Monty Ashley
Podcasts Hosted by Monty Ashley
Guest Host
- 558 Game of Thrones S8E2 Review: "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
- 285 Game of Thrones S7E6 Review: "Beyond the Wall"
- 281 Game of Thrones S7E5 Review: "Eastwatch"
- 171 Game of Thrones S6E6 Review: "Blood of My Blood"
- 80 Game of Thrones S5E9 review: "The Dance of Dragons"
- 61 Game of Thrones S5E2 review: "The House of Black and White"
- 14 Game of Thrones S4E6 review: "The Laws of Gods and Men"
- 13 Game of Thrones S4E5 review: "First of His Name"
- 12 Game of Thrones S4E4 review: "Oathkeeper"
Total Party Kill
Bonus Track
Game Show
- 212 Thank You, 1978
- 163 Blame it on Burbank
- 152 Everybody Had Weltschmerz
- 76 Would You Like to Buy an Apple?
- 69 Victorian Parlour Games
- 24 Stephen Hawking Said
- 7 Family Spats
- 45 Now I'm the Villain in Your History
- 40 I Did Exactly As You Said
- 34 Say What?!
- 30 I'm Super Dead
- 20 Immigrants, We Get the Job Done
- 18 America's Favorite Fighting Frenchman
- 12 You Are the Worst, Burr
- 6 Is He In Jersey?
Recently Read
The Incomparable Mothership
- 754 The Prequel Problem
- 751 Big Fascist Dinner
- 747 Latin Rap Battle
- 738 Condor to the Neck
- 708 Wet Hot Mutagenic Summer
- 706 Riff on Biff
- 699 Merchant Ivory Godzilla
- 697 Three Things and a Blurt
- 695 Uncanny Plastic Head
- 694 Don't Take the Soylent Factory Tour
- 691 You See... They're Ducks
- 689 Have Phaser, Will Travel
- 682 Heroes I Never Heard Of
- 680 A Better Lando Calrissian
- 673 Ten Years or One Bullet Hole
- 667 This Show Was Weird, Right?
- 658 Nowhere In Time
- 655 Princesses Don't Have to Wear Pink
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 642 Management Advice From Mobsters
- 632 Time Bandit Titanic
- 631 Timecop After Timecop
- 630 Saunter in From the Future
- 627 The Czech Office
- 622 The MacGuffin Twins
- 618 Mars Monkey Dance Number
- 613 Kaiju Panda
- 607 I Regret So Many Great Movies
- 606 The Bears Did It
- 595 I Didn't Have a Tab - The Best of 2021
- 593 The Beatles Need Me!
- 587 Is Dracula the Frankenstein?
- 579 Bad Dad, Crane Dad
- 578 Fish in the Milk
- 577 Robot Monster Truck Rally
- 570 Why Can't All Movies Be Muppet Movies?
- 567 Summer of Man-Thing
- 561 Lackeys Don't Wear Khakis
- 559 Men vs. Selves
- 553 In the "King's Speech" Barrel
- 547 Catching Up On Stuff - The Best of 2020
- 540 Too Good to Live
- 539 There Will Never Be Another Alien Movie
- 538 Creepy Paper
- 535 The Internet is for Muppets
- 529 Ancient Goat Lettering
- 528 To Quantity!
- 520 Words Aren't Cool
- 517 Intensely Interesting
- 515 Guitar Riff for Grandma
- 512 Eponymous
- 507 No More Death Stars
- 503 God Is a Job Nobody Wants
- 500 Amalgamated Zeppelin Monocle Company
- 495 Congratulations, You're All Pregnant - The Best of 2019
- 480 The Whole McCoy
- 479 Specifically Boo Berry
- 470 Futterwacken Hats
- 463 West of Westeros
- 462 Misunderstanding-Based Murder
- 453 Turn Left at the Asteroid
- 446 Allergic to Brands
- 444 Why People Don't Like Musicals
- 441 Evil Dukes Are the Worst
- 440 Full Disclosure - The Best of 2018
- 439 Dad Bod Spider-Man
- 435 Fun Facts!
