Jason Snell
Jason Snell created The Incomparable podcast in 2010 and operates the Incomparable podcast network. He also writes at Six Colors.
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
- 707 For All Mankind S2E10 Review: "The Gray"
- 705 For All Mankind S2E9 Review: "Triage"
- 703 For All Mankind S2E8 Review: "And Here's To You"
- 702 For All Mankind S2E7 Review: "Don't Be Cruel"
- 700 For All Mankind S2E6 Review: "Best-Laid Plans"
- 699 For All Mankind S2E5 Review: "The Weight"
- 698 For All Mankind S2E4 Review: "Pathfinder"
- 696 For All Mankind S2E3 Review: "Rules of Engagement"
- 692 For All Mankind S2E2 Review: "The Bleeding Edge"
- 690 For All Mankind S2E1 Review: "Every Little Thing"
- 623 Doctor Who S12E10 review: "The Timeless Children"
- 620 Doctor Who S12E9 review: "Ascension of the Cybermen"
- 619 Doctor Who S12E8 review: "The Haunting of Villa Diodati"
- 618 Doctor Who S12E7 review: "Can You Hear Me?"
- 615 Doctor Who S12E6 review: "Praxeus"
- 613 Doctor Who S12E5 review: "Fugitive of the Judoon"
- 606 Doctor Who S12E2 review: "Spyfall, Part 2"
- 604 Doctor Who S12E1 review: "Spyfall, Part 1"
- 582 Short Treks #6 Review: "The Trouble With Edward"
- 578 Star Trek: Short Treks #5 Review: "Q&A"
- 570 Game of Thrones S8E6 Review: "The Iron Throne"
- 566 Game of Thrones S8E5 Review: "The Bells"
- 564 Game of Thrones S8E4 Review: "The Last of the Starks"
- 561 Game of Thrones S8E3 review: "The Long Night"
- 557 Star Trek: Discovery S2E14 Review: "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2"
- 555 Game of Thrones S8E1 Review: "Winterfell"
- 554 Star Trek: Discovery S2E13 Review: "Such Sweet Sorrow"
- 552 Star Trek: Discovery S2E12 Review: "Through The Valley of Shadows"
- 550 Star Trek: Discovery S2E11 Review: "Perpetual Infinity"
- 546 Star Trek: Discovery S2E10 Review: "The Red Angel"
- 543 Star Trek: Discovery S2E9 Review: "Project Daedalus"
- 539 Star Trek: Discovery S2E7 Review: "Light and Shadows"
- 537 Star Trek: Discovery S2E6 review: "The Sound of Thunder"
- 535 Star Trek: Discovery S2E5 Review: "Saints of Imperfection"
- 532 Star Trek: Discovery S2E4 Review: "An Obol for Charon"
- 529 Star Trek Discovery S2E3: "Point of Light"
- 525 Star Trek: Discovery S2E2 Review: "New Eden"
- 520 Star Trek: Discovery S2E1 Review: "Brother"
- 515 Doctor Who 2019 New Year's Day Review: "Resolution"
- 506 Doctor Who S11E10 Review: "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos"
- 499 Doctor Who S11E8 Review: "The Witchfinders"
- 497 Doctor Who S11E7 Review: "Kerblam!"
