Randy Dotinga
Randy Dotinga is a freelance journalist and former president of the American Society of Journalists & Authors.
The Incomparable Mothership
Lions, Towers & Shields
- 117 Alligator Pears
- 116 His Personal Murder Concierge
- 114 There's Lots of Nice Coats...
- 112 The Holiday Show
- 111 Go Out In Flames and Drama
- 109 More Beer!
- 107 Gayer Than The Cast of Bewitched
- 104 Also, Don't Go Through That Gate
- 103 Very Much About The Vibes
- 100 The Smell of Murder
- 98 ToshirĂ´ Mifune Can Get It!
- 96 I Think He *Might* Be A Sociopah
- 95 My Film Erogenous Zones
- 94 Mourning Culottes
- 93 Situational Gales
- 91 I Wouldn't Go to Salinas Either
- 88 Plausibly Evil
- 87 The Barbara Stanwyck of Five-Year-Olds
- 86 Bring a Fan and a Bucket
- 85 No Talking!
- 84 The Healthy Habits of Hat Check Girls
- 83 The Original Sin is Littering
- 82 Diva with a Monkey
- 80 Weapons-Grade Winsome
- 78 Subversive on so Many Levels
- 77 A Film Noir and a Dessert Topping
- 76 A Trunk Full of Dinner Jackets
- 74 I Would Watch A Whole Movie About Greenberg
- 72 He's Got Acreage
- 71 She Killed a Man in Reno
- 70 Things Just Keep Happening and Nothing Makes Sense
- 68 Laird Cregar Hulks Out
- 67 Gene Kelly's Butt
- 64 Justice for Bill
- 62 Shelly's Own String of Murders
- 61 Big Theremin Energy and an Implied Train
- 60 Celebrate the Teresa Wright-aissance
- 59 That's So Raven
- 57 Cookie Full of Arsenic
- 56 John Lund is also Present
- 55 Intense Chemistry with a Block of Wood
- 53 The Ambiguously Gay Duo