We watch so you don’t have to! A podcast in which we watch TV and then offer our judgments. From the people who bring you The Incomparable.
All Episodes
October 31, 2022 Farscape Season 3, Episodes 5 and 6
738 Braaaaaains! (Farscape S3E05-06)
We review a couple of dark episodes on the day before Halloween, which is fitting we guess.
First up — “…Different Destinations”. Where the crew accidentally go back in time and try to set right what they messed up by trying to make sure they didn’t mess history up. But this isn’t your typical time travel episode where things all turn out the same or better in the end. Afterall, this is Farscape we’re talking about.
Finally the really dark episode, “Eat Me”. Farscape’s survival horror episode. Where the crew fend off cannibalistic pseudo-zombies and a mad scientist on a diseased and dying Leviathan. And where the ending leaves the crew seeing double… double Crichtons.
October 19, 2022 Farscape Season 3, Episodes 3-4
737 Scream Queen (Farscape S3E03-04)
We have our first two parter of season 3 already. And it’s not a happy, fun time for our wayward crew.
First up — “Self-Inflicted Wounds (Part 1): Could’a, Would’a, Should’a”. While on their way to a planet that can help Zhaan heal, Moya runs across a wormhole. Before anyone can do anything, a ship comes out of it and materializes part way inside Moya. The crews of both ships work on ways to separate themselves, but it seems the aliens on the other ship have ulterior motives. And we meet our newest crewmember - Jool.
Finally in “Self-Inflicted Wounds (Part 2): Wait for the Wheel”, we learn that the aliens are sabotaging Moya so their ship can be the only one to escape the wormhole. Our crew must put their differences of opinions and desires aside to save them all before the aliens’ plans are realized. And one of our crew makes the ultimate sacrifice.
September 21, 2022 Farscape Season 3, Episodes 1-2
736 Where Art Thou, Farscape? (Farscape S3E01-02)
Eric and Jason are back after an extended time away, some of which was out of their control. They jump into the beginning of season three — which now has new opening theme music, “new” cast members and a new narration.
First up, the exciting conclusion to the end of season two, “Season of Death”. That’s the name of the episode, not the name of the last season… Does Aeryn come back to life? Does Crichton get his head back together, both literally and psychologically? Does Rygel really like what Chiana’s cooking?
Then we wrap up with “Suns and Lovers”. Where we hopefully put the whole D’Argo / Chiana / Jothee love triangle behind us, never to be spoken of again. And not just because the crew is trapped on a disabled space station about to be destroyed by a mysterious wave of energy soon approaching. Can they find the source of the signal attracting the wave in time? Can they saved the trapped children and themselves? And can Aeryn and Crichton finally find some “alone time”?
July 12, 2022 Farscape Season 2, Episodes 21-22
735 Chekhov’s Halitosis (Farscape S2E21-22)
Eric and Jason close out season two of Farscape with a pair of episodes reviews and then the season two review, lowlights and highlights.
First up, “Liars, Guns and Money (Part 3): Plan B”. Instead of using their newly obtained mercenaries to rescue D’Argo’s son, now they’re off to rescue Crichton from Scorpius’ clutches. But don’t worry, Stark has another foolproof plan… ah, frell that, it’s time for a guns blazing, frontal assault! They manage to rescue Crichton, but at what cost?
Finally, “Die Me, Dichotomy”, the (mostly) exciting season two cliffhanger. The crew locates a healer who can both heal Moya and get the neural chip out of Crichton’s head. But the chip isn’t having any of that and does its best to get itself, and Crichton, back to Scorpius. And then some other things happen that we’d like to forget about, before the exciting cliffhanger ending that sets up season three.
June 21, 2022 Farscape Season 2, Episodes 19 and 20
734 Relax, It’s All Part of the Plan (Farscape S2E19-20)
Eric and Jason review the first two parts of Farscape’s second ever three part storyline, “Liars, Guns and Money”. And during all that, wander off on tangents about Star Wars, the A-Team and past episodes of this here podcast.
First up, “Part 1 - A Not So Simple Plan”. Which is pretty much as advertised. Stark (hey, isn’t he dead?) has a not so simple plan to steal enough money to buy D’Argo’s son Jothee from the slavers holding him captive. With such a complicated plan, it goes off without any issues at all. No… who are we kidding? Of course not. The crew must deal with a heavily secured depository, its leader, and our old buddy Scorpius to get what they need.
Finally, “Part 2 - With Friends Like These…”. After learning that all their efforts last time weren’t quite good enough, this time it’s Crichton who comes up with his own somewhat simpler plan to free Jothee. But it involves recruiting several people we met in season one who they didn’t leave on the best of terms with. It goes better than you’d expect, but there’s yet another complication that might make their hard work all for naught. And Crichton has to make a hard choice…
May 29, 2022 Farscape S2E17-18
733 I’m Nobody’s Puppet (Farscape S2E17-18)
Eric and Jason have been gone for a little while due to real life, but we’re back with two above average episodes to make up for it.
First up, “The Ugly Truth”, where Crais tries to get Moya’s crew to help him disarm Talyn. But things don’t go according to plan and the crew has to recount, from each of their perspectives, what went wrong or else face summary execution.
Finally, “A Clockwork Nebari”, where Chiana learns some truths, some ugly, some not-so-ugly, about her people and her brother. Meanwhile the crew is mentally cleansed by the aforementioned Nebari and have to snap out of it if they’re going to get away. It’s like totally bitchin’, man. Far out.
April 20, 2022 Farscape S2E15-16
732 Boogie or Die! (Farscape S2E15-16)
This time we review two really amazing episodes. Granted, in the grand scheme of things, they didn’t really happen but they’re still amazing.
First up, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, where Crichton is back on Earth again. Or is he? This time it’s completely different… and just keeps getting crazier and crazier. And we also prove conclusively that the 2000’s line-up of the Guardians of the Galaxy is a complete rip-off (homage?) of Farscape.
We wrap up with “The Locket” where the crew gets all timey-wimey inside a misty space bubble. Aeryn and Crichton are stranded on nearby planet that seems to only appear every 55 years while Moya and the rest of the crew never age. How can they all get reunited and back to their normal ages before it’s too late? And our old buddy Stark is back with some dire news for D’Argo.
March 30, 2022 Farscape S2E13-14
731 How to Get a Head in Politics (Farscape S2E13-14)
We conclude the amazing three part “Look at the Princess” trilogy and then talk about a not-so-amazing story.
First up, the exciting conclusion of the trilogy, “Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton”. They manage to wrap up all the plotlines from the last two episodes in a very satisfying way. And start up a new plotline that will run for many more episodes. Everyone gets a happy ending. Well… almost.
Finally, “Beware of Dog” gets a mixed review from both of us. We felt the main plot was a rehash of a couple of different season one episodes. However, we really loved the subplot about Crichton’s continuing interaction with visions of Scorpius that are becoming more and more frequent and intense.
March 16, 2022 Farscape S2E11-12
730 Sex, Lies and Farscape (Farscape S2E11-12)
Eric and Jason watch the first two episodes of an amazing three part Farscape epic — “Look at the Princess”.
In “Part 1: A Kiss is but a Kiss”, we enter a world full of political and social intrigue. Crichton can’t catch a break between Aeryn, who can’t commit more to their relationship, a princess to whom Crichton is the only one genetically compatible who needs a husband so her scheming brother doesn’t become ruler, and our old buddy Scorpius who wants to dissect Crichton’s brain. While those relationships are complicated, D’Argo and Chiana’s budding new relationship is getting more intense.
In “Part 2: I Do, I Think”, Crichton has no choice but to marry the princess to escape Scorpius. But there’s a downside to married royal life… he and the princess must spend the next 80 cycles as statues. What will the crew do to prevent that? What will all the scheming political envoys do to either prevent the marriage or make it succeed? Oh, and Zhaan and Pilot meet Moya’s creator. And it’s not happy that she gave birth to a gunship and proceeds to shut her down, for good.
March 2, 2022 Farscape S2E09-10
729 This Defense Screen Goes to Eleven (Farscape S2E09-10)
We’re almost halfway through season two! Farscape season two is in its groove as Eric and Jason review another two really good episodes (hey, spoilers!)
First up, “Out of Their Minds”, where an unfortunate side effect of a strange alien ship’s weapon and Moya’s defense screen causes the crew to switch bodies. Several times. We also learn that the DRD’s have more functions than we previously realized. Oh, and the attacking aliens have programmable vomit. Yes, you read that correctly.
Finally, we review “My Three Crichtons”, where the crew has to deal with the clones of Crichton Past and Crichton Future that some strange ball of energy created. Which Crichton winds up as the “Last Crichton Standing”? But where’s Uncle Charley? Okay, that last one was probably too old a reference to “My Three Sons”, go look that up on Wikipedia kids…
February 16, 2022 Farscape S2E07-08
728 Don’t Beat a Dead Keedva (Farscape S2E07-08)
We continue our rewatch of season two.
First up, “Home on the Remains”, where Eric and Jason struggle with the pronunciations of the guest star character names. The crew is starving (what, no more crackers?) and go to a place Chiana used to call home to try to find some more food. Only to get caught up in the local power scheme of keeping people working in the mines to pay for food and protection from the mysterious, deadly creature that roams the mines.
Finally, we review “Dream a Little Dream”, where we learn what happened to the rest of the crew after the ending of season one while Aeryn, John and D’Argo were away from Moya. The crew winds up on a planet full of lawyers. And for once, it’s not Chiana or Rygel that you’d think would run afoul of the law… no, it’s Zhaan. Can Chiana and Rygel prove Zhaan’s innocence and get off the planet before Moya leaves?
January 26, 2022 Farscape S2E05-06
727 Never Accept Free Stuff From Strangers (Farscape S2E5-6)
Season two is back to being what we know and love about Farscape. Yay!
First up, “The Way We Weren’t”, where we finally get the backstory on Pilot and how he came to be bonded to Moya. We also learn that Aeryn was there as well, much to the crew’s shock and anger after seeing her on a previously undiscovered recording. Will they and Pilot forgive her for what she did back then?
Finally, we review “Picture If You Will”, where a shopkeeper gifts Chiana with a picture that can seemingly foretell the future. Or can it? Nope, it’s just the crew’s old maniacal super powerful adversary Maldis getting his revenge on them for what they did to him last season. They barely beat him last time with help they no longer have. Can they defeat him this time?
December 29, 2021
726 Somebody Hates These Crackers (Farscape S2E03-04)
Farscape has seemed to hit what can only be described as a “Sophomore Slump” with the first part of season two. But Jason and Eric power through these next episodes as we know better things are to come.
First up, “Taking the Stone”, where Chiana is having a rough time and goes to a nearby cemetery planet (yes, you read that right) to clear her head. We learn that Crichton really wants her to come back to Moya, even if he has to do things way out of character to make that happen. And Rygel “borrows” some nice shiny objects from one of the graves on the cemetery planet. Nothing bad ever happens to grave robbers, right?
Finally, we review “Crackers Don’t Matter”, where an alien has offered to make Moya undetectable by scans. Which will surely come in handy since Scorpius has left lots of wanted beacons on the planet they just came from where they only had time to buy food crackers… lots and lots of crackers. However, the crew starts acting abnormally when going to the alien’s planet… to the point of insulting, assaulting and even attempting to kill each other. What’s going on? Can they figure it out before it’s too late? And what about all those crackers? Oh right, they don’t matter.
December 8, 2021
725 They All Can’t Be Winners (Farscape S2E01-02)
We kick off season two of Farscape with somewhat of a mixed review. First up, episode one, “Mind the Baby”, where we pick up after the exciting events of the season one finale. Can the crew be reunited in time before Scorpius finds both Moya and her offspring Talyn? Can they finally escape this asteroid field? John and D’Argo get some more bonding time. And Talyn is being a pain in the neck, literally, for Crais. And then we “discuss” episode two, “Vitas Mortis”. There are some good “Farscape nuggets” to mine from the episode despite what we thought of the main plot. Oh well, they all can’t be winners.
November 16, 2021
724 Zen and the Art of Disappearing Secondary Characters (Farscape S1E21-22)
After a little bit of a delay, we have way too much fun wrapping up season one of Farscape.
First up, “Bone to Be Wild”, where we discuss where the heck Stark disappeared to after leaving with the crew last episode; how does gravity work on an asteroid; how do Leviathans have their inorganic parts installed; and the fall of Commander Crais and the rise of Scorpius as the big bad for the series.
Then we cover the season one finale, “Family Ties”. Where we discuss where the heck one of the guest stars of the last episode disappeared to after leaving with the Peacekeepers; did Rygel really try to sell out the whole crew to save himself; how planning your big escape plan is shown and not skipped over; and some more great character development and interaction that we’ve come to expect from Farscape.
Finally, we recap our thoughts about the entire season… the lowlights and the highlights. And that even the lowlights have some bits worth watching… not just because we have to for the podcast.
Next time, onward to season two!
October 20, 2021
723 Fetch the Comfy Chair! (Farscape S1E19-20)
Farscape delivers its first two-part episode and it does not disappoint! In the first part, “Nerve”, Aeryn’s still suffering from the wound she received in the last episode. And the only cure just happens to be on the secret Peacekeeper base nearby. Crichton and Chiana go there to get it and wind up meeting an old friend, a potential new friend and a new enemy. The Peacekeeper Scorpius captures Crichton and subjects him to the Aurora Chair, a device that rather painfully extracts your memories. We leave Crichton trapped in the comfy chair as we end on our first cliffhanger…
But we don’t have to wait months for a resolution, no, it’s right on to the next episode, “The Hidden Memory”. Scorpius learns of Crichton’s feud with Captain Crais and summons him to the secret base. While the crew mount a rescue mission, Moya goes into labor! But there’s something not right with the baby. Can the crew rescue Crichton before he breaks in the chair? What’s up with Moya’s baby? What will Aeryn do when she finally meets Crais again? Listen and find out!
October 6, 2021
722 One Mippippippi, Two Mippippippi (Farscape S1E17-18)
Season One is getting closer and closer to being over. In our first episode, “Through the Looking Glass”, Crichton does a lot of running around, through four different Moyas in multiple dimensions due to Moya getting stuck in Starburst. And apparently they are not alone as something really wants them to leave. On top of that, each dimension has a different negative effect on the crew. Can they overcome these strange environments and the lurking presence and get back to normal space? And what’s with all the food at dinner? Both times!
Finally, we review “A Bug’s Life”. No, not the 1998 Pixar movie — the 1999 Farscape episode with the same name. Moya welcomes a Peacekeeper Special Ops unit on board whose ship is damaged. They’re taking their top secret cargo to an also top secret Peacekeeper base hidden in the Uncharted Territories. So of course, Rygel and Chiana open up the cargo and release the deadly body-possessing, body-hopping virus inside. It’s a race against time to find out who’s got the virus and neutralize it before it can escape the ship and infect whole worlds!
September 22, 2021
721 Head Games (Farscape S1E15-16)
Eric and Jason cover two really great episodes. First up, “Durka Returns”, where — you guessed it — the Peacekeeper Durka who imprisoned and tortured Rygel for 130 years returns seemingly from the dead. But now he’s a kinder, gentler Durka courtesy of the Nebari and their “mental cleansing”. Or is he? Let’s see how Rygel reacts to this. The Nebari also have a prisoner, Chiana, who doesn’t wish to be cleansed and wants asylum on Moya. Will the crew let her stay?
Finally we review “A Human Reaction”. Crichton finds a wormhole back to Earth! But after being gone for seven months, and having translator microbes in his head, and strange technology on his spaceship, he’s not exactly welcomed back with open arms. Things get even worse when the rest of the crew show up unannounced. Can they get away before they’re poked, prodded and dissected by the military? Why does Crichton think everyone he sees in Australia is someone he knows from his past? Is there some unseen force behind all this?
September 8, 2021
720 Doctor Crichton, I Presume? (Farscape S1E13-14)
Eric and Jason continue their rewatch of every episode of Farscape. This means that sometimes you watch some that are good and sometimes some that are not so good. First up, the mostly not good “The Flax”. Where Aeryn and John finally reveal their true feelings for one another (the good) and the rest of the crew do things we don’t really care about (the not-so-good).
We wrap it up with “Jeremiah Crichton”. We didn’t dislike it as much as the cast and crew apparently did. It’s a mostly good episode where Crichton goes native and where Rygel finally appears to care about other people instead of just looking out for himself.
August 25, 2021
719 Evil Blue Man Group (Farscape S1E11-12)
In “Till the Blood Runs Clear”, Crichton finally manages to recreate a wormhole, but it isn’t stable. Crichton and Aeryn meet a new friend who can repair his ship — for a steep price, while D’Argo meets some not so friendly, and not so bright, bounty hunters.
Finally, “Rhapsody in Blue”, where the crew are summoned to a planet with some other Delvian priests like Zhaan. We learn some of Zhaan’s darkest secrets and what some of her people will try to do to throw off Peacekeeper rule. And our crew has to struggle with what’s real… and what’s not.
August 11, 2021
718 What to Expect When a Leviathan’s Expecting (Farscape S1E9-10)
A little bit of a mixed review this time around. First up, “DNA Mad Scientist”, where we like the plotline about the villain and Aeryn and John, but not so much the one with the rest of the crew acting way out of character.
But they redeem themselves with the next episode, “They’ve Got a Secret”. Where we learn what D’Argo really was imprisoned for. Plus what a pregnant Leviathan will do to protect her developing baby from any potential threat… meaning Moya’s crew.
July 28, 2021
717 Reach Out and Touch Someone (Farscape S1E7-8)
We’re a third of the way through season one and already Farscape has hit its stride. We review two great episodes this time. First up, “PK Tech Girl”. Earth tech boy meets Sebacean tech girl on a derelict Peacekeeper ship. Romance ensues despite being interrupted by some scavenging explosive reptiles.
And we wrap up with “That Old Black Magic”. Thanks to some evil being’s magicks, Crichton gets the chance to finally explain in person that it was an accident that Captain Crais’ brother died way back in episode 1. Things don’t go so well. Can the rest of Moya’s crew save John before it’s too late? And what will it cost some of them?
July 14, 2021
716 Time Loops and Roots (Farscape S1E5-6)
Next up in our Farscape rewatch — “Back and Back and Back to the Future”. Surprisingly not all three movies about a kid and his time travelling DeLorean. More like Groundhog Day, where Crichton relives the same day over and over until he gets it right and saves Moya and her crew.
We conclude with “Thank God It’s Friday, Again”. Surprisingly not another Groundhog Day episode given the title. Who’s forcing an entire population to farm Tannot root for them? And what’s someone got to do to have a day off? And which “bug in the navel” idea came first — this episode or the Matrix?
June 30, 2021
715 Space Roach Motel (Farscape S1E3-4)
We continue our rewatch of Farscape season one. Up first, “Exodus from Genesis”, where the crew must deal with two invaders, the potentially dangerous Drak and the definitely dangerous Peacekeeper Commandos. Can they get both groups off Moya before Aeryn succumbs to Sebacean Heat Delirium?
Then we review “Throne for a Loss”, Farscape’s “very special episode”. The crew must deal with kidnapping, drug addiction and its after effects. Remember kids, just say “no” to space drug injecting gauntlets!
June 18, 2021
714 TeeVee Sub-Show Update
We’ve moved many of the shows that used to live in the TeeVee feed into their own feeds and removed them from the TeeVee feed. If you use the main TeeVee feed to listen to shows about Westworld, Doctor Who, Ted Lasso, The Mandalorian, Star Trek Discovery, Arrow, and WandaVision, those shows aren’t in the TeeVee feed anymore.
They still exist! You just need to subscribe to them directly. If you’re already subscribed to a specific sub-show feed, like Doctor Who Flashcast or Football is Life, those will redirect automatically and you don’t need to do anything. But all of these shows have left this feed.
Still here—one-offs, short runs, and podcasts from listeners and members! This feed isn’t going anywhere—but it’s going to be a bit quieter. Thanks for listening.
June 16, 2021
713 Muppets in Spaaaace! (Farscape S1E1-2)
Welcome to a new TeeVee podcast covering the 1999-2004 series Farscape. In this inaugural episode, sci-fi fans Eric and Jason discuss the first two episodes. Eric revisits his love for the series while Jason experiences it for the first time. It’s got everything! Action! Comedy! Space! Muppets in space!
708 Supergirl S6E03 Review: “Phantom Menaces”
We Discuss:
- Phantom Zone confusion
- J’onn being a jerk
- Alex and J’onn’s feels
- Lena and Brainy’s murder plans
- Lex and Lena great story
- Kara bringing hope
- Nyxly being suss
- Post Crisis stress
Editor: David Schaub
April 23, 2021
707 For All Mankind S2E10 Review: “The Gray”
So it all comes down to this. We review the season finale of “For All Mankind,” which puts the fate of the world in the crucible and makes us ponder the power of individual decisions when great systems seem intent on destroying one another. In addition to the dramatic life-and-death decisions, the plants at the bar are dead, Kelly has finished her essay, and we’re given a tantalizing look at what the 1990s might bring. Onward to season three!
706 Supergirl S6E02 Review: “A Few Good Women”
We Discuss:
- The Trial of The Century
- Lex being Lex
- Lena being clever
- Lillian being complicated
- Brainy training Nia poorly
- Andrea failing at journalism
- Alex and J’onn character assassination
- Silas being great
- The Phantom Zone being messy
- and Kara bringing hope
Editor: David Schaub
April 16, 2021
705 For All Mankind S2E9 Review: “Triage”
Things are getting pretty serious. The clash of civilizations between the U.S. and the Soviets begins to boil on Earth, in space, and on the surface of the moon. Karen continues making interesting personal decisions. Dani reveals herself to be an old-school “Star Trek” fan. Ellen’s future complicates her present. And how about that cliffhanger?! Like we said, things are getting pretty serious.
704 Supergirl S6E01 Review: “Rebirth”
We Discuss:
- Whether this is a finale or premier.
- So much plot.
- All the personal moments.
- Lex being his own worst enemy.
- The ephemeral nature of comic book deaths.
- Our hopes and dreams for the final season.
Editor: David Schaub
April 9, 2021
703 For All Mankind S2E8 Review: “And Here’s To You”
Things keep getting more tense! This week Karen owns her ability to make terrible decisions, Gordo vanquishes an old nemesis, Sally Ride is not amused, there’s a meet-cute in a mock-up, and Kelly tries banh mi for the first time. Oh, and there’s a fateful incident on the moon.
April 2, 2021
702 For All Mankind S2E7 Review: “Don’t Be Cruel”
As the season builds to its climax, there’s an awful lot to process. A real-life tragedy intervenes in Ellen’s story. Margo needs to communicate information from another tragic event that didn’t happen in the world of “For All Mankind.” A mysterious Soviet engineer comes bearing gifts for Dani. The Vending Machine of Fate beckons to Aleida! And Karen is having a crisis. Meanwhile, on the moon, is someone singing?
March 26, 2021 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Season 1, Episode 1 “New World Order”
701 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S1E1 Review: “New World Order”
Like any good (comic book) character, we're back! It was simply too much fun to recap WandaVision, so Lisa Schmeiser, Don Melton, and Kelly Guimont have returned to dig into the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter
SnowmanSoldier. -
March 26, 2021
700 For All Mankind S2E6 Review: “Best-Laid Plans”
At last, the Soviets. We loved this whole episode, from the pointed conversation about Laika to the docking system designed out of coasters. Who makes Houston’s best borscht? Who cares! Let’s have burgers and Jack Daniels! Just don’t tell the KGB.
March 19, 2021
699 For All Mankind S2E5 Review: “The Weight”
Wake up Elvis and get The Band back together—we’re here to take a load for free and talk about the latest episode of “For All Mankind.” We cover Tracy’s rough introduction to Jamestown, Gordo’s pool adventures, Molly’s new job, the death of Spock, and a very momentous book reading. Put the load right on us!
March 12, 2021
698 For All Mankind S2E4 Review: “Pathfinder”
Ed trades in his golf cart for a nuclear-powered Space Shuttle, Molly gets a job offer in a bathtub, Ellen gets career advice and surprise poetry, Danielle receives harsh words that spur her into historic action, and the Vending Machine of Fate makes another appearance!
March 10, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 9 “The Series Finale”
697 WandaVision S1E9 Review: “The Series Finale”
One more time! Lisa, Don, and Kelly are back to dig deep into the WandaVision universe, including yet another TV show pitch (Law & Order: MCU), thoughts about the show as a finale, and the season as a whole. Get comfy on that sitcom couch, this is a super-sized episode!
March 4, 2021
696 For All Mankind S2E3 Review: “Rules of Engagement”
Turns out that the Soviets are America’s annoying moon roommates, moving their stuff without asking—and it might trigger a lunar conflict. Also, Tracy and Gordo continue to be messed up, Margo provides toilet paper and a job offer, Gordo’s VCR is on the blink, and the Baldwin family finally brings its issues to the surface.
March 3, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 8 “Previously On”
695 WandaVision S1E8 Review: “Previously On”
Back again! Don, Kelly, and Lisa dig deep into the penultimate episode of WandaVision and discuss the latest reveals, theories about where everything goes in the final episode, and what all of this means for the MCU. (If you noticed the outro music is familiar, it was simply too good to only use once.)
694 Superman & Lois S1E1 Review: “Pilot”
During Supergirl’s hiatus, the Supergirl Supercast takes a small dip into the “Pilot” of Superman & Lois!
We Discuss:
- how this show does/doesn’t fit into the CW;
- how little Lois has to do;
- the CW Drama;
- speculating about all the big baddies, and
- our general feels about the show.
Edited by Trish Matson
February 25, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 7 “Breaking the Fourth Wall”
693 WandaVision S1E7 Review: “Breaking the Fourth Wall”
Maximoff Overdrive returns! Don, Lisa, and Kelly dig into Marvel history, crazy theories, and why cutting your own bangs is a really bad sign. Come for the recap, stay for the plot twist! (You’ll never guess who it was…all along…)
February 25, 2021
692 For All Mankind S2E2 Review: “The Bleeding Edge”
Not every episode of “For All Mankind” needs to have the drama of a solar storm. In this week’s episode, Danielle re-engages with the space program—but Ed weighs her down with the disaster that is Gordo. Tracy returns from a fashion shoot and bonds with her kids. The Baldwins and Cobbs go golfing, so that Ed and Molly can discuss what really happened on the moon and Karen and Wayne can get high and talk about their feelings. Ellen gets a new job and a new briefcase, Margo defeats a vending machine, and we learn the fate of Wubbo! Sorry, Wubbo.
February 21, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 6 “All-New Halloween Spooktacular!”
691 WandaVision S1E6 Review: “All-New Halloween Spooktacular!”
Lisa, Don, and Kelly dig deep into theories and speculation while trick-or-treating through Westview (just before all the candy was stolen). Come for the recap, and stay for the answers that inevitably create more questions!
February 18, 2021
690 For All Mankind S2E1 Review: “Every Little Thing”
“For All Mankind” has returned for a second season on Apple TV+, and this season Jason Snell and Dan Moren will be reviewing every episode! In the premiere, we get a time jump accompanied by a montage full of alternate-history easter eggs, some good vibes on the edge of Shackleton crater, a very busy Margo coordinating flight operations at NASA, a surprising new career direction for both Ed and Karen, and oh yeah—a potential lunar disaster that forces Molly to make a difficult decision. Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing!
(Don’t listen to this episode until you watch Season 2, Episode 1 of “For All Mankind.”)
February 17, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 5 “On a Very Special Episode…”
689 WandaVision S1E5 Review: “On a Very Special Episode…”
Once again, Kelly and Lisa are back to talk about the fifth episode of WandaVision. Don shows up dressed for Jazzercise. THEN things get weird! After some serious conjecture, the hosts end up talking about other MCU shows they want to see as well. Enjoy!
February 14, 2021 WandaVision Season 1, Episode 4 “We Interrupt This Program”
688 WandaVision S1E4 Review: “We Interrupt This Program”
Doctor Lewis Can’t Lose! Maximoff Overdrive returns as Don, Kelly and Lisa wander through Kelly’s Home for Crackpot Theories to admire the additional wing constructed during this episode.
February 6, 2021 WandaVision Review, Season 1 Episodes 1-3
687 Maximoff Overdrive: WandaVision S1E1-3 Review
Lisa Schmeiser, Don Melton, and Kelly Guimont have teamed up for Maximoff Overdrive! This is a crossover event digging into the WandaVision Universe (Wandaverse?) of the latest MCU entry streaming on Disney Plus. This episode covers the first three episodes of Season One.
January 25, 2021 Stargate SG-Fun Podcast 6
686 Goo Not Go (Stargate SG-1 “Tin Man” to “Within the Serpent’s Grasp”)
Unscheduled Off-World Activation Detected!
Now with chapter marks!
Snakes hit the fans in multiple parallel dimensions.
Episodes Covered:
- Tin Man
- There But For the Grace of God [DEEP DIVE]
- Politics
- Within the Serpent’s Grasp [DEEP DIVE]
January 4, 2021 Stargate SG-Fun Podcast 5
685 A Little More Oomph (Stargate SG-1 “Cor-ai” to “Solitudes”)
Unscheduled Off-World Activation Detected!
We discuss all the fun with Stargates and learn more about this Tollan thing called kissing.
Episodes Covered:
- Cor-ai
- Enigma [DEEP DIVE]
- Solitudes [DEEP DIVE]
January 1, 2021
684 Doctor Who New Year’s Special: “Revolution of the Daleks”
It’s New Year’s Day and there’s new “Doctor Who” on the telly. Jason is joined by an enormous pajama party of a panel as we break down a visit from Daleks, Chris Noth, John Barrowman, and the TARDIS Fam!
December 20, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 16
683 The Mandalorian S2E8 Review: “Chapter 16: The Rescue”
Season two of The Mandalorian wraps up with a few surprises…and more than a few questions about the future. Host Dan Moren is joined by very special guest Kat Benesh to discuss the Empire’s workplace safety requirements, season two’s wider world, and where we go from here.
December 14, 2020 Stargate SG-Fun Podcast 4
682 Where Do Little Goa’ulds Come From (Stargate SG-1 “Bloodlines” to “Singularity”)
Unscheduled Off-World Activation Detected!
Time to dig deeply into the life-cycle of Goa’uld and children.
Episodes Covered:
- Bloodlines [DEEP DIVE]
- Fire and Water
- Hathor [DEEP DIVE]
- Singularity [DEEP DIVE]
December 13, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 15
681 The Mandalorian S2E7 Review: “Chapter 15: The Believer”
It’s a break-in with a familiar face this week on The Mandalorian, and host Dan Moren welcomes special guests Jason Tocci and Genevieve Tocci to discuss a fight scene with a problematic edge, why min/maxing your stats is dangerous, and the moment that Mando became a dad.
December 6, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 14
680 The Mandalorian S2E6 Review: “Chapter 14: The Tragedy”
Tragedy abounds this week on The Mandalorian, as we ramp up to the end of season two. Host Dan Moren is joined by special guest Chip Sudderth to discuss the characterization of a storied (but rarely glimpsed) character, honor among thieves, and the many mistakes of Mando.
November 29, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 13
679 The Mandalorian S2E5 Review: “Chapter 13: The Jedi”
It’s a big episode of The Mandalorian this week as several familiar names (and one brand new name!) are dropped, which means it’s a big episode of A Complicated Profession. Kelly Guimont joins host Dan Moren to discuss the bad habits we learn from our teachers, side quests aplenty, and all the questions we need answered.
November 28, 2020 Stargate SG-Fun Podcast 3
678 A Lot of Hugging (Stargate SG-1 “Brief Candle” to “The Torment of Tantalus”)
Unscheduled Off-World Activation Detected!
Only three episodes this time. We visit lots of Goa’uld free planets where Daniel finds cool things, which he then loses.
Episodes Covered:
- Brief Candle
- Thor’s Hammer [DEEP DIVE]
- The Torment of Tantalus [DEEP DIVE]
November 26, 2020
677 Altered Carbon Rewind: S1E4-5
The Broken Boys are back and have their hands full with torture, ‘ghostwalkers’, demigod theatrics, and trying to keep track of who’s who, especially when it comes to why Grandma is sleeved into a tattooed thug. It’s the halfway point of Season 1 of Netflix’s ‘Altered Carbon’!
November 22, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 12
676 The Mandalorian S2E4 Review: “Chapter 12: The Siege”
This week on A Complicated Profession, we’re doing an easy job taking out an Imperial base. Easy! What could go wrong? Host Dan Moren is joined by Antony Johnston to discuss threading the needle of deep fandom and telling a great, accessible story; gorgeous production design; and leaving plot threads dangling.
November 15, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 11
675 The Mandalorian S2E3 Review: “Chapter 11: The Heiress”
What do you expect when you get your ship fixed on a fishing planet? A lot of netting. This week on A Complicated Profession, Dan Moren is joined by podcast pal Erika Ensign to discuss the balancing act of everything from fan service to lore to making sure your main character doesn’t always look like a galoot.
November 12, 2020 STARGATE SG-FUN PODCAST 2
674 Human Style People (Stargate SG-1 “The Enemy Within” to “The Nox”)
Unscheduled Off-World Activation Detected!
As we figure out our format, here is our first try to deep dive into a few episodes, while shallow wading through some others.
Episodes Covered:
- The Enemy Within [DEEP DIVE]
- Emancipation
- The Broca Divide
- The First Commandment
- Cold Lazarus
- The Nox [DEEP DIVE]
Spoiler warning: Star Trek TOS “Errand of Mercy”
November 8, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 10
673 The Mandalorian S2E2 Review: “Chapter 10: The Passenger”
The only profession more complicated than being a bounty hunter? Being a taxi service. This week, on A Complicated Profession, host Dan Moren is joined by podcaster and developer James Thomson to discuss children being jerks, standalone storytelling, and why you should never touch anything in a creepy ice cave.
November 1, 2020 The Mandalorian - Chapter 9
672 The Mandalorian S2E1 Review: “Chapter 9: The Marshal”
A Complicated Profession is back to cover season 2 of The Mandalorian, and host Dan Moren welcomes podcaster and author Helene Wecker to discuss the evolution of our protagonist from season one, having your tropes and eating them too, and whether there are more than six things in the Star Wars universe.
October 26, 2020 Stargate SG-Fun Podcast 1
671 Thanks, Send More (Stargate SG-1 “Children of the Gods” Part 1 and 2)
Unscheduled Off-World Activation Detected!
Welcome to the start of a new Stargate TeeVee podcast on The Incomparable.
We’ll only be covering Stargate SG-1 episodes we find most entertaining and important, in order.
We’re starting with the two part pilot “Children of the Gods” and we all watched different versions!