- 491 Doctor Who S11E6 Review: "Demons of the Punjab"
- 487 Doctor Who S11E5 review: "The Tsuranga Conundrum"
- 484 Doctor Who S11E4 review: "Arachnids in the UK"
- 480 Doctor Who S11E3 Review: "Rosa"
- 476 Doctor Who S11E2 Review: "The Ghost Monument"
- 473 Doctor Who S11E1 Review: "The Woman Who Fell to Earth"
- 470 Game of Thrones S1E10 Rewind: "Fire and Blood"
- 469 Game of Thrones S1E9 Rewind: "Baelor"
- 464 Game of Thrones S1E8 Rewind: "The Pointy End"
- 462 Game of Thrones s1e7 Rewind: "You Win Or You Die"
- 460 Game of Thrones s1e6 Rewind: "A Golden Crown"
- 456 Game of Thrones s1e5 Rewind: "The Wolf and the Lion"
- 455 Game of Thrones S1E4 Rewind: "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things"
- 454 Game of Thrones S1E3 Rewind: "Lord Snow"
- 453 "Game of Thrones" S1E2 Rewind: "The Kingsroad"
- 452 "Game of Thrones" S1E1 Rewind: "Winter is Coming"
- 366 Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special Review: "Twice Upon a Time"
- 363 "Mr. Robot" Season 3 wrap-up review
- 288 Game of Thrones S7E7 Review: "The Dragon and the Wolf"
- 279 Game of Thrones S7E4 Review: "Spoils of War"
- 277 Game of Thrones S7E3 Review: "The Queen's Justice"
- 274 Game of Thrones S7E2 Review: "Stormborn"
- 271 Game of Thrones S7E1 Review: "Dragonstone"
- 264 Doctor Who S10E11 Review: "World Enough and Time"
- 263 Doctor Who S10E10 Review: "The Eaters of Light"
- 262 Doctor Who S10E9 Review: "Empress of Mars"
- 260 Doctor Who S10E8 Review: "The Lie of the Land"
- 257 Doctor Who S10E7 Review: "Pyramid at the End of the World"
- 250 Doctor Who S10E5 Review: "Oxygen"
- 247 Doctor Who S10E4 Review: "Knock Knock"
- 244 The Expanse Season 2 wrap-up
- 240 Doctor Who S10E2 Review: "Smile"
- 239 Doctor Who S10E1 Review: "The Pilot"
- 231 The Expanse Season 2 Midterm Check-In
- 218 The Expanse S2E1-2 Review: "Safe" and "Doors and Corners"
- 212 Doctor Who review: "The Return of Doctor Mysterio"
- 194 "Mr. Robot" Season 2 wrap-up review
- 188 Mr. Robot review: eps2.1-2.3
- 183 Mr. Robot review: "eps2.0_unm4sk.tc" (part 1 and 2)
- 177 Game of Thrones S6E10 review: "The Winds of Winter"
- 175 Game of Thrones S6E9 review: "Battle of the Bastards"
- 174 Game of Thrones S6E8 review: "No One"
- 172 Game of Thrones S6E7 review: "The Broken Man"
- 168 Game of Thrones S6E5 Review: "The Door"
- 130 The Expanse: S1E2-4 review
- 122 Arrow S4E8 review: "Legends of Yesterday"
- 63 Game of Thrones S5E3 review: "High Sparrow"
- 58 Game of Thrones S5E1 review: "The Wars to Come"
Total Party Kill
Bonus Track
Game Show
- 247 Two Unpopular Robots
- 243 Bad News about Zeus
- 234 Do Ghosts Eat?
- 232 Last Week is Not History
- 229 Good Lord, Everyone Needs Nachos
- 221 Between Mars and Ego
- 219 Invent a Supervillain
- 210 One Hour's Worth of Radon
- 185 Revenge of the Feud
- 181 The Battle of the Relay FM Network Superstars
- 169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
- 161 Cleveland Browns Callback
- 158 Surprise! Actors!
- 148 Don't Show Your Bossk
- 136 I Really Should Have Studied My Dans
- 133 Did You Play Music, Dr. Boogie?
- 115 I Named Two Klingons!
- 110 Federation Feud!
- 99 The Famous Bat-Gun
- 93 The Whole Hasperat
- 88 Pantheon of Muppets
- 87 You Shall Not Pass
- 63 Tales of Glenn!
- 60 Feuding Families III: Pity Pass
- 56 Hug Per Point
- 49 We Love Our Listeners!
