Discussed in these episodes
163 The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes
We’re back this week to chat about Netflix’s episodic television adaptation of one of the greatest comic books ever written: Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. There is so much meat on Morpheus’ slender pale bones that we mostly just covered Preludes & Nocturnes. You’ll need to dream our thoughts on The Doll’s House.
151 Light, Magic, and Dream
Believing they didn’t have enough to fill an hour your intrepid hosts hatched a plan to steal the show and go boldly into the well explored. Everything unravels as they discover an hour worth of conversation about the Groot animated shorts, the Light & Magic documentary series, and The Sandman. They’ll never sit in the captain’s chair again after this Giant Sized Sweep episode.
6 Go Ahead, Lisa, Destroy My Childhood
Comic Book Club returns! This week we talk about TV adaptations of comic books, TV shows inspired by comic books, comic books that would make good TV shows, and more. Plus, random discussion of X-Men Annuals, the Micronauts, and why Reed Richards is a douche (in X-Men Annual #5, anyway).