Kickstarter of Space Exploration
- 500 Amalgamated Zeppelin Monocle Company
- 495 Congratulations, You're All Pregnant - The Best of 2019
- 494 No Sith For You
- 488 What If Romeo and Juliet Were Terminators
- 487 Save It for the Sequel
- 483 Light Mode Batman
- 479 Specifically Boo Berry
- 468 Did the Shark Order Takeout?
- 462 Misunderstanding-Based Murder
- 459 Next Up: The Ronan Movie
- 457 Dracula's Home Alone
- 455 Ewokalypse
- 441 Evil Dukes Are the Worst
- 440 Full Disclosure - The Best of 2018
- 436 Most Important Chimpanzee
- 433 You Like Garbage
- 432 It's Called a Ballute
- 430 We're the Magnificent Seven
- 427 A Lot of Rocket Metaphors
- 421 Beautiful Space Idiot
- 418 I Enjoyed It on a Quantum Level
- 405 That's Definitely You
- 401 He Uses His Powers For Evil
- 400 Snellology
- 399 We Endured It, You Adored It
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 387 Good Job, Jerks - The Best of 2017
- 383 Upstairs Christmas Tree
- 382 She's a Librarian
- 379 High Fantasy with Muppets
- 378 A Parrot Bit Me
- 377 Kids Love the Kaiser (An Autumn Reading List)
- 375 Sentimental Spite
- 373 Great Joy and Gratitude
- 370 Someone We've Never Heard Of
- 368 This Movie Ends, Right?
- 367 Batman! Aaaaaa!
- 365 Humour With a U in It
- 364 The Show of Theseus
- 362 An Old Man With Wings
- 361 Things Inside Other Things
- 360 A Dwarf Named Elwood
- 357 It's Above Average
- 353 Young Sexy Harry Mudd
- 352 Hold My Space Beer
- 349 I've Got a Creamy Nougat
- 347 I Tore My Pants
- 345 Evil Giggle
- 344 Metaphors All the Way Down
- 343 Billy Campbell's Soup
- 341 Might As Well Keep Going
- 339 Burned Like Books
- 337b ...But Too Much
- 337 20 Minutes Into the Future
- 336 You Had Me at 'Splorch'
- 335 Perfect Kid Logic
- 334 Three Pillars of Batman
- 333 That's How It Works: 2016 Year in Review
- 329 He's More Man than Puppet
- 327 This Robot is Eisenhower
- 325 The Monster Mash
- 323 Abe Vigoda Knows All the Toilets
- 322 Tastes Like College
- 321 Purgatoy Box
- 320 The Power! The Power! The Power!
- 317 You Broke Your Little Ships
- 314 Vampire Batman
- 312 A Cyborg Dolphin
- 311 Chekhov with Two H's
- 308 Is Winter Coming?
- 302 Keep Watching the Skies
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 299 Stark Differences
- 298 Tumblr Would Have Loved It
- 296 The Official Batman
- 294 Science Is Never Frightening!