- 434 All Wormholes Go to Heaven
- 433 You Like Garbage
- 426 Up to the Puppies
- 420 A Painting on a Van
- 411 In the Pay of Big Ultravox
- 410 I Am Not a Crackpot
- 409 Marshmallow Traitors
- 400 Snellology
- 395 Joe DiMaggio of the Slide Rule
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 387 Good Job, Jerks - The Best of 2017
- 383 Upstairs Christmas Tree
- 381 That's Me Only Shirt!
- 379 High Fantasy with Muppets
- 378 A Parrot Bit Me
- 376 Terrifying Fear of Clouds
- 375 Sentimental Spite
- 370 Someone We've Never Heard Of
- 369 We've Eaten All the Vegetables
- 368 This Movie Ends, Right?
- 367 Batman! Aaaaaa!
- 365 Humour With a U in It
- 364 The Show of Theseus
- 360 A Dwarf Named Elwood
- 344 Metaphors All the Way Down
- 341 Might As Well Keep Going
- 336 You Had Me at 'Splorch'
- 334 Three Pillars of Batman
- 333 That's How It Works: 2016 Year in Review
- 331 I Refuse To Call It a Prequel
- 329 He's More Man than Puppet
- 325 The Monster Mash
- 324 Pants-Wearing Dragons
- 320 The Power! The Power! The Power!
- 319 Squirting Milky Fluid
- 315 Show Some Respect for the Chimp
- 312 A Cyborg Dolphin
- 309 Boats in Space
- 307 Mascot Hands
- 304 Law of Diminishing Ninja Returns
- 303 Kitty's in Space Now
- 302 Keep Watching the Skies
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 298 Tumblr Would Have Loved It
- 287 Hole Farmers
- 286 No One in a Powdered Wig is Scrappy
- 281 I Love a Lot of Awful People - The Best of 2015
- 272 Laid a Lot of Foundations
- 270 Love Blooms Naturally on a Vespa
- 265 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Final Rounds
- 264 Passwords Are Wrong, Man
- 262 District Attorney Doofus
- 261 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round Three
- 259 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round 2
- 258 Chekhov's Bob-omb
- 255 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round One
- 253 Ignoring the Movie Completely
- 244 The Adventures of Maggie the Mutant
- 241 Shopping With Mrs. Gehrig
- 240 Pooping Alien
- 239 The Colour Blue
- 235 Plot Advancement Tribune
- 233 Selective Amnesia
- 232 Learning to Love Heidi II
- 231 Eat Pray Love Die Survive
- 230 World-Class Weirdo
- 228 It's Not a Draft: Our 2014 Favorites
- 227 The Europeans Do It Better
- 226 Stop Circulating the Tapes
- 218 Three Dads and a Superfast Baby
- 213 You Need an Agent of Chaos
- 210 You Ain't No Nice Guy
- 207 I Am Groot
- 206 It's All BBC to Me
- 204 Where Cynicism Meets Optimism
- 202 The Partial Monty
- 201 Democracy is Awful
- 200 Butter Zone
- 195 Peak Crate
- 192 Murderous Roomba
- 188 Game Show II
- 184 Genius Edition
- 183 How I Sold Your Mother
- 182 Full-Fledged Force Mullet
- 179 Thief-Based Economy
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 173z Human Santapede (the unedited version)
- 173 Santa-Based Christmas
- 172 The Incomparable Holiday Vault 3
- 167 Space Wizard Musical
- 159 Full Shatner
- 158 Peak Clooney
- 153 Monkey with a Tinfoil Sandwich
- 151 Not Technically Incest
- 149 Gleekless (A Superhero Draft)
- 137 Go Wash a Droid
- 136 We Waited 16 Years For This?
