Lisa Schmeiser
Podcasts Hosted by Lisa Schmeiser
Guest Host
- 510 Legends of Tomorrow S4E8 Review: "Legends of To-Meow-Meow"
- 505 Legends of Tomorrow S4E7 Review: "Hell No, Dolly!"
- 485 Legends of Tomorrow S4E2 Review: "Witch Hunt"
- 482 Legends of Tomorrow S4E1 Review: "The Virgin Gary"
- 343 The Defenders S1E8 Review: "The Defenders"
- 334 The Defenders S1E7 Review: "Fish in the Jailhouse"
- 312 The Defenders S1E5 Review: "Take Shelter"
- 308 The Defenders S1E4 Review: "Royal Dragon"
- 300 The Defenders S1E3 Review: "Worst Behavior"
- 297 The Defenders S1E2 Review: "Mean Right Hook"
- 293 The Defenders S1E1 Review: "The H Word"
- 287 The Defenders: Origins!
- 258 The Flash S3E23 Review: "Finish Line"
- 254 The Flash S3E22 Review: "Infantino Street"
- 249 The Flash S3E21 Review: "Cause and Effect"
- 245 The Flash Review: S3E19-20 "I Know Who You Are"
- 237 The Flash S3E18 Review: "Abra Kadabra"
- 235 The Flash S3E17 Review: "Duet"
- 232 The Flash S3E16 Review: "Into the Speed Force"
- 229 The Flash S3E15 Review: "The Wrath of Savitar"
- 227 The Flash S3E14 Review: "Attack on Central City"
- 219 The Flash S3E12 Review: "Untouchable"
- 216 The Flash S3E11 Review: "Dead or Alive"
- 213 The Flash Review: S3E10 "Borrowing Problems from the Future"
- 211 The Flash S3E7-9 Reviews
- 207 Supergirl S2E5-6 review: "Crossfire" and "Changing"
- 206 Supergirl S2E3-4 Review: "Welcome to Earth" and "Visitors"
- 205 The Flash S3E5 Review: "Shade"
- 202 Supergirl S2E1-2 Review: "The Adventures of Supergirl", "The Last Children of Krypton"
- 201 The Flash S3E5 Review: "Monster"
- 196 The Flash S3E1 Review: "Flashpoint"
- 191 Flashcast Summer Session: Justice League: "A Better World"
- 190 Flashcast Summer Session: Justice League: The Brave and the Bold
- 176 Flashcast Summer Session: "Flashpoint Paradox"
- 170 The Flash S2E23 Review: "The Race Of His Life"
- 165 The Flash S2E22 Review: "Invincible"
- 163 The Flash S2E21 Review: "The Runaway Dinosaur"
- 158 The Flash S2E19-20 Review: "Back to Normal" and "Rupture"
- 154 The Flash S2E17-18 Review: "Flash Back" and "Versus Zoom"
- 147 The Flash S2E16 review: "Trajectory"
- 145 The Flash S2E15 review: "King Shark"
- 143 The Flash S2E14 review: "Escape from Earth-2"
- 137 Legends of Tomorrow S1E2 review: "Pilot, part 2"
- 133 Legends of Tomorrow S1E1 review: "Pilot, part 1"
- 132 The Flash S2E10 review: "Potential Energy"
- 127 The Flash S2E9 review: "Running to Stand Still"
- 121 The Flash S2E8 review: "Legends of Today"
- 117 The Flash S2E7 review: "Gorilla Warfare"
- 113 The Flash S2E6 review: "Enter Zoom"
- 110 The Flash S2E5 review: "The Darkness and the Light"
- 107 The Flash S2E4 review: "The Fury of Firestorm"
- 105 The Flash S2E3 review: "A Family of Rogues"
- 102 The Flash S2E2 review: "Flash of Two Worlds"
- 99 The Flash S2E1 review: "The Man Who Saved Central City"
- 94 The Flash S1E7-9 review: "Power Outage" / "Flash vs. Arrow" / "The Man in the Yellow Suit"
- 92 The Flash S1E5-6 review: "Plastique" and "The Flash is Born"
- 89 The Flash S1E3-4 review: "Things You Can't Outrun" and "Going Rogue"
- 87 The Flash S1E1-2 review: "Pilot" and "The Fastest Man Alive"
- 78 The Flash S1E23 review: "Fast Enough"
- 74 The Flash S1E22 recap: "Rogue Air"
- 71 The Flash S1E21 review: "Grodd Lives"
- 66 The Flash S1E20 review: "The Trap"
- 62 The Flash S1E19 review: "Who is Harrison Wells?"
