Vulcan Boyfriend
In our last episode, we couldn’t get enough Star Trek in the Draft. So today’s mission is all about romance in Star Trek. The Agents gave their director some homework and she came prepared. es, this franchise is all about seeking out strange new worlds, but also sexy aliens. Really, a spaceship is just a locked room romance and we are all looking for love in confined spaces. Let’s meet on the holodeck and boldly go where no one has gone before.
Listen to this episode (1 hour, 28 minutes)
Show Notes
Some of the specific episodes we discuss and our Director’s homework:
- Spock & Kirk: The Original Series (TOS)
- T’Pring and Spock: TOS, Amok TIme; Strange New World (SNW), Various episodes
- Paris & Torres: Voyager, Day of Honor
- Kirk & Keeler: TOS, The City on the Edge of Forever
- Spock & Chapel: SNW, Those Old Scientists
- Mariner & Jennifer: Lower Decks, Mining the Mine’s Mines
- Picard & Crusher: The Next Generation, Picard
- Space Pirates: Discovery Season 3
Want more Star Trek? Listen to the Incomparable’s Star Trek Podcasts:
Voyager Revisited: Hosted by Jean MacDonald
Random Trek: Hosted by Scott McNulty
Vulcan Hello: Hosted by Scott McNulty and Jason Snell
Or go back in time and listen to Shelly Brisbin’s old movie podcast Lions, Towers, and Shields