Kathy Campbell
Podcasts Hosted by Kathy Campbell
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
Game Show
- 245 A Mind Meld Tenmas
- 244 Dark Christmas
- 238 Liverpool River Otters
- 230 Icelandic Conspiracy Theories
- 225 Glenn Interrupted Himself
- 220 Christmas Is About Winning
- 213 Number One Fish
- 209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
- 206 Square is Not a Fruit
- 202 CerealButItsSpelledLikeTheCereal.com
- 200 The 200th Episode Spectacular
- 194 Christmas Trivia Is All Around
- 193 Clear Minds, Full Melds
- 191 Uniqueness Counts Against You
- 100 John Lemon
Somehow I Manage
Recently Read
Football is Life
Dragonmount: The Wheel of Time Podcast
The Incomparable Mothership
- 703 Communists? In Berkeley?
- 693 Short-Selling Magic Crystals
- 677 Pink Magic
- 673 Ten Years or One Bullet Hole
- 670 I Guess I Like People?
- 654 Goth Girl Handbook
- 633 Thor Family
- 623 Sand Tuna Thief
- 602 The Show You Think You Saw
- 596 Tom Bombadilification
- 581 Bad Dad, Cellphone Dad
- 576 Unlicensed Dinosaur Park
- 574 Time Cop, Not a Time Cop
- 530 Let's Talk About Turnips!
- 520 Words Aren't Cool
- 510 Failure Is Not an Option
- 503 God Is a Job Nobody Wants
- 497 A Concerning Amount of Tootsie Rolls
- 491 The Yellow Ones Don't Stop
- 484 Werewolfism
- 479 Specifically Boo Berry
- 473 Belarusian Chupacabra
- 463 West of Westeros
- 462 Misunderstanding-Based Murder
- 457 Dracula's Home Alone
- 441 Evil Dukes Are the Worst
- 439 Dad Bod Spider-Man
- 434 All Wormholes Go to Heaven
- 433 You Like Garbage
- 430 We're the Magnificent Seven
- 428 Sour and Smells Like Feet
- 427 A Lot of Rocket Metaphors
- 405 That's Definitely You
- 393 The Ol' Reverse Lucifer
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 383 Upstairs Christmas Tree
- 375 Sentimental Spite
- 369 We've Eaten All the Vegetables
Random Trek
- 598 The Mandalorian S1E4 Review: "Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
- 589 Gargoyles: Awakening, Parts I-V
- 523 The Masked Singer S1E3: The Joel and Ken Show
- 522 The Masked Singer S1E1-2: Breaking News From the Unicorn
- 455 Game of Thrones S1E4 Rewind: "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things"
Total Party Kill
- 479 Friendship Bracelets!
- 478 Sleep Without Trace
- 477 It's Earthquake Weather
- 476 Never Turn Your Back on an Awning
- 475 CSI Waterdeep
- 474 Open and Shut Case
- 435 That's Not a Boomstick
- 434 Paulie Read an Ethics Book
- 433 Sorry about the Bagpipes
- 432 Spooky Nightmares
- 431 Disco Centipedes
- 430 Bats are the Answer
- 426 A Troubling Amount of Blood
- 425 Sharp and Pointy and Demanding
- 424 The Fighting Librarians
- 423 Upsetting Image
- 422 Do Do Doo Doo Doo
- 420 Femur vs Glaive
- 419 Fake Blood Curse
- 418 Goblin Brain Trust
- 403 Approach the Toad
- 402 A Horse-sized Hole
- 401 Lawful Good but Not Nice
- 400 A Walk with Paulie
- 367 Rats Are Not Heroes
- 366 Short Sword, Long Dagger
- 365 Sorry Your Wolf Died
- 364 We're Kobolds, Not Geniuses
- 321 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 3
- 320 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 2
- 319 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 1
- 314 The Cult of Dusk, Part 3
- 313 The Cult of Dusk, Part 2
- 312 The Cult of Dusk, Part 1
- 305 The Wild Sheep Chase
- 304 The Crashed Palace
- 300 Rosethorn, Part 4
- 299 Rosethorn, Part 3
- 298 Rosethorn, Part 2
- 297 Rosethorn, Part 1
- 296 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 3
- 295 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 2
- 294 The Well of the Black Sun, Part 1
- 291 The Night Blade, Part 3
- 290 The Night Blade, Part 2
- 289 The Night Blade, Part 1
- 161 The Cultists Aren't That Flammable
- 160 Official Mayoral Business
Incomparable Radio Theater
Game Show
- 243 Bad News about Zeus
- 242 Opportunity Crocks
- 241 Pittsburgh
- 222 Genus IV: The Voyage Home
- 214 Pity Points
- 208 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goo
- 203 Elvis Has Left The Building
- 197 I Can Hear the Screams in My Head
- 190 That Word Is Terrible
- 189 Your Fifteen Minutes is Up
- 182 Sparkling Oatmeal
- 181 The Battle of the Relay FM Network Superstars
- 180 Nice Glenns Finish Last
- 178 Q and Eh
- 177 Tony's Organs, Free to a Good Home
- 168 Chaos is a C Word
- 166 My Step-Dad is Aquaman
- 165 Most Valuable Ghost
- 164 Pixie Duck Is My Roller Derby Name
- 162 The Villain Monologue
- 160 Interdimensional Shaft
- 159 Lex Explains Xylophones
- 158 Surprise! Actors!