- 59 The Flash S1E18 review: "All-Star Team Up"
- 57 The Flash S1E17 Review: "Tricksters" 
- 54 The Flash S1E16 Review: "Rogue Time"
- 52 The Flash S1E15 Review: "Out of Time"
- 49 The Flash S1E14 Review: "Fallout"
- 48 The Flash S1E13 Review: "The Nuclear Man"
- 46 The Flash S1E12 Review: "Crazy for You"
- 45 The Flash S1E11 review: "The Sound and the Fury"
- 44 The Flash S1E10 review: "Revenge of the Rogues"
- 42 Sons of Anarchy finale review: "Papa's Goods"
- 41 Sons of Anarchy S7E12 Recap: "Red Rose"
- 40 Sons of Anarchy S7E11 review: "Suits and Woe"
- 39 Sons of Anarchy S7E10 review: "Faith & Despondency"
- 38 Sons of Anarchy S7E9 review: "What a Piece of Work Is Man"
- 35 Sons of Anarchy S7E8 review: "The Separation of Crows"
- 33 Sons of Anarchy S7E7 review: "Greensleeves"
- 31 Sons of Anarchy S7E6 review: "Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em"
- 29 Sons of Anarchy S7E5 recap: "Some Strange Eruption"
- 27 Sons of Anarchy S7E3-4: "Playing With Monsters"/"Poor Little Lambs"
- 24 Sons of Anarchy S7E2 review: "Toil and Till"
- 22 Sons of Anarchy S7E1 review: "Black Widower"
The Incomparable Mothership
- 758 I'm Glad You Have This Sketch to Enjoy
- 745 Untitled Gambit Project
- 744 Pineapple of Disappointment
- 737 The Bolthole of My Own Self-Referentiality
- 708 Wet Hot Mutagenic Summer
- 695 Uncanny Plastic Head
- 676 Crisis on Infinite Parkers
- 653 Royalty Don't Mess Around
- 649 I'm Gonna Marry That Robot Lady
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 628 Dumbness is Timeless
- 622 The MacGuffin Twins
- 619 Who Will Speak For Fish Police?
- 612 YABM: Yet Another Batman Movie
- 608 A Centaur, Only for Cars
- 599 Have You Tried This Arrow?
- 572 Selfie in the Weed Room
- 567 Summer of Man-Thing
- 564 The Millennial Falcon
- 553 In the "King's Speech" Barrel
- 550 How Are Ya Now?
- 544 Let Go and Let Kilmer
- 538 Creepy Paper
- 526 The Years Have Pants
- 502 He'll Always Be Goldballs To Me
- 500 Amalgamated Zeppelin Monocle Company
- 446 Allergic to Brands
- 441 Evil Dukes Are the Worst
- 422 The Inevitable Moon Knight Movie
- 421 Beautiful Space Idiot
- 417 Ultimate Frisbee
- 405 That's Definitely You
- 404 Thoughts About Thanos
- 401 He Uses His Powers For Evil
- 400 Snellology
- 397 Mystical Herbologist
- 392 Quantum Computer for Violence
- 373 Great Joy and Gratitude
- 348 He's Way Better Than Fonzie
- 336 You Had Me at 'Splorch'
- 324 Pants-Wearing Dragons
- 314 Vampire Batman
- 310 I Hated Mrs. Slimer
- 304 Law of Diminishing Ninja Returns
- 303 Kitty's in Space Now
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 299 Stark Differences
- 293 I Think I'm Still Confused
- 285 The Answer is One Elephant
- 280 They're Not Alone
- 275 Comprehensive Tapestry Policy
- 268 Let's Hear It for Botanists
- 267 I Read It All
- 266 It's Impossible Being Green
- 265 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Final Rounds
- 264 Passwords Are Wrong, Man
- 261 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round Three
- 259 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round 2
- 257 Raptor Sipping Tea
- 255 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round One
- 249 Critical Batman Deficit
- 244 The Adventures of Maggie the Mutant
- 239 The Colour Blue
- 233 Selective Amnesia
- 231 Eat Pray Love Die Survive
- 230 World-Class Weirdo
- 225 A Very Different Idea of Fun
- 218 Three Dads and a Superfast Baby
- 213 You Need an Agent of Chaos
- 210 You Ain't No Nice Guy
- 198 A Critical Mass of Lady Geeks
- 197 Fail Fast
- 193 Don't Worry, We Got This
- 187 Man versus Mars
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 173z Human Santapede (the unedited version)
- 173 Santa-Based Christmas
- 171 Pirate Politics (A Winter Reading List)
- 167 Space Wizard Musical
- 166 I Assume Everyone is Awful
- 157 Bros and Arrows
- 149 Gleekless (A Superhero Draft)
- 141 Tony Stark Wants the Credit
- 140 The Sublime Magicks of Exposition
- 139 Flying Horse Angel People
- 133 Incomparable Radio Theater of the Air
- 132 Kind of Like a Dinosaur
- 131 Professor Siracusa's Anime 101
- 126 A Dark, Dark Narnia
- 122 Recursive Clip Loop: Our 2012 Favorites
- 118 The Incomparable Holiday Vault 2
- 104 Kids Have Bad Taste
- 103 Fat-Guy Comics
- 91 The Hungry Tributes of Catan
- 87 Where Do the Dragons Go to the Bathroom?