October 18, 2020 The Boys Season 2, Episode 8
670 The Boys S2E8 review: “What I Know”
Here we are at the end of the season, and on one hand it felt too short, but on the other… there’s a satisfaction that the season was trim and lean with no saggy guts. Who survived the finale and who had the highest body count? Sam and Moze look at how good art mirrors life, even if we don’t like the reflection. Let’s bring it in to the huddle for one last play on the pitch.
October 7, 2020 The Boys Season 2, Episode 7
669 The Boys S2E7 review: “Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker”
The penultimate episode is here and it’s most assuredly not for the kids. “The Boys” proves that it has the power to transcend the superhero genre. Rub-a-dub-dub, this episode could be part one of Billy Butcher’s magnum war opus masterpiece of death. Then again, our boys could be back to square one with a few heads of state missing. Join us as we sift through the leftover grey matter.
September 29, 2020 The Boys Season 2, Episode 6
668 The Boys S2E6 review: “The Bloody Doors Off”
The Boys encounter an old enemy when they go on a mission to a psych ward only to run into Lamplighter. We get some reveal of our pal Frenchy and just how he got to be the most creative super killer of the Boys. Stormfront comes clean about her history and we have to ask, does Homelander trust her?
September 24, 2020 The Boys Season 2, Episode 5
667 The Boys S2E5 review: “We Gotta Go Now”
We peel back a bit more Billy Butcher history, as well as the faces of some bad guys. Each episode seems to be building to an inevitable fight for the boys. Sam and Moze just can’t seem to find the lines of attack. Come and join the conversation.
September 16, 2020 The Boys Season 2, Episodes 3-4
666 The Boys S2E3-4 review
Welcome to TeeVee 666, the episode number EVERYONE but Moze was too scared and superstitious to own! What beast has been unleashed for ‘The Boys’?
The wrecking crew is back at full capacity! From coasting clean on yachts to breaking blowholes Homelander and Stormfront have a menace coming their way. Have no fear as Sam and Moze wipe down their blood brows to break these episodes down and prognosticate the future of this season.
September 16, 2020 Altered Carbon Season 1, Episodes 2-3
665 Altered Carbon Rewind S1E2-3
Let’s get down into some sleeves while Kovacs tracks down a man who sent Bancroft a death threat. Why on earth does Lt. Ortega bend the rules to keep tabs on his whereabouts? Kovacs recruits an unlikely partner to watch his back during a banquet at the Bancroft home, where Ortega oversees the night’s grisly entertainment.
September 7, 2020 Altered Carbon: Season 1, Episode 1
664 Altered Carbon Rewind: “Out of the Past” (S1E1)
Time for a rewind! It’s a Netflix show you might have skipped in these times of overabundance. The Broken Boys bring you back to to the Sci-Fi noir landscape of Altered Carbon.
Have you wanted to live forever? If you did, what would be the cost? It turns out it might not be all it’s cracked up to be in this future of stacks and elites. Join us on our ride down a not-so-distant series.
September 7, 2020 The Boys: Season 2, Episodes 1-2
663 The Boys S2E1-2 review: “The Big Ride” & “Proper Preparation and Planning”
Welcome to the first of many episodes dedicated to “The Boys.” Amazon was almost too gracious and dropped three for a dynamic beginning. Sam and Moze wanted to get the party started by reviewing the first, as to not be considered “Super-Terrorists.”
The season 2 table stakes begin with our boys in hiding and their foul-mouthed silver tongued Billy Butcher falling from the skies high above somewhere in Indiana.
Come join the party and see who lives, who dies and who gets jacked with some Compound V!
August 13, 2020
662 Perry Mason S1E8: “Chapter Eight”
Season 1 of HBO’s Perry Mason has drawn to a close and we’re here to tie up all the loose threads, consider the verdict, clean up the broken relationships and answer the question, ‘Where’s Sister Alice?’ We also give our highs and lows of this freshman season and what we hope to see in Season 2!
August 6, 2020
661 Perry Mason S1E7 review: “Chapter Seven”
It’s the penultimate episode of Season 1 of HBO’s Perry Mason, where the big picture of who killed Charlie Dodson is finally revealed, relationships and promises are broken and we speculate as to how Perry will save Emily Dodson and if exoneration also comes with a happy ending.
July 30, 2020
660 Perry Mason S1E6 review: “Chapter 6”
We’re down to the final three episodes of HBO’s “Perry Mason” season one, and the trial of Emily Dodson finally begins. Speaking for the defense is one Perry Mason, who quickly finds he’s out of his league and running out of time to find out who killed Baby Charlie, while Sister Alice is hard at work trying to pull off an even bigger miracle. We see Della and Pete do what they do best and a reluctant ally comes to the fore, but it begs the question…is everyone going to see the case through to the end?
July 23, 2020
659 Perry Mason S1E5 review: “Chapter 5”
Four episodes remain in Season 1 of HBO’s Perry Mason and it’s a moment of loss, reflection, crisis and galvanization for everyone involved. For an episode where the plot doesn’t advance more than a step, a lot happens in this fifth hour and it looks like we’re in for a heck of a showdown next week! Host Devin Higgins and returning co-host Kirk McPike are here to set the pieces on the chessboard!
July 16, 2020
658 Perry Mason S1E4 review: “Chapter 4”
We’re halfway home in HBO’s Perry Mason miniseries and everything seems to be coming together and unraveling at the same time. In this episode we have snakes in boxes, corpses in sand traps, blasphemy, Chekhov’s Wingtip, and a sad end for E.B. Jonathan. Host Devin Higgins and the peripatetic raconteur himself, Dan Moren, are here to help sort it all out!
July 9, 2020
657 Perry Mason S1E3 review: “Chapter 3”
The plot thickens in Chapter Three of HBO’s “Perry Mason” miniseries. Our trio finds themselves on the back foot, Paul Drake has to decide what side of the blue line he wants to be on, Sister Alice has conversations with both Perry and God, and Lupe the pilot makes her return! We’re back again to sift through the minutiae.
July 2, 2020
656 Perry Mason S1E2 Review: “Chapter 2”
Chapter Two of HBO’s Perry Mason revival sees the eight-episode miniseries shift into high gear with character development, misdirections, war scenes and Tatiana Maslany! Trying to keep pace and break it all down are host Devin Higgins and co-host Kirk McPike!
June 26, 2020
655 Perry Mason S1E1 Review: “Chapter 1”
HBO decided to revive Perry Mason with an eight-episode miniseries, and we decided to do a dive into whether or not it was a good idea, how much different it is from the classic 50’s version our parents or grandparents knew and loved, and break down “Chapter 1.”
June 14, 2020 The Punisher Season 2, Episode 12-13
654 Punisher War Journal: S2E12-13
Here we are at the final chapter of Frank’s tale. Much has happened to the world around us as we land this series. The Punisher is as controversial as any of the Marvel properties at this point and Frank just cannot catch a break. After the Netflix season slump we were very worried if the story could stick the landing. Did it? Well, you’ll just have to join us for our final push to get out of New York.
Our next endeavor is still being considered, so please feel free to tweet @moze to recommend a new teevee series to unpack and recap. New or old, it doesn’t matter.
June 5, 2020 Supergirl Season 5 Episode 19
653 Supergirl S5E19 Review: “Immortal Kombat”
We Discuss:
- Lena!!!
- Brainy needing a win.
- Dreamer paying attention.
- Kara’s ONE mistake and her inability to hold a grudge.
- Believing in great editing.
- Alex’s “disguise”.
- The power of imagination.
- Heat vision surgery super-science.
- Lex saving people.
- The remaining Leviathan mysteries.
Editor: David Schaub
May 29, 2020 The Punisher Season 2, Episode 10-11
652 Punisher War Journal: S2E10-11
As we near the the final stretch, the boys wonder what might be happening to this season. Moze casts doubts, and shines a light of criticism over episode 10. These two episodes have a ton of narrative weight to move in order to wrap the season. It feels a bit like a modern day Game of Thrones, and that’s activating the Worry Meter as Frank’s world comes to a close.
May 19, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 18
651 Supergirl S5E18 Review: “The Missing Link”
We Discuss:
- Lena’s response to failure
- Lex’s EXTRA vindictiveness
- Nia’s dream interpretation failures
- M’Gann and J’onn’s great heroism
- Brainy’s life hitting bottom
- Librarian Samwise’s wisdom
- Kelly and William’s Flailing
- Alex’s future costume
- Jarhanpurians’ strangeness
- Lena and Kara’s great last scene
- and the power of USB flash drives
Edited by David Schaub
May 13, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 17
650 Supergirl S5E17 Review: “Deus Lex Machina”
We Discuss:
- This great little kinda-clip episode;
- How EVERYTHING is Lex’s fault;
- Earth-Prime’s impressive Lillian;
- Chekhov’s pysanka?
- Disappointment with Lena’s characterization;
- Unexplained mice;
- Lex’s tipping point and future fall;
- Eve cruelty;
- Sad VR;
- Season finale production discussion.
Edited by David Schaub
May 8, 2020 The Punisher, S2E8-9
649 The Punisher War Journal: S2E8-9
New York City is once again transformed into a battlefield, thanks in part to The Punisher. Granted, he did have some help from Russo and Pilgrim. Russo’s promise to build an army of disillusioned veterans comes to fruition almost overnight. Pilgrim takes a more reserved approach, as usual, placing a bounty on Frank and Amy’s heads that brings every two-bit criminal down on them. Doing so forces Pilgrim to confront a life he left behind years ago—one that he tried to remove from both his body and soul. Frank might not be the only force to worry about.
May 3, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 8: Crisis Theory
648 Westworld Reaction, S3E8: “Crisis Theory”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don are here for the final episode of Season Three. Lots of feelings, a bit of blurry video, and a snap assessment of the entire season before (soon) stepping into analysis.
May 2, 2020 Westworld Analysis, Season 3 Episode 6
647 Westworld S3E7 Analysis: Passed Pawn
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don return to step into analysis for the penultimate episode of Season 3. This episode includes a quick inventory of our players, some stronger belief in some theories, and Kelly offers some coffee preparation tips.
April 26, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 7: Passed Pawn
646 Westworld Reaction, S3E7: “Passed Pawn”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don chat after watching the penultimate episode of Season Three! Some theories are proven correct, some questions are asked, and we get some questions to ponder when stepping into analysis.
April 24, 2020 The Punisher War Journal, S2E6-7
645 The Punisher War Journal: S2E6-7
We dive into the life and times of Billy Russo. His intimate relations, and where he points his weapon. Frank and Amy bond and start to form a real dynamic duo. There’s the big and brutal action of Frank in the gym shaking down the Russians for intel. Finally, we get a little more insight into John Pilgrim.
Whew! We’re out of the slump and ready for Frank to be Frank.
April 23, 2020 Westworld Analysis, Season 3 Episode 6
644 Westworld S3E6 Analysis: Decoherence
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don step into analysis for the three-quarter mark of Season Three of Westworld! There’s the usual dose of theorizing, some discussion of what’s ahead in the home stretch, and some contenders from the (Not So) Secret Theory Club!
April 22, 2020 Westworld Analysis, Season 3 Episode 5
643 Westworld S3E5 Analysis: Genre
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don step into analysis for “Genre” the fifth episode of season three of Westworld. Join them for a lot of discussion of each (wait for it) genre through the episode, many theories, and far more than the required daily allowance of adoration for Iggy Pop and David Bowie.
April 19, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 6: Decoherence
642 Westworld Reaction, S3E6: Decoherence
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don are back to react to Episode 6, Decoherence! As usual some theorizing, some love for some faves, and a lot of chatting about getting the band back together. As usual, Kelly sets a timer and it’s off to the races!
April 12, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 5: Genre
641 Westworld S3E5 Reaction “Genre”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don do their best to assemble coherent sentences in the aftermath of the latest episode of Westworld. A bit of theorizing, a bit of recovery, Kelly has a very happy reunion with a beloved character and as usual, a bit of gushing over the music.
April 8, 2020 Westworld Analysis Season 3 Episode 4: The Mother of Exiles
640 Westworld S3E4 Analysis, “The Mother of Exiles”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don step into analysis for the latest episode of Season Three. Much is made of the names of establishments in the show, Don spins up a couple of theories, Kelly riffs on Don’s theories, and there is discussion of Our Friendly Neighborhood Hemsworth.
April 6, 2020 The Punisher War Journal, S2E4-5
639 The Punisher War Journal: S2E4-5
After a fast-paced first three episodes, the wild road of momentum begins to slow down. It is that time of the story where the time for backstory and motivations need to find a place. Some might call it the Netflix bloat. Hopefully once out of slowdown, Frank will be ready to put that bloated beast down for good. Join us as we pick apart the bones and examine the scar tissue.
April 4, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 4: The Mother of Exiles
638 Westworld S3E4 Reaction “The Mother of Exiles”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don are back again with their reactions to the latest episode of Westworld! As the action starts to ramp up and we get answers that just lead to more questions, Kelly and Don try their best to keep up fresh from watching the episode.
April 2, 2020 Westworld Season 3, Episode 3 Analysis
637 Westworld S3E3 Analysis: “The Absence of Field”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don step into analysis for the latest episode of Season 3! Theories abound regarding who the Hale is piloting Ms Hale, who the Hale is piloting Dolores, and what role Rohoboam plays in all of this. BONUS: Kelly has a story about Star Trek Tea that you really need to hear.
March 29, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 3: The Absence of Field
636 Westworld S3E3 Reaction “The Absence of Field”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don have just finished watching the latest episode of Westworld, and now they race against the clock (app on Kelly’s iPhone) to get their initial reactions out to share with all of you.
March 29, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 16
635 Supergirl S5E16 Review: “Alex in Wonderland”
We Discuss:
- The good guys having no idea who the bad guys are;
- VR being dangerous;
- Insane bug management, which is getting worse?
- Alex failing to cope, and forgetting the last episode;
- Alex strange unhealthy fantasy choices;
- William not doing his job?
- VR Complexities;
- Kelly’s priorities;
- This season’s wonderful complexity.
Edited by David Schaub
March 28, 2020 Westworld Season 3, Episode 2 Analysis
634 Westworld S3E2 Analysis: “The Winter Line”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don are back! This time they step into analysis with guest Nathan Alderman and discuss the latest episode, The Winter Line. Some light interrogation and a bit of theorizing.
March 25, 2020 The Punisher Season 2, Episode 2-3
633 The Punisher War Journal: S2E2-3
Now The Punisher is back in full force, with a growing body count as evidence. Both the threat and his new female running mate remain a mystery, but secrets can only persist for so long. Much like firefights… or nightmares.
March 22, 2020 Westworld Reaction Season 3 Episode 2: The Winter Line
632 Westworld S3E2 Reaction “The Winter Line”
Once again your “hosts” Don and Kelly are back to talk about the latest episode of Westworld. We have theories, robots, theoretical robots, and at least one wild theory.
March 22, 2020
631 Westworld Season 2 Recap
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don dig into Season Two and all the twists and turns as they look forward to the Season Three premiere. (NOTE: Much like the interesting timelines on the show, the S1/S2 recaps take place before the S3 premiere, but got released after. Delos orders.)
March 22, 2020 Westworld Season 1 Recap
630 Westworld Season 1 Recap
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don take a look back at Season 1 (with an occasional mention of Season 2) as they prepare for Season 3 to kick off. (NOTE: Much like the interesting timelines on the show, the S1/S2 recaps take place before the S3 premiere, but got released after. Delos orders.)
March 21, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 15
629 Supergirl S5E15 Review: “Reality Bytes
We Discuss:
- How shockingly dangerous Obsidian Platinum is (thanks Leviathan);
- Alex fighting her magic martian weapon;
- J’onn & Alex PIs on the case;
- The nice parallel real and VR investigation;
- Kelly being shocked by Obsidian Platinum sucking;
- Kara’s failing to understand the trans community;
- The cops being presented TOO positively;
- Brainy being conflicted, but helpful;
- Nia & Yvette carrying the episode, and doing it well.
- Oh, and news about Kara and Alex’s Dad!
Edited by David Schaub
March 21, 2020 Westworld Season 3, Episode 1 Analysis
628 Westworld S3E1 Analysis: “Parce Domine”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don step into analysis for the Season Three premiere of Westworld. Topics: juggling brain balls, our Friendly Neighborhood Terminatrix, and how exactly Delos and Incite are related. Come for the recapping, stay for the confidently wrong theories!
March 18, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 14
627 Supergirl S5E14 Review: “The Bodyguard”
We Discuss:
- Alex coping with not having a gun, or powers, or an army;
- Lex being helpful, and failing to kill anyone;
- Lex and Brainy’s plan being surprising, and overly complicated;
- Lena making progress, and not understanding why her mind altering is considered mind control;
- Lena testing unethically, and failing;
- Lex and Gemma continuing to spar;
- The baddie attempting to try to stop Obsidian Platinum’s launch;
- and when getting into a relationship, how many dates before you tell them you have super powers?
Edited by David Schaub
March 15, 2020 The Punisher Season 2, Episode 1
626 The Punisher War Journal: S2E1 “Roadhouse Blues”
Cocked and locked, the boys are back to talk about a show that aired a year ago. What does it matter if we’re late? The point is we are back to dump clips of recap into your ear holes. Where is Frank now after the events in New York? Turns out Ohio has some issues too.
March 15, 2020 Westworld Season 3, Episode 1 Reaction
625 Westworld S3E1 Reaction: “Parce Domine”
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don have returned, timer in hand, with their reactions to the return of Westworld! Like a brain ball in a brand new body, you get a bit of plot, a bit of theory, and a lot of joy at finally being back.
March 3, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 13
624 Supergirl S5E13 Review: “It’s a Super Life”
We Discuss:
- Mxy’s rules;
- Why it should have been pre-crisis;
- Kara’s apologies to us for being horrible to Lena;
- Fun re-creations of previous seasons’ scenes;
- Choose your own adventures where all the endings sucks;
- Revealing secret identities only mattering in “fake timelines”;
- Kara giving up too easily;
- Whether the right lesson for Kara was: “I was right all along”.
Edited by David Schaub
March 1, 2020
623 Doctor Who S12E10 review: “The Timeless Children”
“Doctor Who” wraps up a pretty successful season this week. But did the finale stick the landing? Has series canon been rewritten forever? Does the Master have a design department? Time for one final breakdown before the Flashcast goes into cold storage until the next holiday special.
February 26, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 12
622 Supergirl S5E12 Review: “Back From the Future, Part Two”
We Discuss:
- Kara learning that lying is bad;
- William and Kara almost starting to date;
- Technology is SCARY;
- Wonderful complex manipulations between Lena, Lex, and Leviathan;
- Obisidian Platinum is so high tech… it’s magic;
- ghost in the machine Evil Winn fights Good Winn;
- Winn’s closurer;
- Brainy and Alex butting heads pushes Alex over the edge;
- Mr. Mxyzptlk!
Edited by David Schaub
February 26, 2020
621 The Good Place Retrospective
Welcome, everything is fine on this look back at The Good Place, and perhaps more importantly, everything is weepy on the meta side with Team Cockroach reminiscing about the group’s origin, journey, and inevitable crossing of the door. Whenever you’re ready.
February 23, 2020
620 Doctor Who S12E9 review: “Ascension of the Cybermen”
When this season’s available as a binge watch you’ll forget this gap ever even happened. We’re here to discuss the first half of the “Doctor Who” season finale, which is a little like reviewing the first half of a book or movie. What will happen next week? We have endless theories and no hard evidence! Are these red herrings we see before us? Why is the Lone Cyberman so effective as a villain? Ko Sharmus isn’t a planet, he’s a person! Bring on Barack Stemis.
February 16, 2020
619 Doctor Who S12E8 review: “The Haunting of Villa Diodati”
Did “Doctor Who” create “Frankenstein”, or did “Frankenstein” create “Doctor Who”? It’s worth pondering as we discuss an episode in which Mary Shelley encounters some notable time travelers, Lord Byron is really into the Doctor, and Graham eats a spooky sandwich. Recorded live in Los Angeles at the Gallifrey One convention, nearly every “Doctor Who” podcaster watched this episode in a single room—and then fled to their own individual rooms to record episodes about it. This one is ours.
February 9, 2020
618 Doctor Who S12E7 review: “Can You Hear Me?”
This week Houman Sadri joins Jason to discuss angry gods, quick resolutions, animation, nightmare fuel, the realities of being a “Doctor Who” companion, and the importance of seeking help when you are struggling, all embedded inside a discussion of this week’s episode. Plus, we dive deep into conspiracy corner to talk further about the ramifications of “Prisoner of the Judoon” and how it hangs over every dramatic moment of this episode.
February 8, 2020
617 The Good Place S4E13 review: “Whenever You’re Ready”
Team Cockroach rides into the sunset with this last episode of the flashcast, as we all recall our memories and say goodbye to our friends.
February 6, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 11
616 Supergirl S5E11 Review: “Back From the Future, Part One”
We Discuss:
- Convoluted Lex plots;
- Brainy’s big feels;
- New secrets;
- Wynn not helping Nia,
- Some weak pep-talks;
- Nia reduced to punchy-punchy;
- What’s up with Acrata;
- Q-waves being beaches from the future;
- Our search for continuity;
- A new tower;
- And the woes of the internet and technology;
Edited by David Schaub
February 2, 2020
615 Doctor Who S12E6 review: “Praxeus”
This week Jason and guest Antony Johnston form two points of a globe-spanning triangle! But rather than solving an international mystery, we’ll just discuss the latest episode of “Doctor Who,” which trades last week’s momentous canon-altering events for a fun adventure romp that works pretty well. Is that one guy hiding under a boat somewhere? Where did that text message come from? Two middle-aged men stick up for Graham! Yaz gets to use her police skills! Ryan is an impressive adventurer who works out! We cover it all… in plastic.
January 29, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 10
614 Supergirl S5E10 Review: “The Bottle Episode”
We Discuss:
- post crisis multi-verse and memories strangeness
- new backstories
- so many unknowns
- chess games hopes
- Lena’s choices
- some good, some bad arguments
- economy of Brainys
- more lies
- and a bit about post-crisis Black Lightning
January 26, 2020
613 Doctor Who S12E5 review: “Fugitive of the Judoon”
The Judoon return! And that’s what everyone will be talking about when they finish this episode. Or… maybe not. Jason needs to bring in both of our Lazy Doctor Who podcasters to help him spin conspiracy theories and try to come to grips with all the surprises in this episode. Doctor’s orders: Do not listen to this podcast before watching the episode!
January 25, 2020
PSA ‘Vulcan Hello’ and ‘Biff’ aren’t here!
Subscribe to Vulcan Hello to get “Star Trek: Picard” reviews, and follow the Speedy Arrowcast guys to “Biff!” if you haven’t already.
January 25, 2020
612 The Good Place S4E12 Review: Patty
The gang finally arrives on The Good Place, and are pleased with the sound of chimes and the beautiful landscaping, but things aren’t what they seem.
January 22, 2020 Supergirl Season 5 Crossover
611 Supergirl Supercast: “Crisis on Infinite Earths, Parts 4-5”
We Discuss:
- This wonderful hot-mess of a cross-over;
- Strange backstories;
- All the big fight setups;
- Viewer surrogate Ryan gets all the great lines;
- The need to save hell-scape Freeland;
- The soft-reboot consequences;
- Filler plots digressions that accomplish nothing;
- Comparisons with the comic.
- What’s with Superman’s memory
Edited by David Schaub.
January 19, 2020
610 Doctor Who S12E4 review: “Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror”
Jason is flitting about the universe, so Erika takes over the flashcast and brings in fellow Verity! cohost Liz to discuss historical figures from a country neither of them lives in. Also scavenger aliens, electricity, and beloved actors and their accents.
January 18, 2020
609 The Good Place S4E11 review: “Mondays, Am I Right?”
The Bad Place attempts to anticipate the afterlife by way of hilarious experiments. Chidi struggles with his own adequacy after reading Eleanor’s file. Vanity is its own torture. And Pikachu has a beeline to the powers that be.
January 12, 2020
608 Doctor Who S12E3 review: “Orphan 55”
It’s a base, er, resort under siege! And who better to discuss it than Erika Ensign of Verity and Lazy Doctor Who? Erika finds a lot to like about this episode! Jason… is also present! Join us, won’t you?
January 11, 2020
607 The Good Place S4E10 review: “You’ve Changed, Man”
Team cockroach assembles again to ride the final wave of episodes, and there’s a lot to talk about, when Chidi has to come up with an alternative to the current afterlife in less than 10 minutes while the gang supports him and stalls Maya Rudolph’s delight of a judge.
January 5, 2020
606 Doctor Who S12E2 review: “Spyfall, Part 2”
Lizbeth Myles joins Jason to discuss the second part of this season’s “Doctor Who” premiere. We discuss the delights of Sacha Dhawan’s performance, the Doctor’s acquisition of a historical girl gang, and an enormous amount of classic series references. Then we ponder the proper way to portray Gallifrey in “Doctor Who” and our confidence in this season’s apparent story arc.
January 3, 2020 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 9
605 Supergirl S5E09 Review: “Crisis on Infinite Earths, Parts 1-3”
We Discuss:
- the multi-verse of multi-verses;
- the amazing cameos & references;
- the ridiculous plot machinations;
- the needs of the few winning;
- the Earth as the centre of the universe;
- the Black Lightning cross-over episode;
- the differences from the comic;
- and what will get rewound?
Edited by David Schaub.
January 1, 2020
604 Doctor Who S12E1 review: “Spyfall, Part 1”
One year later, Doctor Who is back, and it’s got a few surprises up its tuxedoed sleeve. We’re reintroduced to our returning characters! Jason does some California fact checking. And can we judge “Doctor Who” season premieres and holiday specials by the same standards as the rest of their seasons? James Thomson joins Jason to note a few references to James Bond movies! (Okay, it’s more than a few.)
December 28, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 8
603 The Mandalorian S1E8 Review: “Chapter 8: Redemption”
The first season of The Mandalorian comes to a close this week, so Dan Moren and very special guest Kat Benesh to discuss a significant unmasking, drawing parallels with the past, and what we might see when season two debuts next fall.
December 19, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 7
602 The Mandalorian S1E7 Review: “Chapter 7: The Reckoning”
We regroup on this week’s episode of A Complicated Profession, as host Dan Moren recruits trustworthy allies Guy English and John Moltz to discuss lazy biker scouts, Chekhov’s bassinet, and Baby Yoda’s moral code.
December 15, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 6
601 The Mandalorian S1E6 Review: “Chapter 6: The Prisoner”
It’s double trouble on A Complicated Profession this week, as host Dan Moren is joined by special guests Jane and Evan Ritt, to discuss the offscreen life of our protagonist, warring codes of morality, and unfortunate high school flashbacks.
December 13, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 8
600 Supergirl S5E08 Review: “The Wrath of Rama Khan”
We discuss:
- Everyone being the hero of this episode
- Rama Khan being weak
- Kara arguing well, but not going far enough
- Lena trying to be good so much she’s bad
- Brainy being competent
- J’onn and Malefic doing great things
- Alex making the hard calls
- Andrea trying to fight back
- The Monitor being a helpful jerk
December 8, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 5
599 The Mandalorian S1E5 Review: “Chapter 5: The Gunslinger”
This week, on A Complicated Profession, host Dan Moren is joined by special guest Tony Sindelar to discuss the most recent episode of The Mandalorian, including how much fan service is just the right amount, droid-related head-canon, and the premature(?) fate of an anticipated character.
December 1, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 4
598 The Mandalorian S1E4 Review: “Chapter 4: Sanctuary”
A Complicated Profession returns with Chapter 4 of The Mandalorian. Host Dan Moren is joined by special guest Kathy Campbell to discuss a compelling new ally for Mando, reinforcing the essential nature of our characters, and homages to a favorite Western trope.
November 25, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 7
597 Supergirl S5E07 Review: “Tremors”
We Discuss:
- Kelly trying to breakup with Alex, but they talk successfully;
- J’onn and Vision Myr’nn successfully talking;
- J’onn and Malefic failing to talk, but maybe telepathy is working;
- After Lena’s reveal, Lena and Kara talk, but are entirely failing to communicate;
- Lena stealing Myriad;
- Brainy feeling less inhibited;
- Leviathan killing the dinosaurs;
- Rama Kahn, the earth bender, hunting Lena;
- The coming crisis…
November 23, 2019
596 The Good Place S4E9 Review: “The Answer”
In an attempt to plan a better future, Chidi considers his past.
November 23, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 3
595 The Mandalorian S1E3 Review: “Chapter 3: The Sin”
We’re back for the third episode of A Complicated Profession and your host Dan Moren is joined by special guest and network head honcho Jason Snell to discuss chapter 3 of The Mandalorian. Our discussion covers the many possible interpretations of sin, what exactly happened to the Empire, and how this show paves the way for future Star Wars series.
November 18, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 6
594 Supergirl S5E06 Review: “Confidence Women”
We discuss:
- Andrea & Lena’s childhood bonding.
- Lena’s screwed up family.
- Andrea’s poor choices when supporting her father.
- Andrea’s betrayal, kinda mirroring Kara’s.
- Shadow-walking killer Acrata’s reveal.
- Leviathan’s incredible capabilities and massive over reactions.
- Lena’s biological mom.
- DEO’s security failures.
- Lena’s plans.
November 16, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 2
593 The Mandalorian S1E2 Review: “Chapter 2: The Child”
In the second episode of A Complicated Profession, Dan Moren is joined by Aleen Simms to discuss the second chapter of The Mandalorian, including how an episode can succeed without using a lot of dialogue, ants at picnics, the unpredictability of characters that live in the gray areas, and whether or not the Mandalorian should take off his helmet.
November 16, 2019
592 The Good Place S4E8 Review: “The Funeral to End All Funerals”
The group awaits the judge’s final decision on the fate of human existence.
November 13, 2019 The Mandalorian - Chapter 1
591 The Mandalorian S1E1 Review: “Chapter 1”
In the inaugural episode of A Complicated Profession, host Dan Moren is joined by fellow Star Wars aficionado John Siracusa to discuss the debut of The Mandalorian, the first live-action Star Wars series. We talk about the heritage of Star Wars on TV, Werner Herzog as Werner Herzog, and exactly what kind of show this is.
November 12, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 5
590 Supergirl S5E05 Review: “Dangerous Liaisons”
We discuss:
- this episode only having half an episode of content;
- Andrea’s VR product being a bad Second Life clone;
- Kara’s bizarre secret keeping;
- Rip Roar’s plot and character being equally boring;
- water effects eating the episode’s budget; and
- the pros and cons of biohertz.
Edited by David Schaub.
November 12, 2019 Gargoyles, Season 1, Episodes 1-5
589 Gargoyles: Awakening, Parts I-V
Deep from within Castle Wyvern, high atop the Eyrie Building, we revisit the first five episodes of Disney’s groundbreaking animated series Gargoyles, which just celebrated its 25th anniversary and is now available, from start to finish, on the new Disney+ streaming service. Dan Moren and his handpicked panel discuss the intricacies of worldbuilding, focus on continuity, surprising Star Trek connection, and more.
Note: This episode was originally recorded in June 2018 as a pilot for Gargoyles Library, a planned TeeVee sub-show that didn’t end up happening.
November 9, 2019
588 The Good Place S4E6-E7 Review: “A Chip Driver Mystery” and “Help Is Other People”
After recapping last week’s filler episode, Team Cockroach drives right off the first cliffhanger of the final season. Secrets come tumbling out as the experiment reaches its official end.
November 5, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 4
587 Supergirl S5E04 Review: “In Plain Sight”
We discuss:
- Malefic’s complicated hunt;
- J’onn’s blame game;
- Nia & Kara’s investigations;
- William’s toxic jerk status;
- baddie-of-the-week’s 45 second plot;
- Kelly & James’ super corrupt hometown;
- Nia & Brainy’s further communication;
- James’ future; and
- some amusing props and set-dressing.
Edited by David Schaub.
October 31, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 3
586 Supergirl S5E03 Review: “Blurred Lines”
We discuss:
- Nia dealing with Brainy being too-much;
- Lena doing evil to stop evil, but needing Lex’s help;
- Kara & Kelly both failing to say NO to their needy friends;
- Malefic getting more powerful and being pissed off about the wrong things;
- J’onn finding out even more bad things in dream memory;
- William & Andrea are doing something, but who knows what; and
- there’s a baddie of the week, but she doesn’t matter much.
October 26, 2019
585 The Good Place S4E5 Review: “Employee of the Bearimy”
Jason and Michael cart to the Bad Place to defy Shawn and rescue Janet. Eleanor and Tahani babysit Chidi and the New Crew with fake puzzles and lake houses, and demons and tunnels and Dereks and clavicles don’t survive!
October 23, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 2
584 Supergirl S5E02 Review: “Stranger Beside Me”
We discuss:
- Alex & Kelly almost killing each other, but not really;
- Brainy & Nia failing to communicate, and not being funny;
- Eve & Lena & Hope failing to “Do No Harm”;
- J’onn & Malefic stopping the pain by remembering;
- Lena & Andrea turning out to be competitors;
- Kara & William failing to figure each other out; and
- Nobody caring about the white martian
October 18, 2019
583 The Good Place S4E4 Review: “Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy”
Team Cockroach assembles once again to discuss all of the theories that became true, the best lines from the episode, and whatever wild mysteries lie ahead.
October 18, 2019
582 Short Treks #6 Review: “The Trouble With Edward”
Vulcan Hello returns to discuss Tribbles, uniforms, retcons, hiding bad offices in Starfleet, and Death By Tribble. It’s all about “The Trouble With Edward” and why we’re happy the new Star Trek office is taking risks and doing things like silly comedy shorts.
Apologies for some drop-outs in Jason’s audio in this episode. Also, we’ll soon be leaving TeeVee to be our own podcast covering all the new Trek due in 2020. Subscribers to the TeeVee Star Trek Discovery feed will be taken care of. If you’re just subscribed to the main TeeVee feed, you’ll need to resubscribe to follow us. Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or via RSS.
October 13, 2019 Supergirl Season 5, Episode 1
581 Supergirl S5E01 Review: “Event Horizon”
Our all-listener panel is back with Supergirl Season 5!
We discuss:
- Lena & Kara drama
- Nia being the grown-up with Brainy
- The boring baddie of the week
- The future AR dystopia
- Unethical Journalism
- Bizarre corporate contracts
- Antimatter Super Science
- and some CW talk
October 12, 2019 Daredevil Season 3 Episodes 12-13
580 Daredevil Rewind S3E12-13: “One Last Shot” & “A New Napkin”
After one whole year the Daredevil binge is over. Though is it really a binge if it takes a whole year? Well some questions are better never answered. Sam and Moze did answer some of the questions this episode like Vanessa’s whereabouts and just how the season landed overall. They wax and lament the future of TV MCU and what it will take for a cheapskate like Moze to pay for another streaming service. It has been a long ride, and Moze is glad that he got to finish his work. Whew… The End.