- 157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
- 155 God of Bears
- 149 A Heart-Stricken Moose
- 145 7 or C?
- 144 Contestants Are Angry
- 143 Unexpected Batman
- 139 Bring Your Own Backstory
- 138 Quinoa Car
- 136 I Really Should Have Studied My Dans
- 134 No One Picked Me
- 133 Did You Play Music, Dr. Boogie?
- 132 One of Those Great Cities With an Umlaut
- 130 Jetty Mind Tricks
- 127 It Is I, The Deceptor!
- 124 Wayne Gretzky
- 123 Three of the Four Have Been to Space
- 120 Gobble Search
- 115 I Named Two Klingons!
- 114 I Believe In The Juicy Rooster
- 111 If Only We'd Ever Read a Book
- 106 Shiver Me Pleasure
- 105 TL;DR
- 104 There Are No Letters in Our Bingo
- 102 Chasing the Gingerbread Dragon
- 99 The Famous Bat-Gun
- 97 That's Not How Trees Work
- 95 Take a Bow
- 94 A Penguin Knows to Respect a Gun
- 92 I'm Very Epicurious
- 90 Random Tolkien Table
- 87 You Shall Not Pass
- 86 Death and Ferris Wheels
- 80 The Answer's Always Michael George
- 79 Yelling at Rocks
- 78 There Are No Hamburgers in the Phantom Zone
- 76 Would You Like to Buy an Apple?
- 75 It All Boils Down to Valerie Bertinelli
- 74 Baseballers
- 71 The Count Of Monte Brisco County
- 69 Victorian Parlour Games
- 68 It's Not All Horrible Childhood Memories
- 66 Low Definition: I Will See a Wrinklepuff
- 62 Dr. Tiff and the Electric Catfish
- 58 Low Definition XI: Lesser of Two Weevils
- 54 Low Definition: Up to the Third Knuckle
- 47 Low Definition: The Spooky Edition
Sophomore Lit
Corner of the Sky
Voyager Revisited
Pants in the Boot
- 14 We've Lost Our Faculties
- 13 You Can't Say That, Except the Letter Isn't an "a"
- 12 A Pantomime Is a Terrible Thing To Waste
- 11 Oh, Aren't We Fancy?
- 5 Boot v Trunk
- 4 Pants v Trousers
- 3 Alumin(i)um
- 2 Chips, Crisps, and Fries
- 1 Biscuits v Cookies
Agents of SMOOCH
- 101 She Needs a Gardener
- 100 The Hugh Grant Clause
- 95 The Fast & Furious on Boats
- 94 Is This a Kissing Podcast?
- 92 A Pirate Emergency
- 91 With a Cat on My Head
- 89 Hat on a Fuzzy Hat
- 88 It Starts with the Eyes
- 84 Warm Bath of a Book
- 81 Glow Up for Real
- 79 Hot Pink Sequins in the Amazon
- 66 We're Porn Friends Now
- 65 Sniped Again
- 63 The Love Life We Want
- 56 Sexy Movie for Smart People
- 54 Middle Aged Nirvana
- 51 The Bodyguard
- 50 International Waters
- 48 Sexually Literate
- 46 Day 12 of Love Actually
- 44 Day 10 of Love Actually
- 41 Day 7 of Love Actually
- 38 Day 4 of Love Actually
- 35 Day 1 of Love Actually
- 33 She Inspires Us to Be Better
- 32 It's Not His Personality, It's His Hair
- 31 Eggnog Makes Me Fighty
- 27 Love in the Female Gaze
- 26 Two Robots Crying on Cue
- 18 She Speaks Volumes With Her Gaze
- 11 No Snakes, Just Goats
- 09 Just Let the Kids be Horny
- 08 50 Shades of Blue
- 1 Love to Snipe You, Baby
- 0 Welcome to Agents of SMOOCH!