Jean MacDonald
Podcasts Hosted by Jean MacDonald
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
Game Show
The Incomparable Mothership
- 721 It's a Triangle!
- 709 Worms All the Way Down
- 694 Don't Take the Soylent Factory Tour
- 681 Do More Harm
- 680 A Better Lando Calrissian
- 656 Endless Slumber Party
- 651 Breakfast Club for Superheroes
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 631 Timecop After Timecop
- 629 Bum Bag Beatdown
- 627 The Czech Office
- 625 Frisky Vulcans
- 605 Apocalypse Doctoring
- 595 I Didn't Have a Tab - The Best of 2021
- 594 Money in His Underwear
- 589 Sometimes Beige Is Beautiful
- 579 Bad Dad, Crane Dad
- 576 Unlicensed Dinosaur Park
- 563 When Harry Met Sally (With Monsters)
- 556 Pig's Gotta Fly
- 555 Dawson's Crypt
- 552 Oh No, My Elixirs!
- 549 Future of the Future
- 548 Conveyor Belt to Heaven
- 543 I Want to Go to Dog Heaven
- 532 Most Crushable Crew
- 522 Burning Man for Aliens
- 521 Knights of Exposition
- 519 Relics and Garbage
- 515 Guitar Riff for Grandma
- 509 The Battle of Control-V
- 506 Hold My Infinite Beers
- 486 Crazy With the Lizard Juice
- 483 Light Mode Batman
- 477 Klimt Versus Monet
- 476 Lucky Crime Shirt
- 474 World Unity Day
- 468 Did the Shark Order Takeout?
- 457 Dracula's Home Alone
- 447 Look at Potatoes Differently
- 438 There's a World of Biscuits
- 437 Whale Logistics Movie
- 436 Most Important Chimpanzee
- 433 You Like Garbage
- 429 A Juicer For People
- 426 Up to the Puppies
- 420 A Painting on a Van
- 413 How Ironic, Tony!
- 403 Computers Are Educational
- 395 Joe DiMaggio of the Slide Rule
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 381 That's Me Only Shirt!
- 373 Great Joy and Gratitude
- 361 Things Inside Other Things
Random Trek
- 253 "Our Man Bashir" (DS9) with Jean MacDonald
- 231 "Once More Unto the Breach" with Jean MacDonald
- 211 "Alice" (VOY) with Jean MacDonald
- 177 "Think Tank" (VOY) with Jean MacDonald
- 167 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" with Moisés Chiullán, David J. Loehr, and Jean MacDonald
- 152 "Trials and Tribble-ations" (DS9) with Jean MacDonald
- 119 "Bliss" (VOY) with Jean MacDonald
- 41 Remembering Leonard Nimoy
- 27 "The Mark of Gideon" (TOS) with Jean MacDonald
- 684 Doctor Who New Year's Special: "Revolution of the Daleks"
- 619 Doctor Who S12E8 review: "The Haunting of Villa Diodati"
- 491 Doctor Who S11E6 Review: "Demons of the Punjab"
- 316 Star Trek: Discovery S1E5 Review: "Choose Your Pain"
Total Party Kill
Game Show
- 240 Remember, I Am Capricious
- 230 Icelandic Conspiracy Theories
- 228 Opossum My Possum
- 221 Between Mars and Ego
- 213 Number One Fish
- 209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
- 202
- 200 The 200th Episode Spectacular
- 186 One More Astronaut
- 182 Sparkling Oatmeal
- 173 We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers
- 172 National Bola Association
- 171 Cicero Cicero Cicero
- 167 As Wrong As Possible
- 166 My Step-Dad is Aquaman
- 163 Blame it on Burbank
- 161 Cleveland Browns Callback
- 156 Too Much Entertainment
- 154 Ethereal Werewolf
- 153 I Knew I Ate It Before 1970
- 141 Do the Toilets Pay You?
- 140 Fight!