October 12, 2019
579 The Good Place S4E3 Review: “Chillaxing”
Eleanor, Michael and Jason team up to torture Chidi, who is too relaxed to help his new students learn ethics, but Eleanor becomes too obsessed with the task. Janet helps Tahani find common ground with John. As the episode ends, a mysterious hooded figure on a handcar makes their way toward the experimental Good Place.
October 9, 2019
578 Star Trek: Short Treks #5 Review: “Q&A”
Scott and Jason return to discuss the latest Short Trek, “Q&A”, which features Spock, Number One, and a malfunctioning elevator that may be bigger on the inside. Also we analyze the “Star Trek: Discovery” season three teaser and the third “Star Trek: Picard” trailer. It’s an exciting time to be a Star Trek fan!
October 5, 2019
577 The Good Place S4E2 Review: “A Girl from Arizona (2)”
It’s heartbreak week on The Good Place. Eleanor must force Chidi and Simone together, Jason must split with Janet and Blake Bortles, and Brent has to pick up forks for waitresses. If your breakup routine involves leadership skills, Mountain Dew and a Diamond Elite VIP ticket to the Best Place, step right this way.
September 28, 2019 “The Good Place” Season 4, Episode 1
576 The Good Place S4E1 Review: “A Girl from Arizona (1)”
Andrew, Sarah and Javier get together once again to explore the season premiere in an effort to figure out boring Norwegians, irredeemable misogynists and ineffable Dereks.
August 25, 2019 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 11
575 Daredevil Rewind S3E11: “Reunion”
Just where is Vanessa?! Spoilers for a show that’s a year old … almost. We’re back, provoked by Twitter guidance. This episode does finally reunite our three heroes, Matt, Karen and Foggy, just like the old days. Time to get invincible and pull that kingpin down!
August 8, 2019 Westworld SDCC Season 3 Trailer Reaction
574 Westworld SDCC Season 3 Trailer Reaction
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don are back, timer in tow with their reactions to the trailer that debuted at SDCC and their reactions to saddling up the podcasting horse again. Enjoy!
June 26, 2019 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 10
573 Daredevil Rewind S3E10: “Karen”
When it comes to family owned and operated Moze found a special guest. Sam Adams, member and conversationalist, joins for a powerful rewinding of “Karen.” What did we learn abut her that we didn’t know? Why does her father dismiss her in previous episodes? How is her story important to Murdock and Dex? Get your Kingpin bald cap on and let us dive in!
May 28, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 22
572 Supergirl S4E22 Review: “The Quest for Peace”
We discuss:
Strange flashbacks
Various gambits
Luthor family tea
The future of Harun-El
Big Fights
Lena and Kara competing to be the biggest dummy
Nia being too understanding
George being awesome
The entire season and our hopes and fears for next.
Edited by Deanna Chapman
May 23, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 21
571 Supergirl S4E21 Review: “Red Dawn”
We discuss:
Alex remembering
The DEO lying about what triangulation means
Super Fighting
Lena being risky
Brainy & Dreamer having stupid stupid stupid plans
Everything else happening off screen
Edited by Deanna Chapman.
May 20, 2019
570 Game of Thrones S8E6 Review: “The Iron Throne”
It’s over. Turns out asking who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne was asking the wrong question. Someone goes Into the West but someone else is the true Frodo of this situation. Tyrion arranges some chairs. Fateful decisions are made. And we ponder the meaning of final episodes of TV series. Please join Jason and Brian as they search their feelings about “Game of Thrones” one last time before the end of the Game of Thrones Flashcast.
May 19, 2019 Daredevil: Season 3; Episode 9
569 Daredevil S3E9 Review: “Revelations”
Oh true believers, Matt’s already shaky world is tilting on its axis and he learns a shocking truth. Karen is now on a run for her life, but why?. Our own Special Agent Nadeem discovers how deep the Fisk long game actually goes. 4th dimensional chess anyone? Join Moze and Vic Hudson for a breakdown of how Hell’s Kitchen responds.
May 15, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 22
568 Arrow S7E22 Review: “You Have Saved This City”
At last, the penultimate season of Arrow draws to a close. The city is saved…but what of the multiverse? We discuss why this season finale feels more like a series finale, housing prices in neighborhoods full of ex-spies, original Team Arrow moments, and the importance of having sentient bullets if you want to solve the gun violence problem. Also, there’s a very intense creepy guy hanging out in John’s office.
And then, some sad show news as we announce this is the last episode of the Speedy Arrowcast…but we also detail our brand new show, coming next week!
Programming Note: Subscribers to the Arrow feed on the Incomparable will automatically transition to subscribers of the new show, but if you currently listen via the TeeVee feed, you’ll need to subscribe to the new show’s feed.
To subscribe to our new show, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/biff
May 14, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 20
567 Supergirl S4E20 Review: “Will the Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up?”
We discuss:
Lena & Kara learning things in Kasnia, while Kara makes incomprehensible decisions.
Alex & Kelley bonding while Alex is still not doing her job;
Lockwood losing it, and being a really sucky dad;
Wait… this is ALSO not an episode about Eve.
Sponsored by the Supergirl Supercar!
Edited by Seth Heasley
May 12, 2019
566 Game of Thrones S8E5 Review: “The Bells”
So it’s come to this, the climactic penultimate episode of “Game of Thrones.” Jason and Brian both enjoyed the spectacle while having some pretty serious thoughts about the character decisions the show is suddenly making. Jason has a not-so-wild theory about how the show will end. Brian climbs on top of a mountain of rubble and declares it his conspiracy corner. Jason invokes President Truman. We try to explain scorpion geometry. There’s a “Princess Bride” reference.
(We’ll be back a day late next week for the final episode! See you then.)
May 8, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 21
565 Arrow S7E21 Review: “Living Proof”
Another week, another fan favorite character returns, and we here on the Speedy Arrowcast are psyched for this penultimate entry in the penultimate season. We discuss the importance of tripping balls at least once a season or so, how parkour can save lives, why sometimes it takes a ghost to convince you not to kill people, and why we avoided turning the show into a drinking game. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer and what it means for the future of the MCU.
Programming Note: We will be broadcasting live for next week’s season finale! Tune in at The Incomparable live stream on Tuesday, May 14 at 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 5, 2019
564 Game of Thrones S8E4 Review: “The Last of the Starks”
This week we join the surviving characters to pause to honor a colleague and friend who has fallen on the road to the final episode—and along the way we send some strong words out to the Internet’s own horde of zombie trolls. Then we turn to the episode at hand, as the dead are burned, questions of what makes a good leader are debated, feelings are revealed, Arya gets an offer (and Hot Pie gets an implied job offer), some characters say goodbye, and more shocking deaths are witnessed.
May 5, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 19
563 Supergirl S4E19 Review: “American Dreamer”
We discuss:
James and Kelly overcoming childhood trauma.
Nia picking up the cape but NOT dreaming.
Kara being awesome being Kara.
Lockwood family woes.
Lena hitting bottom.
Alex not doing her job, but hanging out with Kelley.
J’onn hiding on Mars while directing this great episode.
Edited by Deanna Chapman.
May 1, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 20
562 Arrow S7E20 Review: “Confessions”
This week, the Speedy Arrowcast welcomes a fan favorite back for the season’s antepenultimate episode, as Roy Harper finally gets to join the present storyline and immediately finds himself in the familiar confines of an interrogation room. We discuss why parkour is amazing, our award for this season’s Biff, and the six habits of highly effective villains. Plus, in a lengthy Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss Avengers: Endgame—you have been warned!
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 28, 2019
561 Game of Thrones S8E3 review: “The Long Night”
So it’s come to this—the action-packed, movie-length, extremely dark Battle of Winterfell. After two episodes of character moments and table setting, how did we react to this massive action spectacle? One of our hosts hated it, one of them loved it, and the other felt quite mixed. Isn’t it weird to know that one major phase of this story is over? Did the amount of character death feel appropriate? Why does Bran love his stories so much? At least someone remembered to stick them with the pointy end. Alphabet soup all around!
April 27, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 18
560 Supergirl S4E18 Review: “Crime and Punishment”
This week, we discuss:
James making hard choices;
Brainy avoiding hard choices;
Lean burying herself in Lex’s manipulations;
Supergirl being a narcisist trouble-maker;
Alex failing to get fired;
Haley making the right hard choices in spite of Alex;
Lockwood being delayed, but now armed;
and, will Kara and James EVER stop forgetting that their day jobs are powerful?
Edited by Seth Heasley
April 25, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 19
559 Arrow S7E19 Review: “Spartan”
This week, the Speedy Arrowcast reaches out to the family it never told you about as we discuss an episode centered around our favorite, John Diggle. We discuss why you should always check your drop ceilings for armed military officers, a pronounced and disappointing lack of ghostbusting, bargain basement ninjas, and some odd dialogue choices. Plus, in a very quick Superhero Sweep segment, a little looking forward to some upcoming movies and TV shows.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 21, 2019
558 Game of Thrones S8E2 Review: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”
It’s the eve of battle! Which means that everyone in Winterfell is a little bit on edge as they spend their time checking in with each other to see who’s still holding grudges about everything that happened in the first seven seasons. Jaime Lannister gets a full trial, while Theon Greyjoy gets away with a quick hug. Brienne of Tarth gets what she’s always wanted (although she’s always denied it), and Arya gets what she wants even though she’s never seemed that interested before. And we’re not talking about that cool new weapon. There’s a lot of talk about how everybody’s probably about to die, but that’s not until next week. For now, enjoy the big fire and Podrick’s singing voice.
April 19, 2019
557 Star Trek: Discovery S2E14 Review: “Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2”
So it’s come to this. It’s the big finale of season 2 of “Star Trek: Discovery”, as the producers’ grand plan is revealed and continuity is changed forever. (Or not changed, as the case may be.) We break down the action-packed episode and ponder just what show this episode expects us to want to see next.
April 17, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 18
556 Arrow S7E18 Review: “Lost Canary”
This week’s episode is a real feather in our cap, as the Speedy Arrowcast assembles to discuss important topics like why TV dry cleaners are legally required to act as money launderers, a welcome return by a fan favorite, why you should always allow plenty of time to defrost your Cornish Game Hens, and yet another important addition to our evolving rating scheme. Plus, in Superhero Sweep, we continue to think about Endgame and then go slightly off book to discuss an adjacent non-superhero franchise.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 14, 2019
555 Game of Thrones S8E1 Review: “Winterfell”
It’s back! In this episode we discuss the final season premiere of “Game of Thrones.” A lot of people show up at Winterfell. There are more meaningful looks and facial expressions. Jon and Dany go on a magic dragon ride. Cersei compliments Euron’s arrogance. And Brian has a theory about how the show will end! Join us for this six-episode slide into oblivion.
April 11, 2019
554 Star Trek: Discovery S2E13 Review: “Such Sweet Sorrow”
Goodnight, Discovery crew! Parting is… well, you know. On the penultimate episode of season 2 of “Star Trek: Discovery” there are a lot of goodbyes. They’re beautiful and heartfelt and mostly earned, but what about the impending battle? Don’t you have time suits to built and time crystals to charge? Scott and Jason sing the praises of Anson Mount and the Disco-style Enterprise bridge as they prepare for next week’s fateful finale.
April 11, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 17
553 Supergirl S4E17 Review: “All About Eve”
Discussed this week:
-J’onn getting manipulated by M’yrnn?
-Lena/Alex/Supergirl learn to be bygons?
-Not actually much about Eve?
-James PTSDing or powering up?
-Red Supergirl making trouble?
Edited by Deanna Chapman.
April 4, 2019
552 Star Trek: Discovery S2E12 Review: “Through The Valley of Shadows”
Special guest Dan Moren joins Scott and Jason to discuss an action-packed episode, where Reno dispenses relationship advice, Section 31 counts its ships, Spock is a little slow with the magnetizing, and Pike gets a scary vision of his future from a Klingon time monk.
March 31, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 16
551 Supergirl S4E16 Review: “House of L”
Discussed this week:
Lex’s poor risk assessment, and knowing too much to live;
Eve’s strange backstory;
The “Lena’s a dummy” problem;
Red’s corruption;
and a poorly plotted use of long range rockets.
Edited by Seth Heasley
March 28, 2019
550 Star Trek: Discovery S2E11 Review: “Perpetual Infinity”
We’re gearing up as we head toward the season finale: The Red Angel is revealed, and it’s literally been Michael Burnham’s guardian angel across many timelines! An enemy takes the form of a different enemy! Pike’s fate foretold! Foreboding holograms! And Jason has conspiracy theories! There’s much to talk about… so we do. As usual.
March 27, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 17
549 Arrow S7E17 Review: “Inheritance”
Curse your sudden an inevitable betrayal on the Speedy Arrowcast this week! We return in this episode of shifting allegiances to discuss key topics like why you should always pay top dollar for your C4, the terrible parenting of Robert Queen Part XXXVII, arrow catching galore, and the importance of always invoicing for your evil plots. Plus, in Superhero Sweep, we do some Endgame speculation and finally get a chance to break down Captain Marvel. And our member bonus episode is in the works! We promise!
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 25, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 15
548 Supergirl S4E15 Review: “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”
Topics this week: - James not being quite dead yet;
Nia and Brainy blaming themselves, and Keanu getting between them;
The ongoing inconsistent Lena characterization, and her working with lex;
Doylist VS Watsonian backstories for Eve;
Development of the Harun-El Curative Tonic; and
Manchester Black spending all his focus on finding J’onn beautiful.
Edited by Deanna Chapman
March 23, 2019 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 8
547 Daredevil SE3E8 Review: “Upstairs/Downstairs”
The unexpected continues to please as this episode gives us a surrogate father and biological mother. How far can the Kingpin’s plans go? Deeper than any of us are prepared for, that deep. Maybe only Foggy can truly save us with super-powered litigation and politics. Join Eric Scott and Moze as this episode nearly makes Moze show his creamy nougat center. Again.
March 21, 2019
546 Star Trek: Discovery S2E10 Review: “The Red Angel”
This week the Red Angel’s identity is revealed. Jason and Scott feel mixed about this episode, which featured some good character scenes and a very exciting climax, but also some questionable plot points. And while it turns out that “time crystals” are a real and canonical thing, Jason still doesn’t like them.
March 20, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 14
545 Supergirl S4E14 Review: “Stand and Deliver”
Under discussion this time:
- The elite falling like dominos and tricking the viewers?
- Alex doing her job,
- Brainy NOT doing his job,
- Dreamer dialling it to 11,
- Quentin getting the arc Ben won’t,
- and James groking his job, briefly
Edited by Deanna Chapman.
March 20, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 15-16
544 Arrow S7E15-16 Review: “Training Day/Star City 2040”
Suit up and buckle in because it’s gonna be a big one. The Speedy Arrowcast crew returns in this bittersweet episode that not only covers two recent episodes as well as discussion of Arrow’s upcoming end. Important topics of discussion include which aunt you’d choose to train your offspring, how vigilantes work with police departments, hacking clothing, and our hopes for wacky season eight plot lines. Plus, hints of a special member bonus episode.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 14, 2019
543 Star Trek: Discovery S2E9 Review: “Project Daedalus”
Last week’s episode was a hard one to follow, but this week we’ve got a killer half-robutt, Spock ruining Burnham’s 3-D chess set, and a bunch of suspicious space mines. Also, Scott chides Jason for being speciesist, and Jason has more wacky plot theories.
March 11, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 13
542 Supergirl S4E13 Review: “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?”
Under discussion this week:
- Lena working with the DEO, but invalidating the apparent reason for the breakup;
- Nia training with brainy… the man-splaining stopped, and hopefully the boring fights will too;
- The Elite forming and causing trouble;
- The President sounding strangely reasonable in comparison to Supergirl;
- J’onn questioning his pacifism for doylist reasons; and,
- Agent Liberty getting more power and more crazed.
Edited by Seth Heasley
March 7, 2019
541 Star Trek: Discovery S2E8 Review: “If Memory Serves”
Previously, on Star Trek… “Discovery” goes where “Star Trek” hasn’t been in more than 50 years, as Burnham returns Spock to Talos IV to cure his insanity and get a sense of what is going on with the Red Angel. We discuss singing plants, creepy telepaths, Vina’s reunion with Pike, the super-awkward second life of Dr. Culber, and the dangers of mind melding with time travelers!
March 6, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 14
540 Arrow S7E14 Review: “Brothers & Sisters”
After a brief hiatus, the Speedy Arrowcast is back. This week, things are jam-packed, but we’ve got questions. What’s the deal with the Diggle lineage? How do authorized vigilantes work, exactly? How come people feel the need to explain the feelings we just saw them have? Plus, we know we didn’t start the fire, but who did? And, in a brief Superhero Sweep, Guy discusses his personal superhero, and we talk Spider-Verse and Captain Marvel anticipation.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 28, 2019
539 Star Trek: Discovery S2E7 Review: “Light and Shadows”
Vulcan Hello returns, but one of our favorite recurring segments ends when we finally find who we’ve been looking for! Plus, get ready for some frickin’ time rifts, Sarek’s sweet shuttlecraft pad, Michelle Yeoh’s kicks, and a shocking final revelation. Aleen Simms joins us to break down this week’s episode while we sit in the corner and mumble passages from “Alice in Wonderland”.
February 27, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 12
538 Supergirl S4E12 Review: “Menagerie”
Under discussion this time: - So many Valentine’s Days motifs… - DC’s take on Venom; - Kara trying to work with Alex; - Ben Lockwood putting his child in danger; - Brainy and Nia’s progress; - James and Lena’s woes; and - The President making lots of bad calls.
Edited by Deanna Chapman
February 21, 2019
537 Star Trek: Discovery S2E6 review: “The Sound of Thunder”
The hovering murder cylinder is on the other foot now, Ba’ul! In this episode we explore Saru’s new perspective on the Prime Directive, Pike’s measured responses to creepy voice-only hails, and the transformation of the Red Murderball into something that’s posthumously useful! Also, we get a closer look at the Red Angel (Jason’s feeling confident), and we have to debate whether the trailer for next week’s episode fits our Spotting Spock criteria.
February 18, 2019 Daredevil season 3, episode 7
536 Daredevil S3E7 Review: “Aftermath”
Here is the episode of experimentation you have been waiting for. Golden Tony steps in to Hell’s Kitchen cold as ice. Tony agreed not watch any episodes of season 3, mostly because he is behind on some of his Marvel TV and the guy is just busy. The experiment was not without flaws, but the results should be on the record for your listening satisfaction. Moze was worried that “Aftermath” could be a furniture moving episode and become a flatline of interest for Tony. Was the hypothesis correct? Let us listen together and see.
February 18, 2019
535 Star Trek: Discovery S2E5 Review: “Saints of Imperfection”
This week Section 31 collides with the Discovery, and the Discovery collides with the mycelial network. A lost soul is found! Jason does a victory lap at the mention of tachyons! And still no Spock.
February 13, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 13
534 Arrow S7E13 Review: “Star City Slayer”
This week, a MURDERER is afoot in Star City. The Speedy Arrowcast assembles its crack team of newly deputized vigilantes to track down important topics like who the hell uses a darkroom anymore, unexplained murderer monikers, Schrödinger’s children, multiple unexpected bombshells including a high-profile departure, and how to earn a good surprise reveal. (Basically, it’s jam-packed and you don’t want to miss it!) Plus, in Superhero Sweep we discuss a quartet of new animated shows coming from Disney and Hulu.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 8, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 12
533 Arrow S7E12 Review: “Emerald Archer”
This week on the Speedy Arrowcast, we’re filming a documentary! It’s getting into all the dark corners and pulling out important topics like why you should always go for the cost-effective vigilante costume, why it’s always nice to see old friends, and of course, foreign affairs from the early 1900s. Plus an abbreviated Superhero Sweep where we talk Avengers: Endgame conspiracy theories and Batwoman casting.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 7, 2019
532 Star Trek: Discovery S2E4 Review: “An Obol for Charon”
This week the Discovery is waylaid by a red murderball, Saru learns what his threat ganglia are really for, all of engineering gets high on mushrooms, and Number One orders a hamburger. Scott and Jason break down this (overly?) busy episode.
February 6, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 11
531 Supergirl S4E11 Review: “Blood Memory”
This time we have sisters discussing sisters! Also under discussion: - new Alex; - dude-bro rage; - the keeping of far too many secrets; - Nia’s powerful, and painful, origin story
Edited by Deanna Chapman
February 3, 2019 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 6
530 Daredevil S3E6 Review: “The Devil You Know”
What happens when the world we know gets controlled and affected by Wilson Fisk? You get a new kind of devil, and a recap by none other than Guy English and James Thomson with a little masterminding by Moze. The stakes are now rising as Matt continues his mission to shine a light on the Kingpin’s plans. Fisk, as always, is a few steps ahead of the game and introduces a new fly in the ointment—a Dexdevil.
January 31, 2019
529 Star Trek Discovery S2E3: “Point of Light”
A very different kind of episode this week, as “Star Trek: Discovery” beams in three different plots. Do we really need more Klingons? What’s happening in the search for Spock? And is Tilly’s friend a friendly ghost or a dangerous alien spore blob? It’s also time to bring back the conspiracy corner segment, because Jason has some theories about the Red Angel.
January 30, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 11
528 Arrow S7E11 Review: “Past Sins”
This week on the Speedy Arrowcast, we assemble a squa—initiative of the most dangerous podcasters to cover important topics like charming Earth 2 fashion choices, why you should always mug for the camera, and how electricity works. Plus, in this week’s Superhero Sweep, we discuss the latest trailer for the upcoming season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., season two of The Punisher (spoiler-free), and THIS IS NOT A DRILL live-action Sportsmaster coming soon to a TV near you.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
January 26, 2019 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 10
527 Supergirl S4E10 Review: “Suspicious Minds”
Under discussion this time:
- The towering hypocrisy of Kara opining that coverups always get found out.
- Alternate plans to trap invisible creatures (silly string!)
- The urgent need to have MIB-style memory flashy things.
- New set alert! John Jones, PI
- The possible impact of the mind wipe on Alex’s personality and identity
January 26, 2019 The Good Place season 3, episode 12
526 The Good Place S3E12 Review: “Pandemonium”
The Bad Place has a new trick, which is to torment Team Cockroach by choosing residents designed to make them crazy. A gossip columnist for Tahani, an ex for Chidi and… an erased Chidi for Eleanor! The season three finale is the saddest timeline.
January 24, 2019
525 Star Trek: Discovery S2E2 Review: “New Eden”
This week the Discovery takes a spore jump to a mysterious human colony deep in the Beta Quadrant, Pike and Burnham joust about science and religion, Tilly drinks too much espresso and tries to replace Stamets with a space rock, and Saru gets a chance to practice his “Glare ‘n’ Care” management philosophy. And on our podcast, Scott introduces a new segment that somehow we didn’t call “The Search for Spock,” even though we probably should have.
January 23, 2019 Arrow Season 7, Episode 10
524 Arrow S7E10 Review: “My Name Is Emiko Queen”
The hiatus is over, and that means it’s time for the Speedy Arrowcast to reassemble and discuss the latest episode of our Star City superhero soap. This week, we cover important topics like maintaining good OPSEC, the controversial inverse Konmari process, legally distinct squads of the suicidal nature, and chain of evidence? What chain of evidence? Plus, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we cover two film iterations of Spider-Man, as well as running down why Aquaman was more Aquameh.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
January 22, 2019
523 The Masked Singer S1E3: The Joel and Ken Show
Hello and welcome back to the recap/kneecap podcast for Fox show The Masked Singer! This (podcast) episode discussion is mainly about the latest episode’s guest judge Joel McHale. There was also a bit of talk about how Joel McHale and Ken Jeong should have their own show, and a questionable wardrobe decision. This episode may also include a breakdown of the performances by Lion, Deer, Peacock, Unicorn, and Monster.
January 21, 2019 The Masked Singer, S1E1, S1E2 Recap
522 The Masked Singer S1E1-2: Breaking News From the Unicorn
Hello and welcome to the recap/kneecap podcast for Fox show The Masked Singer! Blame Kelly Guimont, who mentioned one of her guesses to Moisés Chiullán which started them talking and then Kathy Campbell weighed in and it was really just a question of time before someone hit record. Come for the performances, stay for Ken Jeong’s jabs at other hosts!
January 19, 2019 The Good Place season 3, episode 11
521 The Good Place S3E11 Review: “Chidi Sees the Time-Knife”
Is it possible for anyone to be good enough to get in to the Good Place? The gang is about to find out. They create a new neighborhood in the Medium Place and try with four new cockroaches… but Sean and Vicky threaten to ruin it all.
January 17, 2019 “Star Trek: Discovery” Season 2, Episode 1
520 Star Trek: Discovery S2E1 Review: “Brother”
“Star Trek: Discovery” is back and so are Scott and Jason. We discuss Captain Pike and his uniform, Tilly’s chatter, Burnham’s family issues, the decor of Spock’s quarters, and much more!
January 17, 2019
519 The Good Place S3E10 Review: “The Book of Dougs”
Michael and the gang are four Oreos away from heaven, but they haven’t escaped their troubles. The Committee, unintended consequences, crying while British…It’s so upsetting, I’m gonna try to shake my fist at you!
January 13, 2019 One Season, One Multiverse, and a Robot Named Chip
518 Voltron: Legendary Defender S8 review
The stakes couldn’t have been bigger inside the story—or outside in the fandom, for that matter! For the last-ever Voltron: Legendary Defender panel on TeeVee, we wade into the controversies over Season 8 with fans and critics of how the series ended. Plus, at least one regular panelist takes a victory lap regarding vehicle mecha…
January 7, 2019 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 5
517 Daredevil S3E5 Review: “The Perfect Game”
What do you do when your main character is at the bottom of the East River? Easy, you let all other characters grow and to increase the richness of the narrative. At least that’s what should happen. Jason Snell is on the mound to see if Moze can get a hit. This episode shows just how powerful Wilson Fisk is and what it means if he gets into your head—like he’s done to Dex.
January 4, 2019
516 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #4 Review: “The Escape Artist”
There are only two weeks until season 2 of “Star Trek: Discovery” commences, but in the meantime we’ve got our favorite of the four “Short Trek” films to discuss. Rainn Wilson returns as Harry Mudd(s)! We learn why rich people wear caps, that the path to a Tellarite’s heart is through its tusks, and that you should always remember where you parked.
January 1, 2019 “Resolution… of the Daleks?”
515 Doctor Who 2019 New Year’s Day Review: “Resolution”
The Doctor Who Flashcast returns for one episode in 2019, and this is it! A strange creature is lurking beneath Sheffield. The Doctor and her fam are on the case. Chris Chibnall puts a fun new twist on a classic monster! A microwave is also an oven! We break down “Resolution”, this year’s New Year’s Day special.
December 21, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 9
514 Supergirl S4E09 Review: “Elseworlds”
No time for a clever synopsis; too much to cover. It’s crossover time!
December 18, 2018
513 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #3 Review: “The Brightest Star”
Scott and Jason return to discuss the third “Short Trek” preceding the return of “Star Trek: Discovery,” in which we learn Saru’s origin and why Kelpiens are not commonly seen in Starfleet. Along the way we discuss hovering murder cylinders, food courts and gazebos, and the recently released final trailer for season two.
December 15, 2018 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 4
512 Daredevil S3E4 Review: “Blindside”
Here we go the episode that caused panelists to hate Guy English almost as much as Moze. It’s time for the trademark long-take fight scene that Daredevil set the bar for so long ago. Was it as good as seasons past? Per the usual format, Guy and Moze step away from the episode and discuss events that impact our red friend and postulate when we will see him again. If we do, will it be the cast we have grown to love?
December 14, 2018 Elseworlds
511 Review: “Elseworlds”
Worlds collide and strange things are afoot at the Circle K! The Speedy Arrowcast convenes with a daunting task, taking on the entirety of the CW’s three-part superhero crossover, Elseworlds. We discuss why it’s great to see Ollie lighten up, a long-awaited reveal about the STAR Labs pipeline, and many, many Batman references. Plus, a teaser of next year’s crossover has us wondering what is in store for DC’s multiverse cosmology. And, to round it all out, we cross over to the Marvel universe for Superhero Sweep as we dissect every frame of the Avengers: Endgame trailer.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
December 13, 2018 Legends of Tomorrow Season 4, Episode 8
510 Legends of Tomorrow S4E8 Review: “Legends of To-Meow-Meow”
Don’t worry if you forgot to bring your bananas—this episode is full of them. We venture into our time-traveling crew’s midseason finale, which covers everything from Zari turning into a cat to a Legends crew populated entirely by puppets. Plus, how many John Constantines is enough John Constantines? Only one way to find out.
To subscribe to all our Legends of Tomorrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/legends
December 9, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 8
509 Supergirl S4E08 Review: “Bunker Hill”
Plot points:
- Nia Nal’s powers are revealed.
- Manchester Black’s creepy horror movie home invasion
- Agent Liberty’s poor choice of secret hideouts on his own property
- The new President isn’t evil, but is a bit of a populist ass.
Discussion points:
- What does “Cards up” mean?
- The possibility of weaponized shouting and/or spit in the right Superhands.
- The incredible durability of Lockwood Steel (nicely surviving a Super drop test)
- Supergirl winning the battle but losing the PR war.
December 9, 2018 The Good Place Season 3, Episode 9
508 The Good Place S3E9 review: “Janet(s)”
In Janet’s void, everyone is D’arcy Carden. Think Funny Tatiana Maslany in a blank, white space. It causes Eleanor to have an identity crisis, which is calmed by a momentous smooch. Michael and Janet pull the gang through to Accounting, then send them up a pneumatic tube to the ACTUAL FORKING GOOD PLACE!
December 9, 2018 The Good Place season 3, episode 8
507 The Good Place S3E8 Review: “Don’t Let The Good Life Pass You By”
Michael and Janet discover the system is rigged by spending time in Canada with miserable, point-confined Doug Forcett (and kicking Shawn/demon butt). Eleanor expresses her love to Chidi just as the gang absconds to Janet’s void. By dying! NBD.
December 9, 2018 Doctor Who Series 11, Episode 10
506 Doctor Who S11E10 Review: “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos”
The Series 11 finale is here! Annette Wierstra joins Jason to discuss the season as a whole and the final episode in particular. How does Graham’s story arc resolve? Does the plot matter? Is the villain particularly villainous? Can dimensionally transcendent beings be impressed by a TARDIS? It’s the last Doctor Who Flashcast of 2018, but the moment has been prepared for. See you on New Year’s Day!
December 6, 2018 Legends of Tomorrow Season 4, Episode 7
505 Legends of Tomorrow S4E7 Review: “Hell No, Dolly!”
Not unlike the Legends themselves, the Legendscast takes a somewhat non-linear approach to episodes, returning from their travels to cover the latest episode of the time-traveling misfits, which includes a surprisingly interesting look at resident criminal Mick, a murderous puppet, and a mustache that no one will soon forget.
To subscribe to all our Legends of Tomorrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/legends
December 5, 2018 Arrow Season 7, Episode 7-8
504 Arrow S7E7-8 Review: “The Slabside Redemption/Unmasked”
This week, we three Green Arrows have returned with a double whammy and plenty of big developments for our favorite Emerald Archer. Key discussion topics include not-so-secret identities, what to do when your wife shoots someone in your living room, the mystery of the disappearing Dig, and how archery trick shots can make up for so many woes. Then, in our Superhero Sweep, we run (haha) down the teaser for this year’s Elseworlds crossover and get pumped up for the arrival of Captain Marvel.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
December 3, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 7
503 Supergirl S4E07 Review: “Rather the Fallen Angel”
This week, the episode is all about plans!
- Lena trying to give Subject-0331 powers
- Agent Liberty trying to kill Supergirl and blow up the “Statue of Liberty for Aliens”
- Manchester Black’s trading Supergirl’s life for a chance to kill Agent Liberty.
Do the plans all make sense? We’ll leave it to you to decide. (But the answer is no.)
December 2, 2018 Doctor Who series 11, episode 9
502 Doctor Who S11E9 Review: “It Takes You Away”
As the season nears its end, we discuss an episode featuring a blind girl, a cabin in the woods, a mysterious mirror, and a missing father. There are also, surprisingly, a creepy Farscape-style labyrinth, flesh moths, and a nigh-omnipotent talking frog whose name is disappointingly not Calgon.
November 27, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 6
501 Supergirl S4E06 Review: “Call to Action”
In this episode, Lena makes a discovery while failing to cure cancer, Manchester Black takes to torture, Ben Lockwood takes to TV, and Supergirl talks down a dragon. Meanwhile, Brainy is still mostly comic relief but does get to have one great operatic fight.
November 26, 2018 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 3
500 Daredevil S3E3 Review: “No Good Deed”
Welcome to the 500th episode of TeeVee, Woot Woot! For this grand occasion, Moze reached deep into our pocket of talent to give the listeners The King of Scotland, James Thomson. We gathered our thoughts on just who is the best Bullseye and the impact it may have on Marvel canon. We also pose the question, “Will you pay for Disney Streaming?” As per usual Moze has predictions for the season and James neither confirms nor denies his mystical powers of narrative. Capping off James and Moze give “homework” to each other and to you, our powerful listeners.
November 26, 2018 Doctor Who series 11, episode 8
499 Doctor Who S11E8 Review: “The Witchfinders”
“Doctor Who” ventures to Lancashire’s Pendle Hill this week for a story of King James, witch trials, and alien mud zombies. Jason’s guest is Lancashire’s own Antony Johnston (writer of Atomic Blonde, Wasteland, and The Fuse), who gives this episode a bit of a fact-check. But most of the time we’re just talking about how much we enjoyed Alan Cumming’s performance, the logistics of a three-companion TARDIS, and the merits of Chris Chibnall’s very different vision of the show.
November 21, 2018 Arrow Season 7, Episode 6
498 Arrow S7E6 Review: “Due Process”
This week, team Speedy Arrowcast is in and out of prison. We discuss why humanity is always on the line, weird decisions in cybersecurity, questionable law practices, and the lightheartedness that only an international mob boss can bring. In our Superhero Sweep segment, it’s a preview of this year’s DC crossover event, as well as some anticipation for the final season of Gotham.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 19, 2018 Doctor Who series 11 episode 7
497 Doctor Who S11E7 Review: “Kerblam!”
We’re going to be honest: We really didn’t like this week’s “Doctor Who” episode, which looked like it was going to be a clever critique of Amazon and turned out to be an episode with a lot of ambition that collapsed into a confused heap. If you liked this episode, you might want to skip our podcast! But if you want to listen to two guys tear this episode apart, you’ve come to the right place.
