Discussed in these episodes
224b Sans Sarris
The battle to out-Glenn Glenn. Also, a long cut bit where Jason lists “Galaxy Quest” cast members while nobody says much.
224 Canonical Space Goo
Not many people remember the ’80s sci-fi TV series “Galaxy Quest,” starring Jason Nesmith and Alexander Dane, let alone remember it with fondness. But we’ve assembled a panel full of Questarians who will change your mind. By Grabthar’s hammer, what a topic!
15 Chekhov's Law of Omega Thirteens
Joe and Dan talk about college mascots and libraries. Joe nerds-out over Galaxy Quest (1999), while Dan politely nods.
31 Supernatural
An entire hour devoted to The CW's "Supernatural." Can you imagine it? Brr. Fortunately, that's not what this podcast is about. It's about stuff we think is funny. Only one of likes "Supernatural." To find out who, you will need to listen.