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movie Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Discussed in these episodes

  • Not Playing with Lex and Dan cover art
    Not Playing with Lex and Dan September 7, 2017 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    3.8 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    The circle is now complete. We conclude our viewing of the Star Wars saga—for now, anyway—with the most recent installment in the main sequence of movies. Grizzled smuggler Dan Moren teams up with desert scavenger Lex Friedman to take in the spectacle that is 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    Hot topics include Kylo Ren as a Vader wannabe, how to get just the right amount of C-3PO, and, of course, the fact that Supreme Leader Snoke is a dumb name.

    Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!

  • Myke at the Movies cover art
    Myke at the Movies January 1, 2016 “The Force Awakens”
    13a "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

    Recorded December 2016, here’s Myke and Jason’s discussion of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership December 24, 2015 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, a fourth view
    280 They're Not Alone

    Our many-part analysis of “The Force Awakens” continues. In this episode we praise the casting of Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac, and ponder how the diversity of the “Star Wars” universe has increased. Plus, did Luke hide something in all the droids? Why does Finn hold a lightsaber like a baseball bat? Why would one of the Weasley brothers become a fascist? And ultimately, why is this film redemptive for the franchise as a whole?

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership December 23, 2015 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, a third view
    279 They Were Jerk Planets

    In this installment of our continuing coverage of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” our East Coast panel gushes a little, complains about Starkiller Base a little, ponders “The Force Awakens” as a buddy movie, copes with death, and tries to imagine what it will be like to get a new “Star Wars” movie every year. Also, Scott keeps bringing up “Star Trek.”

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership December 22, 2015 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, a second view
    278 Fake Jedi Boy

    Lots of people have opinions about “The Force Awakens,” and it’s sort of our charter to overdo it when it comes to “Star Wars.” So this week we’re presenting several follow-up panels about this new film. In this installment, we travel across the pond for a panel predominantly made up of residents of the UK. Why are there Scottish people in space? Who is the face of fresh young fascism? Where can we get red replacement arms?

  • Defocused cover art
    Defocused December 20, 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    77 I'm Happy That You Like His Hand

    It’s totally tubular.

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership December 19, 2015 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”
    277 Stormtroopers Are People

    After three years of anticipation, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is finally here, and our panel of “Star Wars” fans is ready to review it. So here we go.

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership December 11, 2015 Star Wars Anticipation
    276 Don't Drink the Bacta Tea

    With “The Force Awakens” only a week away, we pause to ponder why we’ve anticipated this film release for more than three years. What spoilers have we avoided? (This episode certainly contains none.) What does it mean that “Star Wars” is now an extended film franchise releasing new films annually? How many times are we going to see the film next weekend, and how will we find time to podcast about it? And perhaps most importantly, can any new “Star Wars” movie ever possibly hope to capture the excitement we felt when we discovered these films as children?

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership April 17, 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Trailer 2 analysis
    243 Find My Lightsaber

    A new “Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens” trailer has appeared! And, as was fated, we are here to deconstruct it within an inch of its life. Dark Side IKEA end tables! John Boyega quotes us the odds! Bespoke evil ships! And is that a glimmer in your eye, or just some lens flare? Plus we give some love to BB8, everyone’s favorite robotic soccer ball.

    Dan Moren reports in from the Star Wars celebration, and Serenity Caldwell phones in from her car. This is serious business, people.

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership November 28, 2014 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” teaser trailer
    222 Forcegiving

    There’s now a teaser trailer for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, and you know we have opinions. And so, in great Incomparable fashion, we’re here to talk about 80 seconds of video for more than an hour. How could we not?

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership May 2, 2014 Casting “Star Wars: Episode VII.”
    193 Don't Worry, We Got This

    The casting for “Star Wars: Episode VII” has been announced, and so our team of interested “Star Wars” fans has arrived to break down the returning actors, the new faces, and our hopes for the future of the franchise. Plus we talk Kremlinology and Soviet industrial design, lament a bag of villains, and confuse screenwriters with pasta.

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership October 31, 2012 A review of new and returning fall TV shows.
    114 When You Wish Upon a Star Wars

    Were we pranked, or did Disney really just buy Lucasfilm and announce a new Star Wars trilogy? We decided to just assume it’s happening and record a live flash podcast about this unexpected turn of events.