November 18, 2018 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 2
496 Daredevil S3E2 Review: “Please”
Much apologies for the delay on episodes, but fear not, we are back on schedule for your listening delight. Sean and Moze look at where this episode digs into the characters and where this season will begin to shape what they will become. We also digress to the overall Netflix universe and what will happen to the Marvel Television Universe.
November 18, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 5
495 Supergirl S4E05 Review: “Parasite Lost”
Brainy continues to be the butt of jokes! Kara is truly terrible at journalism and it mystifies our panel how the writers get this so wrong so often. There were also things our panel enjoyed.
November 14, 2018 Arrow Season 7, Episode 5
494 Arrow S7E5 Review: “The Demon”
The whole team’s headed down to Level Two this week, as we continue our search into Diaz’s mysterious connection…the Demon. We discuss the excellence of logical but surprising twists, how to correctly describe technical endeavors, and where our villain of th season might be headed. In our Superhero Sweep segment, we pay homage to the late Stan Lee and educate John about an important Batman villain.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 12, 2018 Star Trek Short Trek #2
493 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #2 Review: “Calypso”
Is it Taco Tuesday yet? Scott and Jason return to discuss CBS’s plan for endless “Star Trek” and the latest “Short Trek”, a delightful retelling of a part of “The Odyssey”—or is it “Wall-E”?—with an injured spaceman and a lonely artificial intelligence who really loves old movies.
November 12, 2018 The Good Place Season 3, Episodes 6 and 7
492 The Good Place: S3E6-E7 Review
The ladies of Team Cockroach talk Eleanor, Tahani, mothers, sisters, life lessons and technical difficulties.
November 11, 2018 Doctor who series 11, episode 6
491 Doctor Who S11E6 Review: “Demons of the Punjab”
This week “Doctor Who” returns to difficult moments in 20th Century history, this time during the partition of India. There are (unnecessary?) aliens, but of course, the real monsters are the human beings. Jason welcomes Jean MacDonald to break down an emotional episode.
November 10, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 4
490 Supergirl S4E04 Review: “Ahimsa”
- Feelings!
- Alex and J’onn give pep talks;
- J’onn teams up with Manchester Black to find Fiona;
- Brainy and Lena use nanites to clean the air;
- Pies are eaten;
November 7, 2018 Arrow Season 7, Episode 3-4
489 Arrow S7E3-4 Review: “Crossing Lines/Level Two”
It’s a two-fer this week, as our hearty band of inmates discusses the most recent pair of Arrow episodes. Our important discussion topics include why lying is bad (especially between spouses), never trusting the person who tells you to trust no one, a Jeffrey Wright-esque performance, and why you should definitely avoid recursive algorithms. Plus, in this week’s Superhero Sweep segment, a take on the recent episode focusing on the villain from this season of Supergirl.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 5, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 3
488 Supergirl S4E03 Review: “Man of Steel”
The DEO doesn’t understand what an atmosphere is. Meanwhile, we get a back story for how Agent Liberty became radicalized. Does the explanation work? We’ll leave it to you to decide, but we still applaud the effort to make the villain compelling.
November 4, 2018 Doctor Who series 11, episode 5
487 Doctor Who S11E5 review: “The Tsuranga Conundrum”
This week’s “Doctor Who” features an alien junkyard, a medical spaceship with gleaming white walls, a legendary general, an ode to antimatter, and an adorable alien menace. Jason discusses “The Tsurunga Conundrum” with Liz Myles of the Verity podcast!
November 2, 2018 The Good Place season 3, episodes 4 and 5
486 The Good Place S3E4-5 Reviews
We meet Donkey Doug and guest Cockroach Marcos! We dive into episodes four and five, cope with the fun of existential dread and get rich quick in Florida. And if you can’t figure out how to break up with us, keep on snapping!
November 2, 2018 Legends of Tomorrow Season 4, Episode 2
485 Legends of Tomorrow S4E2 Review: “Witch Hunt”
Bringing magic to the Salem witch trials? What could possibly go wrong! We reconvene our Legends flashcast this week for the season’s second episode, with an appreciation of odd couple roommates, Pig Latin fluency, and our first—but certainly not last—Oh, Gary moment.
To subscribe to all our Legends of Tomorrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/legends
October 28, 2018 Doctor Who Series 11, Episode 4
484 Doctor Who S11E4 review: “Arachnids in the UK”
I am an arachnid
I am in Graham’s attic
Don’t know what I want
Don’t know why I’m big
I want to web the passerby
‘Cos this episode’s arachnidyDude! There was a new episode of “Doctor Who” with lots of great character stuff, a surprisingly funny appearance by Chris Noth, and a whole lot of spiders. Also, I call people “dude” now.
October 25, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 2
483 Supergirl S4E02 Review: “Fallout”
Our panel shares their thoughts on topics including the alien-haters’ plots, rookie reporter Nia’s bravenesses, LCorp’s continuing poor security, and Lena’s nigh-inevitable realization that her BFF Kara is that lying alien Supergirl.
Recap by David Schaub, editing by Deanna Chapman.
October 25, 2018 Legends of Tomorrow Season 4, Episode 1
482 Legends of Tomorrow S4E1 Review: “The Virgin Gary”
We’re back on the horse—the horse with a horn that gores hippies, that is! After a long break, we’ve come to a surprising discovery: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow had a terrible first season, but eventually found its groove as a hilarious, irreverent offering in the DC TV universe.
Lisa Schmeiser assembles her own motley crew of well-meaning rogues, including her former fellow Flash Flashcast co-host Tony Sindelar and Speedy Arrowcast co-host Dan Moren to discuss the delights of the team-up show’s fourth season debut and what made them stick around for more.
To subscribe to all our Legends of Tomorrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/legends
October 24, 2018 Arrow Season 7, Episode 2
481 Arrow S7E2 Review: “The Longbow Hunters”
We’ve got a brand new trio of villains this week, and, surprisingly, none of them are our hosts. Our discussion topics include Ollie showing off some appropriate skill, ridiculous flamethrowers, silent but deadly fights, and more time with a delightfully grizzled character. Then, in our Superhero Sweep segment, we talk about the cancellation of Luke Cage and the most recent season of Daredevil.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 24, 2018 Doctor Who Series 11, Episode 3
480 Doctor Who S11E3 Review: “Rosa”
Better late than never, we’re back to discuss a trip to the Jim Crow era with “Rosa.” Did this episode manage to thread the needle and do justice to a key moment in the Civil Rights movement? Will Costco—or is it Krasko—return, and would anyone care if he did? And how is Jodie Whittaker shaping up after three episodes? We break it all down.
October 24, 2018 Daredevil Season 3, Episode 1
479 Daredevil S3E1 Review: “Resurrection”
Back from the dead, Matt Murdock returns to Hell’s Kitchen. Badly beaten, he stays in hiding to heal and decide if he will live as Matt or die as Daredevil. Unknown to him, Wilson Fisk would like to make a deal with another kind of devil. We also discuss breaking news in the Netflix / Marvel Streaming Universe. (Uh, what do we call that, the NMSU?)
October 20, 2018 Supergirl Season 4, Episode 1
478 Supergirl S4E01 Review: “American Alien”
Supergirl is back for Season Four! Under discussion by our all-listener panel this week:
- Kara’s white/human lookalike privilege
- Possible future ramifications of J’onn’s disarming of the DEO
- The delight at seeing Kara be, well, Kara Danvers, and discovering another of her kind in Nia
- The literal other of her kind punching a tunnel in Kasnia for some reason
- Lena one-upping her mother in the manipulation department
- Brainy being kind of useless so far
October 17, 2018 Arrow Season 7, Episode 1
477 Arrow S7E1 Review: “Inmate 4587”
Prison walls can’t hold us! The Speedy Arrowcast team is back and we’re diving in to the season 7 premiere. Our discussion topics include the nature of prison chalk, the virtues of a soft reboot, investment in new sets, and the introduction of the show’s brand new narrative device. Plus, in our new Superhero Sweep segment, we discuss the cancellation of Netflix’s Iron Fist.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 14, 2018 Doctor Who Series 11, Episode 2
476 Doctor Who S11E2 Review: “The Ghost Monument”
Shannon Sudderth joins Jason to discuss the first planetary trip for the Doctor’s new crew, featuring shout-outs to past eras, a restatement of the Doctor’s philosophies about brains and bullets, the hint of a story arc, and a delightful reunion with a wheezing blue old friend with a new look.
October 13, 2018 The Good Place season 3 episode 3
475 The Good Place S3E3 Review: “The Snowplow”
The new Good Place episode is out and Team Cockroach reactions are mixed: can the writers get us there already? Walk through the inter-dimensional door, but be careful where you step, because season 3 has some surprises up its sleeve.
October 11, 2018 Short Treks 1: “Runaway”
474 Star Trek: Discovery Short Treks #1 Review: “Runaway”
The Vulcan Hello podcast returns with a dissection of the first of four “short films”—didn’t we used to call these Webisodes?—running up to second season of “Star Trek: Discovery.” In “Runaway,” Tilly—we love Tilly!—discovers a mysterious and dangerous stowaway alien monster that might actually just be a grumpy teenager. Also we share our reactions to the new season 2 “Discovery” trailer, featuring hunky Spock! Deal with it, people.
October 7, 2018 Doctor Who series 11, episode 1
473 Doctor Who S11E1 Review: “The Woman Who Fell to Earth”
She’s here! It’s back! “Doctor Who” returns, with a new Doctor and a new showrunner. Jodie Whittaker takes up the TARDIS and sonic screwdriver with “The Woman Who Fell to Earth.” In truest Lazy Doctor Who style, we gather around our living room coffee table to break down the Sunday-morning airing of the newest “Doctor Who” episode. Is crane operator Carl bound for greatness? Are Ryan’s YouTube optimization skills weak? What’s the verdict on the new sonic and costume? And… is this season going to be like “Murder, She Wrote”? We break it all down, live from our living room, in our pajamas.
October 5, 2018 The Good Place Season 3, Episode 2
472 The Good Place S3E2 Review: “The Brainy Bunch”
The mighty cockroaches gather once again to discuss the merits and greatness of The Good Place and its writers. It’s business as usual in an episode full of bad Australian accents, parodied Americans, and sweet sweet lemon bars.
October 2, 2018 Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 10
470 Game of Thrones S1E10 Rewind: “Fire and Blood”
We wrap up our rewatch of season 1 of “Game of Thrones” with a look at the aftermath of Ned’s death, how the centrality of Jon and Dany to the story are pretty obvious in hindsight, and the morality of Catelyn Stark’s beating a prisoner—even if the prisoner is Jaime Lannister and his family just killed her husband. And that final scene! It’s not nearly as impressive as we remembered it—which might be the most impressive thing about it, after all.
See you next year!
September 30, 2018 Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 9
469 Game of Thrones S1E9 Rewind: “Baelor”
Ned’s dead, baby! This is the big moment. Arya and Sansa witness Ned’s confession that he’s a traitor, and in the end it doesn’t matter—Joffrey says “off with his head.” Also, Jon has a conversation with the show’s most interesting character, Dany fails to deal with the impending death of Drogo, and Tyrion makes a lousy warrior.
September 30, 2018 The Good Place Season 3 episode 1
468 The Good Place S3E1 Review: “Everything Is Bonzer!”
Team Cockroach recaps the season 3 premiere. Our gang is back on Earth! But they revert to their old patterns, so Michael resorts to unauthorized “nudging” to stop their backsliding and get them to team up. MRI proposals! Terrible disguises! And…a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut!
September 26, 2018 The Good Place Season 1, Episodes 12-13
467 The Good Place Rewind: S1E12-13
In a surprise twist that will change everything, Incomparable impresario Jason Snell joins Team Cockroach to discuss the final two episodes of Season 1 and speculate about season 3. Who is Mindy St. Claire? What is Michael’s gambit? Can all your problems be solved with a Molotov cocktail? (No. The answer is no.) Bortles!
September 24, 2018 The Good Place season 1 episodes 10-11
466 The Good Place Rewind: S1E10-11
Strap on your snorkel, sidestep that falling air conditioner, steal the eternal judge’s train, and listen to Team Cockroach talk about the second-to-last pair of episodes from Season 1, with special guest Brian Hamilton.
September 23, 2018 The Good Place season 1, episodes 7-9_p
465 The Good Place Rewind: S1E7-9
Are you facing an imminent “retirement”? Have you been murdered recently? Do you wish we’d all stop calling you “Fake Eleanor”? Let the cube glow green to confirm your story and listen to Team Cockroach recap a record-breaking three, count ‘em, three episodes. Here’s your cactus!
September 23, 2018 Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 8
464 Game of Thrones S1E8 Rewind: “The Pointy End”
We continue our hindsight-tinged look back at season 1 with an episode that really sets you up to think that Ned might get away with all of this. Arya claims her first victim. Sansa just wants to be a pretty princess. Robb is on the move. Jon kills his first zombie. And Khal Drogo gets a cut that definitely won’t linger, nope, no sir.
September 17, 2018 The Good Place Season 1, Episodes 5 and 6
463 The Good Place Rewind: S1E5-6
Relax at the spa with your soul-friends, have one of a zillion new frozen yogurt flavors, and listen to Team Cockroach chat about another two episodes of Season 1.
September 16, 2018 Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 7
462 Game of Thrones s1e7 Rewind: “You Win Or You Die”
Kelly Guimont joins us once again, this time to discuss the episode where it all goes south. (Though to be fair, from the perspective of the wildings, everything’s south.) Tywin guts a symbolic stag! The assorted rapists and friendless wretches of the Night’s Watch get a pep talk and take an oath! Drogo seriously khalsplains to Dany. Ros auditions for Littlefinger in the show’s most eye-rolling sexposition scene yet. And King Robert is dead, long live… uh, Ned, are you sure you want to make this bad decision?
September 11, 2018 The Good Place Season 1, Episodes 3 and 4
461 The Good Place Rewind: S1E3-4
Is your friendship plant catching on fire? Think good thoughts and listen to Team Cockroach continue recapping season 1 episodes, joined by special guest Dan Moren.
September 10, 2018 Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 6
460 Game of Thrones s1e6 Rewind: “A Golden Crown”
Kelly Guimont joins Brian, Monty, and Jason to discuss an action-packed first-season episode (with spoilers for the rest of the run of show, of course). In this episode, Tyrion participates in a SNL sketch that may lead to his death in one of many different ways, but instead he survives a Trial By Combat that seals this show’s ultimate character pairing: Tyrion and Bronn. Ros the prostitute heads south. Dany tries to cook an egg and eat a horse heart. Viserys gets what’s coming to him. And Jason, gray of hair, watches in horror as Ned very laboriously figures out that Joffrey is really a Lannister.
September 9, 2018 One season, five lions, four mech pilots, one giant robot, one effing HUGE robot
459 Voltron: Legendary Defender S7 review
We’re not sure whether Moisés is flying the Black Lion or the IGF-Atlas, but either way it’s his turn to lead our largest panel ever as we dissect Voltron’s darkest season. We discuss the Garrison’s unfortunate approach to succession planning; the merits of Garfle, Warfle, AND Snick; the Paladins’ shipping forecast; and more!
September 7, 2018 The Good Place Season 1, Episodes 1 and 2
458 The Good Place Rewind: S1E1 and S1E2
Open your eyes, follow the nice white-haired man into his office, and listen to Team Cockroach’s first season 1 recap episode. Clowns, the joke machine, Florence Nightingale, and more. Join us!
September 4, 2018 The Good Place season 2, episode 3-4
457 The Good Place Rewind: S2E3-4
The thought of eternal death getting you down? Don’t despair, listen to Team Cockroach as they finish up the very last recaps of season 2, joined by David J. Loehr.
September 2, 2018
456 Game of Thrones s1e5 Rewind: “The Wolf and the Lion”
Here’s where it all really gets started. The assassination of Jon Arryn leads the Starks and Lannisters into conflict. Varys and Littlefinger plot their individual plots, and joust with one another (verbally) while the Mountain and the Knight of Flowers joust with one another (literally). Robert and Cersei have a cold, clear conversation. And is killing Dany and her unborn child the right move for a thoroughly Peter Principled King Robert to make? We break it all down.
(Spoilers for seasons 1-7 are inside. Don’t listen if you’re a first-time viewer!)
August 26, 2018
455 Game of Thrones S1E4 Rewind: “Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things”
Kathy Campbell joins Jason and Monty in our spoiler-filled rewatch of season one of “Game of Thrones.” In this episode, we stay on brand by frustrating pedantic fans with our utter failure to recall what Littlefinger is up to or why he had Jon Arryn assassinated. Also, it’s the triumphant debut of sexposition; debuts for Sam, Bronn, Gendry, and the three-eyed Raven; Arya stays true to herself; and we pay tribute to Ros, the hardest-working whore in Westeros.
August 20, 2018
454 Game of Thrones S1E3 Rewind: “Lord Snow”
Our (spoiler-filled) rewatch of Season 1 of “Game of Thrones” continues with the incredibly dense third episode, in which Ned arrives at King’s Landing, Jon arrives at Winterfell, and Dany finally realizes that she’s got way more authority than her stupid brother.
August 13, 2018 Game of Thrones season 1, episode 2
453 “Game of Thrones” S1E2 Rewind: “The Kingsroad”
Our re-watch of the first season of “Game of Thrones” reaches its surprisingly key second episode, where Ned tells Jon he’ll explain his parentage later, Joffrey decides to have a bit of fun with the butcher’s boy, Dany gets some intimacy tips from a handmaiden, and the direwolves have perhaps the most screen time they’ll ever get. RIP Lady.
(Note that if you’re looking for a spoiler-free look at “Game of Thrones”, this isn’t it. We discuss where the series is going up to the end of the penultimate season.)
August 6, 2018 Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 1
452 “Game of Thrones” S1E1 Rewind: “Winter is Coming”
Jason, Monty, and Brian fill the massive gap between seasons by going back to the beginning. Yes, it’s time for a re-watch of Season 1 of “Game of Thrones”, beginning with the pilot. Hey, that guy dies! So does she! But not him! Maybe we’ll remember what happens this time.
(Note that if you’re looking for a spoiler-free look at “Game of Thrones”, this isn’t it. We discuss where the series is going up to the end of the penultimate season.)
July 16, 2018 13 episodes, two seasons, five lions, one giant robot
450 Voltron: Legendary Defender S5-6 review
Going through bad guys like a Blazing Sword through butter, seasons 5 and 6 of Voltron: Legendary Defender featured high stakes and serious consequences for the entire cast, culminating in three perfect words. Did it make sense to split the 13 episodes into two seasons? How heavy can a kids’ show get? How many RPG references did YOU catch during “Monsters and Mana”? And what the heck happens next?
July 14, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 23
449 Supergirl S3E23 Review: “Battles Lost and Won”
Finale it’s the Season Finally! Wait, was that confusing? So is this episode. Things happen, few of which make logical sense, except perhaps James’s decision to come out as Iron Man/Guardian.
July 7, 2018 Luther season 3, episodes 3-4
448 Luther S3E3-4 Rewinded
Clearing the case load with the final episodes of series 3, we got the return of Alice, a fraught cat-and-mouse chase with a compelling villain, and a fitting ending. There was no let-up, and no padding. It also provided a highly satisfying end to the Luther story. How can series 4 stack up? Stay tuned.
June 24, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 10
447 Westworld Reaction S2E10: The Passenger
For the last time (for now), your “hosts” Kelly and Don get together for an initial reaction to an episode of Westworld, this one specifically being the Season Two finale. Join them for a slightly longer reaction since it includes 50% more episode than normal and some thoughts on the reaction shows this year.
June 23, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 22
446 Supergirl S3E22 Review: “Make it Reign”
While discussing the penultimate episode of season three, our hosts are flummoxed by Sam’s seeming Kryptonian as Reign but Human as Sam nature, since she totally came from Krypton as far as anyone can tell. What did the Goth Powerpuff Girls do to her?
June 17, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 9
445 Westworld S2E9 Reaction: Vanishing Point
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don barrel through the penultimate episode and discuss where we are as we head into the season finale.
June 17, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2 Episode 8
444 Westworld Season 2, Episode 8 Analysis: Kiksuya
Once again your “hosts” Kelly and Don are joined by Tom Bridge as they step into analysis for Episode 8. Kelly finally gets her Ghost Nation episode, now she just has a squillion other questions about them instead.
June 17, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2, Episode 7
443 Westworld Season 2, Episode 7 Analysis: Les Écorchés
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don come to you LIVE from WWDC! No really! They’re in the same place at the same time!
June 16, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 21
442 Supergirl S3E21 Review: “Not Kansas”
The Supercast crew is very pro-Murderbot as long as they’re just interrupting potential love triangles. Our panel is also quite underwhelmed by yet another CW show attempting to solve gun violence in one episode, especially given that the DEO moving to non-lethal weapons very much depends on the definition of non-lethal for different alien species.
June 10, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 8
441 Westworld Season 2, Episode 8 Reaction: Kiksuya
Well it finally happened. Your “hosts” Kelly and Don ended up a few minutes over time after this monumental episode. Most of the overage is Kelly being super excited about finally getting this particular episode, and then even more excited to actually be right about something.
June 9, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 20
440 Supergirl S3E20 Review: “Dark Side of the Moon”
Back with another installment of Alex lies to Ruby, in an episode that shows Reign can actually border on interesting, and that Kara’s mom is still alive but not a hugger. And Winn and Ruby bond over having supervillain parents.
June 4, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 7
439 Westworld Season 2, Episode 7 Reaction: Les Écorchés
Your “host” Kelly has to tag in two other Westworld theorizers since Don is in the body shop at the moment. Welcome Curtis and Christopher to a completely improvised setup after they finish watching near WWDC using Kelly’s iPhone and some number of adapters.
June 3, 2018 The Prisoner (2009): “Arrival” (Teaser)
438 In The Village: Teaser - The Prisoner (2009)
Steven and Erika are back for a quick “thank you” to all our listeners and to tell you a bit about our thoughts on “Arrival”, the first episode of the 2009 AMC miniseries. We also point you over to the First Class Lounge feed for Incomparable members, where you can hear even more!
June 3, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2 Episode 6
437 Westworld S2E6 Analysis: Phase Space
This week, “hosts” Kelly and Don are joined by fellow Westworld fan Tom Bridge, who discusses the evolution of the season so far, thoughts on Shogun World, and we watch Don wave from the station as Kelly and Tom hop on board a theory train.
May 31, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 19
436 Supergirl S3E19 Review: “The Fanatical”
Once again the questionable tactics of lying to one’s friends, or lying to protect one’s friends, is discussed, along with (gasp) an actual good reason for James to want to be Guardian. And there’s a weird cult with funky rocks that create Worldkillers. Because that makes sense.
May 29, 2018 Luther Season 3, Episodes 1-2
435 Luther Rewind: S3E1-2
It is time to kick off a new series of Luther and this starts out hard and fast. Snitches abound from the inside and out. Dirty Harry ain’t got nothing on DCI John Luther. Grab your overcoat and have a cup of tea with the Broken Boys as they look at the first half of the series.
May 29, 2018 Revisiting The Good Place Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2
434 The Good Place Rewind: S2E1-2
Our crack team of podcasting cockroaches gather once again together with special guest extraordinaire Glenn Fleishman to cover the first two episodes in the back catalog of “The Good Place” season 2.
May 27, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 6
433 Westworld S2E6 Reaction: Phase Space
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don react to yet another ho-hum episode of Season 2 of Westworld and wonder if we’re ever going to get any more actual plot advancement.*
*This is what the young people call “sarcasm.”
May 27, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2 Episode 5
432 Westworld S2E5 Analysis: Akane No Mai
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don step into analysis for S2E5 of Westworld! They dig deep into theories, discuss what happened, and ponder the halfway point of Season Two.
May 25, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 18
431 Supergirl S3E18 Review: “Shelter from the Storm”
Much discussion this week about how deception is maybe, just maybe, the wrong policy most of the time, especially when talking to the daughter of a supervillain. And Supergirl continues to cede the moral high ground to Lena in the “No one should be allowed to have Kryptonite” debate.
May 22, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 23
430 Arrow S6E23 Review: “Life Sentence”
As season 6 draws to a close, the Speedy Arrowcast team puts their differences aside for one last mission. We discuss the questionable persistence of some villains, the sad unrealized fate of Quentin Lance, and why you should always be suspicious when Oliver Queen wants to shake your hand. Plus, our overall thoughts on this season and where we rank it (or not) compared to what has come before.
Thanks for tuning in for this season of the Arrowcast—you, readers, are why we do this. See you next fall.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 20, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 5
429 Westworld S2E5 Reaction: Akane No Mai
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don flip out, theorize, and give their impressions S2E5 of Westworld after seeing it once. Hear them race the clock to get all their thoughts into twenty minutes!
May 19, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2 Episode 4
428 Westworld S2E4 Analysis: Riddle of the Sphinx
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don discuss the latest episode of Westworld at length with friend of the show Jim Truher! Come for the theories, stay for the brain velvet cupcakes!
May 19, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 17
427 Supergirl S3E17 Review: “Trinity”
It’s all Super Science and Meanwhiles this week on the podcast as an eclipse for some reason affects Supergirl more than night does. Lena is suddenly mistrusted again because she used (gasp!) Kryptonite to contain Reign. Supergirl hates exercise! James chooses Lena over Supergirl. Winn gives Alex a Supersuit with magnets!
May 15, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 22
426 Arrow S6E22 Review: “The Ties That Bind”
It’s the penultimate episode of season 6, and the Speedy Arrowcast puts aside their differences to take on the real threat. We discuss the poor aim and deliberative tactics of Ricardo Diaz’s thugs, some puzzling decryption methods, and why you should always consult experts when showing cooking onscreen.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 13, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 4
425 Westworld S2E4 Reaction: Riddle of the Sphinx
“Hosts” Kelly and Don give their initial reactions to the latest episode of Westworld, the aesthetic of the (hatch) “apartment,” and Kelly coins the phrase Brain Velvet Cupcakes much to Don’s delight.
May 12, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2 Episode 3
424 Westworld S2E3 Analysis: Virtu E Fortuna
Your “hosts” Don and Kelly take a deep dive into the third episode of Season Two, pondering what it all means and discussing a couple of the answers given in this episode. It goes without saying this might be a bit of a bummer if you haven’t seen the episode first…
May 10, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 16
423 Supergirl S3E16 Review: “Of Two Minds”
Team Supergirl is out to stop Pestilence, while Lena works to determine how to remove Reign from Sam. You know, by electrocuting her repeatedly. Meanwhile, social media evidently doesn’t exist in the future.
May 10, 2018 Luther Season 2, Episodes 3-4
422 Luther Rewind: S2E3-4
When D&D dips into the Luther-Verse, the game is forever changed. The boys find themselves sifting through the ashes of Luther and Ripley’s investigation. We ask the question, was this a satisfying season? And what will become of the world’s greatest detective?
May 8, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 21
421 Arrow S6E21 Review: “Docket No. 11-19-41-73”
Twists and turns and legal mumbo-jumbo this week as Team Speedy Arrowcast sets in for the trial of the
centuryseason. We discuss the inherent legal issues of a witness who jumps through a skylight, some long overdue acting like adults, and where this season might end up leaving our good friend Oliver Queen.To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 6, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 3
420 Westworld S2E3 Reaction: Virtu E Fortuna
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don race the clock to talk about all the things they did (and didn’t) see in the latest episode. Does it sound like anything to you?
May 6, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2, Episode 2
419 Westworld S2E2 Analysis: Reunion
After their initial reaction, your “hosts” Kelly and Don had some time to review and ponder and spin up their own personal theory machines including a couple that get created in the middle of recording the episode!
May 4, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 15
418 Supergirl S3E15 Review: “In Search of Lost Time”
M’yrnn J’onzz attempts to mend his failing mental faculties but succeeds in putting the whammy on most of the DEO. Kara learns some cape-fu from Mon El but gives vent to a lot of her problems with him, under the influence(?) of the whammy. And Lena tries to find the dividing line between Sam and Reign.
May 1, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 20
417 Arrow S6E20 Review: “Shifting Allegiances”
Threads start getting tied up as the season hits its final stride. We discuss why it’s always important to ask your Russian gangster friends before you try to help them out, the bizarre command structures of a quasi-military intelligence apparatus, and of course, that weirdly familiar Chinese restaurant. And check out the post show for some bonus conspiracy theories about next week’s shocking episode.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 29, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2, Episode 2
416 Westworld S2E2 Reaction: Reunion
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don discuss Episode Two which answered a half ton of questions, but generated a ton more. Listen to them race against the clock!
April 28, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 14
415 Supergirl S3E14 Review: “Schott Through the Heart”
Supergirl is finally back, and under discussion this week are evolving Worldkillers, killer toys, Pa J’onzz’s deteriorating mental faculties, and Team Supergirl’s skills at Karaoke.
April 28, 2018 Westworld Analysis, Season 2, Episode 1
414 Westworld S2E1 Analysis: Journey Into Night
You got the quick reaction episode, now see how your “hosts” Kelly and Don feel about the second season premiere after a few days of introspection and more viewings of the first episode.
April 24, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 19
413 Arrow S6E19 Review: “The Dragon”
You wanted to know more about this season’s Big Bad, Ricardo “The Dragon” Diaz? Well, be careful what you wish for. Topics of discussion include perfect smarmy casting, what constitutes a healthy pour of scotch, and how weird it is when Oliver is the only joyful spot in an episode.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 22, 2018 Westworld Reaction, Season 2 Episode 1
412 Westworld Reaction S2E1: Journey Into Night
Your “Hosts” Kelly and Don are back for Season Two, with their attempt at a quick episode immediately after watching the season premiere. Really, they tried.
April 21, 2018 Luther Season 2, Episodes 1-2
411 Luther Rewind: S2E1-2
Luther is back and series 2 has changed “the state of play,” as our lovely Alice would say. Luther becomes a man over a barrel while trying to solve a horrific copycat of British murder. Join us as we slice the series in half to see what is beating on the inside.
April 20, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 18
410 Arrow S6E18 Review: “Fundamentals”
Hop yourself up on some Vertigo, because this week’s episode is a real trip. (See what I did there?) Discussion topics include drawing bad conclusions, the murder of cabbages, and what’s real and what’s not, man.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 17, 2018 Westworld Rewind, Season 1, Episode 4
409 Westworld Rewind, S1E4: Dissonance Theory
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don give you some news and some discussion of the fourth episode of Westworld along with “guest” Jim Truher making his podcasting debut! Come for the rewatch, stay for the theories.
April 13, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 17
408 Arrow S6E17 Review: “Brothers in Arms”
There’s plenty of wrasslin’ going on in this week’s episode, which has both Team Arrow and Team Speedy Arrowcast divided. Accusations are thrown! The gloves, which were never on, come off! And when the dust clears, things will never be the same. We discuss loyalty miscalculations, why you should always move glass display cases full of superhero outfits before you get into a fight, and how sometimes an arrow full of ball bearings is actually a metaphor.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 3, 2018 Luther Season 1, Episodes 4-6
407 Luther Rewind: S1E4-6
Season one is over already? Do not fear, season two is just a murder case away for the great DCI Luther. First, we need to see how John deals with a new case file of a serial killing cabbie. Then there’s the double cross that had our panelists making sure their glasses were not smudged.
April 3, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 16
406 Arrow S6E16 Review: “The Thanatos Guild”
We bid adieu to an original character on the Speedy Arrowcast that week, but everybody agrees it was time for them to move along to something better. Other areas of discussion include the definition of mathematician, Roy’s sweet ball cap, and why the League of Assassins and its offshoots might want to hire us as brand consultants.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 31, 2018 Westworld Season Two Trailer Reaction Show!
405 Westworld Rewind Bonus: Full S2 Trailer
We officially got a Season Two Trailer. So of course your “hosts” Kelly and Don watched it many times, obsessed over it, spun up a bunch of theories, and then tried to stuff two hours of analysis into a 15 minute sack.
March 29, 2018 “The Good Place” Season 2 wrap-up
404 Team Cockroach: Season 2 Wrap-up
Team Cockroach wraps “The Good Place” season 2 up like an eternal burrito. We talk about our favorite and not-so-favorite moments and where things are going for Season 3.
March 16, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 15
403 Arrow S6E15 Review: “Doppelgänger”
This week, a fan favorite returns to Arrow. But that doesn’t stem our questions: Why do you train fighters on a disco dance floor? What kind of plan involves getting arrested by the police that you may or may not control? And when you’ve seen a character switch sides three or four times, can the stakes get any lower?
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 13, 2018 The Alienist, Episode 6
402 The Alienist S1E06 Review: “Ascension”
Stakeouts, chases, false starts, disappointments, and still we learn new things. We learn that Stevie makes an awful girl. We learn that Moore may be turning over a new leaf. We learn that Sara understands why men will never be good at typing. Yeah, typing. And we learn a little more of the truth behind Kreizler’s childhood. J. P. Morgan issues a veiled threat. And we learn who the murderer most definitely is not…
March 12, 2018 The Alienist, Episode 5
401 The Alienist S1E05 Review: “Hildebrandt’s Starling”
We come to the halfway point in the series, and Kreizler’s more puzzled than ever. Moore proposes to Sara—in jest? What if he were serious? But she doesn’t answer that question. After a visit to character actor David Warner, Kreizler takes Moore on a trip to Sing Sing. But it’s only after a visit to an Episcopal church that Kreizler realizes the murderer’s pattern isn’t the numbers of the dates…and Roosevelt rides into action to catch the killer…or does he?
March 11, 2018 Westworld Rewind, Season 1, Episode 3
400 Westworld Rewind, S1E3: The Stray
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don give you some news, some in-depth discussion of #NoFrameWasted, and continue to amuse themselves (and hopefully you) with theories about what happens in Season Two. (Insert spoiler warning here)
March 8, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 14
399 Arrow S6E14 Review: “Collision Course”
The Speedy Arrowcast team is at odds this week as we discuss when characters act like adults or not, why assuming your very public doppelganger’s identity may not be the best idea, and whether bringing the spitting image of your deceased daughter to a remote cabin in the woods crosses the old “too creepy” line.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 4, 2018
398 Luther Rewind: S1E1-3
After a small hiatus the Broken Boys are back with a rewatching of the BBC’s Luther starring Idris Elba. With the upcoming new season of Luther within reach, the boys decided to take a hard look at Luther to discuss the intricacies of this acclaimed show.