- 289 It's Not "Hamilton"
- 288 I Wish I Was Back in Norway
- 287 Hole Farmers
- 286 No One in a Powdered Wig is Scrappy
- 284 She Scullys Herself
- 283 The Stars Look Very Different Today
- 282 Head Clara
- 281 I Love a Lot of Awful People - The Best of 2015
- 280 They're Not Alone
- 275 Comprehensive Tapestry Policy
- 274 Rudolph's Hideous Mutation
- 273 The Long-Term Plan Is Kill All Humans
- 272 Laid a Lot of Foundations
- 271 Nostalgia Bomb
- 270 Love Blooms Naturally on a Vespa
- 267 I Read It All
- 266 It's Impossible Being Green
- 265 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Final Rounds
- 264 Passwords Are Wrong, Man
- 263 Television Shaped Like a Mom
- 262 District Attorney Doofus
- 260 High Five
- 258 Chekhov's Bob-omb
- 256 Space Bureaucracy
- 254 You've Ruined Pizza
- 253 Ignoring the Movie Completely
- 252 Three Shames and a Ding
- 250 Stay Inside My Aura
- 249 Critical Batman Deficit
- 246 The Shmoop Index
- 242 'B' for Bad Captain
- 241 Shopping With Mrs. Gehrig
- 240 Pooping Alien
- 236 Lived Long and Prospered
- 235 Plot Advancement Tribune
- 231 Eat Pray Love Die Survive
- 228 It's Not a Draft: Our 2014 Favorites
- 227 The Europeans Do It Better
- 226 Stop Circulating the Tapes
- 225 A Very Different Idea of Fun
- 224 Canonical Space Goo
- 223 Picking My Shorts
- 221 Do the Hand-Wavy Thing
- 219 Terrible Things for Awful Reasons
- 218 Three Dads and a Superfast Baby
- 217 Weird Reverse Hidden Charisma
- 215 Someone Is Threatening My Whales
- 214 Fun is Underrated
- 213 You Need an Agent of Chaos
- 212 A MacGyver in the Making
- 211 These Are All Good Ideas
- 209 One Gorn Limit
- 207 I Am Groot
- 206 It's All BBC to Me
- 205 Love Machine
- 204 Where Cynicism Meets Optimism
- 202 The Partial Monty
- 201 Democracy is Awful
- 200 Butter Zone
- 199 Get This Man Some New Paint
- 197 Fail Fast
- 192 Murderous Roomba
- 189 Using Computers to Impress Girls
- 186 Kazoo Parade
- 184 Genius Edition
- 181 You're the Christopher Reeviest
- 180 Locked-Shower Mystery
- 174b Behind the Christmas Spectacular
- 176 Solo Adventures (Our 2013 Favorites)
- 175 War on Christmas
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 173z Human Santapede (the unedited version)
- 173 Santa-Based Christmas
- 172 The Incomparable Holiday Vault 3
- 171 Pirate Politics (A Winter Reading List)
- 170 Let Zygons Be Zygons
- 168 A Different Kind of Sleeper Agent
- 167 Space Wizard Musical
- 166 I Assume Everyone is Awful
- 164 Put In the Zom and Out Comes Com
- 163 What If Galactus Was Made of Jello?
- 160 Super-Secret Sony MiniDiscs
- 159 Full Shatner
- 158 Peak Clooney
- 156 Airline of Snitches
- 155 The Cat Who Listened to Podcasts
- 153 Monkey with a Tinfoil Sandwich
- 143 The Best "Star Wars" Movie In Years
- 139 Flying Horse Angel People
- 133b Behind the Incomparable Radio Drama
- 133 Incomparable Radio Theater of the Air
Random Trek
- 259 "Things Past" (DS9) with David J. Loehr
- 244 "Macrocosm" (VOY) with David J. Loehr
- 226 "Infinite Regress" (VOY) with David J. Loehr
- 218 "The Expanse" (ENT) with David J. Loehr
- 167 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" with Moisés Chiullán, David J. Loehr, and Jean MacDonald
- 166 "Affliction" and "Divergence" (ENT) with David J. Loehr
- 147 "The Royale" (TNG) with David J. Loehr
- 121 "Covenant" (DS9) with David J. Loehr
- 81 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" with David J. Loehr, Tony Sindelar, and Jason Snell
- 16 "Phage" (VOY) with David Loehr
- 457 The Good Place Rewind: S2E3-4
- 372 Star Trek: Discovery S1E11 Review: "The Wolf Inside"
- 366 Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special Review: "Twice Upon a Time"
- 329 Star Trek: Discovery S1E7 Review: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"
- 263 Doctor Who S10E10 Review: "The Eaters of Light"
- 212 Doctor Who review: "The Return of Doctor Mysterio"
- 211 The Flash S3E7-9 Reviews
- 145 The Flash S2E15 review: "King Shark"
- 142 Legends of Tomorrow: Failure Analysis
- 137 Legends of Tomorrow S1E2 review: "Pilot, part 2"
- 129 Doctor Who review: "The Husbands of River Song"
- 124 The Expanse S1E1 review: "Dulcinea"
- 95 Doctor Who S9E1 review: "The Magician's Apprentice"
- 43 Doctor Who review: "Last Christmas"
- 37 Doctor Who S8E12 review: "Death in Heaven"
- 28 Doctor Who S8E7 review: "Kill the Moon"
- 21 Doctor Who S8E3 review: "Robot of Sherwood"
- 19 Doctor Who S8E1 review: "Deep Breath"
- 7 We'll Costas This
Total Party Kill
Bonus Track
- 302b Group Marriage
- 300b Hello, Bonus Track!
