Scott McNulty
Scott McNulty’s reading habit defies logic and requires a steady diet of fresh ereaders. When not reading, Scott is a mildly successful tech author living high above downtown Philadelphia with his wife and her many jars.
Podcasts Hosted by Scott McNulty
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
- 582 Short Treks #6 Review: "The Trouble With Edward"
- 578 Star Trek: Short Treks #5 Review: "Q&A"
- 557 Star Trek: Discovery S2E14 Review: "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2"
- 554 Star Trek: Discovery S2E13 Review: "Such Sweet Sorrow"
- 552 Star Trek: Discovery S2E12 Review: "Through The Valley of Shadows"
- 550 Star Trek: Discovery S2E11 Review: "Perpetual Infinity"
- 546 Star Trek: Discovery S2E10 Review: "The Red Angel"
- 543 Star Trek: Discovery S2E9 Review: "Project Daedalus"
- 539 Star Trek: Discovery S2E7 Review: "Light and Shadows"
- 537 Star Trek: Discovery S2E6 review: "The Sound of Thunder"
- 535 Star Trek: Discovery S2E5 Review: "Saints of Imperfection"
- 532 Star Trek: Discovery S2E4 Review: "An Obol for Charon"
- 529 Star Trek Discovery S2E3: "Point of Light"
- 525 Star Trek: Discovery S2E2 Review: "New Eden"
- 520 Star Trek: Discovery S2E1 Review: "Brother"
- 516 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #4 Review: "The Escape Artist"
- 513 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #3 Review: "The Brightest Star"
- 493 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #2 Review: "Calypso"
- 474 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #1 Review: "Runaway"
- 392 Star Trek: Discovery S1E15 Review: "Will You Take My Hand"
- 385 Star Trek: Discovery S1E14 Review: "The War Without, The War Within"
- 380 Star Trek: Discovery S1E13 Review: "What's Past is Prologue"
- 375 Star Trek: Discovery S1E12 Review: "Vaulting Ambition"
- 372 Star Trek: Discovery S1E11 Review: "The Wolf Inside"
- 368 Star Trek: Discovery S1E10 Review: "Despite Yourself"
- 344 Star Trek: Discovery S1E9 Review: "Into the Forest I Go"
- 338 Star Trek: Discovery S1E8 Review: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"
- 329 Star Trek: Discovery S1E7 Review: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"
- 325 Star Trek: Discovery S1E6 Review: "Lethe"
- 316 Star Trek: Discovery S1E5 Review: "Choose Your Pain"
- 313 Star Trek: Discovery S1E4 Review: "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not For the Lamb's Cry"
- 306 Star Trek: Discovery S1E3 Review: "Context is for Kings"
- 302 Star Trek: Discovery S1E2 Review: "Battle at the Binary Stars"
- 301 Star Trek: Discovery S1E1 Review: "The Vulcan Hello"
Total Party Kill
- 473 Tomb of Horrors, Part 5
- 472 Tomb of Horrors, Part 4
- 467 War Picks Have the Power
- 466 Don't Feed the Bulettes
- 465 I Don't Talk to Pizzas
- 464 Capering Mud Men
- 463 Summon Greater Landscaper
- 462 Weekend at Keltar's
- 461 Something Dumb Is About to Happen
- 421 Tomb of Horrors, Part 3
- 377 Live, Laugh, Lava
- 376 Salamanders from the South!
- 375 Lava Hurts
- 374 Everybody out of the Cloud
- 373 Totally Capacitated
- 372 Cinna and Bon
- 371 Minotaur Sandwich
- 370 Affirmations and Elevators
- 369 A Bad Use of Carlos
- 368 Tomb of Horrors, Part 2
- 341 Goodbye Plunging Torrents!
- 340 Three Mimics in a Trenchcoat
- 339 Four Halflings in a Robe
- 338 Everybody Hurts
- 337 Soul Proprietorship
- 336 Shaggy Kank Story
- 335 Follow That Carlos!
- 334 We've Been Everywhere--and Done Very Little
- 333 Grells, Grells, Grells
- 332 Step Three Prophet
- 331 Frosted Demon
- 330 Regdar's Demons
- 329 Invisible Flying Ooze
- 328 We're Specter Inspectors!