- 48 Don't Read the Creepy Old Book
- 45 The Incomparable's Ten-Foot Poll
- 42 Game Night: International Genus
- 38 Game Night: Gospel According to Short Round
- 32 Intangibility is a Serious Problem
- 28 Game Night: Dental Dam
- 25 Counterclockwise: Order of the University of Phoenix
- 18 Harry Potter and the Odor of the Weasel
- 15 Vampire Or Not
- 14 Counterclockwise: Zombie King
- 13 Game Night: Golfing with Hitler
- 11 Counterclockwise: All-Father Knows Best
- 6 Counterclockwise: Long TARDIS Nights
- 4 Counterclockwise: Lost in Stars
- 2 Counterclockwise: Space Minivan
- 0.3 Tennis with Errol Flynn
Unjustly Maligned
- 44 This Meeting's at Dawn
- 26 There's a Lake I Know
- 16 Call Me Son One More Time
- 7 Oceans Rise, Empires Fall
- 3 Young, Scrappy, and Hungry
Sophomore Lit
Recently Read
- 58 "The Galaxy, and the Ground Within" by Becky Chambers
- 47 "Famous Men Who Never Lived" by K. Chess
- 42 "Children of Ruin" by Adrian Tchaikovsky
- 41 "Fall; or, Dodge in Hell" by Neal Stephenson
- 33 "Spinning Silver" by Naomi Novik
- 21 "Impostor Syndrome" by Mishell Baker
- 20 "The Golden Minute" by John Birmingham
- 18 "Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World" by Dan Koeppel
- 16 "The Ends of the World" by Peter Brannen
- 10 "The Flowers of Vashnoi" by Lois McMaster Bujold
- 9 "The Calculating Stars" by Mary Robinette Kowal
- 6 "All Systems Red" by Martha Wells
- 2 "The Prodigal Tongue" by Lynne Murphy
Football is Life
- 35 "So Long, Farewell" (S3E12)
- 33 "International Break" (S3E10)
- 30 "The Strings that Bind Us" (S3E7)
- 24 "Smells Like Mean Spirit" (S3E1)
- 22 "Inverting the Pyramid of Success" (S2E12)
- 17 "Headspace" (S2E7)
- 16 "The Signal" (S2E6)
- 12 "Lavender" (S2E2)
- 7 "Make Rebecca Great Again" Rewatch (S1E7)
- 1 "Pilot" Rewatch (S1E1)
Doctor Who Flashcast
- 84 "Joy to the World" (2024 Christmas Special)
- 82 "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" (S1E8)
- 80 "Dot and Bubble" (S1E6)
- 77 "The Devil's Chord" (S1E3)
- 76 "Space Babies" (S1E2)
- 71 "The Power of the Doctor"
- 70 "Legend of the Sea Devils" (2022 Easter Episode)
- 69 "Eve of the Daleks" (2022 New Year's Special)
- 68 "The Vanquishers" (S13E6)
- 67 "Survivors of the Flux" (S13E5)
- 66 "Village of the Angels" (S13E4)
- 65 "Once, Upon Time" (S13E3)
- 64 "War of the Sontarans" (S13E2)
- 63 "The Halloween Apocalypse" (S13E1)
The Incomparable Mothership
- 635 Throw a Rock at a Reader
- 161 Southern Skeleton
- 148 Between Two Obelisks
- 138 All Hail the Lion!
