Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Discussed in these episodes
167 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" with Moisés Chiullán, David J. Loehr, and Jean MacDonald
38 years ago today the Human Adventure began with Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and it continues. Topics include those uniforms and if you can hide a phaser in them, the wonderful score, and if this movie has a plot. Also, this podcast features several long sequences of the participants staring off into the distance.
287 Hole Farmers
What does God need with a starship? We take a look at the two most (justly) maligned films starring the original “Star Trek” cast, “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” and “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.” What do these two films have in common? Do they have any redeeming qualities? We watched them so you didn’t have to, because we need our pain!