- 327 He Stole My Hat!
- 326 Gargoyles Gonna Gargoyle
- 325 New Plan, Kill Everyone
- 324 Lich, Please!
- 323 I Open the Door
- 322 It Was Like This When We Got Here
- 316 Tomb of Horrors, Part 1
- 190 Tepanyaki Vampire
- 189 A Hug in the Darkness
- 188 Golem Storage Area
- 187 Too Many Orbs
- 186 Not Much of a Mountain
- 154 Yan-C-Bin Expecting Me?
- 153 Regdar's Unregulated School of Magic
- 152 My Mom Raised Me Not to Lie to a Bird
- 151 Hello from the Tragic Cavern
- 139 For Presta!
- 138 Oh Man, My Mouth Tastes Like Goodberry!
- 137 Artisanal Gore
- 136 Ha Ha! You're In a Cult!
- 135 Turn Left at the Shallow Graves
- 134 The Best Diplomacy Ever
- 133 Got Kank Milk?
- 132 Famed Flautists
- 131 Not All Manticores
- 130 An Auspicious Day
- 129 Tattered Gray Cloak
- 128 Freedom!
- 127 To the Sinkhole!
- 126 The Mul Who Cried 'Boy'
- 125 He's Dead, J'ym
- 124 Rat Sandwich
- 123 A Taste of Kled
- 117 Netflix and Kill
- 116 We're Hotel Inspectors
- 115 Party in the Front, Stables in the Back
- 114 A Chip Off the Old Rock
- 113 Intimidate the Wind
- 74 Unguarded Crack
- 68 Carlos, Have You Learned Nothing?
- 66 Descriptions & Doors
- 65 In That Trunk Is Some Funk
- 60 Bedroom Farce
- 59 The Murder Chute
- 58 Unaffiliated Pottery Outpost
- 57 Full House
- 56 Professional Monkey Paw Operator
- 52 Dwarven Bards!
- 50 Swan Song
- 49 Do Giants Stack?
Bonus Track
Game Show
Recently Read
- 67 "Witch King" by Martha Wells
- 52 "Or What You Will" by Jo Walton
- 51 "Plague Land" by S D Sykes
- 50 "Interior Chinatown" by Charles Yu
- 49 "Working" by Robert Caro
- 48 "The City We Became" by N.K. Jemisin
Vulcan Hello
The Incomparable Mothership
- 757 Goodnight Moon Dragons
- 752 Empathy for My Python Scripts
- 750 The Coolest Job in Space
- 749 Just Clean the Beakers
- 729 A Mean Man Made Me Rank Things
- 726 Too Many Books in This Book
- 719 Three Novellas in a Trench Coat
- 715 Don't Let Books Make You Cry
- 711 Creepy Bone Owl
- 687 Resurrected Corpse
- 683 It Was Okay
- 678 People Who Care About Kaiju
- 669 Friendship & Cinnamon Rolls
- 668 McGuffins & Mechanics
- 663 A Lot of Ocean
- 657 A Cloud Atlas with 12 Monkeys
- 652 A Long Zoom
- 620 Alien Donut Lady
- 616 Bad Decision Theater
- 611 Distributed Disinterested Dystopia
- 603 Witness for the Airship
- 600 The Machine Was a Vampire
- 585 Remember the Soup
- 571 You Paint Mushrooms Beautifully
- 565 The Avengers of Cities
- 551 Transdimensional Tech Warlord
- 534 The Young Henry Chronicles
- 532 Most Crushable Crew
- 528 To Quantity!
- 525 Sorry, Ocean
- 516 Like a Fruit Salad
- 501 The Kickstarter of Space Exploration
- 500 Amalgamated Zeppelin Monocle Company
- 488 What If Romeo and Juliet Were Terminators
- 472 33 Percent Rule
- 461 Team Jerkface
- 437 Whale Logistics Movie
- 412 His Books Are Like Popcorn
- 407 Robot Lovin'
- 401 He Uses His Powers For Evil
- 398 Apart From All the Skiing
- 394 High on Mushrooms
- 377 Kids Love the Kaiser (An Autumn Reading List)
- 359 I Tried to Quit This Book Twice
- 353 Young Sexy Harry Mudd
- 347 I Tore My Pants
- 346 Go to the Moon
- 339 Burned Like Books
- 317 You Broke Your Little Ships
- 316 Just Add Jesuits!
