John Siracusa
John Siracusa co-hosts Robot or Not and has appeared on The Incomparable Mothership since its inception in 2010. When he's not podcasting on The Incomparable network, he's probably podcasting elsewhere. You can learn more about John at his website.
Podcasts Hosted by John Siracusa
The Incomparable Mothership
- 756 Bald Men Wearing Trash Bags
- 755 Is This... Dystopian?
- 748 Holes at the End of the World
- 744 Pineapple of Disappointment
- 735 Who Took My Lady?
- 710 Average Night at the Sicilian Opera
- 706 Riff on Biff
- 705 A Legacy of Biffs
- 704 Kramer Before Kramer
- 700 A Dark Totoro
- 698 Incarnation of the System
- 693 Short-Selling Magic Crystals
- 676 Crisis on Infinite Parkers
- 644 Spoilers for "ALF"
- 642 Management Advice From Mobsters
- 639 Prologue: The Television Series
- 605 Apocalypse Doctoring
- 596 Tom Bombadilification
- 589 Sometimes Beige Is Beautiful
- 562 The Gentleness Axis
- 556 Pig's Gotta Fly
- 552 Oh No, My Elixirs!
- 547 Catching Up On Stuff - The Best of 2020
- 545 Chekhov's Disappearing Pig
- 541 The Incomparable Life Day Special
- 536 Sometimes the Drawer is Empty
- 529 Ancient Goat Lettering
- 528 To Quantity!
- 522 Burning Man for Aliens
- 507 No More Death Stars
- 505 It's Always Overcast In Berlin
- 500 Amalgamated Zeppelin Monocle Company
- 492 The Sith You've Dated
- 490 Treat It Like the Bible
- 485 Iterative Movies Are My Jam
- 482 A Problematic Hen
- 478 Death Snuggle Fort
- 462 Misunderstanding-Based Murder
- 455 Ewokalypse
- 445 It's Probably Going to Be Weird
- 442 Sword is Definitely a Personality
- 431 Overture and Apes
- 424 Never Not Wolves
- 410 I Am Not a Crackpot
- 408 Sometimes You Need a Wookiee
- 402 His Planet Is Terrible
- 400 Snellology
- 396 A Lifeboat Made of Mom
- 390 Ice Cream Headache from the Future
- 389 Tales from the Spirit Bathhouse
- 384 An Old Sock Full of Diamonds
- 380 Floppy Shark
- 374 Just Give Me 35 Years
- 371 Grandpa and His Musical Friends
- 365 Humour With a U in It
- 364 The Show of Theseus
- 358 I Kissed Them Both
- 356 I'm Smart, Not Like Everybody Says
- 355 What Would Pop Do?
- 351 You're Right, Father--Kill All Humans
- 348 He's Way Better Than Fonzie
- 340 Give the Robots Some Time
- 337b ...But Too Much
- 337 20 Minutes Into the Future
- 331 I Refuse To Call It a Prequel
- 330 Team Killer Robot
- 329 He's More Man than Puppet
- 328 Panspermia, but for Clothes
- 323 Abe Vigoda Knows All the Toilets
- 321 Purgatoy Box
- 318 Creepy Hug
- 309 Boats in Space
- 308 Is Winter Coming?
- 306 Only One Spaceship
- 305 Mint in Box
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 297 The Ohm Whisperer
- 295 A History of Things That Never Happened
- 290 Team Bucket
- 284 She Scullys Herself
- 277 Stormtroopers Are People
- 276 Don't Drink the Bacta Tea
- 273 The Long-Term Plan Is Kill All Humans
- 263 Television Shaped Like a Mom
- 254 You've Ruined Pizza
- 252 Three Shames and a Ding
- 248 Most Poetic Sledgehammer
- 245 Incomparable, Assemble!
- 243 Find My Lightsaber
- 240 Pooping Alien
- 238 Caucus with the Dark Side
- 237 Force Denier
- 234 The Only Way Out Is In
- 229 Divorce Mode
- 228 It's Not a Draft: Our 2014 Favorites
- 226 Stop Circulating the Tapes
- 222 Forcegiving
- 220 Authentic Cop Mustache
- 212 A MacGyver in the Making
- 210 You Ain't No Nice Guy
- 208 The Good People Are Dead Already
- 205 Love Machine
- 200 Butter Zone
- 199 Get This Man Some New Paint
- 197 Fail Fast
- 195 Peak Crate
- 194 A Real Imaginary Friend
- 193 Don't Worry, We Got This
- 189 Using Computers to Impress Girls
- 188 Game Show II
- 183 How I Sold Your Mother
- 182 Full-Fledged Force Mullet
- 180 Locked-Shower Mystery
- 178 A Smoother Yar
- 177 Six-Pixel Sword
- 176 Solo Adventures (Our 2013 Favorites)
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 165 Grieving for My Left Thumb
- 160 Super-Secret Sony MiniDiscs
- 159 Full Shatner
- 158 Peak Clooney
- 153 Monkey with a Tinfoil Sandwich
- 150 I Look Forward to Ignoring Your Criticism
- 146 Bashing Two Action Figures Together
- 145 He Lives By a Stupid Code
- 144 Hangin' With the Totes
- 143 The Best "Star Wars" Movie In Years
- 142 Free Public WiFi
- 137 Go Wash a Droid
- 136 We Waited 16 Years For This?