- 294b Dere He Is!
- 33gs Editing Adventure!
- a5 Batman Is NOT the World's Great Detective!
- 282b Last Christmas
- 281b Once More For Safety
- a3 You Asked Fourble It, You Got It
- 275b Bring the Cane
- 274b Peanuts Hole
- gs24 Shut the Hell Up, Glenn
- 264b Like Making Pizzas
- 263b Mr. Robot or Not
- 262b Wherever Fats
- 258b Kenneth Branagh's "Pong"
- 254b Werner Herzog's Fire Tornado
- 253b The Fat Man Meets The Thin Man
- 250b Beatle Talk
- 249b Canadian Safety Blanket
- 246b Jacobi!
- 241b Inside Baseball
- 240b Second-Degree Glenning
- gs4 And Then Dan Died
- 235b Anyhow...
- 231b Old People Music
- 228b Robot or Not
- 227b Embarrassing Blackface Scene
- 5 Bang! Bang! Bang!
- 226b Lumpy Leroux
- 224c They Really Know It's Christmas
- 224b Sans Sarris
- 223b Steve Lutz's Brush With Celebrity
- 221b Gerbils and Tamagotchis
- 219b Pride of the Yankees
- 217b Herb Alpert's Woody Allen's The Terminator
- 213b The Kroeger Report
- 212b Ohhh Myyyy
- 211b That Was Gold, Baby
- 209b The Benson Factor
- 206b We Weren't Ready for Popeye
- 205b The Cat Has Been Dead for Months
- 202b Podcast Retro Hugos
- 199b I Liked Caillou
- 197b Rated PG-42
- 191b Waiting for Serenity
- 189b The Endless Incomparable After Dark
- 186b Get Carter II: I Said Get Carter
- 184b In Bed with Big Cardboard
- 181b You're Not The Real Ginger!
- 180b Flash-Drive Conspiracy
- 174b Behind the Christmas Spectacular
- 172b Not in the Vault
- 171b More Glenning
- 168b NBC's Dracula
- 167b Buttons, A Clown
- 166b He's Making Milk Shakes
- 164b Quartermass
- 163b Zero
- 160b Blue Pill
- 159b After The Incomparable Movie Draft
- 156b Mockingbird Orange
- 155b Before and After The Incomparable #155
- 153b Ukelele Breaks
- 143b Flaaaaaaaan!
- 133b The Incomparable Radio Drama
Game Show
- 232 Last Week is Not History
- 229 Good Lord, Everyone Needs Nachos
- 221 Between Mars and Ego
- 219 Invent a Supervillain
- 189 Your Fifteen Minutes is Up
- 188 It's the Pope!
- 185 Revenge of the Feud
- 173 We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers
- 161 Cleveland Browns Callback
- 150 Can I Have A Ding Ding?
- 149 A Heart-Stricken Moose
- 148 Don't Show Your Bossk
- 147 His Nose
- 128 Who Is Lamargine Gumbody?
- 126 The Murder Edition
- 115 I Named Two Klingons!
- 110 Federation Feud!
- 100 John Lemon
- 88 Pantheon of Muppets
- 72 You're Rolling Like Terrible People
- 69 Victorian Parlour Games
- 64 Random Pursuit
- 63 Tales of Glenn!
- 60 Feuding Families III: Pity Pass
- 53 Mmmoootiny!
- 52 How Is That Starfleet?
- 50 Low Definition: A Family of Clowns
- 49 We Love Our Listeners!