- 133 Incomparable Radio Theater of the Air
- 123 Ski Lodge Pick
- 106 Dance With a Dalek in the Pale Moonlight
- 96 Space Fedora
- 95 Don't Take the Cinnamon Challenge
- 75 My Gazebox is Full of Menhirs
- 66 Regular People Like Us
- 57 Weird Subplots About Fondue
- 48 Can I Get Some Extra Dragons on That, Please?
Random Trek
- 261 "Live Fast and Prosper" (VOY) with Monty Ashley
- 182 "Empok Nor" (DS9) with Monty Ashley
- 146 "Treachery, Faith and the Great River" (DS9) with Monty Ashley
- 130 "Breaking the Ice" (ENT) with Monty Ashley
- 18 "I, Mudd" (TOS) with Monty Ashley
- 561 Game of Thrones S8E3 review: "The Long Night"
- 555 Game of Thrones S8E1 Review: "Winterfell"
- 470 Game of Thrones S1E10 Rewind: "Fire and Blood"
- 469 Game of Thrones S1E9 Rewind: "Baelor"
- 464 Game of Thrones S1E8 Rewind: "The Pointy End"
- 462 Game of Thrones s1e7 Rewind: "You Win Or You Die"
- 460 Game of Thrones s1e6 Rewind: "A Golden Crown"
- 456 Game of Thrones s1e5 Rewind: "The Wolf and the Lion"
- 455 Game of Thrones S1E4 Rewind: "Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things"
- 454 Game of Thrones S1E3 Rewind: "Lord Snow"
- 453 "Game of Thrones" S1E2 Rewind: "The Kingsroad"
- 452 "Game of Thrones" S1E1 Rewind: "Winter is Coming"
- 288 Game of Thrones S7E7 Review: "The Dragon and the Wolf"
- 279 Game of Thrones S7E4 Review: "Spoils of War"
- 277 Game of Thrones S7E3 Review: "The Queen's Justice"
- 274 Game of Thrones S7E2 Review: "Stormborn"
- 271 Game of Thrones S7E1 Review: "Dragonstone"
- 177 Game of Thrones S6E10 review: "The Winds of Winter"
- 175 Game of Thrones S6E9 review: "Battle of the Bastards"
- 172 Game of Thrones S6E7 review: "The Broken Man"
- 160 Game of Thrones S6E3 review: "Oathbreaker"
- 157 Game of Thrones S6E2 Review: "Home"
- 155 Game of Thrones S6E1 Review: "The Red Woman"
- 81 Game of Thrones S5E10 review: "Mother's Mercy"
- 79 Game of Thrones S5E8 review: "Hardhome"
- 77 Game of Thrones S5E7 review: "The Gift"
- 75 Game of Thrones S5E6 review: "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
- 72 Game of Thrones S5E5 review: "Kill the Boy"
- 63 Game of Thrones S5E3 review: "High Sparrow"
- 58 Game of Thrones S5E1 review: "The Wars to Come"
- 25 Doctor Who S8E5 review: "Time Heist"
- 18 Game of Thrones S4E10 review: "The Children"
- 17 Game of Thrones S4E9 review: "The Watchers on the Wall"
- 16 Game of Thrones S4E8 review: "The Mountain and the Viper"
- 15 Game of Thrones S4E7 review: "Mockingbird"
- 11 Game of Thrones S4E3 review: "Breaker of Chains"
- 10 Game of Thrones S4E2: "The Lion and the Rose"
- 8 Game of Thrones S4E1: "Two Swords"
Total Party Kill
- 493 Prison Paperwork Adventures
- 492 Side Quest 2
- 491 No Dungeon, No Dragon
- 490 Mop Glory
- 489 Just K'en
- 488 Coat Check Your Bird
- 483 A Minigolf Situation
- 482 I Don't Like Experiencing Things
- 481 The Rug Receives the Poke
- 480 A Bugbear in a Monocle
- 473 Tomb of Horrors, Part 5
- 472 Tomb of Horrors, Part 4
- 471 A Gurgle Full of Blood
- 470 Vecna, Vecna, and Lich LLC
- 469 Ooze it or Lose it
- 468 I Speak Rat
- 447 A Showoff Assassin
- 446 Murder Armoire
- 445 Auburn or Blauburn
- 444 Marinara Mimosa
- 443 Spataumatons
- 442 Spa Day
- 441 We're Big Readers Here
- 440 Plan L for Lion
- 439 I Am A Loud Lion
- 438 This Casino Is Not Airtight
- 437 Rat Race
- 436 Rule 6: Win! Win! Win!
