Put In the Zom and Out Comes Com
Grab a pint and marinate your brain as we discuss the “Cornetto Trilogy,” three films by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright that are linked in theme if not in characters: “Shaun of the Dead,” “Hot Fuzz,” and recent release “The World’s End.” Why aren’t there more smart genre comedies? How do Pegg and Wright so deftly handle different genres? How are these movies like the Commedia dell’arte? Why do Jason and Jeff want to punch Nick Frost, then hug him? Plus, we give even more Incomparable love to “Spaced.”
Listen to this episode (1 hour, 25 minutes)
Show Notes
The spoiler horn appears before we talk about the biggest spoilers in “World’s End,” but as always, you should really watch the movies before listening to the podcast. We spoil the hell out of the other two. Watch them! They’re good!