Moisés Chiullán
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
- 708 Wet Hot Mutagenic Summer
- 693 Short-Selling Magic Crystals
- 646 A Christmas Quarrel
- 629 Bum Bag Beatdown
- 596 Tom Bombadilification
- 530 Let's Talk About Turnips!
- 504 Bullied by Local Toughs and Snails
- 494 No Sith For You
- 467 Lord of Board and Sword
Unjustly Maligned
Vulcan Hello
Football is Life
The Incomparable Mothership
- 751 Big Fascist Dinner
- 750 The Coolest Job in Space
- 748 Holes at the End of the World
- 745 Untitled Gambit Project
- 744 Pineapple of Disappointment
- 735 Who Took My Lady?
- 728 Golden Age of Quantity
- 710 Average Night at the Sicilian Opera
- 706 Riff on Biff
- 700 A Dark Totoro
- 699 Merchant Ivory Godzilla
- 697 Three Things and a Blurt
- 695 Uncanny Plastic Head
- 691 You See... They're Ducks
- 689 Have Phaser, Will Travel
- 666 Max Von Sydow Was 44
- 686 Selective Sequel
- 677 Pink Magic
- 672 Hot Pits
- 668 McGuffins & Mechanics
- 667 This Show Was Weird, Right?
- 665 Defragment Your Data
- 662 Bipedal Murder Robots
- 658 Nowhere In Time
- 655 Princesses Don't Have to Wear Pink
- 653 Royalty Don't Mess Around
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 645 Oh No, My Spleen!
- 641 Miles Ahead of Lou Ferrigno
- 639 Prologue: The Television Series
- 631 Timecop After Timecop
- 628 Dumbness is Timeless
- 627 The Czech Office
- 626 Don't Copy That Chip 'n Dale Floppy
- 621 They Built the Halos
- 619 Who Will Speak For Fish Police?
- 618 Mars Monkey Dance Number
- 617 Group Therapy for One Guy
- 615 People-Positive Management Style
- 613 Kaiju Panda
- 609 Chekhov's Toy Store
- 607 I Regret So Many Great Movies
- 595 I Didn't Have a Tab - The Best of 2021
- 594 Money in His Underwear
- 591 That Poor Pie
- 590 The Car Explodes In Midair
- 587 Is Dracula the Frankenstein?
- 582 We Have All Ridden Buses
- 581 Bad Dad, Cellphone Dad
- 580 We're Gonna Be Good CEOs
- 574 Time Cop, Not a Time Cop
- 570 Why Can't All Movies Be Muppet Movies?
- 568 Collateral Damage
- 567 Summer of Man-Thing
- 566 Everyone Loves Metroman
- 563 When Harry Met Sally (With Monsters)
- 561 Lackeys Don't Wear Khakis
- 558 A Product of Its Time
- 556 Pig's Gotta Fly
- 553 In the "King's Speech" Barrel
- 548 Conveyor Belt to Heaven
- 547 Catching Up On Stuff - The Best of 2020
- 542 Don't Open the Cthulhu Box
- 540 Too Good to Live
- 538 Creepy Paper
- 535 The Internet is for Muppets
- 534 The Young Henry Chronicles
- 532 Most Crushable Crew
- 528 To Quantity!
- 523 Chekhov's Land Mine
- 519 Relics and Garbage
- 515 Guitar Riff for Grandma
- 511 Whales Are Powerful Magicians
- 508 But Who Would That Woman Be?
- 505 It's Always Overcast In Berlin
- 502 He'll Always Be Goldballs To Me
- 499 I Love Space Fedoras
- 497 A Concerning Amount of Tootsie Rolls
- 495 Congratulations, You're All Pregnant - The Best of 2019
- 490 Treat It Like the Bible
- 489 He Likes Your Lemonade
- 487 Save It for the Sequel
- 486 Crazy With the Lizard Juice
- 481 An All-Puppet Production
- 480 The Whole McCoy
- 476 Lucky Crime Shirt
- 475 Count the Coats
- 474 World Unity Day
- 473 Belarusian Chupacabra
- 469 Snap, Blip, Pop, Crackle
- 468 Did the Shark Order Takeout?
- 466 Bane on a Plane
- 464 Tapestry of Cakes
- 462 Misunderstanding-Based Murder
- 459 Next Up: The Ronan Movie
- 455 Ewokalypse
- 452 Parties for Time Travelers
- 450 A Surprising Number of Spider-Meetings
- 447 Look at Potatoes Differently
- 445 It's Probably Going to Be Weird
- 442 Sword is Definitely a Personality
- 441 Evil Dukes Are the Worst
- 439 Dad Bod Spider-Man
- 437 Whale Logistics Movie
- 433 You Like Garbage
- 432 It's Called a Ballute
- 431 Overture and Apes
- 430 We're the Magnificent Seven
- 426 Up to the Puppies
- 422 The Inevitable Moon Knight Movie
- 417 Ultimate Frisbee
- 409 Marshmallow Traitors
- 402 His Planet Is Terrible
- 397 Mystical Herbologist
- 389 Tales from the Spirit Bathhouse
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 386 Sometimes He Doesn't Bother With That Bottle
- 371 Grandpa and His Musical Friends
- 368 This Movie Ends, Right?
