Shelly Brisbin
Shelly Brisbin hosts Lions, Towers & Shields on The Incomparable. She's an award-winning journalist at Texas Standard - a statewide public radio news show. She also writes and podcasts about tech and accessibility. Shelly collects classic movies and shakes up delicious cocktails for her friends. She is the author of more than 20 books, including iOS Access for All: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessibility for iPhone and iPad. In 2019, she produced the audio documentary, 36 Seconds that Changed Everything: How the iPhone Learned to Talk.
Podcasts Hosted by Shelly Brisbin
Guest Host
The Incomparable Mothership
Game Show
Agents of SMOOCH
The Incomparable Mothership
- 758 I'm Glad You Have This Sketch to Enjoy
- 743 Doritos and Tequila
- 739 Above the Zeppo Level
- 738 Condor to the Neck
- 712 Arguably the Saddest Record
- 705 A Legacy of Biffs
- 704 Kramer Before Kramer
- 703 Communists? In Berkeley?
- 697 Three Things and a Blurt
- 695 Uncanny Plastic Head
- 686 Selective Sequel
- 685 The Execution Kills Me
- 684 The Memory Cheats
- 677 Pink Magic
- 660 The Monocle Test
- 647 Obnoxiously Vegan
- 643 Shouty Oscar Winners
- 637 Sorry, Charlie, It's Chinatown
- 636 The Elephant in the Trenchcoat
- 632 Time Bandit Titanic
- 626 Don't Copy That Chip 'n Dale Floppy
- 618 Mars Monkey Dance Number
- 609 Chekhov's Toy Store
- 608 A Centaur, Only for Cars
- 607 I Regret So Many Great Movies
- 606 The Bears Did It
- 587 Is Dracula the Frankenstein?
- 579 Bad Dad, Crane Dad
- 558 A Product of Its Time
- 553 In the "King's Speech" Barrel
- 535 The Internet is for Muppets
- 527 Quantum Physics Training Montage
- 517 Intensely Interesting
- 512 Eponymous
Random Trek
- 250 "In the Hands of the Prophets" (DS9) with Shelly Brisbin
- 234 "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" with Shelly Brisbin, Moisés Chiullán, and Joe Rosensteel
- 220 "Sacred Ground" (VOY) with Shelly Brisbin
Total Party Kill
- 311 The Queen of Red Water, Part 4
- 310 The Queen of Red Water, Part 3
- 309 The Queen of Red Water, Part 2
- 308 The Queen of Red Water, Part 1
Game Show
- 248 Cognac and Milky Way
- 244 Dark Christmas
- 243 Bad News about Zeus
- 240 Remember, I Am Capricious
- 239 The Hamptons Children's Edition
- 232 Last Week is Not History
- 231 That Belongs in a Museum (for $5000)
- 230 Icelandic Conspiracy Theories
- 228 Opossum My Possum
- 227 The Unethical Zoo
- 222 Genus IV: The Voyage Home
- 220 Christmas Is About Winning
- 216 Equal Parts Clippy and a Demon
- 214 Pity Points
- 212 Thank You, 1978
- 211 Backdoor Pilot For Yogi Berra
- 209 We Both Ended Up in Pittsburgh
- 207 We Learned a Lot!
- 206 Square is Not a Fruit
- 204 Objectivist Mickey
- 200 The 200th Episode Spectacular
- 199 Awash in Goo
- 197 I Can Hear the Screams in My Head
- 196 If You Weren't Sweepin', You're Weepin'
- 195 Steve Wink. And Art Carney.
- 194 Christmas Trivia Is All Around
- 191 Uniqueness Counts Against You
- 190 That Word Is Terrible
- 188 It's the Pope!
- 187 A Beatdown in Dangertown
- 186 One More Astronaut
- 184 Rumbledethumps
- 178 Q and Eh
- 177 Tony's Organs, Free to a Good Home
- 174 Kermit Is Immeasurable
- 173 We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers
- 170 Unfortunately, Six
- 169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
- 167 As Wrong As Possible
- 166 My Step-Dad is Aquaman
- 165 Most Valuable Ghost
- 163 Blame it on Burbank
- 161 Cleveland Browns Callback
- 159 Lex Explains Xylophones
- 157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
- 156 Too Much Entertainment
- 150 Can I Have A Ding Ding?
- 149 A Heart-Stricken Moose
- 147 His Nose
- 145 7 or C?
- 140 Fight!
- 139 Bring Your Own Backstory
- 133 Did You Play Music, Dr. Boogie?
- 130 Jetty Mind Tricks
Sophomore Lit
Corner of the Sky
Friends in Your Ears
Voyager Revisited
Pants in the Boot
Agents of SMOOCH
- 129 No Dying At this Slumber Party
- 128 Vulcan Boyfriend
- 127 We're Not Talking About Star Trek
- 116 Dangerous Things on Tractors
- 112 And Boy, Will They
- 105 The Evil Energy of the House
- 100 The Hugh Grant Clause
- 98 He Didn't Eat A Duck
- 95 The Fast & Furious on Boats
- 92 A Pirate Emergency
- 91 With a Cat on My Head
- 85 This RomCom has Good UI
- 73 The Smoochiest of Smooches
- 64 Eat the Marigolds
- 63 The Love Life We Want
- 50 International Waters
- 31 Eggnog Makes Me Fighty
- 22 452 Kinds of Cheese
- 19 They're Pretty in All the Timelines
- 06 Pamplona Bebes!