42 Sons of Anarchy finale review: “Papa’s Goods”
Here we are at the end of the final ride, and what a road has been traversed. Join us for this close-out to an epic series.
Thanks for joining us this year for “Sons of Anarchy,” “Doctor Who,” and “Game of Thrones.” We’ll see you on Christmas for the “Doctor Who” Christmas special, and onward to more reviews in 2015!
Previous Episodes
December 5, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 12
41 Sons of Anarchy S7E12 Recap: “Red Rose”
Recapping FX’s “Sons of Anarchy,” Lisa Schmeiser and Philip Mozolak & Tony Sindelar take metaphors to a new level as they wax and wane to the finale.
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November 23, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 11
40 Sons of Anarchy S7E11 review: “Suits and Woe”
SAMCRO rides getting ever closer to the finale. Lisa, Moze and Tony find more answers than questions as the season hits the holiday stretch.
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November 14, 2014 — ​Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 10
39 Sons of Anarchy S7E10 review: “Faith & Despondency”
The worm has turned for Lisa, Moze and Tony. Join them as they express pure eye popping excitement over this episode of the men of mayhem.
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November 8, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 9
38 Sons of Anarchy S7E9 review: “What a Piece of Work Is Man”
Lisa, Moze and Tony finally feel like this season just turned a much needed corner. They remember Bobby moments from seasons past.
- Note Philip’s audio is a bit echoed for the first 5 minutes.
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October 31, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 7
35 Sons of Anarchy S7E8 review: “The Separation of Crows”
Recapping FX’s “Sons of Anarchy,” Lisa Schmeiser, Philip Mozolak and now joining the MC Tony Sindelar! Pop your clutch for a dissection of the midpoint of the final ride.
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October 25, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 7
33 Sons of Anarchy S7E7 review: “Greensleeves”
Lisa Schmeiser and Philip Mozolak discuss what a kindergartner does with the knowledge that grandma killed his mom. How much green is in your sleeves? Join us in the sidecar as we keep traversing the final ride.
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October 18, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 6
31 Sons of Anarchy S7E6 review: “Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em”
As we ride into episode six—what seems to be the most exciting thus far—Lisa and Moze try to be positive. It didn’t happen. Hop into the sidecar and find out why.
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October 11, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 5
29 Sons of Anarchy S7E5 recap: “Some Strange Eruption”
Lisa & Moze recap the “Strange Eruption” inside of Charming. We span car crashes, the usual lies and KungFu fighting on the side streets of Stockton.
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October 3, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episodes 3-4
27 Sons of Anarchy S7E3-4: “Playing With Monsters”/”Poor Little Lambs”
Double Shots! Lisa and Moze tread the last of the sluggish “Sons of Anarchy” episodes (hopefully) and discover something new. Could it be love in Charming or just people talking to themselves? Let’s peel back the dermis and find out.
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September 20, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 7, Episode 2
24 Sons of Anarchy S7E2 review: “Toil and Till”
We examine what may have been the slowest episode of SOA to date. Exactly how many people do you have to kill before you qualify as a mass murderer? Is it the number of people or is it the time period in which you do the killing? We’re asking because this just might be the episode where Jax crossed over to mass-murderer status.
Now that the Sons have already killed their way through Americans, Mexicans, Russians, Italians and Irish people, they’re going out for Chinese. If there is a “Kill A Small World” ride at Mirrorverse Disney, the Sons are clearly lining up for its Fast Pass.
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September 11, 2014 — Sons of Anarchy Season 9, Episode 1
22 Sons of Anarchy S7E1 review: “Black Widower”
Recapping FX's "Sons of Anarchy," Lisa Schmeiser and Philip Mozolak ride into the season premiere episode to find out what havoc the MC has been through the last 10 days.
Want to subscribe only to our "Sons of Anarchy" episodes in your podcast app? Subscribe to http://feeds.theincomparable.com/soa