Steve Lutz
Steve Lutz is just some guy who does software development and the occasional spot of freelance writing. His first bio was rejected for being too juvenile and unprofessional, and that should tell you pretty much everything you need to know.
Guest Host
Bonus Track
Game Show
- 216 Equal Parts Clippy and a Demon
- 208 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Goo
- 199 Awash in Goo
- 184 Rumbledethumps
- 157 Waiting For It To Be Norwegian
- 127 It Is I, The Deceptor!
- 120 Gobble Search
- 106 Shiver Me Pleasure
- 101 The Low Definition '18 Christmas Special
- 92 I'm Very Epicurious
- 84 The Three-Pack
- 77 The Low Definition Holiday Special!
- 73 Dinosaur Jousting with Pitchforks
- 66 Low Definition: I Will See a Wrinklepuff
- 62 Dr. Tiff and the Electric Catfish
- 58 Low Definition XI: Lesser of Two Weevils
- 54 Low Definition: Up to the Third Knuckle
- 50 Low Definition: A Family of Clowns
- 47 Low Definition: The Spooky Edition
- 44 Low Definition: The Wicker Moze
- 41 Low Definition: Hell Is Other People's Words
- 39 Low Definition: The Amount of Pan in a Thing
- 37 Low Definition: This Word Sucks
- 31 Low Definition: Tempted by the Little Man
- 27 Lake Tourist
- 23 Low Definition: Space Blobs
- 19 Low Definition: The Liripoop Interlude
- 17 Low Definition: Hempen Humbug
The Incomparable Mothership
- 756 Bald Men Wearing Trash Bags
- 751 Big Fascist Dinner
- 744 Pineapple of Disappointment
- 740 The Coffin Test
- 739 Above the Zeppo Level
- 735 Who Took My Lady?
- 700 A Dark Totoro
- 691 You See... They're Ducks
- 666 Max Von Sydow Was 44
- 688 They're All Messed Up
- 684 The Memory Cheats
- 674 Too Much Monkey Business
- 672 Hot Pits
- 662 Bipedal Murder Robots
- 656 Endless Slumber Party
- 643 Shouty Oscar Winners
- 638 A Loose Assemblage of Goo and Blobs
- 637 Sorry, Charlie, It's Chinatown
- 628 Dumbness is Timeless
- 618 Mars Monkey Dance Number
- 595 I Didn't Have a Tab - The Best of 2021
- 590 The Car Explodes In Midair
- 588 All These Different Jackets
- 587 Is Dracula the Frankenstein?
- 562 The Gentleness Axis
- 561 Lackeys Don't Wear Khakis
- 556 Pig's Gotta Fly
- 555 Dawson's Crypt
- 552 Oh No, My Elixirs!
- 547 Catching Up On Stuff - The Best of 2020
- 544 Let Go and Let Kilmer
- 543 I Want to Go to Dog Heaven
- 541 The Incomparable Life Day Special
- 533 Confiscate the Trumpeter's Mute
- 529 Ancient Goat Lettering
- 528 To Quantity!
- 521 Knights of Exposition
- 520 Words Aren't Cool
- 519 Relics and Garbage
- 512 Eponymous
- 500 Amalgamated Zeppelin Monocle Company
- 495 Congratulations, You're All Pregnant - The Best of 2019
- 491 The Yellow Ones Don't Stop
- 484 Werewolfism
- 478 Death Snuggle Fort
- 477 Klimt Versus Monet
- 476 Lucky Crime Shirt
- 475 Count the Coats
- 470 Futterwacken Hats
- 456 Where's the Raccoon?
- 453 Turn Left at the Asteroid
- 445 It's Probably Going to Be Weird
- 444 Why People Don't Like Musicals
- 440 Full Disclosure - The Best of 2018
- 434 All Wormholes Go to Heaven
- 429 A Juicer For People
- 428 Sour and Smells Like Feet
- 426 Up to the Puppies
- 424 Never Not Wolves
- 411 In the Pay of Big Ultravox
- 400 Snellology
- 396 A Lifeboat Made of Mom
- 395 Joe DiMaggio of the Slide Rule
- 389 Tales from the Spirit Bathhouse
- 388 Lyrics Are for Losers
- 387 Good Job, Jerks - The Best of 2017
- 381 That's Me Only Shirt!
- 375 Sentimental Spite
- 368 This Movie Ends, Right?
- 367 Batman! Aaaaaa!