- 421 Tomb of Horrors, Part 3
- 420 Femur vs Glaive
- 419 Fake Blood Curse
- 418 Goblin Brain Trust
- 417 A Coherent, Legitimate Plan
- 416 The Lion, the Witch, and the Hallway
- 415 Societies with Secrets
- 414 Flying and Dying
- 413 Dog Duty
- 412 Yelling Down a Well
- 411 Really Split the Party
- 410 A Weird Bird Pact
- 409 Cryptic Raven
- 408 Crowded Hovel
- 407 Library Police
- 406 Rat Management
- 405 Meatball Sub Vouchers
- 404 Almost Murdered by a Book
- 403 Approach the Toad
- 402 A Horse-sized Hole
- 401 Lawful Good but Not Nice
- 400 A Walk with Paulie
- 399 Ask the DMs - Again!
- 368 Tomb of Horrors, Part 2
- 362 Total Poultry Kill
- 361 Like Father, Like Son
- 360 Kiss Me, I'm Urmbrusk
- 359 Dais ex Machina
- 358 Charm the Chicken
- 357 Bad News for Bears
- 321 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 3
- 320 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 2
- 319 Murder on the Eberron Express, Part 1
- 316 Tomb of Horrors, Part 1
- 311 The Queen of Red Water, Part 4
- 310 The Queen of Red Water, Part 3
- 309 The Queen of Red Water, Part 2
- 308 The Queen of Red Water, Part 1
- 307 The Flesh Eaters, Part 2
- 306 The Flesh Eaters, Part 1
- 303 The Gleam in the King's Eye, Part 3
- 302 The Gleam in the King's Eye, Part 2
- 301 The Gleam in the King's Eye, Part 1
- 293 The Dwarven Vault, Part 2
- 292 The Dwarven Vault, Part 1
- 264 My Favorite Flavor is 'Combination'
- 263 I Wish For Fewer Bones
- 262 The Pizza Rolls Argument
- 261 Giant Bird and Associates
- 260 Lift a Frozen Dwarf
- 259 Señor Wences, No!
- 258 This Room Is Gross
- 257 The One Who Poinged
- 256 Silent but Deadly
- 255 The Log Is Nature's Abacus
- 254 Quiverbottom and Associates
- 253 In the Jaws of the Champion
- 252 Turtle Party Kill
- 251 Rubble Rubble
- 211 Drugs are Good
- 210 The Ghost in the Gazebo
- 209 Cool Ranch Blood
- 208 A Light Tinge of Evil
- 207 That's Not Billy
- 206 Good Cop, Bad Cop, Handsome Cop
- 205 A Closet Full of Corpses
- 204 Take Cover Behind Your Wizard
- 203 Our Cleric Has the Bloodlust
- 201 Awkward Alligator
- 199 Ooze on First?
- 197 Pitfall Situation
- 196 Grifters Are Like Zombies
- 195 You'll Never Be Bandit 2 Now, Pal
- 194 A Dwarf with a Hangover
- 193 How Not to Be Seen
- 192 High Fantasy in the Low Sewers
- 191 Thieves Cant is a Beautiful Language
- 185 I'm a Herder, Not a Fighter
- 184 The Warning Birds
- 183 Snake Preview
- 182 A Million Nerds Skanking
- 159 A Dog, a Priest, and a Brain Surgeon
- 158 Ichor Cole Slaw
- 157 AirDND
- 156 Send Me an Angel to Kill
- 155 I'm a Bard!