- 135 Total Party Kill
- 98 Obscure References and Sadness
- 70 At the Time, They Were Just Average Height
Random Trek
- 256 "Day of the Dove" (TOS) with Jason Snell
- 235 "The Alternative Factor" (TOS) with Jason Snell
- 222 "Amok Time" (TOS) with Jason Snell
- 208 "Coming of Age" (TNG) and "Picard" trailer with Jason Snell
- 183 New Spock, Old Picard (news update with Jason Snell)
- 176 "Equinox Part 1 and Part 2" (VOY) with Jason Snell
- 148 "Critical Care" (VOY) with Jason Snell
- 101 Requiem for Methuselah (TOS) with Jason Snell
- 81 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" with David J. Loehr, Tony Sindelar, and Jason Snell
- 41 Remembering Leonard Nimoy
- 1 "Tapestry" (TNG) with Jason Snell
- 595 The Mandalorian S1E3 Review: "Chapter 3: The Sin"
- 517 Daredevil S3E5 Review: "The Perfect Game"
- 516 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #4 Review: "The Escape Artist"
- 513 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #3 Review: "The Brightest Star"
- 493 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #2 Review: "Calypso"
- 474 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #1 Review: "Runaway"
- 467 The Good Place Rewind: S1E12-13
- 392 Star Trek: Discovery S1E15 Review: "Will You Take My Hand"
- 385 Star Trek: Discovery S1E14 Review: "The War Without, The War Within"
- 380 Star Trek: Discovery S1E13 Review: "What's Past is Prologue"
- 375 Star Trek: Discovery S1E12 Review: "Vaulting Ambition"
- 368 Star Trek: Discovery S1E10 Review: "Despite Yourself"
- 344 Star Trek: Discovery S1E9 Review: "Into the Forest I Go"
- 338 Star Trek: Discovery S1E8 Review: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
- 325 Star Trek: Discovery S1E6 Review: "Lethe"
- 302 Star Trek: Discovery S1E2 Review: "Battle at the Binary Stars"
- 301 Star Trek: Discovery S1E1 Review: "The Vulcan Hello"
- 223 The Flash S3E13 Review: "Attack on Gorilla City"
- 196 The Flash S3E1 Review: "Flashpoint"
- 181 Daredevil Rewind S2E13: "A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen"
- 152 Daredevil Rewind S2E3: "New York's Finest"
- 151 Daredevil S2E2 Rewind: "Dogs to a Gunfight"
- 133 Legends of Tomorrow S1E1 review: "Pilot, part 1"
- 120 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 1-4
- 85 Daredevil Rewind: The Finale
Total Party Kill
- 479 Friendship Bracelets!
- 478 Sleep Without Trace
- 477 It's Earthquake Weather
- 476 Never Turn Your Back on an Awning
- 475 CSI Waterdeep
- 474 Open and Shut Case
- 467 War Picks Have the Power
- 466 Don't Feed the Bulettes
- 465 I Don't Talk to Pizzas
- 464 Capering Mud Men
- 463 Summon Greater Landscaper
- 462 Weekend at Keltar's
- 461 Something Dumb Is About to Happen
- 440 Plan L for Lion
- 439 I Am A Loud Lion
- 438 This Casino Is Not Airtight
- 437 Rat Race
- 436 Rule 6: Win! Win! Win!
- 435 That's Not a Boomstick
- 434 Paulie Read an Ethics Book
- 433 Sorry about the Bagpipes
- 432 Spooky Nightmares
- 431 Disco Centipedes
- 430 Bats are the Answer
- 420 Femur vs Glaive
- 419 Fake Blood Curse
- 418 Goblin Brain Trust
- 417 A Coherent, Legitimate Plan
- 416 The Lion, the Witch, and the Hallway
- 415 Societies with Secrets
- 377 Live, Laugh, Lava
- 376 Salamanders from the South!
- 375 Lava Hurts
- 374 Everybody out of the Cloud
- 373 Totally Capacitated
- 372 Cinna and Bon
- 371 Minotaur Sandwich
- 370 Affirmations and Elevators
- 369 A Bad Use of Carlos
- 363 Dragonforge Goes Shopping
- 362 Total Poultry Kill
- 361 Like Father, Like Son
- 360 Kiss Me, I'm Urmbrusk
- 359 Dais ex Machina
- 358 Charm the Chicken
- 357 Bad News for Bears
- 341 Goodbye Plunging Torrents!
- 340 Three Mimics in a Trenchcoat
- 339 Four Halflings in a Robe
- 338 Everybody Hurts
- 337 Soul Proprietorship
- 336 Shaggy Kank Story
- 335 Follow That Carlos!
- 334 We've Been Everywhere--and Done Very Little
- 333 Grells, Grells, Grells
- 332 Step Three Prophet
- 331 Frosted Demon
- 330 Regdar's Demons
- 329 Invisible Flying Ooze
- 328 We're Specter Inspectors!
- 327 He Stole My Hat!
- 326 Gargoyles Gonna Gargoyle
- 325 New Plan, Kill Everyone
- 324 Lich, Please!