- 360 A Dwarf Named Elwood
- 348 He's Way Better Than Fonzie
- 341 Might As Well Keep Going
- 340 Give the Robots Some Time
- 333 That's How It Works: 2016 Year in Review
- 327 This Robot is Eisenhower
- 325 The Monster Mash
- 322 Tastes Like College
- 321 Purgatoy Box
- 320 The Power! The Power! The Power!
- 319 Squirting Milky Fluid
- 315 Show Some Respect for the Chimp
- 307 Mascot Hands
- 305 Mint in Box
- 302 Keep Watching the Skies
- 300 The Incomparable Is People
- 297 The Ohm Whisperer
- 294 Science Is Never Frightening!
- 289 It's Not "Hamilton"
- 288 I Wish I Was Back in Norway
- 281 I Love a Lot of Awful People - The Best of 2015
- 275 Comprehensive Tapestry Policy
- 274 Rudolph's Hideous Mutation
- 270 Love Blooms Naturally on a Vespa
- 262 District Attorney Doofus
- 260 High Five
- 259 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round 2
- 258 Chekhov's Bob-omb
- 255 Summer Superhero Spectacular: Round One
- 253 Ignoring the Movie Completely
- 250 Stay Inside My Aura
- 241 Shopping With Mrs. Gehrig
- 240 Pooping Alien
- 239 The Colour Blue
- 238 Caucus with the Dark Side
- 237 Force Denier
- 235 Plot Advancement Tribune
- 232 Learning to Love Heidi II
- 228 It's Not a Draft: Our 2014 Favorites
- 227 The Europeans Do It Better
- 226 Stop Circulating the Tapes
- 223 Picking My Shorts
- 219 Terrible Things for Awful Reasons
- 217 Weird Reverse Hidden Charisma
- 212 A MacGyver in the Making
- 208 The Good People Are Dead Already
- 205 Love Machine
- 201 Democracy is Awful
- 200 Butter Zone
- 195 Peak Crate
- 194 A Real Imaginary Friend
- 192 Murderous Roomba
- 188 Game Show II
- 186 Kazoo Parade
- 183 How I Sold Your Mother
- 182 Full-Fledged Force Mullet
- 178 A Smoother Yar
- 177 Six-Pixel Sword
- 176 Solo Adventures (Our 2013 Favorites)
- 174 The Incomparable Christmas Spectacular
- 173z Human Santapede (the unedited version)
- 173 Santa-Based Christmas
- 172 The Incomparable Holiday Vault 3
- 167 Space Wizard Musical
- 165 Grieving for My Left Thumb
- 161 Southern Skeleton
- 160 Super-Secret Sony MiniDiscs
- 159 Full Shatner
- 158 Peak Clooney
- 156 Airline of Snitches
- 152 The Comic-Con Episode
- 150 I Look Forward to Ignoring Your Criticism
- 149 Gleekless (A Superhero Draft)
- 148 Between Two Obelisks
- 144 Hangin' With the Totes
- 138 All Hail the Lion!
- 137 Go Wash a Droid
- 136 We Waited 16 Years For This?
- 135 Total Party Kill
- 133b Behind the Incomparable Radio Drama
- 133 Incomparable Radio Theater of the Air
- 130 And the Children Shall Lead
- 129 Prescription Salad
- 123 Ski Lodge Pick
- 122 Recursive Clip Loop: Our 2012 Favorites
- 120 A Horse with a Hat
- 118 The Incomparable Holiday Vault 2
- 112 Schrodinger's Cat Box
- 109 Evil, Surfing Ronald McDonald
- 108 Then We Touched, Then We Sang
- 107 A Little Obsessed With Kirk
- 104 Kids Have Bad Taste
- 100 Who Cares What We Think?
- 85 Game Show
- 83 Nothing Ever Ends on Taco Tuesday
- 81 McRibs and Bacon Martinis
- 80 Khan Film Festival
- 79 Everything Sounds Beautiful in German
- 75 My Gazebox is Full of Menhirs
- 73 Ugh - A 2011 Clip Show
- 71 The Holiday Movie Vault
- 59 Flitting is in (TV Fantasy Pitches)
- 58 Greyskull Anonymous (TV Fantasy Draft)
- 50 We Apologize for the Extinction of the Clownfish
- 49 It's Like "Working Girl" With Monsters
- 42 42
- 31 Supernatural
- 20 Everyone's a Redshirt in Real Life
- 17 We're Going to Need Some More Christmas Movies, I Guess
- 14 There's Guacamole on the Holodeck
- 9 Get the Bone Saw!