- 311 Chekhov with Two H's
- 309 Boats in Space
- 301 All the Best Words
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 292 I Have an Appointment with the Tholian Ambassador
- 291 I Like Complicated Books, Glenn
- 287 Hole Farmers
- 279 They Were Jerk Planets
- 272 Laid a Lot of Foundations
- 271 Nostalgia Bomb
- 267 I Read It All
- 260 High Five
- 256 Space Bureaucracy
- 251 Tea, Sandwiches, and Mushrooms
- 242 'B' for Bad Captain
- 236 Lived Long and Prospered
- 231 Eat Pray Love Die Survive
- 224 Canonical Space Goo
- 223 Picking My Shorts
- 215 Someone Is Threatening My Whales
- 214 Fun is Underrated
- 209 One Gorn Limit
- 202 The Partial Monty
- 200 Butter Zone
- 199 Get This Man Some New Paint
- 196 Golem and Jinni Detective Agency
- 188 Game Show II
- 187 Man versus Mars
- 179 Thief-Based Economy
- 176 Solo Adventures (Our 2013 Favorites)
- 175 War on Christmas
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 171 Pirate Politics (A Winter Reading List)
- 170 Let Zygons Be Zygons
- 168 A Different Kind of Sleeper Agent
- 166 I Assume Everyone is Awful
- 163 What If Galactus Was Made of Jello?
- 151 Not Technically Incest
- 150 I Look Forward to Ignoring Your Criticism
- 149 Gleekless (A Superhero Draft)
- 147 Space Fish
- 143 The Best "Star Wars" Movie In Years
- 142 Free Public WiFi
- 141 Tony Stark Wants the Credit
- 134 Obligatory Cannibalism
- 133 Incomparable Radio Theater of the Air
- 130 And the Children Shall Lead
- 129 Prescription Salad
- 128 Bureaucracy Is Her Superpower
- 122 Recursive Clip Loop: Our 2012 Favorites
- 121 Ice Mary Poppins
- 120 A Horse with a Hat
- 117 Intergalactic FedEx
- 116 Very Well-Read Hobos
- 115 For Dunces, By Dunces, To Dunces
- 110 Cyborg Cowboy
- 109 Evil, Surfing Ronald McDonald
- 107 A Little Obsessed With Kirk
- 105 That Mr. Hitler Seems Nice
- 101 Insular Nerdosphere
- 100 Who Cares What We Think?
- 99 Convenience Store Clerk of Dune (A Summer Reading List)
- 98 Obscure References and Sadness
- 96 Space Fedora
- 94 If You Think It's Funny, That's Fine, You're Wrong
- 93 Monstor
- 86 Like "Catcher in the Rye," Except Crappier
- 85 Game Show
- 82 Apocalypse Book Club
- 81 McRibs and Bacon Martinis
- 80 Khan Film Festival
- 79 Everything Sounds Beautiful in German
- 73 Ugh - A 2011 Clip Show
- 72 The Screams of Trees
- 70 At the Time, They Were Just Average Height
- 69 Love Conquers All, But So Do Guns
- 66 Regular People Like Us
- 65 Maine is Purgatory
- 63 Like a Good Book Exploded
- 62 The Pig is Chekhov's Gun
- 60 Thanks For Everything... Now Go Die
- 59 Flitting is in (TV Fantasy Pitches)
- 58 Greyskull Anonymous (TV Fantasy Draft)
- 56 Let Me in the Frickin' TARDIS!
- 55 If a Show Never Airs, Can It Be Cancelled?
- 53 Let's Quilt Hitler
- 52 A Cthuluesque Vomiting of Ideas
- 51 Zombie Marmaduke (Hugo Awards 2011)
- 48 Can I Get Some Extra Dragons on That, Please?