- 138 Quinoa Car
- 132 One of Those Great Cities With an Umlaut
- 127 It Is I, The Deceptor!
- 125 Non-Quadruped Thaumaturgy
- 123 Three of the Four Have Been to Space
- 118 Resources and Wood and Stuff
- 114 I Believe In The Juicy Rooster
- 111 If Only We'd Ever Read a Book
- 110 Federation Feud!
- 107 I Solved a Question From the Future
- 104 There Are No Letters in Our Bingo
- 103 Don't Give Me Any Grife
- 101 The Low Definition '18 Christmas Special
- 100 John Lemon
- 98 K'on Bragh!
- 97 That's Not How Trees Work
- 88 Pantheon of Muppets
- 2.1 What Happened to the Other Guy?
- 11 When You Come to a Falk in the Road, Take It
- 10 Phryne with a Fringe on Top
- 2 Make Mine Marple!
- 1 Good Eve-a-Ning
Sophomore Lit
Corner of the Sky
Friends in Your Ears
Pants in the Boot
- 45 Pants in the Pants in the Boot
- 44 Expletive Delighted
- 43 Thingumbob
- 42 Crunchy Granola Family
- 35 The Detector Van Is a Lie
- 34 Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money
- 33 Marmaladoo, Are You Jelly?
- 32 Sing Your Favorite Postal Code
- 31 We All Live at 123 Fake Street
- 30 A Detached View of Living
- 29 This'll Floor You
- 28 Factor in the Coopetition
- 27 We Get Sharp about Flats
- 26 Get a Load of This Bench
- 25 That Takes the Biscuit
- 24 Do You Want a Piece of Me?
- 23 A Cup or Two Will Benefit You
- 22 Are You Mocha-ing Me?
- 21 Home on the Range
- 20 Properly Scared of Electricity
Vulcan Hello
Agents of SMOOCH
- 128 Vulcan Boyfriend
- 127 We're Not Talking About Star Trek
- 103 I'm Gliding Here
- 92 A Pirate Emergency
- 91 With a Cat on My Head
- 88 It Starts with the Eyes
- 85 This RomCom has Good UI
- 73 The Smoochiest of Smooches
- 69 Your Stupid Boyfriend
- 66 We're Porn Friends Now
- 65 Sniped Again
- 63 The Love Life We Want
- 61 ABBAddiction
- 60 A Duology of Mammas Mia!
- 54 Middle Aged Nirvana
- 49 Preoccupation with Optics
- 46 Day 12 of Love Actually
- 43 Day 9 of Love Actually
- 40 Day 6 of Love Actually
- 37 Day 3 of Love Actually
- 35 Day 1 of Love Actually
- 25 Danny Sous Vido
- 19 They're Pretty in All the Timelines
- 17 You Could Have Killed Off Norman
- 12 Sepsis Waiting to Happen
- 10 We're Making Omelets
- 09 Just Let the Kids be Horny
- 08 50 Shades of Blue
- 05 Austen's Mechanics of Marriage
- 3 A Room With A Vyse
- 2 She Megged Her John
- 1 Love to Snipe You, Baby
- 0 Welcome to Agents of SMOOCH!
Lions, Towers & Shields
- 39 Hitchcock's Two-Hour Tour
- 33 Nice Guy, or Good Man?
- 26 You Were Made to be Murdered
- 14 No One Told Me It's Three Hours Long
- 13 They're Pretty in All the Timelines
- 8 Cornelia is Trash. Or She's Not!
- 6 We'll Begin with a Reign of Terror
- 4 What to Watch Now
- 3 More Permy Over Time
Football is Life
- 33 "International Break" (S3E10)
- 25 "(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea" (S3E2)
- 23 Extra Time (S2 wrap-up)
- 22 "Inverting the Pyramid of Success" (S2E12)
- 18 "Man City" (S2E8)
- 12 "Lavender" (S2E2)
- 7 "Make Rebecca Great Again" Rewatch (S1E7)
- 4 "For the Children" Rewatch (S1E4)