Random Trek
Total Party Kill
- 487 Panic! at the Ritual
- 486 Courtship via Owlbear
- 485 Pan Flute Gorn Fight
- 484 Half-Orc Flirtations
- 467 War Picks Have the Power
- 466 Don't Feed the Bulettes
- 465 I Don't Talk to Pizzas
- 464 Capering Mud Men
- 463 Summon Greater Landscaper
- 462 Weekend at Keltar's
- 461 Something Dumb Is About to Happen
- 398 Beggar King Papoose
- 397 Let's Circle Back to That
- 396 Carpenter or Orphan?
- 395 Chits and Salsa
- 394 I'm Not Dying... It's Ketchup
- 393 I Seen Him, By Crikey
- 392 I'm Pretty Sure I'm King Now
- 377 Live, Laugh, Lava
- 376 Salamanders from the South!
- 375 Lava Hurts
- 374 Everybody out of the Cloud
- 373 Totally Capacitated
- 372 Cinna and Bon
- 371 Minotaur Sandwich
- 370 Affirmations and Elevators
- 369 A Bad Use of Carlos
- 367 Rats Are Not Heroes
- 366 Short Sword, Long Dagger
- 365 Sorry Your Wolf Died
- 364 We're Kobolds, Not Geniuses
- 363 Dragonforge Goes Shopping
- 362 Total Poultry Kill
- 361 Like Father, Like Son
- 360 Kiss Me, I'm Urmbrusk
- 359 Dais ex Machina
- 358 Charm the Chicken
- 357 Bad News for Bears
- 341 Goodbye Plunging Torrents!
- 340 Three Mimics in a Trenchcoat
- 339 Four Halflings in a Robe
- 338 Everybody Hurts
- 337 Soul Proprietorship
- 336 Shaggy Kank Story
- 335 Follow That Carlos!
- 334 We've Been Everywhere--and Done Very Little
- 333 Grells, Grells, Grells
- 332 Step Three Prophet
- 331 Frosted Demon
- 330 Regdar's Demons
- 329 Invisible Flying Ooze
- 328 We're Specter Inspectors!
- 327 He Stole My Hat!
- 326 Gargoyles Gonna Gargoyle
- 325 New Plan, Kill Everyone
- 324 Lich, Please!
- 323 I Open the Door
- 322 It Was Like This When We Got Here
- 314 The Cult of Dusk, Part 3
- 313 The Cult of Dusk, Part 2
- 312 The Cult of Dusk, Part 1
- 300 Rosethorn, Part 4
- 299 Rosethorn, Part 3
- 298 Rosethorn, Part 2
- 297 Rosethorn, Part 1
- 293 The Dwarven Vault, Part 2
- 292 The Dwarven Vault, Part 1
- 264 My Favorite Flavor is 'Combination'
- 263 I Wish For Fewer Bones
- 262 The Pizza Rolls Argument
- 261 Giant Bird and Associates
- 260 Lift a Frozen Dwarf
- 259 SeƱor Wences, No!
- 258 This Room Is Gross
- 257 The One Who Poinged
- 256 Silent but Deadly
- 255 The Log Is Nature's Abacus
- 254 Quiverbottom and Associates
- 253 In the Jaws of the Champion
- 252 Turtle Party Kill
- 251 Rubble Rubble
- 211 Drugs are Good
- 210 The Ghost in the Gazebo
- 209 Cool Ranch Blood
- 208 A Light Tinge of Evil
- 207 That's Not Billy
- 206 Good Cop, Bad Cop, Handsome Cop
- 205 A Closet Full of Corpses
- 204 Take Cover Behind Your Wizard
- 202 Snakes in a Turtleneck
- 200 Sewer Vide
- 198 I Think Your Elf is Broken
- 196 Grifters Are Like Zombies
- 195 You'll Never Be Bandit 2 Now, Pal
- 194 A Dwarf with a Hangover
- 193 How Not to Be Seen
- 192 High Fantasy in the Low Sewers
- 191 Thieves Cant is a Beautiful Language
- 190 Tepanyaki Vampire
- 189 A Hug in the Darkness
- 188 Golem Storage Area
- 187 Too Many Orbs
- 186 Not Much of a Mountain
- 159 A Dog, a Priest, and a Brain Surgeon
- 158 Ichor Cole Slaw
- 157 AirDND
- 156 Send Me an Angel to Kill
- 155 I'm a Bard!
- 153 Regdar's Unregulated School of Magic
- 152 My Mom Raised Me Not to Lie to a Bird
- 151 Hello from the Tragic Cavern
- 139 For Presta!