February 27, 2018 Supergirl Season 3, Episode 13
397 Supergirl S3E13 Review: “Both Sides Now”
Team Supergirl goes after Purity with all the subtlety of Johnny Weir’s hair! The show gets a villian who’s as interesting as her alter-ego for a change, Mon-El and Imra carry the CW drama for the week, and Alex seems to be prone to drastic changes in behavior from one scene to the next.
February 25, 2018 The Alienist, Episode 4
396 The Alienist S1E04 Review: “These Bloody Thoughts”
Everyone is watching someone this time around. Kreizler meets an old patient and discovers some simplistic psychology. Sara observes a young mother with an empty perambulator. Moore asks Mary out to a moving picture show. The Issacson brothers are looking to the sky and discover how the killer climbs up and down. And by the end, the killer is perhaps watching the entire group as they wonder why Kreizler has called them all together—as does Kreizler, who did not. Surveillance takes its toll…
February 19, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 12-13
395 Arrow S6E12-13 Review: “All For Nothing/The Devil’s Greatest Trick”
With Dan finally done being trapped on an island, the team reconvenes for a two-fer. We discuss important questions like why a genius super-hacker has really bad password hygiene, when you shouldn’t get in a car with Quentin Lance, and why kids make nonsensical decisions when the plot forces them to.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 18, 2018 Westworld Rewind, Season 1, Episode 2
394 Westworld Rewind, S1E2: Chestnut
Your “hosts” Kelly and Don give you a bit of news, their thoughts on what they want aside from the television episodes, and introduce you to the Patron Saint of the Uncanny Valley.
Note: Discussion of the Super Bowl ad happened in a bonus episode you can hear separately.
February 16, 2018 Supergirl season 3 episode 12
393 Supergirl S3E12 Review: “For Good”
Multiple assassination attempts! The reappearance of Lena’s annoying mother, who has the virtue of at least being more interesting than Edge. Oh, and what’s up with Sam/Reign’s physiology?
February 11, 2018 Star Trek Discovery season 1 finale
392 Star Trek: Discovery S1E15 Review: “Will You Take My Hand”
So we reach the end! We say a Vulcan Goodbye to this first season of “Star Trek: Discovery” with a look at a shocking final scene, a rushed ending, a surprising conversion by Admiral Cornwell, some abrupt goodbyes, and Tilly’s “just say no” moment.
February 10, 2018 The Alienist, Episode 3
391 The Alienist S1E03 Review: “Silver Smile”
There’s another murder, we sort of but not quite discover what happened to Moore after the last episode’s fade out, we wonder why he isn’t more shaken by it, and then there’s another murder. But this time, Kreizler and his Victorian Scooby Gang are able to process the crime scene before the police department. And curiously, we find the one on one conversational scenes far more thrilling than the vibrant action scenes.
February 9, 2018 The Alienist, episode 2
390 The Alienist S1E02 Review: “A Fruitful Partnership”
After discovering a new way to light a darkened morgue, David and Jess take a closer look at how the story develops and diverges from the novel. Also, is there a need for an eyeball counter? This show really loves close-ups of eyeballs. And Kreizler questions whether or not Moore has served his purpose already, sending Moore off on his own…which might not be a great idea…
February 8, 2018 The Good Place season 2 finale
389 The Good Place S2E12 Review: “Somewhere Else”
Michael and Janet arrive to save the day! More than one person says “hot diggity dog!” 3/4 of Team Cockroach return to discuss the season 2 finale’s twists and turns, and what may be on tap for season 3.
February 7, 2018 Westworld Rewind Bonus: Season Two Trailer
388 Westworld Rewind, Bonus Episode: Season Two Trailer
Kelly and Don spent a couple of afternoons geeking out on the Super Bowl ad and the companion extended trailer. Kelly set a timer and they both work against the clock to tell you all the good parts (narrator: they’re all good parts).
February 6, 2018 Westworld Rewind, Season 1, Episode 1
387 Westworld Rewind, S1E1: The Original
Kelly and Don return at last for some news, a recap of the first episode now that we Know What Happens, and try not to deviate too far from their loops.
February 4, 2018 Supergirl season 3 episode 11
386 Supergirl S3E11 Review: “Fort Rozz”
In the course of discussing this episode, our panel inaugurates a new segment called “Super Science!”, in which eye-roll inducing scientific whoppers are properly called out. In this case, gender-deterministic stellar radiation is chief offender, but there are several other contenders. All in service of a solid episode, funnily enough.
February 4, 2018 Star Trek Discovery Season 1, Episode 14
385 Star Trek: Discovery S1E14 Review: “The War Without, The War Within”
The penultimate episode has arrived, and with it, we discover the fall-out — tactically and emotionally — of the Discovery’s return to the Klingon-Federation War. Ash Tyler grapples with his security wristband and identity crisis! Tilly shows her human decency! Sarek and the Emperor are the universe’s weirdest mom and dad! And Admiral Cornwell returns to assert her authority with a few choices that we have serious questions about.
February 1, 2018 The Alienist episode 1
384 The Alienist S1E01 Review: “The Boy on the Bridge”
Taking a look at TNT’s new adaptation of the novel “The Alienist”, a story of a serial killer in 1896 New York City, contrasting the poorest sections downtown with the Gilded Age uptown. David and Jess puzzle over why the crime reporter who narrated the book is suddenly a newspaper illustrator, why the production design is excruciating in its historical detail and supposed accuracy while this version of Teddy Roosevelt is not, and what is with the eyeball soup?
February 1, 2018 The Prisoner: “Fall Out”
383 In The Village: “Fall Out”
Erika and Steven fall out over the way The Prisoner ends, but have enjoyed doing this podcast very much indeed.
Be seeing you?
February 1, 2018 The Punisher Season 1, episodes 10-14
382 The Punisher War Journal: Episodes 10-13
It has been too long, my brothers and sisters in arms, but the final three and finale are here. The “Broken Brothers” close out the final installments of Frank’s journey. We deliberate and expound on the Marvel Television Universe. Strap in… this one is a doozy.
January 30, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 11
381 Arrow S6E11 Review: “We Fall”
We pour one out for a dearly departed minor character this week, who gets offed in a most disrespectful fashion. Also up for discussion are whether you should let your pre-teen son watch you fill people with arrows, Chekhov’s amazing nerve-damage-repairing chip, and the return of the Tech Z Team.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
January 29, 2018
380 Star Trek: Discovery S1E13 Review: “What’s Past is Prologue”
This week wave goodbye to the mirror universe and… certain… characters… as we ride a mycelial shockwave back to somewhere near our point of origin. Joining Scott and Jason on the ride this time are two representatives of Scotland. We discuss why Burnham is great, what the motivations of Georgiou are, and parallels between “Game of Thrones” and “Discovery.” Two more episodes to go!
January 26, 2018 The Good Place season 2, episode 11
379 The Good Place S2E11 Review: “The Burrito”
Who will the judge be? Turns out it’s not a burrito, it’s Maya Rudoph, and she’s here to tell you how cute your british accent is! Aluminium, testing, and hilarity ensue in this episode of Team Cockroach.
January 25, 2018 Supergirl season 3 episode 10
378 Supergirl S3E10 Review: “Legion of Super-Heroes”
The effectiveness of glasses and masks as disguises in the Berlantiverse is discussed, along with the general “Meh” opinion of Reign as a character. Also, maybe an explanation of Legion Rings would’ve been nice?
January 25, 2018 The Prisoner: “Once upon a Time”
377 In The Village: “Once upon a Time”
Steven and Erika have made it to the penultimate episode of The Prisoner. Once upon a time, Erika enjoyed this show…
Be seeing you!
January 23, 2018 Arrow Season 6, Episode 10
376 Arrow S6E10 Review: “Divided”
The team gets back together just in time to fall apart. As we pick up our story after the winter hiatus, we’ve got a lot of important issues to talk about, including why you should pick your shots carefully, thinking through your whole trap plan, and, of course, the responsible use of other people’s money to build expensive prototype chips to stop your friends suffering from nerve damage. We wrap up with our brief, spoiler-free impressions of the CW’s newest superhero offering, Black Lightning.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
January 21, 2018 Star Trek Discovery season 1, episode 12
375 Star Trek: Discovery S1E12 Review: “Vaulting Ambition”
The conspiracy closet has blown wide open! Our wildest speculations come to pass in this episode, which sees a mycelial mind-meld, the most dangerous Golden Snitch ever, some Klingon laser-finger surgery, disturbing Terran Empire cuisine, fast thinking by Burnham, and the revelation of just what the heck is going on inside the mind of Captain Lorca.
January 19, 2018 The Good Place Season 2 Episode 10
374 The Good Place S2E10 Review: “Rhonda, Diana, Jake and Trent”
We’re finally here at the Bad Place Headquarters, and our friends are having trouble looking the part. Will they reach the portal or will they get caught by Shawn?
January 18, 2018 The Prisoner - “The Girl Who Was Death”
373 In The Village: “The Girl Who Was Death”
Erika and Steven DISAGREE. Like, a lot. Mostly because Erika doesn’t like fun.
Be seeing you!
January 14, 2018 Star Trek Discovery season 1 episode 11
372 Star Trek: Discovery S1E11 Review: “The Wolf Inside”
The U.S.S. Discovery is still in the Mirror Universe and we meet more counterparts to people we know. Burnham agonizes over major ethical questions while Lorca is agonized. A lot. Plus what happens when a not so secret Klingon meets himself? Nothing good!
January 14, 2018 The Good Place season 2, episode 9
371 The Good Place S2E9 Review: “Best Self”
Hot air balloons, confessed secrets, and a dance party. Team Cockroach discusses the latest “Good Place” episode, where our friends reminisce about their past and wonder about their future, before going to a place the show (literally) has never gone before. All aboard!
January 11, 2018 The Prisoner - Nicholas Briggs Interview
370 In The Village: Nicholas Briggs Interview
In November, 2017, Steven and Erika attended L.I. Who (Long Island’s Doctor Who convention) and took the opportunity to sit down with Nicholas Briggs. You may know Nick as the voice of the Daleks, but he is also executive producer at Big Finish Productions. We grill him about Big Finish’s audio re-imagining of The Prisoner and his personal history with the show.
Two words: Orange Rover.
January 10, 2018 The Good Place season 2, episode 8
369 The Good Place S2E8 Review: “Leap to Faith”
Team Cockroach, a podcast from Incomparable listeners about NBC’s “The Good Place”, is back after the winter break! Shawn shows up to reward Michael for his good work. Should the team trust that Michael is helping them secretly, or are they heading to the Bad Place for real this time?
January 7, 2018 Star Trek Discovery season 1, episode 10
368 Star Trek: Discovery S1E10 Review: “Despite Yourself”
The crew of the U.S.S. Discovery has returned to our screens, but they find themselves in a different universe. In this episode we revisit the Vulcan Hello, open the porous door that once separated us from the Conspiracy Closet, express excitement about numerous references to previous Star Trek series, and bid farewell (or do we? it’s “Star Trek”) to a recurring character in a moment with a lot of dramatic impact but some unfortunate resonances to some modern TV tropes.
December 29, 2017 The Prisoner - “Living in Harmony”
367 In The Village: “Living in Harmony”
Steven and Erika go on for quite a while about this unique episode of a unique series. Welcome to the old west — a place Erika doesn’t generally like to find herself, but The Prisoner breaks all the rules!
Be seeing you!
December 25, 2017 Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special
366 Doctor Who 2017 Christmas Special Review: “Twice Upon a Time”
Christmas means more Doctor Who! Time to say goodbye to Peter Capaldi, hello and goodbye to David Bradley’s First Doctor, to Pearl Mackie as Bill, and maybe some other familiar faces will show up. Plus, this episode marks the end of the Steven Moffat era! So much to talk about… so we do.
December 24, 2017 The Prisoner - “Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling”
365 In The Village: “Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling”
Erika and Steven dig into what’s almost an AU episode of The Prisoner. It doesn’t really fit the continuity of the show, but does that matter? Not when it’s an episode this interesting.
Be seeing you!
December 23, 2017 The Punisher Season 1, Episodes 7-9
364 The Punisher War Journal: Episodes 7-9
This episode of the War Journal we put ourselves in the “Crosshairs” of Frank’s .50 cal to relish the “Cold Steel” of his rifle only to find ourselves standing “Front Towards Enemy.” It is a sticky situation for sure, but this team knows how to clip the right wire and make it out alive.
December 19, 2017 Mr. Robot season 3
363 “Mr. Robot” Season 3 wrap-up review
It’s time to break down the highs and lows of “Mr. Robot” season three. What does Whiterose want? How scary is Bobby Cannavale? Where was Tyrell? Are we supposed to like Phillip Price? From duality to longing to rewind time, we break down an exciting and tumultuous season.
December 18, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 9
362 Supergirl S3E9 Review: “Reign”
Our panel discusses the Season 3 mid-season finale, covering Sam’s lack of work/super-villain balance, the possibility of finding a non-spiked beverage at Kara’s Holiday Party, and Supergirl’s failure to take her fight with Reign to somewhere other than a city full of people.
December 18, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 9
361 Arrow S6E9 Review: “Irreconcilable Differences”
Everybody loves a wedding! But what everybody loves less is sowing discord and mistrust among your team members. The team assembles for the midseason finale, and discusses important topics like why maybe you don’t give away your boss’s identity to a crazy vigilante, the importance of checking your lair regularly for bugs, and who thought it was a good idea to let your henchman stand next to all the big bads.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
December 15, 2017 The Prisoner - “A Change of Mind”
360 In The Village: “A Change of Mind”
Steven and Erika watch another episode of The Prisoner. There was no change of mind for Erika since the last time she watched this one. Sadly.
Be seeing you!
December 13, 2017 The Punisher Season 1, Episodes 4-6
359 The Punisher War Journal: Episodes 4-6
It is time for a resupply and to get the gun wall in order and looking pretty. Get your equipment ready and join us as the super team goes deep to find out how our broken characters find a reason to survive.
December 8, 2017 The Prisoner - “It’s Your Funeral”
358 In The Village: “It’s Your Funeral”
Erika and Steven discuss multiple theories about multiple number 2s. And Erika disagrees with received fan wisdom (to no one’s surprise). She also gets to use the word “oleaginous”, which is always a good time.
Be seeing you!
December 7, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 8
357 Supergirl S3E8 Review: “Crisis on Earth-X”
Our panel discusses the 4-part crossover in a slightly jumbo episode. Topics under consideration are the fact that the bad guys get the best lines, Snart is entirely awesome, and who decided on the Earth numbering scheme, anyway?
December 2, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 7
356 Supergirl S3E7 Review: “Wake Up”
Our panel briefly discusses Martian bladder capacity, Mon-El’s evasiveness, and Sam’s disappointing “waking” to become Reign.
December 1, 2017 The fourth season’s six episodes
355 Voltron: Legendary Defender S4 review
What probably should have been the second half of Season 3 was released in October as Season 4, but the status quo changes kept on coming! Four brave rebels in the Voltron Coalition debate the merits of Power Rangers tours, muse upon the challenges of marrying Action for Kids with Complex Political Storytelling, and wonder just what the hell Lotor is up to.
December 1, 2017 Crisis on Earth-X
354 Arrow S6E8 Review: “Crisis on Earth-X”
A time like this comes only once per year: it’s crossover season. Team Speedy Arrowcast assembles to discuss the entire four-way crossover of DC’s TV universe (Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow), and fields live questions from readers. At the end, only one co-host will be left standing.
Important topics of discussions include DC’s stellar job at inclusivity and diversity, John Diggle’s superpower, why superheroes should never get married, our delight over the return of a familiar face, and our frustration over the story’s major death. Plus, we review reader suggestions for our new rating rubric.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
December 1, 2017 The Prisoner - “Hammer into Anvil”
353 In The Village: “Hammer into Anvil”
Steven and Erika enjoy seeing our hero succeed at something for a change. And to do it so deviously? Lovely. Lovely enough to forgive the lack of cosplay options.
And Steven was right; “It’s Your Funeral” is the next ep.
Be seeing you!
November 30, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 7
352 Arrow S6E7 Review: “Thanksgiving”
It’s the time of the year when we give thanks. Even when the episode in question raises important issues like “when is it okay for vigilantes to beat up fake cops?” And “should you really be fighting about your startup name while there’s a bomb threat?” And, perhaps most significantly, “Billy Joel?!” But, hey, at least we got a character back!
(Note that this episode does contain minor discussion of the Crisis on Earth-X crossover, which will itself be covered more fully in the future.)
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 26, 2017 The Punisher episodes 1-3
351 The Punisher War Journal: Episodes 1-3
It is time to punch and claw our way through the new Marvel Netflix series, “The Punisher.” We met Frank Castle during Daredevil Season 2, now we meet the man behind the trigger and pain. A special elite hit squad of Incomparable listeners join Moze for a mission to discuss how The Punisher falls inside the Marvel Universe.
November 24, 2017 The Prisoner - “Checkmate”
350 In The Village: “Checkmate”
Erika and Steven discuss one of the more straightforward episodes of The Prisoner. Straightforwardly.
Be seeing you!
November 21, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 6
349 Supergirl S3E6 Review: “Midvale”
Our panel questions why the kids at Midvale High are oddly meh about the murder (or even just death) of a student, the fact that apparently of everyone at the DEO, only J’onn J’onzz owns a car, and the vagaries of Alex and Kara coming to terms with their recent relationship trouble.
Also, Trish is clearly not over the Maggie-Alex breakup, because she just can’t stop calling Alex “Maggie.”
November 21, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 6
348 Arrow S6E6 Review: “Promises Kept”
This week on the Speedy Arrowcast we discuss the conclusion of the two-part Deathstroke arc. Hot topics include why you shouldn’t put your gang’s hideout in a high school gymnasium, the old “throw a grenade and run away” trick, and the odd choice of revealing that you were a child psychopath and that you have a secret sibling in one fell swoop.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 17, 2017 The Prisoner - “Dance of the Dead”
347 In The Village: “Dance of the Dead”
Steven and Erika try (and largely fail) to make sense of “Dance of the Dead”, but we have many reasons why this episode should be earlier and later than “Many Happy Returns” (not to mention many other eps).
At least there are lovely costumes to look at!
Be seeing you!
November 15, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 5
346 Supergirl S3E5 Review: “Damage”
Our panel discusses the polysyllabic chemicals and Morgan Edge’s questionable plans to profit from causing death and destruction in his city, along with Alex and Maggie’s breakup as an example of grownups behaving like grownups, something the CW doesn’t always specialize in.
November 14, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 5
345 Arrow S6E5 Review: “Deathstroke Returns”
This week, the Speed Arrowcast is off on a
secret murder missioncamping trip, as they discuss why it’s important to have as many murder words in your codename as possible, why Vigilante has gone purely SSD for his computers, and the inevitable future where Ollie will have no choice but to bust out his cooking skills to take down bad guys.We also talk about the recent news regarding an Arrowverse producer who’s been suspended pending an investigation of sexual harassment, and why we believe and stand with the women.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 12, 2017 Star Trek: Discovery season 1, episode 9
344 Star Trek: Discovery S1E9 Review: “Into the Forest I Go”
Grab your phaser — it’s time for the fall finale of “Star Trek: Discovery!” Jason and Scott break down the Klingon action, the drama back on the Discovery, and venture behind the Gorn skeleton once again as we enter Conspiracy Corner. Into the forest we go!
November 11, 2017 The Defenders finale!
343 The Defenders S1E8 Review: “The Defenders”
We have reached the end of the season and now it is time to talk finale with an eye over our shoulder to see how we got here. Was this Marvel team-up good enough? We found some shiny points, as well as some holes 30 ninjas couldn’t fill. Join us as we blow up a building and sift through the wreckage.
November 10, 2017 The Prisoner - “Many Happy Returns”
342 In The Village: “Many Happy Returns”
Erika and Steven return to The Village to talk about one of their favorite episodes of the whole series. Does it accomplish anything? Does that even matter?
We also uncover “the flapjack agenda”. We’re going way down the rabbit hole on this one.
Be seeing you!
November 9, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 3
341 Arrow S6E4 Review: “Reversal”
Buckle in, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride. While John is off on a solo story, Dan and Guy discuss the subtle nuances of character and carefully crafted plot that make this epis—nope, just kidding. This week’s episode of Arrow has technology take the foreground and we try to explain where it all went wrong.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 8, 2017 The Good Place season 2 episode 7
340 The Good Place S2E7 Review: “Derek”
Team Cockroach, a podcast from Incomparable listeners about NBC’s “The Good Place”, returns! In this episode, Tahani and Jason take a big step, Eleanor comes clean with Chidi, and Michael tries to keep Janet and her new boyfriend Derek from blowing the team’s cover with Vicky and Shawn.
November 7, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 4
339 Supergirl S3E4 Review: “The Faithful”
Our panel tries, unsuccessfully, to untangle the logic of Coville’s Cult of Rao/Supergirl, comparing them to the Appalachian snake handlers. (The Supergirl Supercast does not endorse throwing snakes at people.) They also mull possible ways for Maggie and Alex to get past the whole having children or not having children thing.
November 5, 2017 Star Trek: Discovery season 1 episode 8
338 Star Trek: Discovery S1E8 Review: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
Brush up on your Latin, put on your running shoes, and scream for the guard outside the door! It’s time for our report on the latest episode of “Star Trek: Discovery”, in which a landing party comes into an unexpected contact with spore aliens, the Klingon plot gets some real forward momentum, and Stamets reveals that all is not well at the heart of the Spore Drive.
November 3, 2017 The Prisoner - “The General”
337 In The Village: “The General”
Steven and Erika get very specific about “The General”. Down with scary computers and rote learning! Up with drapes and top hats and sunglasses!
Be seeing you!
November 1, 2017 Supergirl season 3, episode 3
336 Supergirl S3E3 Review: “Far from the Tree”
Martians do what Martians do. Join a trio of Incomparable listeners as they break down the latest “Supergirl.” Topics discussed: Weaponized Britney Spears music, shape-shifting technology, which isn’t a thing, and Maggie and J’onn J’onzz’s daddy issues.
October 31, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 10
335 Rock Facts: “The Unknown”
We’ve come to the end. The final episode of Over the Garden Wall focuses on the final showdown between Wirt and The Beast, but Brian and Truj focus on the developing relationship of the brothers, how terrifying The Beast is and why they’ve never Googled what he looks like, and the incredible series of vignettes that closes the show.
Finally, your cohosts get very emotional about the end of Rock Facts. Thank you so much for listening.
October 30, 2017 The Defenders episode 7
334 The Defenders S1E7 Review: “Fish in the Jailhouse”
There be dragons on this game of heroes? Wait, what?! It is time for a penultimate recap of our Defenders getting down and dirty before the fall of everything we know. Tony, Lisa and Moze explore the finer details of how a team up deals with a less than adversary. Dive into the hole under New York City with us to maybe find the real narrative hole.
October 30, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 3
333 Arrow S6E3 Review: “Next of Kin”
There’s a new
sheriffGreen Arrow in town, and his name is John Diggle! This week, the team discusses whether you should (or can?) turn a proposed bill into a referendum, why cool sunglasses solve all of our problems, and whether you should jump in slow motion only to land and talk to your friends.To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 30, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 2
332 Supergirl S3E2 Review: “Triggers”
Our listener-led Supergirl crew is back with a recap of the latest episode. This podcast is free of psychic attacks.
October 30, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 9
331 Rock Facts: “Into the Unknown”
We take a trip back in time, before the series started, to establish how Wirt and Greg arrived in The Unknown. Meanwhile, Truj and Brian ponder cassettes, make jokes about The Used, and do their best Jason Funderberker impressions.
October 29, 2017 The Good Place season 2 episode 6
330 The Good Place S2E6 Review: “Janet and Michael”
It’s time for Team Cockroach, a podcast generated by Incomparable listeners about NBC’s “The Good Place”! This week, Michael investigates Janet’s glitches and comes to an unexpected discovery.
October 29, 2017 Star Trek Discovery season 1 episode 7
329 Star Trek: Discovery S1E7 Review: “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”
This week Scott is joined by David Loehr, perhaps not for the first time, to discuss twists in time and in the plot of this week’s episode of “Star Trek: Discovery.” (Yes, we know, there are issues with Scott’s audio. He was caught in a time loop during the recording of this episode and we can’t go back and change it now.)
October 27, 2017 The Prisoner - “The Schizoid Man”
328 In The Village: “The Schizoid Man”
Erika and Steven are pretty sure who they are, but not entirely sure how and why everything in this episode happens as it does. Ready for some headcanon? Because we have some to spare. Just like with number 6’s, two headcanons are better than one?
Be seeing you!
October 26, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 8
327 Rock Facts: “Babes in the Wood”
Nathan Alderman joins Truj and Brian for a very special episode of Rock Facts! We break down the bizarre yet poignant Cloud City sequence, what it means for Greg’s character, and how it sets up the final episodes of the series. Music, classic animation, depression allegories, and a slew of creative influences are also discussed.
October 23, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 2
326 Arrow S6E2 Review: “Tribute”
Oh no, Oliver Queen has been unmasked as the Green Arrow…again. We discuss that, plus what it means to have honor as a gangster, Oliver’s bad parenting advice, and—finally!—the in-depth investigation of the team’s finances that we truly deserve.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 22, 2017 Star Trek Discovery Season 1 Episode 6
325 Star Trek: Discovery S1E6 Review: “Lethe”
This week Sarek returns and gets a Vulcan goodbye from a logic extremist, Burnham learns a surprising secret about her past and how she ended up in Starfleet, Lorca proves himself an adept manager and an unstable sleeping companion, and Tilly has a run-in with a snide food replicator. Scott mispronounces names and we try to correct him. Also, we inaugurate a new segment of the show, the Conspiracy Phaser! (If you don’t want to hear our wild spoilery speculation about where the show is going plot-wise, we will give you full warning so you can bail out.)
October 22, 2017 The Good Place season 2 episode 5
324 The Good Place S2E5 Review: “The Trolley Problem”
It’s time for Team Cockroach, a podcast generated by Incomparable listeners about NBC’s “The Good Place”! In this episode, Michael takes the trolley problem out of theory and into real life, and Chidi doesn’t like it. Meanwhile, Tahani and Jason start having relationship issues, and turn to Janet to be their therapist, with far-reaching results.
October 20, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 7
323 Rock Facts: “The Ringing of the Bell”
In discussing the brothers’ misadventure with Lorna and Auntie Whispers, Truj and Brian discuss turtle symbolism, teenage love, and closet logistics. Just goes to show you stuff!
October 20, 2017 The Prisoner - “Free For All”
322 In The Village: “Free For All”
Steven and Erika provide a PSA on the importance of checking your microphone input fully and thoroughly before recording. Just because you’re hearing your voices through headphones that are plugged into the mic, it doesn’t mean that mic is the one picking up the voices.
But we stayed on brand (lazy) and didn’t re-record — just switched to the proper mic as soon as the problem became apparent. It required slightly less laziness to piece those bits together and make them usable, but as fancy professional podcasters, this didn’t take a terribly unreasonable effort.
Please feel free to call an election for alternative podcast hosts if you’d like. We here In The Village are all about fostering democratic choice. Just be careful about whom you choose to run against us. Some candidates have ideas of their own and are distressingly hard to control.
Be seeing you!
October 18, 2017 The Defenders episode 6
321 The Defenders S1E6 Review: “Ashes, Ashes”
“The Defenders” takes a dive at the dynamics of what makes a superhero team-up… well, super! Lisa, Tony and Moze start to cut through and analyze this episode with our special brand of fine-toothed comb. We look at how power levels and pairing off teammates works inside of the story up to now.
Subscribe to The Defenders Feed
October 18, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 6
320 Rock Facts: “Lullaby in Frogland”
Your hosts’ favorite episode of Over the Garden Wall is Lullaby in Frogland, which means that Brian gets emotional about one particular song and Truj has thought a lot about embouchure.
October 17, 2017 Supergirl season 3 episode 1
319 Supergirl S3E1 Review: “Girl of Steel”
Supergirl is back and so is our listener-led podcast breaking down each episode! It’s finally here… the season premiere!
October 17, 2017 Arrow Season 6, Episode 1
318 Arrow S6E1 Review: “Fallout”
Last season, on the Speedy Arrowcast…an island exploded, leaving most of our beloved characters’ fates hanging in th—never mind, they’re all fine.
We’re back for the premiere of season 6. Hot topics include how you know when it’s probably time to move your lair, whether plaid and a beard can soften even the toughest villain, and whether 10 year olds are grown-ups. (Spoiler: They are not. Stop listening to Guy.)
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 15, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 5
317 Rock Facts: “Mad Love”
As we discuss the brothers’ adventures in Quincy Endicott’s giant mansion, Brian and Truj discuss more about Fred the Horse’s motivations, the significance of the two pennies necessary to ride the ferry, and several live demonstrations of how fainting affects love.
October 15, 2017 Star Trek Discovery season 1 episode 5
316 Star Trek: Discovery S1E5 Review: “Choose Your Pain”
Harry Mudd appears and hard choices must be made! Breaking down this week’s new episode of “Star Trek: Discovery” is only logical.
October 13, 2017 The Prisoner - “A. B. and C.”
315 In The Village: “A. B. and C.”
Erika and Steven finally talk about one of the most important aspects of the entire show: the font. Also, about the deep insight we get into the mind of our hero — without actually learning anything beyond how formidable an opponent he can be.
And Erika remembers her segment in which she determines the outfit she’d most like to cosplay from this episode. Lots of party dresses to choose from in this one, but her selection may surprise you. It sure did Steven!
Be seeing you!
October 11, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 4
314 Rock Facts: “Songs of the Dark Lantern”
Time for a little musical break! Truj and Brian discuss the Songs of the Dark Lantern, why they’re sung the way they are, and how they relate to the rest of the citizens of the Unknown. Also, Amazon purchasing logistics are discussed and Brian doesn’t know music.
October 8, 2017 Star Trek: Discovery season 1, episode 4
313 Star Trek: Discovery S1E4 Review: “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not For the Lamb’s Cry”
Dan Moren joins Scott to discuss an episode featuring a surprise death at the hand of a not-so-monstrous monster, a whole lot more Klingon dialogue, a Special Guest Hologram, and the series’ first successful spore-enabled jump.
October 8, 2017 The Defenders Episode 5
312 The Defenders S1E5 Review: “Take Shelter”
Lisa, Tony, and Moze continue on to episode 5!
We chat about confusion of the various character’s power levels (a classic nerd debate!), whether Bakuto is credible as a villain, and of course: character wardrobe analysis.
Also we mix up “Black Sky” and “Black Hand” a lot, sorry about that!
October 6, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 3
311 Rock Facts: “Schooltown Follies”
Truj and Brian finally get to Schooltown Follies, the iconic Over the Garden Wall episode featuring catchy tunes and sweet animals going to school. Topics include a layer cake of anachronisms, extended versions of songs from the show, and how tasty molasses actually is.
October 6, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 21-23
310 Arrow Flashback S1E21-23: “The Undertaking”, “Darkness on the Edge of Town”, and “Sacrifice”
The Speedy Arrowcast team wraps up its Flashback coverage of season 1 as it discusses episodes 21, 22, and 23.
As we watch the season’s final arc, we discuss important topics like the importance of using your dying words to taunt your foe, how many extra bows you should keep on hand, and why you should trust the writers of the show to remember fine details and not three goofs like us.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 6, 2017 The Prisoner - “The Chimes of Big Ben”
309 In The Village: “The Chimes of Big Ben”
Steven and Erika are homesick (visitor-sick? tourist-sick?) for London. Though maybe not as much as our hero. But look where that gets him.
The controversy over the “proper” viewing order for The Prisoner are starting already. Erika has feelings about this episode’s placement and does not hold back. Do you know where it slotted in the Canadian run? You’ll plotz.
Be seeing you!
October 3, 2017 The Defenders Episode 4
308 The Defenders S1E4 Review: “Royal Dragon”
Lisa, Tony, and Moze are back together to dish on perhaps the best episode of the Defenders: “Royal Dragon.” We finally get the info dump on what the Hand’s org structure is, get to see the defenders get on each other’s nerves, and ask the eternal question: where have all the ninjas gone?
October 3, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 2
307 Rock Facts: “Hard Times at the Huskin’ Bee”
As Wirt, Greg, and Beatrice journey into Pottsfield, Truj and Brian discuss skeleton logistics, the distinctly American institution of Fall activities, and some surprising facts about Chris Isaak.
October 2, 2017 Star Trek: Discovery season 1, episode 3
306 Star Trek: Discovery S1E3 Review: “Context is for Kings”
This week Scott is joined by two Scots to discuss Michael Burnham’s arrival on the USS Discovery. Vulcan martial arts! Gorn skeletons! The horrors of creepy alien monsters and perky roommates! This episode has it all… even a zipper and a Tribble.
September 29, 2017 Over the Garden Wall, Episode 1
305 Rock Facts: “The Old Grist Mill”
Welcome to Rock Facts! In this inaugural episode, Truj and Brian discuss the first episode of Over the Garden Wall, The Old Grist Mill. When do people start paying attention to the show? Who is organizing lots of bones? And what Easter Eggs did Brian miss until now?
September 29, 2017 The Prisoner - “Arrival”
304 In The Village: “Arrival”
Erika and Steven find themselves in The Village, along with a dashing, confused, bemused, resourceful super-spy. The 60s are swinging, and so is our hero’s sense of whom he can trust.
Your hosts, however, know we can trust this series to entertain them right out of their socks. We are thrilled to be rewatching and even more thrilled to have you along for the ride!
Happy 50th anniversary to this beloved programme!
Be seeing you!
September 28, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 19-20
303 Arrow Flashback S1E19-20: “Unfinished Business” and “Home Invasion”
The Speedy Arrowcast team returns for another Flashback episode, this time covering episodes 19 and 20 of season 1.
As we launch into the home stretch, we discuss important topics like killer guest stars who are gone too soon, the inadvisability of arming security guards at local tourist attractions, and how perhaps not to talk to kids about the loss of a parent. Plus, a special announcement of a new Biff Book Club feature.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
September 25, 2017 Star Trek: Discovery season 1, episode 2
302 Star Trek: Discovery S1E2 Review: “Battle at the Binary Stars”
We’re back to discuss the second episode of “Star Trek: Discovery!” Burnham has to deal with her mutinous actions. We get too many Klingons, including a flashback. Ensign Head Wound meets a confused end. Sarek sends a long-distance mental pep talk. And Captain Georgiou meets the fate of all Special Guest Stars. Onward to the dark Starfleet chamber of justice!