- 104 We Wreck Everything We See
- 103 Cowering Behind a Wizard
- 102 All Hands on Deck!
- 101 Please Avenge My Death
- 99 That's Why You Should Floss
- 98 The Corpse Is Dead!
- 97 How Deep Is My Dagger?
- 96 What's Left of Pieter Dragonforge
- 95 Faraday Cube
- 94 Team Spider
- 93 Very Briefly Poisoned
- 88 That's So Bahamut
- 87 Every Combat Begins with Kay
- 86 Seven Against Two Is the Best Odds
- 85 This Really Ties the Room Together
- 84 Ding Dongs and Doolallys
- 83 Can We Crash at Your God's Place?
- 82 The Door Softened Them Up For Us
- 81 Ghouls' Night!
- 80 Between Two Sarcophagi
- 79 It's Never Too Late for Pew When You're in the Sewer
- 78 Crossbow Friends!
- 77 A Rather Substantial Tab
- 42 Turn the Slug Around
- 41 Scorpion Rodeo
- 40 There's Always a Lesser Goblin
- 39 A Slug and a Nice Mint Julep
- 38 International House of Kobolds
- 37 This Guy's From Grand Rapids!
- 36 That Ship Has Sailed to Winch Town
- 35 Undermountain Thanksgiving
- 34 Time is a Flat Rat
- 33 Should My Orb Still Be Glowing?
- 32 One Rat Deep
- 31 Blinded by Kobold Science
- 30 Bone Throne
- 29 Don't Trust the Bugbear
- 28 2 Legit 2 Hit
- 27 Rat Burrito
- 26 Wiggle the Something-or-Others
- 25 Death to All Statues
- 24 Garage Band of Heroes
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 4.2 Galaxy Scouts Greene 01: Legends and Maps
- 3.7 Galaxy Scouts: Greene -- Free Preview
- 3.6 Galaxy Scouts: In the Vastness of Night
- 3.4 Galaxy Scouts: Starcross'd
- 0.6 Rehearsing in the Zeppelin
- 0.4 The Lives of Paul Citron; Marjorie Carter
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
- 0.1 Galaxy Scouts; The Fog
Bonus Track
- 302b Group Marriage
- 300b Hello, Bonus Track!
- 33gs Editing Adventure!
- a5 Batman Is NOT the World's Great Detective!
- 281b Once More For Safety
- a3 You Asked Fourble It, You Got It
- 264b Like Making Pizzas
- 262b Wherever Fats
- 258b Kenneth Branagh's "Pong"
- 253b The Fat Man Meets The Thin Man
- 244b Crazy Naked Person
- 241b Inside Baseball
- 240b Second-Degree Glenning
- 235b Anyhow...
- 233b Coke Methodology
- 232b Save it for the Podcast
- 231b Old People Music
- 230b Return of Manimal
- 228b Robot or Not
- 227b Embarrassing Blackface Scene
- 5 Bang! Bang! Bang!
- 226b Lumpy Leroux
- 224c They Really Know It's Christmas
- 213b The Kroeger Report
- 210b Horses Die a Lot in the Future
- 206b We Weren't Ready for Popeye
- 202b Podcast Retro Hugos
- 201b Shame Hole
- 195b Pun-Based Puzzles
- 184b In Bed with Big Cardboard
- 182b Episode II - Omnibus Commentary
- 179b Small Polyhedral Cubes
- 172b Not in the Vault
- 167b Buttons, A Clown
- 159b After The Incomparable Movie Draft
- 153b Ukelele Breaks
- 151b It's a Trap!
- 136b A Thing That Farted
- 123b Balls In the Canyon
- 96b Barney Miller in Space
Game Show
- 248 Cognac and Milky Way
- 244 Dark Christmas
- 234 Do Ghosts Eat?
