Mikah Sargent
Tech enthusiast. Graphic designer. Aspiring polymath. Operator of a sparkling mind.
Podcasts Hosted by Mikah Sargent
Guest Host
Total Party Kill
Cartoon Cast
Somehow I Manage
- 66 Foot Money (S4E14)
- 42 Andy and the Tuna (S3E13)
- 41 The Amazing Race (S3E12)
- 40 Feelin' Hot Hot Hot (S3E11)
- 38 Nog-A-Sake (S3E10)
- 37 Prison Mike (S3E9)
- 35 Something Weird Is Going On: What Did Jan Say? (S3E7)
- 34 Not a Costume Party (S3E6)
- 33 Pretzel Day (S3E5)
- 32 Good Grief (S3E4)
- 31 Crentist (S3E3)
- 30 SWAG (S3E2)
- 29 Homo sapiens (S3E1)
- 28 Two Queens (S2E22)
- 27 Redacted (S2E21)
- 26 Nark (S2E20)
- 25 Worst Birthday (S2E19)
- 24 Fundle Bundle (S2E18)
- 23 Good morning, Vietnam! (S2E17)
- 22 New York, City of Love (S2E16)
- 21 The Others (S2E15)
- 20 💩 (S2E14)
- 19 Jim and Pam and Me (S2E13)
- 18 Bedside Bacon 🥓 (S2E12)
- 17 LEADER-SHIP (S2E11)
- 16 The Teapot (S2E10)
- 15 Detective Pam (S2E9)
- 14 Suggestion Box (S2E8)
- 13 Dwigt (S2E7)
- 12 The Perfect Storm (S2E6)
- 11 Three-Hole-Punch Jim (S2E5)
- 10 Everybody Hurts ... Sometimes (S2E4)
- 9 Flonkerton (S2E3)
- 8 That's What She Said (S2E2)
- 7 Second Drink (S2E1)
- 6 Pam 6.0 (S1E6)
- 5 Secret Weapon (S1E5)
- 4 Absolutely, I do (S1E4)
- 3 Temporary Workspace (S1E3)
- 2 Mr. Brown (S1E2)
- 1 Put it in Jell-O (S1E1)
The Incomparable Mothership
- 464 Tapestry of Cakes
- 457 Dracula's Home Alone
- 406 A Really Kinky Bunny
- 397 Mystical Herbologist
- 394 High on Mushrooms
Random Trek
- 179 "Rogue Planet" (ENT) with Mikah Sargent
- 150 "Counterpoint" (VOY) with Mikah Sargent
- 107 "Prodigal Daughter" (DS9) with Mikah Sargent
- 82 "The Omega Glory" (TOS) with Mikah Sargent
- 187 "Stranger Things": Season 1 review
- 183 Mr. Robot review: "eps2.0_unm4sk.tc" (part 1 and 2)
- 128 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 9-13
- 125 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 5-8
- 120 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 1-4
Total Party Kill
- 494 A Heap of Drunken Satyrs
- 473 Tomb of Horrors, Part 5
- 472 Tomb of Horrors, Part 4
- 460 Curse of Strahd: Epilogue
- 459 Strahd, Go to Your Tomb!
- 458 MTV's Crypts
- 457 Please Frickin' Die
- 456 Praise the Nilbog
- 455 Batless in Barovia
- 454 Fern Gully Bat
- 453 Heart! Heart! Heart!
- 452 A Mouthful of Vampire Juice
- 451 OSHA the Spider Hag
- 450 Many Pieces of Furniture Died Here
- 449 Sparkling Despair
- 448 An Octopus Riding a Sabertooth Tiger
- 447 A Showoff Assassin
- 446 Murder Armoire
- 445 Auburn or Blauburn
- 444 Marinara Mimosa
- 443 Spataumatons
- 442 Spa Day
- 441 We're Big Readers Here
- 435 That's Not a Boomstick
- 434 Paulie Read an Ethics Book
- 433 Sorry about the Bagpipes
- 432 Spooky Nightmares
- 431 Disco Centipedes
- 430 Bats are the Answer
- 421 Tomb of Horrors, Part 3
- 398 Beggar King Papoose
- 397 Let's Circle Back to That
- 396 Carpenter or Orphan?
- 395 Chits and Salsa
- 394 I'm Not Dying... It's Ketchup
- 393 I Seen Him, By Crikey
- 392 I'm Pretty Sure I'm King Now
- 391 Send Forth the Spiders!
- 390 Always Stack Your Rogues
- 389 The Paddington-Chucky Spectrum
- 388 You Gotta Go Up to Go Down
- 387 Look at This Terrible Hallway
- 386 Die, Foul Friendly Creature!
- 385 Come on in, the Water's Blood
- 384 It's Stairs All the Way Down
- 383 Can't Un-flip That Bed
- 382 Why Is This Castle This Way?
- 381 Ask Not for Whom the Bing Bongs
- 380 We're Gonna Be Good Strahds
- 379 Prisoner's Dilemma
- 378 Brunch with Strahd
- 368 Tomb of Horrors, Part 2
- 356 Bed Bag & Beyond
- 355 Contraband Vampires
- 354 Elavor's Roommates
- 353 A Cup of Coffin
- 352 All Is Not Well
- 351 A Woman of Murder
- 350 Party in a Closet
- 349 Do Not Speak to Me about Chimichangas
- 348 There's a Revenant for Everyone
- 347 A Lighthouse for Dragons
- 346 Corpse Box
- 345 Curiosity Killed the Crucible
- 344 Murder, She Spun
- 343 A Starter Castle
- 342 Scarecrow Carnies
- 316 Tomb of Horrors, Part 1
- 300 Rosethorn, Part 4
- 299 Rosethorn, Part 3
- 298 Rosethorn, Part 2
- 297 Rosethorn, Part 1
- 288 Silence Has Fallen
- 287 Oh No! Bad Vibes!