- 134 Obligatory Cannibalism
- 133 Incomparable Radio Theater of the Air
- 131 Professor Siracusa's Anime 101
- 125 Kiss the Elf
- 124 Hobbit Hanukkah
- 123 Ski Lodge Pick
- 122 Recursive Clip Loop: Our 2012 Favorites
- 120 A Horse with a Hat
- 115 For Dunces, By Dunces, To Dunces
- 114 When You Wish Upon a Star Wars
- 110 Cyborg Cowboy
- 108 Then We Touched, Then We Sang
- 106 Dance With a Dalek in the Pale Moonlight
- 104 Kids Have Bad Taste
- 102 Princess Indiana Jones
- 100 Who Cares What We Think?
- 98 Obscure References and Sadness
- 95 Don't Take the Cinnamon Challenge
- 92 Nick Fury's Google Hangout
- 90 A Suspiciously Efficient Morgue
- 89 Also Known as Endor
- 88 Skywalker's Eleven
- 85 Game Show
- 84 Wind is the Enemy
- 82 Apocalypse Book Club
- 80 Khan Film Festival
- 79 Everything Sounds Beautiful in German
- 77 Women's Libber
- 74 I'm Definitely Not a Girl
- 68 Jedi Weekend
- 67 Darth Vader's Office is Really Weird
- 66 Regular People Like Us
- 65 Maine is Purgatory
- 63 Like a Good Book Exploded
- 60 Thanks For Everything... Now Go Die
- 59 Flitting is in (TV Fantasy Pitches)
- 58 Greyskull Anonymous (TV Fantasy Draft)
- 56 Let Me in the Frickin' TARDIS!
- 50 We Apologize for the Extinction of the Clownfish
- 49 It's Like "Working Girl" With Monsters
- 48 Can I Get Some Extra Dragons on That, Please?
- 47 Death Star University
- 46 I Like My Coffee Like My Evil Sith Lords
- 45 Lesbian, Silurian, Victorian
- 43 Mulder and Pacey in "The F-Files"
- 36 Impossible Astronauts
- 34 The Wrath of James Caan
- 33 "I Drank What?"
- 29 Magic Fridge
- 28 Bad at High School
- 23 Origin Story
- 20 Everyone's a Redshirt in Real Life
- 16 If You Love an Autobot, Set it Free
- 15 My Computer is Powered by Frisbees
- 14 There's Guacamole on the Holodeck
- 12 He Who Controls Mr. Peanut Controls the World
- 7 Law & Order: Atlantis
- 3 Doctor Sherlock vs. The Melty Man
Random Trek
- 258 "Daedalus" (ENT) with John Siracusa
- 245 "The Immunity Syndrome" (TOS) with John Siracusa
- 230 "Rapture" (DS9) with John Siracusa
- 206 "Deja Q" (TNG) with John Siracusa
- 17 "Indiscretion" (DS9) with John Siracusa
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 0.6 Rehearsing in the Zeppelin
- 0.3 The Spooky Twist; The Fog
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
- 0.1 Galaxy Scouts; The Fog
Not Playing with Lex and Dan
Bonus Track
- 347b Insert Star Wars Teaser Reaction Here
- 297b Is the Baby Ohm Alive?
- 263b Mr. Robot or Not
- 254b Werner Herzog's Fire Tornado
- 248b Cyborg or Not
- 240b Second-Degree Glenning
- 238b Let the Healing Begin
- 234b Everybody Cut
- 229b Hovering Over the Butt
- 228b Robot or Not
- 226b Lumpy Leroux
- 220b Halloween Candy Criteria
- 212b Ohhh Myyyy
- 210b Horses Die a Lot in the Future
- 208b What Color Is Your Toothbrush?
- 205b The Cat Has Been Dead for Months
- 199b I Liked Caillou
- 197b Rated PG-42
- 195b Pun-Based Puzzles
- 194b Mann Canon
- 191b Waiting for Serenity
- 189b The Endless Incomparable After Dark
- 182b Episode II - Omnibus Commentary
- 180b Flash-Drive Conspiracy
- 178b Don't Google Tanuki
- 165b Unrecorded Personal Conversations
- 160b Blue Pill
- 159b After The Incomparable Movie Draft
- 153b Ukelele Breaks
- 150b High Density
- 144b Steve Summarizes Totoro
- 143b Flaaaaaaaan!
- 136b A Thing That Farted
- 134b Apocalypse Edition
- 131b Anime 101 Extra Credit
- 125b Elf Hoverboard Incident
- 124b Cruel Summer
- 123b Balls In the Canyon
- 122b The World is About to End
- 115b Good Times, Sanford and Son
- 114b Lena Dunham's "Star Wars"
- 110b Timing
- 104b You Have Kids, You Should Know Where They Are
- 92b B-Minus
- 90b Hello, Chat Room
- 82b Yonkahs!
- 79b After the Movie Draft
- 77b Stephen King
- 74b Free to Be You and Me
- 67b The Podcast Strikes Back
Game Show
- 12 Twelve Angry Clowns
- 3 Mansplained to Doom!
- 2 Counterclockwise: Space Minivan
- 0.2 Game Show II
- 0.1 Game Show
Myke at the Movies
Sophomore Lit
- 89 Flatland
- 50 Dubliners
- 13 Short Stories I: The Lady, or the Tiger?, The Monkey's Paw, The Most Dangerous Game
- 2 The Catcher in the Rye