- 47 Death Star University
- 46 I Like My Coffee Like My Evil Sith Lords
- 45 Lesbian, Silurian, Victorian
- 39 Bigger on the Inside
- 37 Shadow War of the Night Dragons
- 35 The Only Way to Win the Game of Thrones is Not to Play
- 34 The Wrath of James Caan
- 32 The Story of Ted Chiang and Others
- 31 Supernatural
- 30 Let Me Show You My Warp Bubble
- 29 Magic Fridge
- 28 Bad at High School
- 27 Coal Mound Sex Scene
- 26 Hitler Was a Rules Lawyer
- 24 My Word as Vorkosigan
- 19 This Podcast Never Existed
- 18 Christmas with the Doctor
- 11 To Be Continued?
- 5 Shakespeare is a Hack!
- 1 We'll Always Have Zeppelins
Total Party Kill
- 399 Ask the DMs - Again!
- 250 Ask the Dungeon Masters!
- 161 The Cultists Aren't That Flammable
- 160 Official Mayoral Business
- 154 Yan-C-Bin Expecting Me?
- 122 Batsbatsbatsbatsbatsbats
- 121 United States v. Dracula
- 120 Orbs McQuarrie
- 119 The Mirror Has Two Faces
- 118 Please Roll Clockwork Bird
- 112 This Is Turning Into a Death House
- 111 Fake Cult News
- 110 Not My Centipedes, Not My Circus
- 109 The Legendary Hugging Wall
- 108 Tugging on the Orb
- 107 Paladins Crying Uncontrollably
- 106 A Little Dust-Up
- 105 All Children Are Creepy
- 100 Ask the Dungeon Masters
- 92 Science and Other Sciences
- 91 Brain Genie
- 90 Toxic Vomit
- 89 If You Build It, Bats Will Come
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 0.6 Rehearsing in the Zeppelin
- 0.4 The Lives of Paul Citron; Marjorie Carter
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
- 0.1 Galaxy Scouts; The Fog
Bonus Track
- 300b Hello, Bonus Track!
- 33gs Editing Adventure!
- gs4 And Then Dan Died
- 231b Old People Music
- 224b Sans Sarris
- 223b Steve Lutz's Brush With Celebrity
- 209b The Benson Factor
- 202b Podcast Retro Hugos
- 199b I Liked Caillou
- 179b Small Polyhedral Cubes
- 171b More Glenning
- 168b NBC's Dracula
- 166b He's Making Milk Shakes
- 163b Zero
- 151b It's a Trap!
- 150b High Density
- 143b Flaaaaaaaan!
- 141b After The Incomparable #141
- 135b Scott Explains Himself
- 134b Apocalypse Edition
- 130b A Tribble is not a Space Loofah!
- 129b Brought to You By Soda
- 128b Everything's Episodic!
- 122b The World is About to End
- 117b Frenemeses
- 116b I Am Fantastic
- 115b Good Times, Sanford and Son
- 110b Timing
- 105b Khan Wednesdays
- 101b Bang S
- 99b Fifty Shades of Glenn
- 96b Barney Miller in Space
- 94b BBC
- 93b I Am So Lonely
- 86b Dragon Loving is a Personal Question
- 82b Yonkahs!
- 79b After the Movie Draft
- 70b They May Be Giants
- 55b Stuff Cancelled from the Cancelled Shows Draft
Game Show
- 221 Between Mars and Ego
- 205 Total Pursuit Kill
- 153 I Knew I Ate It Before 1970
- 141 Do the Toilets Pay You?
- 113 Robbie Williams is Not Dead
- 111 If Only We'd Ever Read a Book
- 110 Federation Feud!
- 103 Don't Give Me Any Grife
- 102 Chasing the Gingerbread Dragon
- 97 That's Not How Trees Work
- 96 That Bear!
- 79 Yelling at Rocks
- 65 The Famous Mickey
- 46 Dang, I Wish We Were Physicists
- 43 I Don't Know What Wapping Is
- 34 What Am I Doohan Hangin' Round?
- 33 Exits Are Unknown
- 32 Intangibility is a Serious Problem
- 19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
- 18 Harry Potter and the Odor of the Weasel
- 8 Je Suis La Poire
- 4 Counterclockwise: Lost in Stars
- 1 Serious Nerdery
- 0.3 Tennis with Errol Flynn
- 0.2 Game Show II
- 0.1 Game Show