- 83 Nothing Ever Ends on Taco Tuesday
- 82 Apocalypse Book Club
- 78 Clones and Telepaths vs. Love
- 77 Women's Libber
- 65 Maine is Purgatory
- 61 Number Ones
- 54 Put on this Mask and Strut for Mama
- 40 An Ending Ten Years in the Making
- 32 The Story of Ted Chiang and Others
- 30 Let Me Show You My Warp Bubble
- 28 Bad at High School
- 21 Event Crisis
- 10 It's Clobberin' Time!
- 6 Go Ahead, Lisa, Destroy My Childhood
- 2 A Feeling of Vertigo
Random Trek
- 201 "Cogenitor" (ENT) with Lisa Schmeiser
- 171 "The Loss" (TNG) with Lisa Schmeiser
- 67 "Tears of the Prophets" (DS9) with Lisa Schmeiser
- 701 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S1E1 Review: "New World Order"
- 697 WandaVision S1E9 Review: "The Series Finale"
- 695 WandaVision S1E8 Review: "Previously On"
- 693 WandaVision S1E7 Review: "Breaking the Fourth Wall"
- 691 WandaVision S1E6 Review: "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!"
- 689 WandaVision S1E5 Review: "On a Very Special Episode..."
- 688 WandaVision S1E4 Review: "We Interrupt This Program"
- 687 Maximoff Overdrive: WandaVision S1E1-3 Review
- 321 The Defenders S1E6 Review: "Ashes, Ashes"
- 272 Arrow Flashback S1E7-8 Review: "Muse of Fire/Vendetta"
- 142 Legends of Tomorrow: Failure Analysis
- 128 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 9-13
- 125 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 5-8
- 120 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 1-4
- 6 The Oscars
- 4 Playing With My Wii
- 1 TeeVee Podcast Pilot
Total Party Kill
- 318 Gloom, Part 3
- 317 Gloom, Part 2
- 307 The Flesh Eaters, Part 2
- 306 The Flesh Eaters, Part 1
- 291 The Night Blade, Part 3
- 290 The Night Blade, Part 2
- 289 The Night Blade, Part 1
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 0.6 Rehearsing in the Zeppelin
- 0.5 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla
- 0.3 The Spooky Twist; The Fog
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
Bonus Track
- 300b Hello, Bonus Track!
- 255b Ziggy Played Guitar
- 275b Bring the Cane
- 264b Like Making Pizzas
- 257b It Has Always Been My Dream to Write Cyclops
- 249b Canadian Safety Blanket
- 244b Crazy Naked Person
- 233b Coke Methodology
- 231b Old People Music
- 230b Return of Manimal
- 224c They Really Know It's Christmas
- 213b The Kroeger Report
- 210b Horses Die a Lot in the Future
- 198b Weeping John Siracusa
- 197b Rated PG-42
- 171b More Glenning
- 167b Buttons, A Clown
- 166b He's Making Milk Shakes
- 157b Advice for Merlin
- 141b After The Incomparable #141
- 140b No More Merlins
- 131b Anime 101 Extra Credit
- 126b AvX
- 122b The World is About to End
- 118b I'm Batman
- 104b You Have Kids, You Should Know Where They Are
- 82b Yonkahs!
- 77b Stephen King
Game Show
- 46 Dang, I Wish We Were Physicists
- 22 Cabaret of Fire
- 15 Vampire Or Not
- 11 Counterclockwise: All-Father Knows Best
- 10 Pundit Showdown: February Flashback Edition
- 1 Serious Nerdery
Unjustly Maligned
Cartoon Cast
Sophomore Lit
Beginner's Puck
Corner of the Sky
Batman University
- 18 "The Lego Batman Movie"
- 9 "Wild Cards" and "Epilogue" with Lisa Schmeiser
- 1 "Zatanna" with Lisa Schmeiser