- 138 Oh Man, My Mouth Tastes Like Goodberry!
- 137 Artisanal Gore
- 136 Ha Ha! You're In a Cult!
- 135 Turn Left at the Shallow Graves
- 134 The Best Diplomacy Ever
- 133 Got Kank Milk?
- 132 Famed Flautists
- 131 Not All Manticores
- 130 An Auspicious Day
- 129 Tattered Gray Cloak
- 128 Freedom!
- 127 To the Sinkhole!
- 126 The Mul Who Cried 'Boy'
- 125 He's Dead, J'ym
- 124 Rat Sandwich
- 123 A Taste of Kled
- 117 Netflix and Kill
- 116 We're Hotel Inspectors
- 115 Party in the Front, Stables in the Back
- 114 A Chip Off the Old Rock
- 113 Intimidate the Wind
- 104 We Wreck Everything We See
- 103 Cowering Behind a Wizard
- 102 All Hands on Deck!
- 101 Please Avenge My Death
- 99 That's Why You Should Floss
- 98 The Corpse Is Dead!
- 97 How Deep Is My Dagger?
- 96 What's Left of Pieter Dragonforge
- 95 Faraday Cube
- 94 Team Spider
- 93 Very Briefly Poisoned
- 88 That's So Bahamut
- 87 Every Combat Begins with Kay
- 86 Seven Against Two Is the Best Odds
- 85 This Really Ties the Room Together
- 84 Ding Dongs and Doolallys
- 83 Can We Crash at Your God's Place?
- 82 The Door Softened Them Up For Us
- 81 Ghouls' Night!
- 80 Between Two Sarcophagi
- 79 It's Never Too Late for Pew When You're in the Sewer
- 78 Crossbow Friends!
- 77 A Rather Substantial Tab
- 75 Axe Punch His Face
- 74 Unguarded Crack
- 73 Two Muls, a Defiler, and a Beetle Place
- 72 Magical Selfie Stick
- 71 Strumming His Piccolo
- 70 Ways to Not Be a Beetle
- 69 Epic Hat Destiny
- 68 Carlos, Have You Learned Nothing?
- 67 Is This Your Card?
- 66 Descriptions & Doors
- 65 In That Trunk Is Some Funk
- 60 Bedroom Farce
- 59 The Murder Chute
- 58 Unaffiliated Pottery Outpost
- 57 Full House
- 56 Professional Monkey Paw Operator
- 55 Too Many Tembo
- 54 Beetles in Jars
- 53 1d8 Beetles
- 52 Dwarven Bards!
- 51 That's So Catapult
- 50 Swan Song
- 49 Do Giants Stack?
- 48 Chitin's Gonna Ichor
- 47 War on Rugs
- 46 A Door Killed My Brother
- 45 A Night on the Caravan
- 44 A Hat and Some Bugs
- 43 0 Days Since Last Death
- 42 Turn the Slug Around
- 41 Scorpion Rodeo
- 40 There's Always a Lesser Goblin
- 39 A Slug and a Nice Mint Julep
- 38 International House of Kobolds
- 37 This Guy's From Grand Rapids!
- 36 That Ship Has Sailed to Winch Town
- 35 Undermountain Thanksgiving
- 34 Time is a Flat Rat
- 33 Should My Orb Still Be Glowing?
- 32 One Rat Deep
- 31 Blinded by Kobold Science
- 30 Bone Throne
- 29 Don't Trust the Bugbear
- 28 2 Legit 2 Hit
- 27 Rat Burrito
- 26 Wiggle the Something-or-Others
- 25 Death to All Statues
- 24 Garage Band of Heroes
- 23 Spooky Hat Club
- 22 Who Knows Origami?
- 21 Warlocks and Door Locks
- 20 Do You Know the Mushroom Man?
- 18 Pick Out a Pretty Headstone
- 17 The Fightin' Sand Rams
- 16 Let the Best Mul Win
- 15 Wraith Relations
- 14 Don't Lick the Serpent
- 13 Plaintive Moos
- 12 The Orb Was Obvious
- 11 Blazing Skeletons
- 10 Danger's My Middle Name
- 9 Swimming Lessons
- 8 Torn Between Two Obelisks
- 7 Enter the Minotaur
- 6 The Trouble With Eglath
- 5 Sun, Sand, and Tareks
- 4 Bone Javelin
- 3 Kank Merchant
- 2 We've Been In Worse Situations
- 1 Meet the Party
Incomparable Radio Theater
- 4.2 Galaxy Scouts Greene 01: Legends and Maps
- 3.7 Galaxy Scouts: Greene -- Free Preview
- 3.3 Galaxy Scouts: Lost in the Stars
- 1.12 In the Room, 1776
- 0.6 Rehearsing in the Zeppelin
- 0.4 The Lives of Paul Citron; Marjorie Carter
- 0.3 The Spooky Twist; The Fog
- 0.2 Two-Fisted Tales of Tesla; Jenny Lane
- 0.1 Galaxy Scouts; The Fog
Bonus Track
- 302b Group Marriage
- 297b Is the Baby Ohm Alive?