- 323 I Open the Door
- 322 It Was Like This When We Got Here
- 321 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 3
- 320 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 2
- 319 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 1
- 318 Gloom, Part 3
- 317 Gloom, Part 2
- 315 Gloom, Part 1
- 307 The Flesh Eaters, Part 2
- 306 The Flesh Eaters, Part 1
- 303 The Gleam in the King's Eye, Part 3
- 302 The Gleam in the King's Eye, Part 2
- 301 The Gleam in the King's Eye, Part 1
- 296 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 3
- 295 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 2
- 294 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 1
- 293 The Dwarven Vault, Part 2
- 292 The Dwarven Vault, Part 1
- 261 Giant Bird and Associates
- 260 Lift a Frozen Dwarf
- 259 Señor Wences, No!
- 258 This Room Is Gross
- 257 The One Who Poinged
- 256 Silent but Deadly
- 255 The Log Is Nature's Abacus
- 254 Quiverbottom and Associates
- 253 In the Jaws of the Champion
- 252 Turtle Party Kill
- 251 Rubble Rubble
- 232 Seize Him!
- 231 Food Pyramid
- 230 Surprised By a Shadow
- 229 Leveling Up
- 228 An Adequately Sized Frog
- 227 Hey, Where's Your Frog?
- 226 I'm Goblin Here!
- 225 Posh Bugbear
- 224 The Couch of the Garden
- 223 You've Killed a Tree!
- 222 Look At My Beautiful Cone
- 221 Send in Meepo!
- 220 Every Death Is a Data Point
- 219 Murder Sesame Street
- 218 This Fountain Counts Rats
- 217 Reading is Fundamental
- 216 Trust Me, I've Got a Plan
- 215 Combat is for Feelings
- 214 Hit the Rat!
- 213 The Best Adventures Start With Lies
- 212 Oakhurst & Beyond
- 206 Good Cop, Bad Cop, Handsome Cop
- 205 A Closet Full of Corpses
- 204 Take Cover Behind Your Wizard
- 203 Our Cleric Has the Bloodlust
- 201 Awkward Alligator
- 199 Ooze on First?
- 197 Pitfall Situation
- 196 Grifters Are Like Zombies
- 195 You'll Never Be Bandit 2 Now, Pal
- 194 A Dwarf with a Hangover
- 193 How Not to Be Seen
- 192 High Fantasy in the Low Sewers
- 191 Thieves Cant is a Beautiful Language
- 190 Tepanyaki Vampire
- 189 A Hug in the Darkness
- 188 Golem Storage Area
- 187 Too Many Orbs
- 186 Not Much of a Mountain
- 185 I'm a Herder, Not a Fighter
- 184 The Warning Birds
- 183 Snake Preview
- 182 A Million Nerds Skanking
- 154 Yan-C-Bin Expecting Me?
- 153 Regdar's Unregulated School of Magic
- 152 My Mom Raised Me Not to Lie to a Bird
- 151 Hello from the Tragic Cavern
- 150 That's My Clampy Hand!
- 139 For Presta!
- 138 Oh Man, My Mouth Tastes Like Goodberry!
- 137 Artisanal Gore
- 136 Ha Ha! You're In a Cult!
- 135 Turn Left at the Shallow Graves
- 134 The Best Diplomacy Ever
- 133 Got Kank Milk?
- 132 Famed Flautists
- 131 Not All Manticores
- 130 An Auspicious Day
- 129 Tattered Gray Cloak
- 128 Freedom!
- 127 To the Sinkhole!
- 126 The Mul Who Cried 'Boy'
- 125 He's Dead, J'ym
- 124 Rat Sandwich
- 123 A Taste of Kled
- 122 Batsbatsbatsbatsbatsbats
- 121 United States v. Dracula
- 120 Orbs McQuarrie
- 119 The Mirror Has Two Faces
- 118 Please Roll Clockwork Bird
- 117 Netflix and Kill
- 116 We're Hotel Inspectors
- 115 Party in the Front, Stables in the Back
- 114 A Chip Off the Old Rock
- 113 Intimidate the Wind
- 104 We Wreck Everything We See
- 103 Cowering Behind a Wizard
- 102 All Hands on Deck!