September 24, 2017 Star Trek: Discovery Season 1, Episode 1
301 Star Trek: Discovery S1E1 Review: “The Vulcan Hello”
Hello, humans! A new Star Trek series has appeared and in this episode we review the one hour premiere of “Star Trek: Discovery.” We discuss the comportment of bridge officers, the “Star Trek: Shenzhou” prequel series we never saw, the appearance of the Star Trek Sound Effects pack, why Vulcans are kind of jerks, and the validity of using small caps in your caption font. And much, much more!
(Note: This episode only contains spoilers for the very first hour of “Star Trek: Discovery.” In fact, we made a point of recording it immediately after viewing. In our next episode we’ll discuss the second hour.)
September 23, 2017 The Defenders Episode 3
300 The Defenders S1E3 Review: “Worst Behavior”
Lisa, Tony, and returning special guest Nathan Alderman break down episode 3 of the Defenders miniseries. We chat about the layers of Jessica Jones, super hero costumes, and of course we are still annoyed with Danny Rand.
September 23, 2017 Preacher Season 2, Episodes 9-12
299 Preacher Season 2 wrap-up: Episodes 9-13
James and Moze had the best of intentions how they wanted to review the second season of Preacher and then things got messy. In this episode they cover the final 5 episodes in the way only they can. It wasn’t because the show disappointed, it was because it needed to be looked at with a different perspective and altitude. We have now reached the end of the road.
September 22, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 17-18
298 Arrow Flashback S1E17-18: “The Huntress Returns” and “Salvation”
The Speedy Arrowcast team returns for another Flashback episode, this time covering episodes 17 and 18 of season 1.
John returns from an island to reunite with Dan and Guy as we discuss why the Starling City Police Department very nearly had a good idea, Ollie’s wildly vacillating competence at certain junctures, and why we love Roy even when he isn’t the brightest.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
September 19, 2017 The Defenders Episode 2
297 The Defenders S1E2 Review: “Mean Right Hook”
Lisa, Tony, and special guest Nathan Alderman take apart episode 2 of the Defenders miniseries. We chat about how Luke Cage is the Captain America of the Defenders, how much ancient ones are allowed to remind you of their ancientness, New York’s proliferation of billionaires and ninjas, and our ongoing disappointment in Danny Rand.
September 15, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 15-16
296 Arrow Flashback S1E15-16: “Dodger” and “Dead to Rights”
The Speedy Arrowcast team returns for another Flashback episode, this time covering episodes 15 and 16 of season 1.
While John heads off to Nanda Parbat for the week, Dan and Guy discuss important issues like Ollie’s magical MacGyver-like skill set, some slightly odd but much needed romantic levity, and why you shouldn’t bring a knife to a sword fight.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
September 8, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 13-14
294 Arrow Flashback S1E13-14: “Betrayal/The Odyssey”
After a brief hiatus, the Speedy Arrowcast team is back in fighting form for another Flashback episode, this time covering episodes 13 and 14 of season 1.
Important topics this week include the voice-changing magic inherent in Malcolm Merlyn’s office, Laurel Lance’s fighting skills, and why to check for off-by-one errors in your arrow counts. Plus, a special heartfelt message from Guy.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
September 6, 2017 The Defenders Episode 1
293 The Defenders S1E1 Review: “The H Word”
Lisa, Moze and Tony dive into episode 1 of the Defenders miniseries. Episode 2 of the podcast, Episode 1 of Defenders, could we make it more confusing? We chat about Elektra, what infuriates us about Danny Rand, and much more!
September 5, 2017 New Podcast about The Prisoner!
292 In The Village: Introduction
Steven and Erika of Lazy Doctor Who fame(?) launch a new effort covering the colourful, psychadelic, trippy, wtf-is-happening spy-fi series that is 1967’s The Prisoner.
The world premiere of The Prisoner happened 50 years ago today — in Canada, of all places! Despite this bit of our national heritage, we’ll release our episodes 50 years after each one aired in the UK. So expect the first proper In The Village ep to cover “Arrival” on the 50th anniversary of its UK premiere: September 29.
Yes, we’ll be watching in the original UK airing order. Do you have a problem with that? Well, you’re not alone. Don’t worry. We’ll cover this additional odd aspect of an already odd show.
We hope you’ll join us and enjoy. If you don’t, then blame the Lazy Doctor Who listeners who asked for it. Be careful what you wish for!
Be seeing you!
August 29, 2017 Voltron: Legendary Defender S3
290 Voltron: Legendary Defender S3 review
The Netflix series about five young pilots who have been swept up into an intergalactic war continues with a new season that dropped in early August. The team is in disarray after the events at the end of last season and there are new opponents to contend with. And then there’s the fact that this season was just a bit shorter than the previous two. Shannon and Nerdist associate editor Kyle Anderson are back and joined by Tony Sindelar to talk it all out.
August 27, 2017 Game of Thrones season 7, episode 7
288 Game of Thrones S7E7 Review: “The Dragon and the Wolf”
Here we are, at the end of the abbreviated penultimate season of “Game of Thrones.” This week we’re talking about sibling bonds (and other, closer bonds between blood relatives), serious looks between characters who share histories, and things to do in Eastwatch when you’re dead.
See you next year! Or the year after! Or whenever the show comes back!
August 26, 2017 The team comes together
287 The Defenders: Origins!
Sometimes you just want to watch a superhero team-up. There are other times you want your favorite team reunited. Lisa, Moze and Tony give your ears both! We all come out of our separate worlds to fight the Netflix Binge-O-Matic machine and both tame and recap the latest offering… “The Defenders.”
Get a feed at feeds.theincomparable.com/defenders.
August 20, 2017 Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 6
285 Game of Thrones S7E6 Review: “Beyond the Wall”
In “Beyond the Wall,” Game of Thrones takes us - where else? - beyond the Wall. There’s lots of walking, talking, some more walking, and then a few things happen. No big deal. Meanwhile, down south, Arya reminisces about archery, Sansa does some Raven Reconnaissance, and Tyrion tries to rein in Dany. Plus, we make fun of a terrible Dana Carvey comedy, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert actors are confused for each other, and Monty makes the Yu-Gi-Oh! joke to end all Yu-Gi-Oh! jokes.
August 16, 2017 Preacher season 2, episodes 6-8
284 Preacher Review: S2E6-8 “Sokosha” to “Holes”
James and Moze take a look at the mid season arc of Preacher to find backstories on new characters. We offer up some predictions of the inevitable cliffhanger on the road to find God. As per usual, we are dismayed at how many people we know are not watching this fantastic show.
August 14, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 11-12
282 Arrow Flashback S1E11-12 Review: “Trust But Verify/Vertigo”
The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 11 and 12 of season 1.
While Dan is on an island, John and Guy are joined by special guest Tony Sindelar, professor at Batman University to discuss whether the eyes are part of the face, how the Count’s back story is a bit dumb, and the unveiling of Green Bearow.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
August 13, 2017 Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 5
281 Game of Thrones S7E5 Review: “Eastwatch”
Hey, it’s Gendry! Gendry’s back, everybody! Remember Gendry? He’s back!
Okay, that’s probably something that’s going to pay off farther down the line. We also got to see Tyrion have a secret meeting with his brother Jaime, and they haven’t talked in a long time. And Jon Snow gathered up all the tough guys he could find and took them up north so he could grab Tormund Giantsbane and the surviving members of the Brotherhood of Fire and go marching north to kidnap a wight to show to Cersei Lannister. That’s the plan, anyway, but it’s probably going to break down into a bunch of fighting and screaming. The important part is that they looked real cool walking north from the Wall.
Arya and Sansa are back to arguing with each other, but they’re doing it in an adult way, and it’s about whether they should be cutting people’s heads off. Arya is on the pro-decapitation side.
August 6, 2017 Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4
279 Game of Thrones S7E4 Review: “Spoils of War”
This week on “Game of Thrones”, not very much happened. Oh, sure, Jon lured Daenerys down to the beach to look at his cave etchings. And Missandei explained to Jon and Davos why Daenerys has so many followers—and why the best rulers are the ones you choose. And there was a reunion of three Starks in Winterfell, as Sansa and Arya were reunited at last and were joined by their brother Bran and his awesome new dagger. Between getting beaten senseless, Pod reminded Brienne that a major part of her promise to Catelyn had finally been fulfilled. Arya revealed to everyone at Winterfell that she’s an incredibly dangerous fighter. Bronn reminded us why we love him. Sam’s dad reminded us why we hate him.
Oh yeah, and then a Dothraki horde and some dragons showed up. I suppose we could talk about that too, if we have enough time…
July 30, 2017 Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 3
277 Game of Thrones S7E3 Review: “The Queen’s Justice”
Jon and Daenerys finally meet—but resurrection talk is strictly outlawed. Jon and Tyrion are reunited, as are Sansa and Bran! Tyrion knows all the plumbing in Casterly Rock, but Euron has gifts for the queen and a sound strategy to waste the efforts of the Unsullied. And Jamie gets an earful from Olenna Tyrell, who is going to make her last scene her best one. Plus: Sam doesn’t do anything gross! We break it all down.
July 26, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 9-10
276 Arrow Flashback S1E9-10 Review: “Year’s End/Burned”
The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 9 and 10 of season 1.
Important issues of discussion include why it’s important that Ollie gets the crap kicked out of him, “military grade technology,” and why you should always sit down at a fancy dinner party, even when you’re not invited. Plus, stay tuned for a few minutes of very special bonus content.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
July 23, 2017 Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 2.
274 Game of Thrones S7E2 Review: “Stormborn”
Daenerys and company correctly identify which Jon Snow has taken over the North; Cersei uses a fear of immigrants and eunuchs to turn lords against Dany; Sam performs surgery without a proper anesthetic; Jon checks his raven-mail and fails to learn a lesson about meeting prep; Arya ponders if she can go home again with the help of Nymeria; and some Sand Snakes die as Theon lets down his sister. Oh, and most importantly, HOT PIE IS BACK!
July 22, 2017 Preacher season 2 episodes 3-5
273 Preacher Review: S2E3-5 “Damsels” to “Dallas”
The road is long… time to take a three-episode pitstop in the “Big Easy.” Jesse and crew begin a bar by bar search for God. James and Moze pick up a hitchhiker along the way. Tony Sindelar put out his thumb and we just couldn’t say no.
July 19, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 7-8
272 Arrow Flashback S1E7-8 Review: “Muse of Fire/Vendetta”
The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 7 and 8 of season 1.
This week, the guys are joined by special guest Lisa Schmeiser to talk about this two episode arc involving the Huntress. Important topics include creepy father-daughter relationships, how there’s no cure for bad (or no) chemistry, and why the heck nobody has yet dug up a Tommy Merlyn doppelgänger. Also, Lisa shows the team how you REALLY do a recap.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
July 17, 2017 “Game of Thrones” Season 7, Episode 1
271 Game of Thrones S7E1 Review: “Dragonstone”
Serve yourself some stew and fill up those chamber pots! “Game of Thrones” is back and so are we, as we discuss Sandor Clegane’s religious conversion, agree to the awesomeness of House Mormont, dispute Cersei’s ultimate motivations, and address the final moments when Dany sets foot back on Westeros at last.
July 14, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 5-6
269 Arrow Flashback S1E5-6 Review: “Damaged/Legacies”
The Speedy Arrowcast team is back for another Flashback episode, covering episodes 5 and 6 of season 1.
This week, we talk about the inadvisability of arresting someone as a vigilante on really very thin evidence, what is perhaps the best Dig move ever, and weirdly knowledgable ghosts. Plus we introduce our new rating system for these episodes.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
July 9, 2017 Preacher Season 2, Episode 1-2
268 Preacher Review: S2E1-2 “On the Road” and “Mumbai Sky Tower”
The pulpit has been abandoned in the wake of Annvilles’ untimely demise. Now, James and Moze take to the road to follow Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy in the journey to find God.
July 7, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 3-4
267 Arrow Flashback S1E3-4 Review: “Lone Gunmen/An Innocent Man”
Team Speedy Arrowcast returns for another Flashback installment, covering episodes 3 and 4 of season 1.
We discuss the social justice roots of Oliver’s crusade, the at-times unfortunate Hood/Ollie/Laurel triangle, the show’s first real mythology episode, and, of course, how everything is always coming up Diggle.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
July 1, 2017 Doctor Who series 10 episode 12
266 Doctor Who S10E12 Review: “The Doctor Falls”
We wrap up this season of Doctor Who with a discussion of the finale, notes about Steven Moffat’s bag of tricks, an appreciation of Pearl Mackie and Michelle Gomez, and speculations about where the Christmas Special will take us.
June 28, 2017 Arrow Season 1, Episodes 1-2
265 Arrow Flashback S1E1-2 Review: “Pilot/Honor Thy Father”
You asked for it, and boy are you gonna get it. The Speedy Arrowcast team returns for their first Flashback installment, covering episodes one and two of the first season of Arrow.
We discuss John’s extensive Diggle head canon, what things don’t quite add up after five seasons, and of course the hair stylings of Quentin Lance.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
June 24, 2017
264 Doctor Who S10E11 Review: “World Enough and Time”
So it’s come to this. The penultimate episode of the season. A pre-credits regeneration tease. An enormous spaceship where all is not what it seems. The adventures of Doctor Who, Exposition, and Comic Relief. A surprise inside a surprise. A return to good ol’ Body Horror Cybermen. And a shock ending magnified by its placement at the end of an era, when all bets are off.
June 17, 2017 “Doctor Who” series 10 episode 10
263 Doctor Who S10E10 Review: “The Eaters of Light”
Scotland, monsters, Roman soldiers, and the return of Rona Munro to “Doctor Who” after nearly thirty years—that’s what we have in “The Eaters of Light.” Jason and David appreciate the sparkling dialogue, while trying to ignore some of the plot mechanics. And finally, we spend some time talking about Missy’s story arc and the best role of The Master in a modern version of “Doctor Who.”
June 10, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 9
262 Doctor Who S10E9 Review: “Empress of Mars”
The Ice Warriors return, as does (somewhat controversial) writer Mark Gatiss, in “Empress of Mars.” This episode felt like classic series “Doctor Who”, and piled on the old-series references too. How did we feel it measured up to this season, and to Gatiss’s previous work? How convenient was it that the TARDIS and Nardole disappeared? And was it a nice respite before we dive into late-season drama?
June 8, 2017 Supergirl Season 2, Episode 22
261 Supergirl S2E22 Review: “Nevertheless, She Persisted”
The Supergirl Supercast wraps the season with coverage of the finale! Nevertheless, they persisted.
June 3, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 8
260 Doctor Who S10E8 Review: “The Lie of the Land”
The Zombie Monks have taken earth! Now it’s time for Bill to save the world—with the occasional help of Nardole—so long as the Doctor doesn’t keep getting in the way. Plus, Missy is trying to be good—but is it the wrong kind of good? Rachel Donner joins Jason to talk about this week’s “Doctor Who”, plus “Wonder Woman” (no spoilers), and even a little bit of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
June 1, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 23
259 Arrow S5E23 Review: “Lian Yu”
Everything comes full circle as we reach what is not only the end of the season, but of Oliver Queen’s five year journey.
We discuss Slade Wilson’s grooming habits, this episode’s many (and sometimes unnecessary) twists, another welcome throwback cameo, and bidding adieu to that remote island we love to hate, Lian Yu. What lies next for the Speedy Arrowcast team? You tell us!
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 30, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 23
258 The Flash S3E23 Review: “Finish Line”
Here we are at the end of our marathon. Lisa, Tony and Moze look at how the season finale paid off our predictions. What will season four look like? And the Flashcast team gives its fond goodbyes to you, the listeners, after a marvelous three years.
May 27, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 7
257 Doctor Who S10E7 Review: “Pyramid at the End of the World”
The end of the world is coming. But from where? Is it the obvious choice… or something entirely different? And what are the Doctor and Bill willing to do about it? That’s all part of the intriguing premise of “The Pyramid at the End of the World”, this week’s Doctor Who episode. Chip Sudderth of This Week in Time Travel joins Jason to break it down.
May 23, 2017 Supergirl Season 2, Episode 21
256 Supergirl S2E21 Review: “Resist”
In discussing the penultimate episode of Season 2, “Resist,” Trish and David praise the return of Cat Grant, rename Cyborg Superman to R2D2 and question the fictional lineage of Linda Carter’s alien-shape-shifter President. Also, Trish suggests giving Alaska to the Daxomites.
Edited by Seth Heasley, who as a born and bred Alaskan objects to Trish’s plan.
May 20, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 6
255 Doctor Who S10E6 Review: “Extremis”
A planet of executioners! A call from the Vatican! A surprise visit from Missy! Nardole’s bad-ass moment! Bill’s ruined date! There’s a whole lot to talk about in “Extremis”, Stephen Moffat’s latest (and last?) attempt to write a story that deviates from the “Doctor Who” norm. We liked it a lot, but that won’t stop us from nitpicking about how random number generators work…
May 18, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 22
254 The Flash S3E22 Review: “Infantino Street”
“Infantino Street” is the episode season three has been building toward, in which Iris’s death at the hands of Savitar isn’t a distant probability but a reality Barry must face. The episode is interspersed with reminders of her impending doom. Twenty-four hours until Iris West dies, count down the episode with us.
May 18, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 22
253 Arrow S5E22 Review: “Missing”
Must be dinnertime, because there is some in-depth table setting going on this week. We discuss why you shouldn’t over spend your character budget, the joy of seeing old friends, and why maybe you don’t want to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Plus, a cameo return from a fan favorite.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 16, 2017 Season 2, Episode 20
252 Supergirl S2E20 Review: “City of Lost Children”
Our listener panel reconvenes to discuss the episode “City of Lost Children”, which is sort of like “City on the Edge Of Forever”, except with… nope, that’s not it.
Edited by Seth Heasley.
May 15, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 21
251 Arrow S5E21 Review: “Honor Thy Fathers”
This episode does not strike quite true with our team this week. Discussion questions include “Can you really be surprised your dad is a murderer when he killed someone in front of you in the first episode?”, “Is your big bad perhaps a trifle overpowered when he seems to know as much or more than your audience?” and “Can we just have more Anatoly please?” Also, the possibility of t-shirts is broached.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 14, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 5
250 Doctor Who S10E5 Review: “Oxygen”
Space: The final frontier. These are the voyages of The Doctor and Bill, and maybe Nardole. Their mission: to seek out distress calls from strange space stations, and fight the end stage of capitalism before it kills everyone. Live from Seattle, Jason and Glenn discuss “Oxygen” by Jamie Mathieson from a big red couch.
May 11, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 21
249 The Flash S3E21 Review: “Cause and Effect”
Team Flash works on their Savitar trap, but in the meantime, what if we experimented on Barry’s brain in order to slow down Savitar? What could go wrong? And so amnesia hijinks ensue! With Barry having no memory and Wally’s powers reset, the city has no Flash, which is a problem when discount Heat Wave goes on a rampage. Killer Frost offers to help out Team Flash at the price of Barry’s innocence.
May 10, 2017 Supergirl Season 2, Episode 19
248 Supergirl S2E19 Review: “Alex”
The Supergirl Supercast returns to discuss “Alex.” Tactical underwear are discussed, along with Alex’s many skillful MacGyverings.
May 6, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 4
247 Doctor Who S10E4 Review: “Knock Knock”
A haunted house! A bunch of college students! Alien wood bugs! A parent’s love for a child! This episode had a whole lot of tropes, but to be honest, not much worked for us beyond Bill and The Doctor. If you’re looking to this podcast for a shot of positivity about “Doctor Who” every week, this week you will not be satisfied. On the other hand, if you’d like to hear us complain about “Knock Knock,” you’re in luck!
May 5, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 20
246 Arrow S5E20 Review: “Underneath”
This week, we’re all trapped in a bunker. With our feelings. We go off-formula for a week that helps remediate some of our biggest complaints about this season and last. Hot topics include: finding the secret escalator entrance in to the Arrowcave, why you pipe hot and cold running methane into your lair, and why it’s important to talk things out like adults. Even on a comic book show.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 4, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 19-20
245 The Flash Review: S3E19-20 “I Know Who You Are”
A special double episode exposing Savitar’s identity that everyone seemed to already know. How did we feel about it? Where do we go from here? Sit back and let us figure that out together as Lisa, Tony and Moze put on their Strange Metal suits and run around this narrative.
May 3, 2017 The Expanse Season 2, Episodes 8-13
244 The Expanse Season 2 wrap-up
We’re back to wrap up season 2 of the Expanse! Action on Earth, Ganymede, and more! Blue monsters! Changes from the books! Overall, our panel really liked the trajectory of the back half of season 2. We can’t wait for season 3… but alas, we’ll have to.
May 3, 2017 Supergirl Season 2 Episodes 16-18
243 Supergirl Supercast: S2E16-18 Reviews
We’re back with reviews of three recent episodes of “Supergirl!” Musical complications and annoying alien parents!
April 29, 2017 Doctor Who Season 10, Episode 3
242 Doctor Who S10E3 Review: “Thin Ice”
This week’s “Doctor Who” features some fantastic dialogue and relationship building between Bill and the Doctor—all on the ice of the Thames during the last Frost Fair. Plus, a giant fish that may or may not be an alien! Commentary on historical racism and classism! And at the end of the episode we get wild and speculatish about what’s knocking on the door of The Vault.
April 27, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 19
241 Arrow S5E19 Review: “Dangerous Liaisons”
After a few weeks off, team Speedy Arrowcast is back in action. This week, schisms rock the team as Felicity and Oliver face off. We discuss impractical infiltration garb, the time-space rift that has seemingly transported two of our favorite characters to a different show, and why certain people should probably not cast stones when it comes to the ends justifying the means.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 22, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 2
240 Doctor Who S10E2 Review: “Smile”
🙂 The Doctor and Bill just pop out for a moment while the kettle is boiling to explore a future space colony with no people, lots of robots, emojis for communication, and a deadly secret. Did the episode’s scant plot (and abrupt solution) matter, given the strong dialogue and characterization? Grab a cuppa and join Jason and special guest James Thomson as we break the episode down into its constituent parts and use it as fertilizer in a beautiful garden.
April 15, 2017 Doctor Who Series 10, Episode 1
239 Doctor Who S10E1 Review: “The Pilot”
Doctor Who is back! And we’re here to break down the season premiere, in which we meet Bill Potts, the newest companion. How is her entry into the TARDIS different from other companions? What are the Doctor and Nardole up to? Why should we be afraid of puddles? We break it all down.
March 31, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 18
238 Arrow S5E18 Review: “Disbanded”
We’re breaking up the band…so we can get the band back together! Team Speedy Arrowcast is on hand to discuss the varying natures of brotherhood, what exactly it takes to get a room around here, and important parallels between our favorite show and another classic of American television.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 30, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 18
237 The Flash S3E18 Review: “Abra Kadabra”
The magic is back on this week’s episode of “The Flash”. At least Moze tries in earnest to convince Tony and Lisa. The episode presented a nice change of pace. Team Flash faced new challenges this week as Abra Kadabra waged a magical war on Central City.
March 24, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 17
236 Arrow S5E17 Review: “Kapiushon”
To Russia, comrades! This week’s flashback-heavy episode follows past Oliver carrying out his vendetta against Kovar, while in the present he is tormented by Prometheus. We discuss the troubling portrayal of torture, the weird casual nature of Sarin gas, and why it’s probably not a good idea to trust a strange woman who promises to help you with your inner monster.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 23, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 17
235 The Flash S3E17 Review: “Duet”
The long awaited musical crossover episode arrives. Lisa, Tony, and special guest Jess Viator discuss musicals, this episode, and the impact on the season as whole.
March 20, 2017 Supergirl Season 2 Episode 15
234 Supergirl S2E15 Review: “Exodus”
Immigration, deportation, and spaceships!
(Edited by Seth Heasley!)
March 17, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 16
233 Arrow S5E16 Review: “Checkmate”
Prometheus is officially unmasked this week, and things ratchet up a notch. So, naturally, team Speedy Arrowcast isn’t done with outlandish theories. We don our silk kimono to discuss why you don’t bring the villain’s wife to a knife fight, why teaming up with mysterious hackers usually has a downside, and the inevitable attack on Star City by a horde of monkeys. And tune in for some STUNNING NEWS about our show’s mascot, Biff Conklin.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 16, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 16
232 The Flash S3E16 Review: “Into the Speed Force”
Away we go to visit “The Speed Force” again with Barry and company. Not pulling any punches, Lisa, Tony and Moze are having a hard time with the trajectory this season. We take a time out to discuss our dreams for the show. We also anticipate the musical episode next week and how Moze will handle it.
March 13, 2017 The Expanse Season 2, Episodes 3-7
231 The Expanse Season 2 Midterm Check-In
We’re back with a check-in on the midpoint of season 2 of The Expanse! How did the big climax fit in the middle of a season? What might be coming next? Why are we excited to see Jared Harris?
March 13, 2017 Supergirl Season 2 Episodes 13 and 14
230 Supergirl S2E13-14 Reviews: “Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk” and “Homecoming”
Kltpzyxm! Dean Cain! Two more “Supergirl” episodes are reviewed by our crack panel of listeners.
March 9, 2017 The Flash, Season 3 Episode 15
229 The Flash S3E15 Review: “The Wrath of Savitar”
It is time for the big bad Savitar to return to Central City and the team isn’t ready for him. However, it may be a plot problem. And your Flashcast team has a moment of catharsis over what has happened to the Flash team we love so much.
March 8, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 15
228 Arrow S5E15 Review: “Fighting Fire with Fire”
It’s Crackpot Theory week at the Speedy Arrowcast, and at least one of our panelists is buying them in bulk. We discuss supervillain reveals (and the head fakes that keep them fresh), loose plot threads galore, and a truly surprising prediction for the end of the season.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 2, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 14
227 The Flash S3E14 Review: “Attack on Central City”
The gang is back and ready to see how Central City did against an army of Super Gorillas. Was this episode a CG love fest or just an Earth-19 Friendship Day? And join us in the after show as we brainstorm our new business venture.
February 27, 2017 Supergirl Season 2, Episodes 11-12
226 Supergirl S2E11-12 Reviews: “The Martian Chronicles” and “Luthors”
White and green martians! Lucy Luthor’s family loyalty, tested! Our all-Incomparable listener panel breaks it all down.
February 26, 2017 Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 2
225 Voltron: Legendary Defender S2 review
The second season of Voltron on Netflix dropped on Netflix in January. Last time around our panel was smitten with the re-envisioning of the ’80s anime adaptation. Are the five robot lions and their fractious pilots still fun to watch? Is the show even smarter than we gave it credit for in the first season? Joining Chip, Shannon, and Moisés is Nerdist associate editor Kyle Anderson. Vrepit sa!
February 24, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 14
224 Arrow S5E14 Review: “The Sin-Eater”
This week, a trio of female villains menaces Star City. We discuss important topics like villain nomenclature, taking out the trash with extreme prejudice, and whether or not Oliver Queen’s administration deserves to be impeached (spoiler: It probably does). Most importantly, though, we want your suggestions on codenames for our team. Tweet ‘em to us with #BiffArmy.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 23, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 13
223 The Flash S3E13 Review: “Attack on Gorilla City”
Your cryptograph invitation has arrived! It is time to finally explore the deep jungle that is Gorilla City. Join us for the monkey business in this first part of the Grodd saga.
February 18, 2017 Supergirl Season 2 episodes 9 and 10
222 Supergirl S2E9-10 Review: “Supergirl Lives” and “We Can Be Heroes”
Our listener-staffed Supergirl Supercast returns. Kara goes through a Stargate! Alien intrigue! And Livewire returns.
February 17, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 13
221 Arrow S5E13 Review: “Spectre of the Gun”
A very special episode of Arrow calls for a very special guest: with Moltz on guard duty at Lian Yu, we pull in the Flash Flashcast’s Philip Mozolak to discuss the weighty issues of gun control and gun rights, Oliver Queen as the hero that the Green Arrow can’t be, and a look into what makes vigilante Rene Ramirez tick. We also engage in a rare bit of followup and bestow the title of show’s Official Biff.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 10, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 12
220 Arrow S5E12 Review: “Bratva”
And it’s back to Russia for the first time in a few years, as Team Arrow tracks down General Walker and his stolen nuclear device. We discuss questionable moral decisions—like dating the reporter covering your administration—the hilarity of sending Green Arrow to rough up a few thugs, and the long-awaited return of our favorite proto-Question, Quentin Lance.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 9, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 12
219 The Flash S3E12 Review: “Untouchable”
The gang is here to discuss the “unnecessary and awesome” things we saw on this week’s “The Flash.” Team Flash is racing against the clock to save Iris from dying via a metahuman’s deadly touch. (Uh, what was that bad guy’s name, anyway?)
February 4, 2017 The Expanse season 2 episodes 1-2
218 The Expanse S2E1-2 Review: “Safe” and “Doors and Corners”
The Expanse is back and so is our review of the first two episodes of season two! Book comparisons, space politics, and sudden murders!
February 3, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 11
217 Arrow S5E11 Review: “Second Chances”
How do you solve a problem like finding a new Black Canary? Well, if you’re Team Arrow, a convenient metahuman drops right in your lap. This week, the Speedy Arrowcast gets its own second chance, as we talk about important topics like naming your villains after popular wireless speakers, Big Belly Burger’s franchising model, and the joy of a brand new, well-lit set.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 2, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 11
216 The Flash S3E11 Review: “Dead or Alive”
This week Kid Flash finally gets a front-page story thanks to Iris’s “bulletproof” reporting. Cisco goes toe-to-toe with a “collector” from Earth-19 that is returning H.R. Wells to face justice for world-hopping. And even Julian finds a way to lend a hand.
February 1, 2017 Supergirl Season 2, Episodes 7-8
215 Supergirl S2E7-8 Reviews: “The Darkest Place” and “Medusa”
Our listener-generated “Supergirl” reviews continue with this episode, catching up with “The Darkest Place” and “Medusa” from November.
January 27, 2017 Arrow Season 5, Episode 10
214 Arrow S5E10 Review: “Who Are You?”
Team Speedy Arrowcast is shaking off the mothballs this week, returning to combat Prometheus at full strength. Important discussions include the death of poor Detective Whatshisname, our appreciation for the acquired taste that is Rene Ramirez, and evil doppelgängers and other comic-book problems.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
January 26, 2017 The Flash Season 3, Episode 10
213 The Flash Review: S3E10 “Borrowing Problems from the Future”
The break is over and it is time to time travel…again. Join Lisa, Tony and Moze for the journey. Barry is tormented by his vision of the future where Iris is murdered by Savitar. When a criminal named Plunder shows up in Central City, Barry recalls the villain’s presence in his vision of the future and fears that if he catches Plunder, it will cement Iris’ fate. Confused about Barry’s hesitation to stop Plunder, Wally decides to step in as Kid Flash. Caitlin offers Julian a job.
December 25, 2016 Doctor Who 2016 Christmas Special
212 Doctor Who review: “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”
After a year’s absence, “Doctor Who” returns with a new Christmas special. This is a very Doctor Who take on superheroes, with fun and farce and baby monitors and brains with eyes along the way. Recorded on Christmas night as is our tradition, this is our snap-judgments take on this annual tradition.
December 12, 2016 The Flash Season 3, Episodes 7-9
211 The Flash S3E7-9 Reviews
The Flashcast is back at long last with a look at the final three episodes before the holiday break! Crossovers! Draco Malfoy! And much more.
December 10, 2016 Westworld Season 1, Episode 10
210 Greetings from the Uncanny Valley: Westworld S1E10
In which Kelly and Don record a quick reaction show moments after the episode ended, only to go most of an hour anyway. You know. Real quick like.
November 30, 2016 Westworld Season 1, Episode 9
209 Greetings from the Uncanny Valley: Westworld S1E9
In which Kelly’s Episode Nine On HBO Theory is exquisitely disproven. Don and Kelly discuss the latest happenings both in the park and in HQ, and ponder What It All Means for the season finale.
November 25, 2016 Westworld Season 1, Episode 8
208 Greetings from the Uncanny Valley: Westworld S1E8
Not a lot happened in an episode where a lot happened!
Kelly has a theory about The Magical Ninth Episode On HBO. Don tries to keep the show on track since Kelly forgets to introduce herself after being excited to have a guest on, Ged Maheux from The Iconfactory.
November 24, 2016 Supergirl season 2 episodes 5-6
207 Supergirl S2E5-6 review: “Crossfire” and “Changing”
Turn and face the strange! Lots of ch-ch-changes going on in National City. Lisa Schmeiser and our panel of podcast listeners have a recap!
Thanks to Seth Hensley for editing.
November 19, 2016 Supergirl Season 2 Episodes 3-4
206 Supergirl S2E3-4 Review: “Welcome to Earth” and “Visitors”
The Supergirl Supercast returns for a second installment! In these episodes Lynda Carter comes to town, we explore the alien underbelly of National City, and get to know Mon-El a lot better. Plus there are surprise alien reveals aplenty, and Alex makes a new friend.
November 17, 2016 The Flash Season 3, Episode 6
205 The Flash S3E5 Review: “Shade”
When Wally starts having dreams about being Kid Flash, Barry realizes he has to tell Wally, Iris and Joe about what happened to Wally in Flashpoint in order to keep him safe.
Lisa, Tony and Moze try to make sense on where this season may be going, while wondering, “What’s the Flashpoint?”
November 15, 2016 Westworld Season 1, Episodes 6-7
204 Greetings from the Uncanny Valley: Westworld S1E6-7
Kelly and Don return with a breakdown of the two latest mindblowing episodes of HBO’s Westworld.
November 15, 2016 Westworld Season 1, Episodes 1-5
203 Greetings from the Uncanny Valley: Westworld S1E1-5
Greetings from the Uncanny Valley! In this first episode, Kelly and Don bring you theories and speculation from the first half of the first season of Westworld. (Mostly because they didn’t start the podcast until halfway through the season.)
November 4, 2016 Supergirl season 2, episodes 1-2
202 Supergirl S2E1-2 Review: “The Adventures of Supergirl”, “The Last Children of Krypton”
Lisa Schmeiser is joined by a panel of Incomparable listeners (Ashley Pinder, Dov Frankel, Trish Matson, and Scott Grizzle) to break down the first two episodes of the second season of “Supergirl.”
November 3, 2016 The Flash Season 3, Episode 5
201 The Flash S3E5 Review: “Monster”
Timeline restored! The gang is back and talking “Monster.”
Desperate to understand what is happening to her, Caitlin visits her mother, Dr. Tannhauser, a renowned biomedical researcher, in the hopes that her mother can provide some answers about Caitlin’s growing meta-human powers. However, when Dr. Tannhauser treats her daughter like a test subject, Caitlin grows cold and brings up past wounds causing the two to have a major blowout. Meanwhile, after a mysterious new meta-human attacks Central City, Barry tries to convince Julian to let him assist on the case.
