Daredevil S3E3 Review: “No Good Deed”
Host Philip Mozolak with James Thomson
Welcome to the 500th episode of TeeVee, Woot Woot! For this grand occasion, Moze reached deep into our pocket of talent to give the listeners The King of Scotland, James Thomson. We gathered our thoughts on just who is the best Bullseye and the impact it may have on Marvel canon. We also pose the question, “Will you pay for Disney Streaming?” As per usual Moze has predictions for the season and James neither confirms nor denies his mystical powers of narrative. Capping off James and Moze give “homework” to each other and to you, our powerful listeners.
Listen to this episode (1 hour, 1 minute)
Show Notes
Assignment 1: rewatch the infamous “Daredevil” with Ben Affleck
Assignment 2: Watch this fight scene clip from The Protector