- 101 Please Avenge My Death
- 99 That's Why You Should Floss
- 98 The Corpse Is Dead!
- 97 How Deep Is My Dagger?
- 96 What's Left of Pieter Dragonforge
- 95 Faraday Cube
- 94 Team Spider
- 93 Very Briefly Poisoned
- 92 Science and Other Sciences
- 91 Brain Genie
- 90 Toxic Vomit
- 89 If You Build It, Bats Will Come
- 88 That's So Bahamut
- 87 Every Combat Begins with Kay
- 86 Seven Against Two Is the Best Odds
- 85 This Really Ties the Room Together
- 84 Ding Dongs and Doolallys
- 83 Can We Crash at Your God's Place?
- 82 The Door Softened Them Up For Us
- 81 Ghouls' Night!
- 80 Between Two Sarcophagi
- 79 It's Never Too Late for Pew When You're in the Sewer
- 78 Crossbow Friends!
- 77 A Rather Substantial Tab
- 76 Where Do You See Yourself in Five Levels?
- 75 Axe Punch His Face
- 74 Unguarded Crack
- 73 Two Muls, a Defiler, and a Beetle Place
- 72 Magical Selfie Stick
- 71 Strumming His Piccolo
- 70 Ways to Not Be a Beetle
- 69 Epic Hat Destiny
- 68 Carlos, Have You Learned Nothing?
- 67 Is This Your Card?
- 66 Descriptions & Doors
- 65 In That Trunk Is Some Funk
- 64 Have You Seen Billy?
- 63 Root of the Problem
- 62 Jam Cabinet
- 61 Knee Deep in Bat Guano
- 60 Bedroom Farce
- 59 The Murder Chute
- 58 Unaffiliated Pottery Outpost
- 57 Full House
- 56 Professional Monkey Paw Operator
- 55 Too Many Tembo
- 54 Beetles in Jars
- 53 1d8 Beetles
- 52 Dwarven Bards!
- 51 That's So Catapult
- 50 Swan Song
- 49 Do Giants Stack?
- 48 Chitin's Gonna Ichor
- 47 War on Rugs
- 46 A Door Killed My Brother
- 45 A Night on the Caravan
- 44 A Hat and Some Bugs
- 43 0 Days Since Last Death
- 42 Turn the Slug Around
- 41 Scorpion Rodeo
- 40 There's Always a Lesser Goblin
- 39 A Slug and a Nice Mint Julep
- 38 International House of Kobolds
- 37 This Guy's From Grand Rapids!
- 36 That Ship Has Sailed to Winch Town
- 35 Undermountain Thanksgiving
- 34 Time is a Flat Rat
- 33 Should My Orb Still Be Glowing?
- 32 One Rat Deep
- 31 Blinded by Kobold Science
- 30 Bone Throne
- 29 Don't Trust the Bugbear
- 28 2 Legit 2 Hit
- 27 Rat Burrito
- 26 Wiggle the Something-or-Others
- 25 Death to All Statues
- 24 Garage Band of Heroes
- 23 Spooky Hat Club
- 22 Who Knows Origami?
- 21 Warlocks and Door Locks
- 20 Do You Know the Mushroom Man?