October 29, 2016 The Flash Season 3, Episode 4
200 The Flash: S3E2-4 Reviews
As your favorite team deals with the wormholes of scheduling, Tony and Moze take on the three most recent episodes of The Flash.
October 21, 2016 Arrow Season 5, Episode 3
199 Arrow S5E3 Review: “A Matter of Trust”
The new team continues to gel this week, and we discuss SCPD’s training regimen, the state of news networks and journalism in Star City, and an appearance by one of our favorites from seasons gone by. (Spoiler: It’s not Biff.)
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 14, 2016 Arrow Season 5, Episode 2
198 Arrow S5E2 Review: “The Recruits”
The Green Arrow recruits a new team, and team Speedy Arrowcast is on hand to discuss questionable training methods (and their provenance), Oliver’s superpower of changing clothes quickly, and just how long it takes one to recover from an arrow to the leg.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 9, 2016 Luke Cage Season 1, Episode 1-3
197 Luke Cage Rewind: Episodes 1-3
The Harlem ruckus has begun and Luke Cage is at the center of it. James, Tony and Moze work on unpacking this Marvel property that so far has not disappointed. Join us as we cover the first three episodes of this powerful new series.
October 7, 2016 The Flash Season 3, Episode 1
196 The Flash S3E1 Review: “Flashpoint”
Lisa, Tony and Jason are back like they always have been. Nothing has changed right?
Barry is living his dream life - his parents are alive, he’s asked Iris West on a date and he can finally be a normal guy as Central City has another speedster, Kid Flash, running around saving the city. When Barry starts forgetting parts of his old life, the Reverse Flash taunts his nemesis and tells him that there will be serious repercussions for Barry and the ones he loves if he continues to live in this alternate universe. In addition to losing his memories, his powers will also start to fade. When disaster strikes, Barry must decide if he wants to continue to live in this world as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.
October 7, 2016 Arrow Season 5, Episode 1
195 Arrow S5E1 Review: “Legacy”
Unlike our friends in Star City, this team stays together. Team Speedy Arrowcast is back for another season! We have plenty of important topics for discussion in this opener, including things you maybe shouldn’t do as mayor, the return of a murderous Oliver, “deathbed” promises, and curious choices about statues.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
September 28, 2016 “Mr. Robot” season 2 wrap
194 “Mr. Robot” Season 2 wrap-up review
We put the rest of the second season of “Mr. Robot” in the ground and review the season as a whole.
August 25, 2016 Preacher Season 1
192 Preacher Season 1 Rewind
Have you heard the good news? James and Moze will tell you about a man from a little town with a big voice. Sit down for a spell as we discuss the first season of Preacher.
August 24, 2016 FlashCast Summer Session: Justice League: A Better World
191 Flashcast Summer Session: Justice League: “A Better World”
In an alternate reality, a version of the Justice League known as the Justice Lords discovers the League’s world and plot to take it over.
August 13, 2016 Justice League Season 1, Episodes 11-12
190 Flashcast Summer Session: Justice League: The Brave and the Bold
Central City is under the rule of Grodd, who plans on attacking Gorilla City with missiles. As Flash confronts the maniacal ape the team races to stop the destruction.
Next Summer Session will be “Justice League” Season 2, Episodes 11-12: “A Better World.”
August 9, 2016 Mr. Robot season 2 episodes 2.1 through 2.3
188 Mr. Robot review: eps2.1-2.3
Jason and Moze get caught up on the whirlwind of events that are the next three hours of “Mr. Robot”, “k3rnel-pan1c”, “init_1”, and “logic-b0mb”. Joanna Wellick’s paralyzing gesture to prove she’s not a monster! Shocking violence! The mystery of Ray! An intriguing conversation about time between FBI Agent Dom and Minister Zhang! The fate of Romero! The weird high-level execs of E Corp! And, of course, Elliot’s daily struggle with different aspects of himself. We break it down and swirl it all around.
August 6, 2016 The first season of “Stranger Things.”
187 “Stranger Things”: Season 1 review
Grab your Wrist Rockets and toast some Eggos—it’s time to talk Stranger Things! Even though only one of our panel was alive when the show takes place, we talk ’80s influences, our favorite characters, theories about Season 2, and much more.
July 18, 2016 Mr. Robot Season 2, Episode 1
183 Mr. Robot review: “eps2.0_unm4sk.tc” (part 1 and 2)
Mr. Robot is back for a second mind-melting season. This is our take on the two-hour season two premiere. Is Leon real? Is Ray real? Is Ray’s dog real? Is anyone real? Oh yeah, this show is already in our heads.
July 12, 2016 Daredevil Season 2, Episode 13
181 Daredevil Rewind S2E13: “A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen”
The finale of Daredevil is here and we give our eulogies to so many dead ninjas. Join us as we look into our crystal ball of predictions for the street level Marvel Universe.
July 10, 2016 Voltron
180 Voltron: Legendary Defender S1 review
Five fearless space explorers vault into the unknown—to review the Netflix/Dreamworks reboot of the ’80s classic anime Americanization, Voltron: Legendary Defender. The producers said they wanted to make the revival better than longtime fans remembered it being, not just better than it was. That’s a lofty goal, considering that the original could be…a little dodgy…?
June 26, 2016 Game of Thrones Season 6 finale
177 Game of Thrones S6E10 review: “The Winds of Winter”
It’s here! The season 6 finale. And not much happened, except for a whole bunch of things we’ve been waiting weeks, or years, or the entire show to happen! We break it all down and consider the season as a whole.
June 25, 2016 The Flashpoint Paradox
176 Flashcast Summer Session: “Flashpoint Paradox”
As promised, the Flash team brings you the first of our summer sessions.
Summer Homework 2: Justice League 14&15 “The Brave and the Bold”
Summer Homework 3: Justice League 37-38 “A Better World”
Summer Homework 4: Justice League Unlimited 31 “Flash and Substance” and 34 “The Great Brain Robbery”
June 19, 2016 This year’s version of the one with the big thing!
175 Game of Thrones S6E9 review: “Battle of the Bastards”
They fight. Also, some fire-breathing dragons.
June 12, 2016 A girl is Season 6, Episode 8
174 Game of Thrones S6E8 review: “No One”
Season six keeps barreling ahead, and in this episode we visit Braavos for a resolution of the House of Black & White storyline, a reintroduction to the Brotherhood Without Banners, some drinking and comedy in Mereen, a royal decree in King’s Landing, and a joyous reunion at Riverrun. (Edmure and the Blackfish? Jamie and Brienne? No, Podrick and Bronn!) Also: Old Lady Clegane’s boys sure are good at killing.
June 12, 2016 Daredevil Rewind Season 2, Episodes 10-12
173 Daredevil Rewind: Season 2, Episodes 10-12
This episode brings Tony Sindelar to the kitchen to converse frankly about what has happened to this season of “Daredevil.” We all agree ninjas are awesome. However, is there a point of diminishing returns investing in a ninja army? Join us as we break down the highs and lows.
Want a way to support this rewind show as well as other great shows on The Incomparable Network? Go to theincomparable.com/members, you can sign up for a monthly subscription that will support the shows you love, including TeeVee. In return get access to some bonus features including special podcast feeds for bonus audio, official bootlegs of live sessions, and other great Incomparable stuff.
June 5, 2016 Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 7
172 Game of Thrones S6E7 review: “The Broken Man”
This week the story continues to hurtle forward, with a shocking reveal in a cold open and a visit from Septon Ian McShane. Plus Jon Snow and his band of advisers embark on their goodwill tour of the north. And Yara and Theon Greyjoy have a proper heart-to-heart talk as only the Ironborn can: While surrounded by naked ladies.
May 29, 2016 Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 6
171 Game of Thrones S6E6 Review: “Blood of My Blood”
“Game of Thrones” pushes characters out of their comfort zones in this episode, as Arya decides whether she really wants to be an assassin, Samwell decides whether his father is even worth appeasing, and Tommen decides to just do whatever he’s told. There’s also a flood of people who may or may not have been on the show before, so people with really good memories are rewarded at least three times with dramatic end-of-scene revelations that may or may not have left people saying “…who was that, again?”
Oh, and there was a dragon!
Want a way to support this flashcast as well as other great shows on The Incomparable Network? Go to theincomparable.com/members, you can sign up for a monthly subscription that will support the shows you love, including TeeVee. In return get access to some bonus features including special podcast feeds for bonus audio, official bootlegs of live sessions, and other great Incomparable stuff.
May 27, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 23
170 The Flash S2E23 Review: “The Race Of His Life”
The finale is here and Barry vows to stop Zoom after learning Zoom’s true plans. Join us as we reveal our thoughts on this packed episode and the season as a whole. Plus, we offer our crystal-ball predictions.
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May 27, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 23
169 Arrow S4E23 Review: “Schism”
Another season in the bag. Just like our panelists. As we wrap up the Oliver vs. Damien Darhk grudge match, we discuss untimely Ghost attacks, anticlimactic punch ups, and just how much we are going to miss the sparkling joy that is Neal McDonough. But we’re optimistic about season 5…even if we do still have a year of flashbacks.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 22, 2016 Game of Thrones season 6, episode 5
168 Game of Thrones S6E5 Review: “The Door”
Another huge episode of “Game of Thrones” features doors being closed and opened, women getting down to business and speaking truth to their former protectors, the origin story of both the White Walkers and Hodor, and a wild Shakespeare-like retelling of the first season of “Game of Thrones.” Is this episode a reaction to some of the criticism’s of the show last year? We break it down, this time in person, live from Jason’s garage.
May 21, 2016 Daredevil Season 2, Episodes 7-9
167 Daredevil Rewind: Season 2, Episode 7-9
The courtroom action drama that just won’t quit with special investigator James Thomson. In this episode we cover “Semper Fidelis,” “Guilty as Sin” and “Seven Minutes in Heaven.” NINJAS!
May 20, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 22
166 Arrow S4E22 Review: “Lost in the Flood”
Family drama rules the roost this week, with a Smoak-Kuttler reunion and Oliver trying to rescue Thea. We discuss the limitation of suburban subdevelopment sets, why supervillains should really just kill people when they have the chance, and why you should never sit too close to the computer when you’re hacking.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 19, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 22
165 The Flash S2E22 Review: “Invincible”
After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary’s Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.
May 15, 2016 Game of Thrones season 6, episode 4
164 Game of Thrones S6E4 review: “Book of the Stranger”
A family reunion! Diplomatic compromises! Ramsay eating an apple! Special guest Aleen Simms joins Brian to recap this week’s “Game of Thrones.” What is the High Sparrow’s long game? Why can’t the show runners stop killing women? And the burning question on everyone’s mind: What will happen to Denaerys?
May 13, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 21
163 The Flash S2E21 Review: “The Runaway Dinosaur”
Surprise! We’re back early with our review of this special episode. With Barry gone, the team must figure out a way to handle the return of an old enemy: Girder. Realizing the zombified Girder is retracing his steps from his last attack, Iris volunteers to act as bait to trap him in S.T.A.R. Labs. Meanwhile, Barry takes a vision quest with the Speed Force and fights to return to his old life.
May 13, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 21
162 Arrow S4E21 Review: “Monument Point”
This week, we grit our teeth and let the hand-wavey technology do its thing, discuss whether you really need to run for mayor to get access to City Hall, and discuss exactly whether our favorite (possibly?) departed political operative, turned bearded, brainwashed, clipboard-wielding flunky merits an action figure.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 9, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 20
161 Arrow S4E20 Review: “Genesis”
Everybody gets the weekend off (including us)! We discuss Thea’s unwise relationship with Totally Not Evil Alex, Dig and Lyla’s choice of mobile homes, and Oliver’s latest Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. We also try to avoid going down the rabbit hole of discussing incarnations of DC Comics hero The Question.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 8, 2016 Game of Thrones season 6 episode 3
160 Game of Thrones S6E3 review: “Oathbreaker”
Life after death! Action flashbacks! Surprising returns of characters not seen for years! And Varys waving a very large fan. Jason and Monty are back to break down everything in this week’s “Game of Thrones.”
May 7, 2016 Daredevil Season 2, Episode 4-6
159 Daredevil Rewind: Season 2, Episodes 4-6
Back from working hard on simultaneous adventures and work, Moze and Don wrap their hands for a three round fight in the kitchen. This episode covers a crucial triptych arch in the Daredevil saga.
May 7, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 19-20
158 The Flash S2E19-20 Review: “Back to Normal” and “Rupture”
Barry still has no speed and feels incomplete. Zoom arrives back on Earth 1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry and Wells come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all, but it’s extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry is adamantly opposed to Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it which puts the two men at odds with each other.
May 1, 2016 Here’s Johnny!
157 Game of Thrones S6E2 Review: “Home”
We know it’s a shocker, but he’s back! We refer, of course, to Bran Stark, who is warging and time-warping from a deep hole, right next to Hodor. Also we break down who’s in charge in King’s Landing, Mereen, Braavos, Winterfell, the Iron Islands, and at Castle Black. At Castle Black things just keep getting more and more complicated.
April 29, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 19
156 Arrow S4E19 Review: “Canary Cry”
Don’t blame yourself this week—that’s left to our characters. Laurel Lance may not live on, but there’s still a Black Canary out and about. We discuss how an ace high school student can tinker with Cisco’s tech, the chances of resurrection in a comic-book universe, and our burning desire to know why Alex Davis became a political operative.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 24, 2016 Game of Thrones season 6 premiere
155 Game of Thrones S6E1 Review: “The Red Woman”
“Game of Thrones” is back with another scene-setting premiere episode. Featuring eight different locations, this is not an episode with any narrative momentum, but it does remind you about all of the pieces on the board and shows you where they may be moving this season. We break it down, including an digression about whether the religious figures in this show are serving active, interventionist gods, or if they’re just using religion to achieve their own personal ends.
April 23, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episodes 17-18
154 The Flash S2E17-18 Review: “Flash Back” and “Versus Zoom”
Two Flashcasts in one! After the shocking revelation that Zoom is Jay Garrick, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Then in “Versus Zoom,” Barry believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry strongly advises against that plan, but after Barry convinces him, Harry reveals that Cisco has the power to re-open the breach. Meanwhile, Hunter Zoloman’s painful story on Earth-2 is revealed.
April 14, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 18
153 Arrow S4E18 Review: “Eleven-Fifty-Nine”
Better late than never. (Or perhaps, given this episode, better late than…”the late.”) We discuss poor idol labeling, the impossibility of searching prison book carts, and the questionable obtuseness of certain hospital staff. And, of course, we bid adieu to a character and finally answer the season-long question: Who’s in the Box?!
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 9, 2016 Daredevil Season 2, Episode 3
152 Daredevil Rewind S2E3: “New York’s Finest”
Trapped face-to-face with the Punisher, Daredevil wrestles with the morality of vigilante justice. Meanwhile, Foggy and Karen work to save the firm. James, Jason and Moze try out their best legal Kung Fu to break down this episode.
April 3, 2016 Daredevil Season 2, Episode 2
151 Daredevil S2E2 Rewind: “Dogs to a Gunfight”
Join us a we sweep up some broken glass, because it looks like no one else in this episode will. As Murdock recovers from an attack, Foggy and Karen fight to protect their new client from both the law and the Kitchen’s newest vigilante.
March 31, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 17
150 Arrow S4E17 Review: “Beacon of Hope”
Bee-ware the bee puns on this week’s episode! It’s a week of adult discussions, pop culture references, and you know what, just all out fun. We talk questionable lair security, how to explain your decommissioned lair to your board of directors, and exactly what kind of medicine they gave Curtis Holt.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 29, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 16
149 Arrow S4E16 Review: “Broken Hearts”
After a slightly longer than expected hiatus, Team Speedy Arrowcast is back! Issues this week include the driving of artificial wedges between characters, the return of a meh antagonist, and the fly-by-night justice system of Star City. Round it all out with an update on Who’s In the Box? and Who Does Ollie Need to Kill?
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 28, 2016 Daredevil Season 2, Episode 1
148 Daredevil S2E1 Rewind: “Bang”
Happy St. Matty’s Day! Daredevil is back with a “Bang!” Join us in our discussion and breakdown of the Man Without Fear this season.
March 26, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 16
147 The Flash S2E16 review: “Trajectory”
The gang is back from hiatus! Having arrived in town intent on creating maximum chaos, Trajectory’s antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by The Flash himself. Barry must quickly uncover the mystery of the girl under the mask—as well as what is driving her mad desire for speed and destruction.
February 27, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 15
146 Arrow S4E15 Review: “Taken”
Throw another superhero on the barbecue! Mari McCabe, aka Vixen, makes her live-action debut, and we discuss how our favorite team should know that secrets are bad, our befuddlement over the peculiar geography of the DC Universe’s United States, and our latest thoughts on that time-honored classic: Who’s In the Box?! Also, a fan favorite makes a startling return!
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 25, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 15
145 The Flash S2E15 review: “King Shark”
Who’s the big fish with the shredded pants that make the fans crazy? King Shark! And in another slightly interesting development, Zoom takes off his mask—which presents more questions than answers. Special Guest David J. Loehr joins the breakdown of this fantastic episode.
February 19, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 14
144 Arrow S4E14 Review: “Code of Silence”
It’s a sad day for the Speedy Arrowcast team, as they mourn the dear, departed—well, we’ll get there. Thea and Lance reinforce bad Ollie behavior, we speculate about the nature of “precision demolition,” and Team Arrow sure picks the wrong week to forget to pack the bomb spray.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 19, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 14
143 The Flash S2E14 review: “Escape from Earth-2”
Lisa returns from Earth-2 to join Moze and Tony! Now the team races to find Zoom’s lair and asks for help from the most unexpected source. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Caitlin rushes to perfect Velocity 9 so that Jay can stop the Geomancer. Predictions and research continue as Tony and Moze delight in the conspiracy.
February 17, 2016 Legends of Tomorrow season 1, episodes 3-4
142 Legends of Tomorrow: Failure Analysis
So we’re breaking up with “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.” At least for now. In this final scheduled episode we discuss the problems with the show and why we’ll keep watching it, but probably while we’re also checking our e-mail and folding our laundry. We’re not mad, we’re just disappointed. It’s not us, “Legends of Tomorrow.” It’s you.
February 14, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 12-13
141 The Flash S2E12-E13 review: “Fast Lane” and “Welcome to Earth 2”
Here comes another double dose of double episodes like a Doppelgänger do. Tony and Moze explore the Tarpit of Central City briefly, then make a jump on the speed cannon to welcome Earth 2 with open arms with an armful of easter eggs.
February 12, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 13
140 Arrow S4E13 Review: “Sins of the Father”
In our latest episode, sponsored by the League of Assassins, there’s a power struggle brewing between Nyssa and Merlyn and our heroes are caught in the (literal) crossfire. We discuss Charlotte Ross’s killer scene, the League of Assassins’s coveted employee of the month award, and what else is on Damien Darhk’s to-do list.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 8, 2016 The Expanse Season 1, Episodes 9 -10
139 The Expanse S1E9-10 Review: “Critical Mass” and “Leviathan Wakes”
The first season of “The Expanse” wraps up with an exciting conclusion! Except for some of the parts that were less exciting. We render our final verdict and look ahead to season two.
February 5, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 12
138 Arrow S4E12 Review: “Unchained”
This episode is more overstuffed than the biggest Thanksgiving leftover sandwich you can imagine, and if you were hoping we could take that metaphor a little further, well, tune in. We also discuss Arrow’s technology Z team, the latest in League of Assassin motivations, and the desperate need for a Team Arrow Slack channel.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 3, 2016 Legends of Tomorrow S1E2
137 Legends of Tomorrow S1E2 review: “Pilot, part 2”
Our all-star group of TeeVee panelists breaks down the second part of the “Legends of Tomorrow” pilot. A predicted death occurs! A Cheech & Chong movie almost breaks out! And what is Rip Hunter doing off-screen?
January 31, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 11
136 Arrow S4E11 Review: “A.W.O.L.”
Nothing better than a Diggle-centric episode, ‘cause a Diggle-centric episode got plenty of Diggle. In this case, two Diggles (but no Biff). This week we discuss the legacy of Amanda Waller, relatively smart villains of the week, and prescription drug hallucinations.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
January 29, 2016 The Expanse season 1, episodes 5-8
135 The Expanse: S1E5-8 review
We’re back with a review of episodes 5-8 of “The Expanse,” leading up to the two-hour finale. From Earth to Ceres to the Rocinante, we’ve got our take on the misadventures of Holden and crew, Miller’s laconic interactions with Jared Harris and the rest of his space mob, and Avasarala’s snowy conversation with one of Holden’s parents. Plus, is the blue goo at the heart of the series realized effectively?
January 29, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 11
134 The Flash S2E11 review: “Reverse Flash Returns”
The man in the yellow suit makes his return to Central City, but how is Eobard Thawne even alive after being wiped from history?! Tony and Moze try to unravel a thick yellow thread.
January 23, 2016 Legends of Tomorrow season 1 episode 1
133 Legends of Tomorrow S1E1 review: “Pilot, part 1”
What happens when a group of superheroes finally get together? This all-star podcast, of course. We discuss Rip Hunter, Dr. Stein’s roofie, and Captain and Tenille on this premiere edition of this legendary podcast.
January 22, 2016 The Flash Season 2, Episode 10
132 The Flash S2E10 review: “Potential Energy”
Break time is over, and it’s time to get back to work! Now that they’ve grown closer, Barry considers telling Patty that he is The Flash. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris try to get to know Wally, and the team hunts down a meta-human who can slow time itself. Get your CSI University application together and then join us.
January 22, 2016 Arrow Season 4, Episode 10
131 Arrow S4E10 Review: “Blood Debt”
Thanks to their bulletproof limousine, the Speedy Arrowcast crew is back with the midseason premiere. This week we discuss boneheaded superhero plans, going off the rails, and of course an update to our perennial favorite: “Who’s in the Box?!”
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
December 31, 2015 The Expanse season 1 episodes 2-4
130 The Expanse: S1E2-4 review
Our panel reconvenes to discuss the three most recent episodes of SyFy’s “The Expanse.” How’s the pacing? What’s the deal with the CGI animals and shots that go through air vents? And how does the show portray the balance of power between Earth, Mars, and the Belt?
December 25, 2015 Doctor Who 2015 Christmas Special
129 Doctor Who review: “The Husbands of River Song”
River Song returns, and this time gets to match wits with Peter Capaldi’s Doctor. Was this one of the most fun episodes of “Doctor Who” in ages, or is that the egg nog talking? In our sixth straight Christmas Night flashcast, we review the 2015 “Doctor Who” Christmas Special.
December 17, 2015 Jessica Jones Season 1, Episodes 9-13
128 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 9-13
Join us as we talk about the final five episodes of the first season of Jessica Jones! Killgrave takes over, the pacing gets weird and all hope seems lost.
December 12, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 9
127 The Flash S2E9 review: “Running to Stand Still”
When the Weather Wizard returns to break Leonard Snart and The Trickster out of Iron Heights, Barry must stop these rogues from taking over Central City during Christmas. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris meet Wally West at last!
December 11, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 9
126 Arrow S4E9 Review: “Dark Waters”
The Speedy Arrowcast is glad to be back to Star City business this week. Dan, Guy, and John discuss cage safety procedures, how not to propose to your girlfriend, and exactly how approval ratings work when you’re running unopposed in a city that’s on the brink of destruction.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
December 9, 2015 Jessica Jones Season 1, Episodes 5-8
125 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 5-8
We’re here to talk about episodes 5-8 of Netflix’s “Jessica Jones”! We discuss the depth and breadth of Killgrave’s powers (and creepiness), talk about foiled kidnapping attempts, and speculate as to why Jeri and Wendy don’t have a prenuptial agreement.
December 9, 2015 The Expanse season 1 expectations
124 The Expanse S1E1 review: “Dulcinea”
We discuss the first episode of “The Expanse,” which has premiered online and arrives on Syfy Dec. 14. In the first section of the show we discuss the first episode and some of our expectations as readers of the books on which the show is based, but we hold off on spoilers for the rest of the series until after firing the Spoiler Horn.
December 5, 2015 Doctor Who series 9 finale
123 Doctor Who S9E12 review: “Hell Bent”
We’re back with the final Doctor Who Flashcast of the season! Everything we’ve been building to for the last 11 weeks has led to this. The Doctor has a bone to pick with the Time Lords. Who is the Hybrid? Familiar diners with familiar waitresses! We flail our arms and get super nerdy as we dissect the finale and the season as a whole with a special half-Scottish panel, if you count Space Glasgow. Now it’s the wilderness — 20 whole days until the Christmas special.
December 3, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 8
122 Arrow S4E8 review: “Legends of Yesterday”
Crossover week continues as special guests Jason Snell and Tony Sindelar join Guy and John for a discussion of part two of this week’s Flash-Arrow crossover event. How much do we not like Hawkguy? Are the Egyptian flashbacks better or worse than returning to the island? Why is Malcolm Merlin such a jerk? And are we relieved that the “Legends of Tomorrow” furniture moving may finally be at an end?
December 3, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 8
121 The Flash S2E8 review: “Legends of Today”
It’s crossover time! We welcome special guest Dan Moren from the Speedy Arrowcast as we cover the first part of this week’s Flash-Arrow crossover. Vandal Savage arrives in Central City and sets his sights on Kendra! Team Arrow comes to the rescue! And Jay and Harry reach some sort of understanding.
December 1, 2015 Jessica Jones Season 1, Episodes 1-4
120 Jessica Jones Rewind: Episodes 1-4
Our (large) panel is here to talk about the first four episodes of Netflix’s “Jessica Jones”! We discuss how it’s going so far, the show’s representation of women, Kilgrave’s name (how obvious!), and the sex scenes. Oh, the sex scenes.
Subscribe to the feed of just “Jessica Jones” podcast episodes here: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/jessicajones
November 28, 2015 Doctor Who Season 9, Episode 11
119 Doctor Who S9E11 review: “Heaven Sent”
One night only! Peter Capaldi in the one-man show, “Doctor Who.” We break down part one of the season finale.
November 21, 2015 Doctor Who Season 9, Episode 10
118 Doctor Who S9E10 Review: “Face the Raven”
Jason is joined by Chip Sudderth of the Two-Minute Time Lord podcast to discuss the dramatic (some might say traumatic) events of the latest episode of “Doctor Who.” Ashildr, Riggsy, hidden aliens, London urban fantasy, and a surprising ending…
November 21, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 7
117 The Flash S2E7 review: “Gorilla Warfare”
Grodd returns to Central City and kidnaps Caitlin. Barry and team race to find her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Cisco plans his first date with the new barista at Jitters, Kendra Saunders, and Patty begins to suspect Barry is hiding something from her.
November 20, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 7
116 Arrow S4E7 Review: “Brotherhood”
Join Dan, Guy, and John as they discuss the latest episode of Arrow, and such riveting topics as controlling people with evil macaroni and cheese, Data & Geordi doing science, and, of course, the flashback adventures of Biff Conklin.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 15, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 6
115 Arrow S4E6 Review: “Lost Souls”
Special guest star Philip Mozolak joins Guy and Dan to talk about the re-embiggening of Ray Palmer, industrial espionage, low-paying security guard gigs, magical mysticism, and of course one of the most badass women in the world—and her mom.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 14, 2015 Doctor Who Season 9, Episode 9
114 Doctor Who S9E9: “Sleep No More”
You shouldn’t listen to this podcast. We found this conversation about this week’s “Doctor Who” episode, “Sleep No More,” and present it as it was recorded. Your expectations will be undermined. The plot twists might be shocking. And in the end, you’ll be wondering what happened to the opening theme song.
November 14, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 6
113 The Flash S2E6 review: “Enter Zoom”
After recent events, Barry decides it’s time to confront Zoom and comes up with a dangerous plan. Caitlin sides with Jay, and deems it too dangerous for Barry to engage with the speed demon. However, Iris shows her support and brings forth a surprising ally. We also see what Earth-2 Harrison Wells’ life was like before coming through the breach.
November 7, 2015 Doctor Who season 9 episode 8
112 Doctor Who S9E8 review: “The Zygon Inversion”
This week’s “Doctor Who” culminates a plot not just from last week, but from the 50th anniversary episode, “Day of the Doctor.” Still, the most important thing in it may be Peter Capaldi’s one-man show, which doubles as a mission statement for The Doctor. And while Clara isn’t in it much, Jenna Coleman does a great turn as her Zygon duplicate. Plus, more Osgood!
November 6, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 5
111 Arrow S4E5 Review: “Haunted”
Who do you call when you absolutely, positively need to resurrect a character for an upcoming spinoff? Why, a chain-smoking master of the dark arts who himself has been resurrected from a dead TV series! Meanwhile, we vote for a Diggle/Lance cop show and we can’t get enough of Damien Darhk.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
November 6, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 5
110 The Flash S2E5 review: “The Darkness and the Light”
Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date.
October 31, 2015 Doctor Who series 9, episode 7
109 Doctor Who S9E7 review: “The Zygon Invasion”
Last seen in the 50th anniversay special, the Zygons return to duplicate people and invade the earth! Osgood and UNIT return! More sonic sunglasses and electric guitar! Dramatic invasions of Fakeistan and New Mexico! Political parallels aplenty! We break down part one of this two-part episode.
October 30, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 4
108 Arrow S4E4 Review: “Beyond Redemption”
We have some concerns about the handling of finances in Star City, a new lair is located in some questionable real estate, and where do you keep your feral, back-from-the-dead sister if not in your apartment building’s basement?
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 30, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 4
107 The Flash S2E4 review: “The Fury of Firestorm”
Barry and the team look for another Firestorm match for Dr. Stein. When the team meets Jefferson “Jax” Jackson, Caitlin has her reservations about whether Jax is the right match for Dr. Stein. Iris surprises Joe, while Barry and Patty grow closer.
October 24, 2015 Doctor Who series 9, episode 5
106 Doctor Who S9E6 review: “The Woman Who Lived”
Eyes of Hades, cowardly lions, and a familiar but enigmatic character named… me? The second of this bifurcated two-parter finds the Doctor teaming up with the Viking girl he made immortal and raises some interesting questions about our favorite Time Lord and what the value of human life really is.
October 23, 2015 The Flash Season 2. Episode 3
105 The Flash S2E3 review: “A Family of Rogues”
Now that Barry’s resolved his own family issues, it’s time for him to play super therapist to the super criminal family, the Snarts.
October 23, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 3
104 Arrow S4E3 Review: “Restoration”
This week it’s all about mending Dig and Ollie’s bromance, questioning Felicity’s machine gun discipline, and wondering what it is about hot tubs that makes everybody go feral.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 17, 2015 Doctor Who series 9, episode 5
103 Doctor Who S9E5 review: “The Girl Who Died”
Enough TARDIS shenanigans! This episode is all about the Doctor and Clara saving a village of Vikings from an invading hoarde of… space vikings? Plus lots of interesting talk of immortality, identity, and responsibility, and references to Matt Smith and David Tennant. Join us for our breakdown of this episode, which features Maisie Williams from “Game of Thrones” as Ashildr.
October 17, 2015 The Flash Season 2, Episode 2
102 The Flash S2E2 review: “Flash of Two Worlds”
Trust is the theme of this week’s episode of “The Flash.” Barry must learn to trust his team at S.T.A.R. Labs, including the Earth-2 hero Jay Garrick. Trust us—your Flash Flashcast team has this episode covered.
October 16, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 2
101 Arrow S4E2 Review: “The Candidate”
We delve into politics in episode 2, and Dan, John, and Guy say hello (and goodbye?) to Jeri Ryan, consider Felicity’s handwaving management style, and wonder who the hell is this ray-of-sunshine Ollie?
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 10, 2015 Doctor Who series 9 episode 4
100 Doctor Who S9E4 review: “Before the Flood”
The Doctor’s a ghost, but how did he get that way? Alien undertakers, deposed tyrants with insidious plans, time paradoxes, and Beethoven! Also, what did the Doctor know and when did he know it? Jason break it all down with the help of James Thomson, direct from Glasgow.
October 9, 2015 The Flash, Season 2 Episode 1
99 The Flash S2E1 review: “The Man Who Saved Central City”
Season two is here and the gang is back together! (On the show and on the Flash Flashcast!) Join us as we celebrate Flash Day and look at where this season may be headed.
October 8, 2015 Arrow Season 4, Episode 1
98 Arrow S4E1 Review: “Green Arrow”
It’s the season 4 premiere of Arrow and everything’s exciting and new and different! Dan, John, and Guy are back to talk about fancy new outfits (and monikers), a brand new big baddy, and a lighter, more fun tone.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
October 3, 2015 Doctor Who series 9 episode 3
97 Doctor Who S9E3 review: “Under the Lake”
An underwater base, a flooded village, an abandoned spaceship, mysterious symbols, and an alien ghost? All in a day’s work for the Doctor and Clara. Join us as we break down “Under the Lake” and look ahead to next week’s “Before the Flood.” Also, did anyone notice that this is all just a big game of Pac-Man?
September 26, 2015 Doctor Who series 9, episode 2
96 Doctor Who S9E2 review: “The Witch’s Familiar”
This week we follow Clara and Missy through the sewers of Skaro and take stock of the Doctor and Davros and their long, meaningful conversations—punctuated by joyrides in Davros’s cool chair.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes, including this very Doctor Who Flashcast? Subscribe to this feed or on iTunes.
September 19, 2015 Doctor Who series 9, episode 1
95 Doctor Who S9E1 review: “The Magician’s Apprentice”
We’re back with a new weekly look at this season of “Doctor Who” with a larger-than-usual panel. Join us as we travel to the farthest Ood-infested regions of space—but watch out for snakes! Look, it’s more trickery from Steven Moffat! Plus, why is Jason both a bad fan and a good fan? And we discuss the nature of two-parters and our expectations going into part two…this is going to be a trend this season, folks.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed or on iTunes.
August 31, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episodes 7-9
94 The Flash S1E7-9 review: “Power Outage” / “Flash vs. Arrow” / “The Man in the Yellow Suit”
At long last your Flashcast team finishes its first-season review and is ready for season two. Join us for this power-packed three episode recap! (These shows originally led to the mid-season finale.)
Thank you to all those who have been running after the speed force this year with us! See you in October!
August 15, 2015 True Detective Season 2, Episode 8
93 True Detective S2E8 review: “Omega Station”
Here we are at the end of the line, the Omega Station. We had high hopes, but this was a rough road. If you loved this season and even this episode, listen to how most people saw it. Thank you to all those who stuck around and kept the home fires burning. Maybe season three will bring back what we missed.