- 367 Batman! Aaaaaa!
- 365 Humour With a U in It
- 364 The Show of Theseus
- 362 An Old Man With Wings
- 356 I'm Smart, Not Like Everybody Says
- 355 What Would Pop Do?
- 353 Young Sexy Harry Mudd
- 351 You're Right, Father--Kill All Humans
- 350 Magic Pixie Dream Girl
- 342 Sad Superman
- 336 You Had Me at 'Splorch'
- 324 Pants-Wearing Dragons
- 313 The Ziggurats of Yavin IV
- 299 Stark Differences
- 265 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Final Rounds
- 261 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round Three
- 244 The Adventures of Maggie the Mutant
- 242 'B' for Bad Captain
- 215 Someone Is Threatening My Whales
- 211 These Are All Good Ideas
- 190 The Cloud is Run by Hydra
- 180 Locked-Shower Mystery
- 178 A Smoother Yar
- 177 Six-Pixel Sword
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 146 Bashing Two Action Figures Together
- 140 The Sublime Magicks of Exposition
- 126 A Dark, Dark Narnia
Random Trek
- 236 "The Defector" (TNG) with Moisés Chiullán
- 234 "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" with Shelly Brisbin, Moisés Chiullán, and Joe Rosensteel
- 170 "Favor the Bold" with Moisés Chiullán
- 167 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" with Moisés Chiullán, David J. Loehr, and Jean MacDonald
- 8 "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" (DS9) with Moisés Chiullán
- 684 Doctor Who New Year's Special: "Revolution of the Daleks"
- 523 The Masked Singer S1E3: The Joel and Ken Show
- 522 The Masked Singer S1E1-2: Breaking News From the Unicorn
- 518 Voltron: Legendary Defender S8 review
- 450 Voltron: Legendary Defender S5-6 review
- 366 Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special Review: "Twice Upon a Time"
- 225 Voltron: Legendary Defender S2 review
- 180 Voltron: Legendary Defender S1 review
Total Party Kill
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 3.2 Knight Must Fall
- 3.1 ...and to All a Good Knight
- 0.7 Layers: The World of Tomorrow (Live)
- 0.4 The Lives of Paul Citron; Marjorie Carter
Bonus Track
- 244b Crazy Naked Person
- 211b That Was Gold, Baby
- 190b Hydra Dating Policy
- 180b Flash-Drive Conspiracy
- 178b Don't Google Tanuki
- 140b No More Merlins
- 126b AvX
Game Show
- 247 Two Unpopular Robots
- 238 Liverpool River Otters
- 229 Good Lord, Everyone Needs Nachos
- 225 Glenn Interrupted Himself
- 221 Between Mars and Ego
- 219 Invent a Supervillain
- 217 What Happened to Nathaniel?
- 200 The 200th Episode Spectacular
- 191 Uniqueness Counts Against You
- 190 That Word Is Terrible
- 185 Revenge of the Feud
- 171 Cicero Cicero Cicero
- 158 Surprise! Actors!
- 154 Ethereal Werewolf
- 140 Fight!
- 125 Non-Quadruped Thaumaturgy
- 115 I Named Two Klingons!
- 114 I Believe In The Juicy Rooster
- 113 Robbie Williams is Not Dead
- 110 Federation Feud!
- 51 Yule Cat Saves the Kids
Unjustly Maligned
- 65 "Alien 3" with Moisés Chiullán
- 38 "Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again" with Moisés Chiullán
- 3 "The Wizard" with Moisés Chiullán
Sophomore Lit
Corner of the Sky
Friends in Your Ears
Voyager Revisited
Vulcan Hello
Agents of SMOOCH
- 129 No Dying At this Slumber Party
- 127 We're Not Talking About Star Trek
- 123 The Grace Poole Story
- 120 Save the Cat!
- 100 The Hugh Grant Clause
- 88 It Starts with the Eyes
- 86 Meet Fruit Cute
- 85 This RomCom has Good UI
- 73 The Smoochiest of Smooches
- 67 You Drank Ian
- 66 We're Porn Friends Now
- 65 Sniped Again
- 60 A Duology of Mammas Mia!
- 54 Middle Aged Nirvana
- 53 Judas Ross!
- 52 Harold, They're Lesbians!
- 50 International Waters
- 46 Day 12 of Love Actually
- 44 Day 10 of Love Actually
- 41 Day 7 of Love Actually
- 38 Day 4 of Love Actually
- 35 Day 1 of Love Actually
- 31 Eggnog Makes Me Fighty
- 30 Shaun's Had a Rough Day
- 29 To the Moon and Back
- 27 Love in the Female Gaze
- 26 Two Robots Crying on Cue
- 25 Danny Sous Vido
- 23 No Guilt. All Pleasure.
- 16 Lifestyles of the Rich and Asian
- 14 I Didn't Plan to Seduce a Stranger
- 10 We're Making Omelets
- 09 Just Let the Kids be Horny
- 08 50 Shades of Blue
- 07 Comics Make Love Too
- 04 Back to Hot Dad
- 3 A Room With A Vyse
- 2 She Megged Her John
- 1 Love to Snipe You, Baby
- 0 Welcome to Agents of SMOOCH!