- 18 Pick Out a Pretty Headstone
- 17 The Fightin' Sand Rams
- 16 Let the Best Mul Win
- 15 Wraith Relations
- 14 Don't Lick the Serpent
- 13 Plaintive Moos
- 12 The Orb Was Obvious
- 11 Blazing Skeletons
- 10 Danger's My Middle Name
- 9 Swimming Lessons
- 8 Torn Between Two Obelisks
- 7 Enter the Minotaur
- 6 The Trouble With Eglath
- 5 Sun, Sand, and Tareks
- 4 Bone Javelin
- 3 Kank Merchant
- 2 We've Been In Worse Situations
- 1 Meet the Party
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 0.7 Layers: The World of Tomorrow (Live)
- 0.6 Rehearsing in the Zeppelin
- 0.5 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla
- 0.3 The Spooky Twist; The Fog
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
Not Playing with Lex and Dan
Bonus Track
Game Show
- 251 Nature's Sausage
- 245 A Mind Meld Tenmas
- 238 Liverpool River Otters
- 230 Icelandic Conspiracy Theories
- 220 Christmas Is About Winning
- 218 The Cheese of Rassilon
- 212 Thank You, 1978
- 211 Backdoor Pilot For Yogi Berra
- 209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
- 208 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goo
- 204 Objectivist Mickey
- 193 Clear Minds, Full Melds
- 184 Rumbledethumps
- 179 Danconceivable 2: Electric Danaloo
- 176 Venerable Boos Outfit
- 174 Kermit Is Immeasurable
- 172 National Bola Association
- 159 Lex Explains Xylophones
- 157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
- 152 Everybody Had Weltschmerz
- 142 Great For Baseball
- 134 No One Picked Me
- 122 That Seems Naughty
- 120 Gobble Search
- 118 Resources and Wood and Stuff
- 108 I Hate People and Places
- 107 I Solved a Question From the Future
- 101 The Low Definition '18 Christmas Special
- 95 Take a Bow
- 91 A Squashed Bee Gee
- 84 The Three-Pack
- 81 The Ghost Has Spoken
- 80 The Answer's Always Michael George
- 78 There Are No Hamburgers in the Phantom Zone
- 77 The Low Definition Holiday Special!
- 76 Would You Like to Buy an Apple?
- 74 Baseballers
- 73 Dinosaur Jousting with Pitchforks
- 64 Random Pursuit
- 61 Inclined To Go For The Liquor
- 58 Low Definition XI: Lesser of Two Weevils
- 55 There Is a Sign Here
- 53 Mmmoootiny!
- 52 How Is That Starfleet?
- 50 Low Definition: A Family of Clowns
- 44 Low Definition: The Wicker Moze
- 37 Low Definition: This Word Sucks
- 33 Exits Are Unknown
- 31 Low Definition: Tempted by the Little Man
- 27 Lake Tourist
- 26 Pundit Showdown: Rivalry of the Fruits
- 23 Low Definition: Space Blobs
- 21 Light Lamp
- 19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
- 17 Low Definition: Hempen Humbug
- 12 Twelve Angry Clowns
- 10 Pundit Showdown: February Flashback Edition
- 8 Je Suis La Poire
- 7 Family Spats
- 5 Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah
- 1 Serious Nerdery
Unjustly Maligned
Myke at the Movies
- 53 "Wakanda Forever"
- 52 "Loki" and the "Ted Lasso" S2 premiere
- 51 "Hamilton" on Disney+
- 50 "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
- 49 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"
- 48 "Die Hard"
- 47 "Kiki's Delivery Service"
- 46 "Miracle on 34th Street"
- 45 "My Neighbor Totoro"
- 44 "Avengers: Infinity War"
- 43 "Aliens"
- 42 Myke at the Matinee: "Hamilton"
- 40a "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"
- 39 "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"
- 28 "Blade Runner: The Final Cut"
- 26 "Spider-Man: Homecoming"
- 20 "Blade Runner"
- 19 "Alien"
- 18 "The Terminator"
- 17 "Home Alone"
- 16 "Gremlins"
- 14 "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"
- 13a "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"
- 13 "The Sure Thing"
- 10 "Back to the Future Part II"
- 9 "Inside Out"
- 8 "WarGames"
- 6 "Say Anything"
- 4 "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
- 3 "Avengers: Age of Ultron"
- 2 "This is Spinal Tap"
- 1 "Real Genius"
- 0 "The Princess Bride"
Sophomore Lit
- 158 A Perfect Day for Bananafish
- 129 The Metamorphosis
- 115 Flowers for Algernon
- 98 The Martian Chronicles
- 79 The Red Badge of Courage
- 75 The War of the Worlds
- 68 Ender's Game
- 63 A Farewell to Arms
- 39 Slaughterhouse Five
- 26 Brave New World
- 18 Stranger in a Strange Land
- 11 Cat's Cradle