- 233 Turns Out: Disney Lore
- 231 That Belongs in a Museum (for $5000)
- 229 Good Lord, Everyone Needs Nachos
- 221 Between Mars and Ego
- 220 Christmas Is About Winning
- 216 Equal Parts Clippy and a Demon
- 213 Number One Fish
- 211 Backdoor Pilot For Yogi Berra
- 206 Square is Not a Fruit
- 205 Total Pursuit Kill
- 202
- 201 Muppets Eating Other Muppets
- 199 Awash in Goo
- 197 I Can Hear the Screams in My Head
- 195 Steve Wink. And Art Carney.
- 192 Huh... Hmm
- 187 A Beatdown in Dangertown
- 185 Revenge of the Feud
- 170 Unfortunately, Six
- 169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
- 165 Most Valuable Ghost
- 164 Pixie Duck Is My Roller Derby Name
- 157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
- 156 Too Much Entertainment
- 151 I Learned the Truth at Seventeen
- 150 Can I Have A Ding Ding?
- 149 A Heart-Stricken Moose
- 148 Don't Show Your Bossk
- 146 This Belt Bucky is Trickle
- 142 Great For Baseball
- 139 Bring Your Own Backstory
- 134 No One Picked Me
- 133 Did You Play Music, Dr. Boogie?
- 128 Who Is Lamargine Gumbody?
- 125 Non-Quadruped Thaumaturgy
- 124 Wayne Gretzky
- 122 That Seems Naughty
- 119 The Michelangelo of Space Alpaca Raising
- 117 Luxuriating with Lord Spooky
- 116 Flubber Franchise
- 114 I Believe In The Juicy Rooster
- 112 Spelling Bee
- 107 I Solved a Question From the Future
- 102 Chasing the Gingerbread Dragon
- 100 John Lemon
- 99 The Famous Bat-Gun
- 98 K'on Bragh!
- 95 Take a Bow
- 92 I'm Very Epicurious
- 89 I've Studied the Bible
- 87 You Shall Not Pass
- 84 The Three-Pack
- 82 It's Meatloaf Day!
- 79 Yelling at Rocks
- 77 The Low Definition Holiday Special!
- 75 It All Boils Down to Valerie Bertinelli
- 74 Baseballers
- 73 Dinosaur Jousting with Pitchforks
- 70 A Dog Named Bodyslam
- 67 Welcome to Engineering
- 66 Low Definition: I Will See a Wrinklepuff
- 64 Random Pursuit
- 60 Feuding Families III: Pity Pass
- 59 We Are the World
- 55 There Is a Sign Here
- 54 Low Definition: Up to the Third Knuckle
- 49 We Love Our Listeners!
- 48 Don't Read the Creepy Old Book
- 43 I Don't Know What Wapping Is
- 42 Game Night: International Genus
- 40 Sorcerel Realism
- 35 Introvocabulum: Overeager Judge
- 33 Exits Are Unknown
- 29 Laser Cars are Really Sweet
- 28 Game Night: Dental Dam
- 27 Lake Tourist
- 19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
- 17 Low Definition: Hempen Humbug
- 14 Counterclockwise: Zombie King
- 13 Game Night: Golfing with Hitler
- 3 Mansplained to Doom!
- 0.3 Tennis with Errol Flynn
- 0.2 Game Show II
Unjustly Maligned
Cartoon Cast
- 39 See You on the Dueling Grounds
- 36 I Wrote My Way Out
- 29 They Don't Like You
- 8 Outgunned, Outmanned, Outnumbered, Outplanned
- 7 Oceans Rise, Empires Fall
- 3 Young, Scrappy, and Hungry
- 1 Just You Wait
Corner of the Sky
Friends in Your Ears
Lions, Towers & Shields
- 106 I Can Be Demagogued, Apparently
- 18 Rocky Horror Picture Show without the Sex
- 17 Kirk Douglas, MOVIE STAR!
- 1 Paradise City