- 45 The Incomparable's Ten-Foot Poll
- 38 Game Night: Gospel According to Short Round
- 37 Low Definition: This Word Sucks
- 35 Introvocabulum: Overeager Judge
- 33 Exits Are Unknown
- 28 Game Night: Dental Dam
- 24 Stephen Hawking Said
- 23 Low Definition: Space Blobs
- 20 Pundit Showdown: Breakfast Octopus
- 19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
- 18 Harry Potter and the Odor of the Weasel
- 17 Low Definition: Hempen Humbug
- 13 Game Night: Golfing with Hitler
- 9 Mogo is Displeased
- 7 Family Spats
- 4 Counterclockwise: Lost in Stars
- 0.3 Tennis with Errol Flynn
Unjustly Maligned
- 77 Eurovision Song Contest 2017 pre-show glitterball special!
- 43 "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" with David Loehr
- 17 "Buckaroo Banzai" (the novelization) with David Loehr
- 13 Mysteries We Dropped
- 12 Forget It, Fake, It's Chinatown
- 9 Bugs Meany Was Framed
- 8 And We Would Have Recorded Away with It, Too
- 5 Heaping Helping of Holmes, Part 2
- 4 Heaping Helping of Holmes, Part 1
- 3 Radio Mystery Shows
- 1 Good Eve-a-Ning
- 44 This Meeting's at Dawn
- 43 Weehawken, Dawn. Guns Drawn.
- 32 At Home in This Nation We've Made
- 15 Pray That Hell or Heaven Lets You In
- 13 I Am Inimitable
- 7 Oceans Rise, Empires Fall
- 3 Young, Scrappy, and Hungry
Sophomore Lit
- 164 Lysistrata
- 124 Under Milk Wood
- 113 Hans Christian Andersen
- 98 The Martian Chronicles
- 82 Guys and Dolls
- 71 William Carlos Williams
- 64 Winesburg, Ohio
- 50 Dubliners
Corner of the Sky
Friends in Your Ears
Batman University
Voyager Revisited
Vulcan Hello
- 82 "Strange New Worlds" S2 wrap-up panel
- 56 "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach" (SNW S1E6)
- 14 "Star Trek: Picard" season 1 wrap-up
- 10 Picard S1E7: "Nepenthe"
Agents of SMOOCH
Lions, Towers & Shields
- 115 Gene Kelly's Guns
- 112 The Holiday Show
- 109 More Beer!
- 105 We're Gonna Digress
- 100 The Smell of Murder
- 92 We've Got All the French You Need
- 89 You Can't Be Evil in a Cardigan
- 88 Plausibly Evil
- 87 The Barbara Stanwyck of Five-Year-Olds
- 86 Bring a Fan and a Bucket
- 82 Diva with a Monkey
- 81 I Will Defend the Weenie King
- 80 Weapons-Grade Winsome
- 78 Subversive on so Many Levels
- 77 A Film Noir and a Dessert Topping
- 76 A Trunk Full of Dinner Jackets
- 74 I Would Watch A Whole Movie About Greenberg
- 73 Manly Seamanship
- 67 Gene Kelly's Butt
- 66 I'm Not Just Your Preston Sturges, I'm Your Indiana
- 65 This Is Not Jessica Fletcher
- 59 That's So Raven
- 58 He's Culturing Me
- 57 Cookie Full of Arsenic
- 51 The Ninotchka Cinematic Universe
- 50 What is She Talking About? Stop That!
- 48 He Sounds Like an Angry Garbage Truck
- 44 It's All about the Hat
- 43 Hot Chocolate and Vegetable Soup
- 40 Red Herring Alley
- 26 You Were Made to be Murdered
- 25 Warren William: Cookie Monster
- 23 A Perfect Spherical Cow
- 21 Yum Yum and the Nerd
- 20 Merry Christmas. Don't Mention It!
- 19 Horton-ing and Blore-ing It Up
- 18 Rocky Horror Picture Show without the Sex
- 17 Kirk Douglas, MOVIE STAR!
- 12 Chekhov's ID Card