August 10, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 5-6
92 The Flash S1E5-6 review: “Plastique” and “The Flash is Born”
Continuing our first-season flashbacks! After a bomb goes off downtown, the army, led by General Eiling, rolls in and takes over the case. Suspicious arises at S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry Allen is eager to make a name for himself and wants everyone to know who the “Red Streak” really is.
August 4, 2015 True Detective Season 2, Episode 7
91 True Detective S2E7 Review: “Black Maps and Motel Rooms”
Did you see this in the rearview? The penultimate episode of “True Detective” season two was a treat. Evidence is coming together, and one person was shot dead. Open the notepad and lick your pencil—it’s time for work.
Do you have evidence you want to share? Upload your “tape” to the locker.
July 28, 2015 True Detective Episode 6, Season 2
90 True Detective S2E6 Review: “Church in Ruins” 
This week things get serious, so the precinct has called in famous loose cannon Capt. Don Melton to assist in the investigation. Folks, this episode has the most action we have seen all season—but is it enough to quench our sandy mouths? This has been a highly debated episode online. Now it’s time to check it into evidence. Check out the full length report by @tjluomo
July 24, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 3-4
89 The Flash S1E3-4 review: “Things You Can’t Outrun” and “Going Rogue”
In our retro-review of the early episodes of season 1, we continue to follow the mysterious “streak” as he learns what a hero needs to know and meets archvillain Captain Cold, who makes his presence felt in Central City. Join us as we take a look back in time as we anticipate the run-up to season 2!
July 21, 2015 ​True Detective, Episode 5, Season 2
88 True Detective S2E5 Review: “Other Lives”
Welcome to Vinci, 66 days later. What has changed besides shaved flavor savers? Let us punch in and take a look at the “width” of this flaccid reset.
July 15, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 1-2
87 The Flash S1E1-2 review: “Pilot” and “The Fastest Man Alive”
Hey, the Flashcast band is back! It is time for the summer backfill, starting with the first two episodes. Join us as we take a look back in time in a run up to season 2!
July 14, 2015 ​True Detective, Season 2, Episode 4
86 True Detective S2E4 review: “Down Will Come” ​
This episode may leave us feeling like we are just punching the time clock, but there is hope. Sgt. Mozolak makes a bold prediction against police policy. Agent Hamilton puts his career on the line to assist in this investigation.
July 14, 2015 Daredevil Episode 13
85 Daredevil Rewind: The Finale
In this last episode we stand along the rooftops of Hell’s Kitchen and reflect upon episode 13, simply titled “Daredevil.” Jason Snell drops into the fray to finalize and put the Devil to bed. Thank you to all of the Rewind guests and thanks to you, the listeners for sharing time in the Kitchen.
July 6, 2015 True Detective, Episode 3, Season 2
84 True Detective S2E3 Review: “Maybe Tomorrow” 
The most rubber-bullet-splashed episode so far this season. Many events and investigations are laid out on our evidence board, leaving much to unpack. Is it too much? Are we just punching the time clock for an early pension? Open your notebooks and hit play as we dive into the spaghetti mess.
June 29, 2015 True Detective, Episode 2, Season 2
83 True Detective S2E2 Review: “Night Finds You”
Our flawed heroes return to show us the burdened agenda each carries into the night. Are any of them heroes? What happens in sound-baffled rooms in Hollywood? When the crow comes to visit, he never leaves empty handed.
June 28, 2015 True Detective Season 2, Episode 1
82 True Detective S2E1 Review: “The Western Book of the Dead”
California Noir is the new modality for season two of “True Detective.” Strap on your badges and sheath your knife and join Special Agent Hamilton and Desk Sergent Mozolak in their investigation of the “True Detective” evidence locker.
Get a feed of all “True Detective” TeeVee reviews here.
June 14, 2015 Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 10
81 Game of Thrones S5E10 review: “Mother’s Mercy”
It’s the season finale of “Game of Thrones!” So of course, nothing much happens in this episode. Except for suicides, zombie zingers, off-screen massacres, admissions of magic murder, death by long fall, death by multiple stab wounds, death by poison, the meeting of the Friends of Danerys Club, teenage dragons, a walk of shame—er, atonement, and more death by multiple stab wounds! But other than that, uneventful. We break it all down one last time.
June 7, 2015 Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 9
80 Game of Thrones S5E9 review: “The Dance of Dragons”
Monty and Brian review the penultimate episode of season five. How does this episode fit between the huge events of last week and the final climax of the season? Join us as we break it down.
May 31, 2015 Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 8
79 Game of Thrones S5E8 review: “Hardhome”
Winter is here! We review this week’s epic “Game of Thrones” episode, which took us by surprise by featuring the season’s budget-busting set piece an episode earlier than usual. Monty and Jason break it all down, from Dany and Tyron talking about how they both play the game to the massive battle north of the wall and all the little scenes in between.
May 25, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 23
78 The Flash S1E23 review: “Fast Enough”
It’s time for the first season finale! Your humble Flashcast hosts navigate wormholes of emotion and are left with many questions that only a scientician could answer. Our last run though Central City until the fall—faster than we’ve ever gone before!—begins now.
May 24, 2015 Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 7
77 Game of Thrones S5E7 review: “The Gift”
This week’s episode of “Game of Thrones” wasn’t as grim as last week’s, but we still have issues, and they’re all in this plus-sized episode.
First, we take up the larger discussion of the rape at the end of last week’s episode and the resulting controversy among viewers. Then we dive into this week’s installment, which features bad stuff in the north, unexpected deaths and direwolves, and Stannis showing surprising backbone. Plus we break down the dangers of funding religious extremists, ponder if the High Sparrow is the Lenin of his time, reference A Chorus Line and Fiddler on the Roof, talk about the three dominant religions of Westeros, and much more.
May 19, 2015 Daredevil Season 1, Episodes 10-12
76 Daredevil Rewind: Episodes 10-12
In this episode we try to encapsulate the meatiest portion of the Daredevil series, “Murdock vs. Nelson”, “The Path Of The Righteous” and finally “The Ones We Leave Behind”. Two new tenants in Hell’s Kitchen have moved in to cover the events.
May 17, 2015 Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 6
75 Game of Thrones S5E6 review: “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
Westeros got even darker and bleaker than usual this week. But Monty and Jason soldier on, unbowed and unbent but maybe a little bit broken. We take stock of our two pairs of road-buddy movie adventurers, ponder why all the dead bodies need to be washed, muse about Littlefinger’s grand plan, welcome back Diana Rigg, admire Myrcella’s awesome Spring break in Dorne, and remind you that Ramsay Bolton is never not creepy. Never, ever, ever.
May 15, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 22
74 The Flash S1E22 recap: “Rogue Air”
What is the outcome when you flip morals to enlist a Prison Breaker? How do you turn off a particle accelerator filled with Metahumans? It may seem impossible, but it’s pretty much usual on our weekly jog. This is the final stretch to the finale. Let’s go!
May 15, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 23
73 Arrow S3E23 Review: “My Name Is Oliver Queen”
As season 3 draws to a close, Dan, John, and Guy reunite to discuss Ra’s al-Ghul’s ineffectual management of the League of Assassins, anticlimactic battle scenes, and the hopes and dreams for season 4.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 10, 2015 Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 5
72 Game of Thrones S5E5 review: “Kill the Boy”
In this “north by northeast” episode, everything happens at Winterfell, The Wall, and in the east. We focus in on Jon and his big leadership decisions, the Boltons and one awkward dinner at Winterfell, Dany and her new use for her dragons, and two men in a boat.
May 10, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 21
71 The Flash S1E21 review: “Grodd Lives”
This is Tony’s dream episode… featuring the one and only Gorilla Grodd. We also see a new balance in characters as Iris is brought into the fold, exerting herself as a woman to be noticed. Join us for our weekly run through Central City.
May 8, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 22
70 Arrow S3E22 Review: “This Is Your Sword”
The whole gang gets a group rate to go to Nanda Parbat, Ollie doesn’t get the chance to use his “island” excuse, and the whole season comes to a head with a marriage and perhaps multiple deaths. Dan and Guy discuss the penultimate episode of season 3.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 5, 2015 Daredevil Season 1, Episodes 7-9
69 Daredevil Rewind: Episodes 7-9
Sweet Mrs Cardenas brings Hell’s Kitchen back into chaos. That might be pushing the truth. However, there were ninjas, lonely breakfasts, bloody hammers and a man called Stick. Those kinds of things Bring Guy, Merlin and Moze to a fever pitch. Come raise your glass to the show that has no right to be this good.
May 3, 2015 “Game of Thrones” Season 5, Episode 4
68 Game of Thrones S5E4 review: “Sons of the Harpy”
Brian and Jason meet in person and watch an episode, and are joined in commentary by Dan Moren and Tony Sindelar! Lots of stories about Rhaegar Targaryen in this episode, and Jason and Dan share one of the most commonly held theories about Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark and the mystery of their relationship. It’s not a spoiler, just (common) speculation, so don’t freak out! Also lots of stabbing and horses and masks and mismatched buddies, many of them in boats.
May 2, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 21
67 Arrow S3E21 Review: “Al Sah-him”
It’s just an ordinary run of the mill bad-guy-of-the-week for Team Arrow…only this bad guy used to be their best friend. John and Dan discuss Thea’s ascension to the team, Lyla being a badass, and more. Plus, a special guest shows up to debate whether Ollie has truly gone rogue.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
May 1, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 20
66 The Flash S1E20 review: “The Trap”
Join the gang as we pick up where we left off, in the no-longer-secret Time Vault at the heart of S.T.A.R. Labs. We end with all secrets—okay, most secrets—revealed in Eobard’s master plan. Lisa, Tony and Moze try to make sense of the potential for time paradoxes, so strap on your running shoes.
April 29, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 19-20
65 Arrow S3E19-20 Review: “Broken Arrow,” “The Fallen”
It’s a Starling City doubleheader this week! Returning after a bit of a hiatus, Guy, John, and Dan are back to discuss major deaths, romantic entanglements, and fledgling superheroes! All that and more as the ball gets rolling towards the end of the season.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
April 28, 2015 Daredevil Season 1, Episodes 4-6
64 Daredevil Rewind: Episodes 4-6
In this episode we crest violent bloodshed and flow with universe building. Characters are further fleshed out as the tides begin to rise again. Merlin “The Hammer” Mann and Dan “The Anvil” Moren bring their pipes to help Hell’s Kitchen.
April 26, 2015 “Game of Thrones” Season 5, Episode 3
63 Game of Thrones S5E3 review: “High Sparrow”
This week, themes of religion dominated “Game of Thrones”, along with a bunch of clever transitions between different viewpoints. Plus, mad scientists—or is it mad maesters? Beheadings! Daenerys’s unique crossover appeal! And much more.
Want to subscribe only to our Game of Thrones episodes? This URL is the one for you.
April 24, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 19
62 The Flash S1E19 review: “Who is Harrison Wells?”
Lisa, Tony and Moze find Cisco and Joe traveling to Starling City to find proof of Wells’ mischief. Meanwhile Barry, Eddie, and Caitlin fight off a shape-shifting metahuman, the Everyman.
Want to subscribe to everything we say about The Flash? Point your podcast app to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/flash!
April 19, 2015 ‘Game of Thrones” Season 5, Episode 2
61 Game of Thrones S5E2 review: “The House of Black and White”
Monty and Brian break down the latest episode of “Game of Thrones.” Was there really that much black and white? Is it really even a house? Why is Tyrion still sulking? Also, Monty reveals his big theory about what the show is doing.
Want to subscribe only to our Game of Thrones episodes? This URL is the one for you.
April 17, 2015 Daredevil Season 1, Episodes 1-3
60 Daredevil Rewind: Episodes 1-3
Out of the ashes of Ben Affleck’s curse, Charlie Cox stars as Matt Murdock in the Netflix series “Daredevil.” These streaming series have a flaw—the temptation to ingest and forget. Guy English, Chip Sudderth and Philip Mozolak are fighting to keep our memories fresh by breaking down the first three episodes.
You can subscribe here to the Daredevil-only podcast feed.
April 17, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 18
59 The Flash S1E18 review: “All-Star Team Up”
Lisa, Tony and Moze recap and question what happens in this week’s episode of “The Flash,” as Ray Palmer Felicity Smoak “get buzzy” up in Central City to deliver a stinger of a CW team-up.
April 12, 2015 ‘Game of Thrones” Season 5, Episode 1
58 Game of Thrones S5E1 review: “The Wars to Come”
We’re back! Our “Game of Thrones” coverage returns for a second season, as Jason and Monty break down the season five premiere. Daenerys has dragon problems. Jon’s virginity is creepily questioned! Marjorie plays the game of thrones for keeps! Cersei’s kissin’ cousin wears a burlap sack for a shirt! Tyrion eats, drinks, and poops in a box! And who knew that the two men of principle in all the land would be Varys the spider and Mance Rayder?
Want to subscribe only to our Game of Thrones episodes? This URL is the one for you.
April 3, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 17
57 The Flash S1E17 Review: “Tricksters” 
Join Lisa, Tony and Moze as they vibrate into the air and pass through solid plots. A new trickster by the name of Axel Walker comes to town. Add in a Flashback to drop yet another twist into the story of Eobard Thawne and Harrison Wells. All this and more Superfriends!
To subscribe to all our Flash-related content, check out feeds.theincomparable.com/flash.
April 3, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 18
56 Arrow S3E18 Review: “Public Enemy”
Quentin Lance is angry, oh so angry this week. On the Speedy Arrowcast, we cover Starling’s favorite cop’s mood swings, Roy’s classy bedroom moves, and weak twin sister flashbacks. Oh, and Ray Palmer gets shot through the heart, and Felicity’s to blame! The Flash Flashcast’s Tony Sindelar fills in for Guy English, speeding his way into our hearts.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 28, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 17
55 Arrow S3E17 Review: “Suicidal Tendencies”
The Suicide Squad rides again! This week on the Speedy Arrowcast, we all offer our praise for a recurring villain/antagonist, a heaping helping of Diggle love, and of course, a fight between Arrow and a Supersuit that turns out just as we expect.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 28, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 16
54 The Flash S1E16 Review: “Rogue Time”
Mirrors and mirages show just how fragile time can be in this episode. Barry decides to make a few tweaks to his timeline against the better wishes of his Doctor. Alternate futures also mean alternate guests, as Moze is mysteriously missing, while Arrowcast host Dan finds himself in the truly Speedy show.
March 22, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 16
53 Arrow S3E16 Review: “The Offer”
After three weeks off, Team Speedy Arrowcast has returned! This week, we discuss the right way to handle job interviews with deranged semi-immortal assassins, father issues galore, and getting from point A to point B.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
March 21, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 15
52 The Flash S1E15 Review: “Out of Time”
Barry now holds the future under his feet. Join us as we recap this finale-like episode. Lisa, Tony and Moze discuss the details and speculate on how time travel will change everything we know.
To subscribe to all our Flash-related content, check out feeds.theincomparable.com/flash.
February 27, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 15
51 Arrow S3E15 Review: “Nanda Parbat”
This week, Dan, John, and Guy discuss insane job offers, Oliver’s disconnection from Team Arrow, The Atom taking flight, and, of course, our deep and abiding love for the best member of this superhero crew: John Diggle.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 23, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 14
50 Arrow S3E14 Review: “The Return”
The Speedy Arrowcast returns with a review of…The Return. Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Guy English talk past Oliver and present Oliver flip-flopping locations, the return of a very special villain, and yet another secret revelation.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 21, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 14
49 The Flash S1E14 Review: “Fallout”
“Fallout” picks up where we left off, with The Flash and Dr. Snow trying to outrun a nuclear blast spitting out the Firestorm. After homecomings, Iris begins digging up the dirt on S.T.A.R. Labs. Join us on this exciting episode.
February 13, 2015 The Flash Season1, Episode 13
48 The Flash S1E13 Review: “The Nuclear Man”
Barry struggled to vibrate things in a not-too-fast way with Linda, the Lab rats get hot an bothered with Firestorm’s composition and Joe & Sisco use the power of a mirror to sleuth out the Perp(s) at Barry’s Mom’s murder. Seems like a lot but Lisa, Tony and Moze see it differently.
To subscribe to all our Flash-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/flash
And don’t miss our new Arrow reviews, which began in the previous episode of TeeVee.
February 13, 2015 Arrow Season 3, Episode 13
47 Arrow S3E13 Review: “Canaries”
On this inaugural episode of the Speedy Arrowcast—see what we did there?—host Dan Moren is joined by fellow Starling City aficionados John Moltz and Guy English to talk about the Canary vs. Canary throwdown, Oliver’s place on Team Arrow, and big reveals galore.
To subscribe to all our Arrow-related content, check out this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/arrow
February 7, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 12
46 The Flash S1E12 Review: “Crazy for You”
Peek-a-Boo! Lisa, Tony and Moze see you. Love stories, karaoke and conspiracies abound in this episode… or do they? We also discuss the eleph—er, gorilla in the room and ask the hard question, “Is this really the Flash’s Nemesis?”
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Flash-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/flash
January 31, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 11
45 The Flash S1E11 review: “The Sound and the Fury”
Oh Barry Boy, the pipes—and the Piper—are calling! The Pied Piper’s sound gauntlets are thumping bass in the Flash’s face. Join the Lisa “The Vocabulator,” Moze “The Matter Eater,” and Tony “The Re-Educator” in this sound of fury review of “The Flash.”
Want to subscribe to everything we say about “The Flash”? Point your podcast app to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/flash!
January 23, 2015 The Flash Season 1, Episode 10
44 The Flash S1E10 review: “Revenge of the Rogues”
Put on your red tights and lace up for a run with the Flash! Lisa, Tony and Moze run hot and cold and figure out where Barry Allen and Team Flash may be speeding to this season.
Want to subscribe to everything we say about “The Flash”? Point your podcast app to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/flash!
December 25, 2014 Doctor Who
43 Doctor Who review: “Last Christmas”
Merry Christmas! If you’ve been bad, someone will put a Dream Crab in your stocking. We break down Peter Capaldi and Nick Frost’s confrontation as The Doctor and Santa Claus. Also, what does this episode mean for Clara?
December 14, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 13
42 Sons of Anarchy finale review: “Papa’s Goods”
Here we are at the end of the final ride, and what a road has been traversed. Join us for this close-out to an epic series.
Thanks for joining us this year for “Sons of Anarchy,” “Doctor Who,” and “Game of Thrones.” We’ll see you on Christmas for the “Doctor Who” Christmas special, and onward to more reviews in 2015!
December 5, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 12
41 Sons of Anarchy S7E12 Recap: “Red Rose”
Recapping FX’s “Sons of Anarchy,” Lisa Schmeiser and Philip Mozolak & Tony Sindelar take metaphors to a new level as they wax and wane to the finale.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
November 23, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 11
40 Sons of Anarchy S7E11 review: “Suits and Woe”
SAMCRO rides getting ever closer to the finale. Lisa, Moze and Tony find more answers than questions as the season hits the holiday stretch.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
November 14, 2014 ​Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 10
39 Sons of Anarchy S7E10 review: “Faith & Despondency”
The worm has turned for Lisa, Moze and Tony. Join them as they express pure eye popping excitement over this episode of the men of mayhem.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
November 8, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 9
38 Sons of Anarchy S7E9 review: “What a Piece of Work Is Man”
Lisa, Moze and Tony finally feel like this season just turned a much needed corner. They remember Bobby moments from seasons past.
- Note Philip’s audio is a bit echoed for the first 5 minutes.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
November 8, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 12
37 Doctor Who S8E12 review: “Death in Heaven”
Well, here we are at the end of the “Doctor Who” season. In this finale we got a lot of technical and plot stuff that doesn’t survive a whole lot of logic, but the emotional and character beats are truthful and the season’s overarching themes (Doctor as commander of soldiers, “Am I a good man?”, Clara as Doctor-in-training, and the lies—oh, all the lies) are brought home strongly. How does it all fit together? Why should we never trust a hug? And what does Nick Frost have to do with it all? Let’s break it all down one final time before the fat man sings and we have to wait until Christmas to see Peter Capaldi’s eyebrows again.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
November 1, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 11
36 Doctor Who S8E11 review: “Dark Water”
It’s here! Part one of the season finale! And “Dark Water” combined a very familiar format with some major surprises. What is the fate of Danny Pink? Who is Missy? What happens when Clara steals the Doctor’s keys and cuts off his thumbs? We’ve got it all covered.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
October 31, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 7
35 Sons of Anarchy S7E8 review: “The Separation of Crows”
Recapping FX’s “Sons of Anarchy,” Lisa Schmeiser, Philip Mozolak and now joining the MC Tony Sindelar! Pop your clutch for a dissection of the midpoint of the final ride.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
October 25, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 10
34 Doctor Who S8E10 review: “In the Forest of the Night”
The forest is deep and dark and full of wolves. Join Jason and Glenn to talk about Frank Cottrell-Boyce’s first “Doctor Who” story. If there’s no Lorax, who will speak for the trees? We talk about the Doctor’s relationship to Earth, Clara’s strange decisions about how to protect her young charges, Jason rants about the continued appearances of Missy and how they don’t add up to a story arc, and in the end we give a big fat raspberry to the episode’s final scene. It was quite a roller coaster this week.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
October 25, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 7
33 Sons of Anarchy S7E7 review: “Greensleeves”
Lisa Schmeiser and Philip Mozolak discuss what a kindergartner does with the knowledge that grandma killed his mom. How much green is in your sleeves? Join us in the sidecar as we keep traversing the final ride.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
October 18, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 9
32 Doctor Who S8E9 review: “Flatline”
It’s bigger on the inside, now more than ever! It’s time to talk about “Flatline,” an episode that starts out like it’s going to be funny and ends up being anything but. Will Clara’s lies catch up with her? What does the Doctor really think of Clara playing his role? Does he even want to play it himself? (The answer seems to be yes, if someone else will play the role of the monster.) Listen as Jason breaks it down with his very special guest, his wife Lauren!
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
October 18, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 6
31 Sons of Anarchy S7E6 review: “Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em”
As we ride into episode six—what seems to be the most exciting thus far—Lisa and Moze try to be positive. It didn’t happen. Hop into the sidecar and find out why.
Want to subscribe only to our “Sons of Anarchy” episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa
October 11, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 8
30 Doctor Who S8E8 review: “Mummy on the Orient Express”
Live from Montreal, Canada, Dan Moren and Jason Snell watch an episode of “Doctor Who” and then talk about it! Clara’s unique relationship with the Doctor combines with an interesting (if familiar) “Doctor Who” plot. We talk it all through.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
October 11, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 5
29 Sons of Anarchy S7E5 recap: “Some Strange Eruption”
Lisa & Moze recap the “Strange Eruption” inside of Charming. We span car crashes, the usual lies and KungFu fighting on the side streets of Stockton.
Want to subscribe only to our Sons of Anarchy episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa.
October 4, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 7
28 Doctor Who S8E7 review: “Kill the Moon”
What has the moon ever done to you? We discuss this week’s “Doctor Who” adventure, the insanely titled “Kill the Moon.” Is this original or more of a pastiche? The unexpected Courtney Woods story continues! Polka dots! And much more.
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October 3, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episodes 3-4
27 Sons of Anarchy S7E3-4: “Playing With Monsters”/”Poor Little Lambs”
Double Shots! Lisa and Moze tread the last of the sluggish “Sons of Anarchy” episodes (hopefully) and discover something new. Could it be love in Charming or just people talking to themselves? Let’s peel back the dermis and find out.
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September 27, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 6
26 Doctor Who S8E6 review: “The Caretaker”
The Doctor takes a job at Coal Hill School in order to stop a clicky-clacky robot who wants to shoot people full of laser beams. But that’s really beside the point in an episode that’s all about dialogue, character, and the relationships that the Doctor, Clara, and Danny Pink have. We break down the latest episode of “Doctor Who,” “The Caretaker,” and also ponder Matt Smith lookalikes, the Doctor as an officer and a Time Lord, and Courtney Woods, Disruptive Influence.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
September 20, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 5
25 Doctor Who S8E5 review: “Time Heist”
Four people, no memories, and the biggest bank in the galaxy. What could go wrong? To break down Doctor Who’s latest episode, “Time Heist,” we’ve assembled a crack team of experts, each with their own special abilities. Also, we wonder about vents, praise the lighting technicians at the bank, and discuss whether looking into your own eyes is as bad as it’s made out to be.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
September 20, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 2
24 Sons of Anarchy S7E2 review: “Toil and Till”
We examine what may have been the slowest episode of SOA to date. Exactly how many people do you have to kill before you qualify as a mass murderer? Is it the number of people or is it the time period in which you do the killing? We’re asking because this just might be the episode where Jax crossed over to mass-murderer status.
Now that the Sons have already killed their way through Americans, Mexicans, Russians, Italians and Irish people, they’re going out for Chinese. If there is a “Kill A Small World” ride at Mirrorverse Disney, the Sons are clearly lining up for its Fast Pass.
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September 14, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 4
23 Doctor Who S8E4 review: “Listen”
Don’t blink! Don’t breathe! But do listen to this episode, where we break down Steven Moffat’s “Listen,” a standalone episode with some surprising connections to Doctor Who history. We identify a possible theme for this season’s episodes, separate from the story arc. Jason recalls previous Steven Moffat series. And Danny Pink and The Doctor both appreciate the importance of a toy soldier who doesn’t carry a gun.
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September 11, 2014 Sons of Anarchy Season 9, Episode 1
22 Sons of Anarchy S7E1 review: “Black Widower”
Recapping FX's "Sons of Anarchy," Lisa Schmeiser and Philip Mozolak ride into the season premiere episode to find out what havoc the MC has been through the last 10 days.
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September 6, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 3
21 Doctor Who S8E3 review: “Robot of Sherwood”
The Doctor finally meets Robin Hood, and refuses to acknowledge his existence! What does this say about the Doctor’s view of himself and his own story? We talk about Mark Gatiss’s “Robot of Sherwood.” Yet another fantastic Capaldi performance with crackling dialogue. Jack Kirby robots! Spoon duels! Gallimaufry! Gold arrows! David Loehr and Dan Moren join Jason Snell to break it all down.
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August 30, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 2
20 Doctor Who S8E2 review: “Into the Dalek”
Warm up your shrink ray and join us as we journey inside a Dalek! Jason is joined by our very own Glasgow Correspondent, James Thomson, to analyze this week’s Dalek-themed episode. Soldiers named Pink and Blue! Is the Doctor a good man, or a good Dalek? And what did you expect to happen when you “fixed” a good Dalek, anyway?
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
August 23, 2014 Doctor Who Series 8, Episode 1
19 Doctor Who S8E1 review: “Deep Breath”
We kick off our weekly look at this season of Doctor Who with a larger-than-usual panel for this larger-than-usual episode. Praise for Peter Capaldi! Condemnation for the clockwork droids plot and the extremely weird skin balloon! We also attempt to define the challenges in regeneration episodes in general, and compare and contrast with some of the most recent representatives.
Want only The Incomparable Network’s Doctor Who-themed episodes? Subscribe to this feed: http://feeds.theincomparable.com/doctorwho
June 15, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 10
18 Game of Thrones S4E10 review: “The Children”
Happy Father’s Day, Tywin Lannister! Erstwhile co-host Brian Hamilton joins Monty and Jason to talk about this final episode of “Game of Thrones” season 4, where there are a whole lot of familial relationships to consider. We discuss Jon’s final parting with Ygritte, the Jamie-Cersei-Tyrion sibling triangle, the Arya-Brienne-Hound swordy triangle (sorry, Podrick), those flame-throwing “children” in the snow with Bran, and of course Tyrion’s attempt to seriously resolve his daddy issues. Plus, hey! Skeletons! We’ve packed it all in this double-sized episode, along with our final thoughts on the season as a whole.
June 8, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 9
17 Game of Thrones S4E9 review: “The Watchers on the Wall”
This week, one setting! One massive battle! Death, blood, giants, snow, wildings, and Jon Snow! Monty and Jason talk about the failed institution of the Night’s Watch, which seems odd since many of them were very brave and they didn’t all die. But still, you’ve got to admit, the organization has seen better days. Also, who knew that Castle Black had a Panic Room?
June 1, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8
16 Game of Thrones S4E8 review: “The Mountain and the Viper”
There’s a lot of hopping around in this episode, but with a couple of possible exceptions, it’s all good. In the far east, a eunuch and a topless handmaiden meet creepy, and a really old pardon causes serious problems for Jorah. At the Wall, we learn that Molestown is one classy place, and Sam feels extra bad about leaving Gilly there. In the North, there’s a touching family moment under a Flayed Man banner that gives us even more name confusion than usual for Westeros. Sansa becomes a real woman by committing perjury. Arya gets a belly laugh. Tyrion tells a very perplexing story involving beetles to Jaime. And finally, the most Inigo Montoyaesque trial-by-combat scene possible.
May 18, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 7
15 Game of Thrones S4E7 review: “Mockingbird”
This episode feels more like the regular episodes of past seasons — neither a full-blown “event” episode, nor a pure “table setting” episode. Instead, we get lots of great scenes with great sets of characters, including Arya and the Hound, Brienne and Podrick, and Tyrion and a succession of visitors. Plus, much more of Sansa and Littlefinger in Crazytown Aerie and a surprise appearance by Westeros’ finest pie maker! We’re not sure if there’s an actual mockingbird, though.
(Thanks to listeners for pointing out that the Mockingbird is Littlefinger’s personal crest.)
May 11, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 6
14 Game of Thrones S4E6 review: “The Laws of Gods and Men”
Courtroom drama comes to Westeros, as Daenerys issues decrees in Meereen and Tyrion’s regicide trial begins. There are some brief detours to Braavos for Bank Loan Drama and the Dreadfort for Failed Rescue Drama, but it’s Tyrion’s trial that dominates the episode. Monty Ashley and Brian Hamilton render their judgements. Maybe it should be “The Laws of Gods and Men and Monty and Brian.” (No, it probably shouldn’t)
May 4, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 5
13 Game of Thrones S4E5 review: “First of His Name”
Jon nearly meets up with Bran! Daenerys strongly considers coming to Westeros before deciding to stay in Meereen! Most of the other people never even come close to seeing each other, but it’s still more crossover than most episodes get. As Tommen becomes King of Westeros, Monty Ashley and Brian Hamilton review an episode that contains the least secretive co-conspirator ever.
April 27, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 4
12 Game of Thrones S4E4 review: “Oathkeeper”
This episode of “Game of Thrones” had it all: prisons, swords, white walkers, and people drinking from skulls. That’s all of the things, right? Monty Ashley and Brian Hamilton break down the fourth episode of season four as they check in on Daenerys’s shockingly efficient methods for capturing cities, Jaime Lannister’s shifting allegiances, and the aforementioned skull-drinking.
April 20, 2014 Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 3
11 Game of Thrones S4E3 review: “Breaker of Chains”
After the shocking death scenes of last week, this week “Game of Thrones” settled down a bit. Monty Ashley and Jason Snell talk you through episode three, including Stannis Baratheon’s nifty table and the cold cunning of Tywin Lannister and Olenna Tyrell. Plus, how can you make incest even ickier? By doing it in a church next to the dead body of your child! Yeah, that’s the spirit, Lannisters!
April 13, 2014 Game of Thrones season 4, episode 2
10 Game of Thrones S4E2: “The Lion and the Rose”
Monty Ashley and Jason Snell talk about episode two of “Game of Thrones” season 4. Let’s be honest, there’s only one scene here that everyone will be talking about after viewing: The scene where Melisandre talks to Stannis’s daughter about religion.
Oh, also Joffrey gets married and other stuff happens. He’s a bit of a bridezilla.
April 10, 2014 CBS hires Stephen Colbert
9 Tim Goodman on Stephen Colbert
The Hollywood Reporter’s Tim Goodman joins Jason Snell to talk about CBS hiring Stephen Colbert to replace David Letterman on “Late Show.”
Read Tim’s analysis, Why Stephen Colbert Is the Perfect David Letterman Replacement.
Also we mention Aisha Tyler and Chris Hardwick.
Earlier: Our reaction to Letterman’s retirement.
April 6, 2014 Game of Thrones season 4, episode 1
8 Game of Thrones S4E1: “Two Swords”
Monty Ashley and Jason Snell talk about the “Game of Thrones” season 4 premiere. We count swords, praise Natalie Dormer, and generally try to remember exactly who is who and what they’re doing now that we’re back at the start of a new season. Also, we complain about the mixing of chicken-related metaphors.
And don’t miss Monty’s piece about “Game of Thrones” in The Guardian.
April 3, 2014 David Letterman retires.
7 We’ll Costas This
We react to David Letterman announcing his retirement and speculate about where late-night comedy goes from here. Also, why are we all wearing togas?
February 26, 2007 The 2007 Academy Awards.
6 The Oscars
Dissecting the Oscars with Philip Michaels, Lisa Schmeiser, and Jason Snell. Our podcast doesn’t run as long as the Oscarcast, but it’ll feel like it!
January 31, 2007 Super Bowl XLI.
5 The Autumn Wind is a Raider
It’s Super Bowl week, and Vidiots Jason Snell and Philip Michaels are here to talk about NFL Network, NFL Films, Super Bowl commercials, and the question of what show best fits in the post-Super Bowl time slot. Oh, and the autumn wind is a raider, pillaging just for fun.
November 26, 2006 Steve’s new Wii and the 2006 fall season.
4 Playing With My Wii
And we’re back with another podcast. This one features incisive analysis of Nintendo’s new Wii console from Steve Lutz, as well as a roundtable discussion of the aftermath of the new fall season from Jason Snell, Philip Michaels, and Lisa Schmeiser.
October 4, 2006 Steve interviews Michael J. Nelson.
3 Michael J. Nelson
The prodigal podcast returns, featuring Vidiot Steve Lutz’s exclusive interview with Michael J. Nelson, formerly of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and now of RiffTrax. (Steve wrote about RiffTrax on TeeVee in August.)
August 27, 2006
2 TeeVee Podcast 2
Steve Lutz on the merits of watching and skipping commercials; Six Angry Vidiots discuss the Emmys, the new fall season, TV on DVD, “Rescue Me,” “The Amazing Race,” and… Angela Lansbury?
July 30, 2006 Miami Vice, Steve Carell, and more.
1 TeeVee Podcast Pilot
Let the bandwidth charges begin! TeeVee’s inaugural podcast is just as shaky and uncomfortable as any pilot episode. It stars Philip Michaels, Lisa Schmeiser, and Jason Snell — one of whom will likely be replaced by Heather Locklear if the podcast gets picked up as a series.
This episode’s topics include: “Miami Vice” and other TV shows destined to be lousy movies; Steve Carell reads TV critics the collected works of Pete Ko; Vidiots share beefs about “Monk,” “Rock Star,” and “Without a Trace”; ways to improve “Scrubs.”