- 294b Dere He Is!
- 33gs Editing Adventure!
- 281b Once More For Safety
- 275b Bring the Cane
- 274b Peanuts Hole
- gs24 Shut the Hell Up, Glenn
- 262b Wherever Fats
- 258b Kenneth Branagh's "Pong"
- 253b The Fat Man Meets The Thin Man
- 250b Beatle Talk
- 241b Inside Baseball
- 240b Second-Degree Glenning
- 238b Let the Healing Begin
- 235b Anyhow...
- 232b Save it for the Podcast
- 228b Robot or Not
- 227b Embarrassing Blackface Scene
- 226b Lumpy Leroux
- 223b Steve Lutz's Brush With Celebrity
- 219b Pride of the Yankees
- 217b Herb Alpert's Woody Allen's The Terminator
- 212b Ohhh Myyyy
- 208b What Color Is Your Toothbrush?
- 205b The Cat Has Been Dead for Months
- 204b The Second Comic-Con Episode
- 201b Shame Hole
- 195b Pun-Based Puzzles
- 194b Mann Canon
- 186b Get Carter II: I Said Get Carter
- 182b Episode II - Omnibus Commentary
- 178b Don't Google Tanuki
- 172b Not in the Vault
- 167b Buttons, A Clown
- 165b Unrecorded Personal Conversations
- 159b After The Incomparable Movie Draft
- 156b Mockingbird Orange
- 150b High Density
- 144b Steve Summarizes Totoro
- 136b A Thing That Farted
- 135b Scott Explains Himself
- 133b The Incomparable Radio Drama
- 130b A Tribble is not a Space Loofah!
- 129b Brought to You By Soda
- 123b Balls In the Canyon
- 122b The World is About to End
- 118b I'm Batman
- 112b What is After The Incomparable #112, Alex?
- 104b You Have Kids, You Should Know Where They Are
- 79b After the Movie Draft
Game Show
- 250 I Just Flipped It in My Head
- 213 Number One Fish
- 210 One Hour's Worth of Radon
- 197 I Can Hear the Screams in My Head
- 196 If You Weren't Sweepin', You're Weepin'
- 187 A Beatdown in Dangertown
- 176 Venerable Boos Outfit
- 174 Kermit Is Immeasurable
- 169 The Hairless Head of Lars Huntington
- 164 Pixie Duck Is My Roller Derby Name
- 136 I Really Should Have Studied My Dans
- 133 Did You Play Music, Dr. Boogie?
- 129 The Meatball is a Relic
- 124 Wayne Gretzky
- 112 Spelling Bee
- 108 I Hate People and Places
- 104 There Are No Letters in Our Bingo
- 103 Don't Give Me Any Grife
- 100 John Lemon
- 98 K'on Bragh!
- 95 Take a Bow
- 91 A Squashed Bee Gee
- 90 Random Tolkien Table
- 88 Pantheon of Muppets
- 82 It's Meatloaf Day!
- 81 The Ghost Has Spoken
- 72 You're Rolling Like Terrible People
- 68 It's Not All Horrible Childhood Memories
- 67 Welcome to Engineering
- 65 The Famous Mickey
- 61 Inclined To Go For The Liquor
- 59 We Are the World
- 55 There Is a Sign Here
- 49 We Love Our Listeners!
- 48 Don't Read the Creepy Old Book
- 46 Dang, I Wish We Were Physicists
- 45 The Incomparable's Ten-Foot Poll
- 38 Game Night: Gospel According to Short Round
- 33 Exits Are Unknown
- 32 Intangibility is a Serious Problem
- 28 Game Night: Dental Dam
- 24 Stephen Hawking Said
- 21 Light Lamp
- 18 Harry Potter and the Odor of the Weasel
- 15 Vampire Or Not
- 13 Game Night: Golfing with Hitler
- 7 Family Spats
- 3 Mansplained to Doom!
- 0.3 Tennis with Errol Flynn
- 0.2 Game Show II
- 0.1 Game Show