- 286 Dancing with Corpses
- 285 The Worst Piñata Party
- 284 The Last Temptation of Goats
- 283 Maybe She's Friendly
- 282 Scarecrow Dance-off
- 281 Were There Ever Chads in Barovia?
- 280 How Steep Is this Hill?
- 279 A Vampire Onion
- 278 Blight Maple Syrup
- 277 The Wicker Strahd
- 276 Strahd von Zarovich: Dreamboat
- 275 The Hill I'm About to Die On
- 274 The Last Wine in All of Barovia
- 273 Dungeon Buddies!
- 272 I Used to Like Nature
- 271 A Really Aggressive Salad
- 270 Mummy Corps of Engineers
- 269 Horse Law
- 268 Moon Jerks
- 267 Wolfageddon
- 266 A Face Is a Map of a Person
- 265 Skeletal Cats
- 264 My Favorite Flavor is 'Combination'
- 263 I Wish For Fewer Bones
- 262 The Pizza Rolls Argument
- 249 Very Special Holiday Episode
- 248 Backgammon in the Wine Gazebo
- 247 Minotaur Maul
- 246 The Bag Holder
- 245 #hagfact
- 244 Spooky Money
- 243 Follow Me To Great Deals!
- 242 Non-Fatal Arm Wrestling
- 241 Rictavio!
- 240 An Octopus Holding a Bag
- 239 A Most Interesting Bone Ghost
- 238 Little Joys in Big Barovia
- 237 Sad, Unfortunate, and On Fire
- 236 Better Dead than Undead
- 235 Non-Union Ghosts
- 234 Big Trouble In Little Barovia
- 233 Let's Bury the Burgermeister
- 211 Drugs are Good
- 210 The Ghost in the Gazebo
- 209 Cool Ranch Blood
- 208 A Light Tinge of Evil
- 207 That's Not Billy
- 181 Dragon vs. Octopus
- 177 The Room Really Ties the Rug Together
- 176 Wight Privilege
- 175 All Orc Poetry is Slam Poetry
- 174 Rope Me Once, Shame on Me...
- 173 Hell Bent for Orc Leather
- 172 Stalag-fight!
- 171 Mr. Roper
- 170 The Secret of the Ooze
- 169 Bop, Don't Boop!
- 168 Tunnel Pragmatism
- 167 Sprinklebard!
- 166 We Deserve This
- 165 Don't Eat Strange Bees!
- 164 This Party Is Complicated
- 163 Dog and Pony Show
- 162 Our Monk Is Missing
- 159 A Dog, a Priest, and a Brain Surgeon
- 158 Ichor Cole Slaw
- 157 AirDND
- 156 Send Me an Angel to Kill
- 155 I'm a Bard!
- 150 That's My Clampy Hand!
- 149 Unreliable Jetpack
- 148 Roll Dump Truck
- 147 File a Radar
- 146 Robot or Not?
- 145 Dump Zone
- 144 Robotic Neutral
- 143 Death and Dying in Gamma World
- 142 Daiquiri Whacker
- 141 Zom-bacon
- 140 Bob to the Third Degree
- 112 This Is Turning Into a Death House
- 111 Fake Cult News
- 110 Not My Centipedes, Not My Circus
- 109 The Legendary Hugging Wall
- 108 Tugging on the Orb
- 107 Paladins Crying Uncontrollably
- 106 A Little Dust-Up
- 105 All Children Are Creepy
Game Show
- 245 A Mind Meld Tenmas
- 243 Bad News about Zeus
- 242 Opportunity Crocks
- 241 Pittsburgh
- 210 One Hour's Worth of Radon
- 179 Danconceivable 2: Electric Danaloo
- 165 Most Valuable Ghost
- 131 Boasting Mountains
- 89 I've Studied the Bible
- 88 Pantheon of Muppets
- 85 Always Trust Mr. Peanut
- 73 Dinosaur Jousting with Pitchforks
- 69 Victorian Parlour Games
- 68 It's Not All Horrible Childhood Memories
- 66 Low Definition: I Will See a Wrinklepuff
- 53 Mmmoootiny!
- 29 Laser Cars are Really Sweet
- 28 Game Night: Dental Dam
Friends in Your Ears
Somehow I Manage
- 190 Güten Pränk (S9E24/25)
- 65 One Sheet of Paper (S4E13)
- 64 Clash of the Titans (S4E12)
- 63 One-Stop Customer Experience (S4E11)
- 62 The Five Families (S4E10)
- 61 That One Night (S4E9)
- 60 XOXO Michael (S4E8)
- 59 The Overkill Killer (S4E7)
- 58 Big Butt, Bigger Heart (S4E6)
- 57 Second Second Life (S4E5)
- 56 The Beets Motel (S4E4)
- 55 Lunch Party (S4E3)
- 54 Where are the TURTLES?!? (S4E2)
- 53 Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure (S4E1)
- 52 Big Haircut (S3E23)
- 51 Funtivities (S3E22)
- 50 Emergency Anti-Flashing Task Force (S3E21)
- 49 Escape Goat (S3E20)
- 48 You Braveheart (S3E19)
- 47 MISSterious (S3E18)
- 46 Love Contract (S3E17)
- 45 Business is Always Personal (S3E16)
- 44 Employer of the Bride (S3E15)
- 43 Man Meat (S3E14)