Curse of Strahd: Epilogue

The rumours are true—you can trust the network of teens spreading the news—Strahd really is dead! Join the Dog & Pony crew on their farewell tour through Barovia (both little and big) as they leave Castle Ravenloft, check up on the burgermeisters, say goodbye to some friends, and share one last night around the campfire.

Strahd, Go to Your Tomb!

The epic battle (finally!) reaches its climax! Who will survive?

MTV’s Crypts

This battle is still in progress. Please stay on the line. Your call is very important to us.

Please Frickin’ Die

This vampire party isn’t over! The epic final battle remains epic as we ask questions like Do vampires poop? What is the sound of one invisible vampire missing? What is the curse of Strahd? And most importantly, Will this fight ever end?

Praise the Nilbog

The final battle continues because violence is the only language the undead understand

Batless in Barovia

The epic battle begins! Strahd is babygirl. Bruldish establishes the stakes. Imra is nervous (or maybe that’s just Aleen). Crucible and Elavor call some friends. Lina goes rogue. Arrigal is a little brother, and Vasilka can do better.

Fern Gully Bat

The Dog & Pony crew finally enter the catacombs for a flap and map. The vibes are bad. Real bad.

Heart! Heart! Heart!

The Dog & Pony crew faces the monster under the bed, considers a move to Ravenloft Heights Condos, contemplates vampire theology, and breaks some heart. Of course, once again, they gotta go up to get down.

A Mouthful of Vampire Juice

It’s just some axes, messin’ around and vampires named Oliver, Poison, Malachi, Renée, and Gerald and Johnny Darkness. See you next time, Renée!

OSHA the Spider Hag

The party grapples with questions like “How would a spider stand on eight different office chairs?,” “Will the treasure be a gilded bed-flipper or a three-pack of magic axes?,” and “Are owls birds?” (DM Tony would like to emphasize that they ARE.) One thing that’s certain: Arrigal is the MVNPC.

Many Pieces of Furniture Died Here

In the course of mapping the Larders of Ill Omen, the team encounters a Crucible crucible, a spooky office, the ruined corpses of cots, and so many tears. But it starts with a hug.


Sparkling Despair

Lina du Lina is a sommelier who stores her emotions in her swords, and Elavor pleads the fifth acorn. Meanwhile, the crew traverses a misty hallway toward a wine cellar where Bruldish has a couple of axe-idents.


An Octopus Riding a Sabertooth Tiger

The Dog & Pony crew is back! Bruldish, Crucible, Elavor, Imra, Lina, and the whole menagerie kick off the season with a drawbridge that’s just a bridge, a really charming rat, some sweeping in the dark, and a real mist opportunity.


Send Forth the Spiders!

In this season finale, we go clubbing and light a beacon.


Always Stack Your Rogues

We visit the Greater Metropolitan Little Barovia Area.


The Paddington-Chucky Spectrum

We’re actually doing a dragon heist!

Thanks to Elizabeth Fijalkowski for the amazing artwork of Elavor and friends! Art of Elavor the Half-Elf Druid with Saamis the saber-toothed tiger and Danu the fey mimic octopus


You Gotta Go Up to Go Down

We demonstrate the “risen cost fallacy.”


Look at This Terrible Hallway

We’re gonna get him like Capone.


Die, Foul Friendly Creature!

We’re guests of Mr. Strahd, in one of the nicer rooms.


Come on in, the Water’s Blood

We explore the Rooms of Weeping.


It’s Stairs All the Way Down

One does not simply walk through more doors.


Can’t Un-flip That Bed

We are nearly thwarted by a teen.


Why Is This Castle This Way?

We’ve gotta social engineer Strahd unless he keeps his password on a post-it.


Ask Not for Who the Bing Bongs

We find magic PEZ, oily books, and a well-appointed study featuring a helluva portrait. Drawing of Strahd von Zarovich holding a large sword in a wooded area, looking stately and HOT Art by Elizabeth Fijalkowski ~ aka Lizziefij


We’re Gonna Be Good Strahds

We’re rapping about werewolves and finding Infinity Stones.


Prisoner’s Dilemma

Meet Danu! In the basement!


Brunch with Strahd

The Dog & Pony crew is back - all 10 of them! They’re prepared to be just reckless enough as they finally take the Big Bad up on his invitation to dine at Castle Ravenloft.


Bed Bag & Beyond

It’s the season finale for the Dog and Pony show! Will the gang figure out what the heck is happening in Vallaki? Will All Be Well? Listen to find out!


Contraband Vampires

Are we herding them? Or Hurting them?


Elavor’s Roommates

These are the world’s worst Jack-in-the-boxes. Jacks-in-the-box? Whatever, they suck!


A Cup of Coffin

Nothing like a little constructive arson!


All Is Not Well

This is the opposite of a festival.


A Woman of Murder

In Barovia you either have a tragic past or a tragic now.


Party in a Closet

Dead people deserve our help too.


Do Not Speak to Me about Chimichangas

Always do what the baby dragon wants.


There’s a Revenant for Everyone

One horse-step forward, two horse-steps back…


A Lighthouse for Dragons

Let’s see what’s in the wine closet!


Corpse Box

Arrigal is very batly hurt by some Central Barovian bats.


Curiosity Killed the Crucible

Special delivery! Whatever could be in this “box”?


Murder, She Spun

It’s time to dance with some spiders!


A Starter Castle

Over the ruins and through the walls to meet some big spiders, we go!


Scarecrow Carnies

The Dog & Pony show is back with a new season of Barovian adventures! In this first episode, we ask the age old question: Who let the goats out?


Silence Has Fallen

The battle with Baba Lysaga reaches its thrilling conclusion — along with this season of Total Party Kill.


Oh No! Bad Vibes!

Imra unplugs a house. Pony goes home. Bruldish steps up.


Dancing with Corpses

A house walks into a burning ring of fire.


The Worst Piñata Party

Elavor talks to snakes. It’s grosser than it sounds.


The Last Temptation of Goats

Elavor talks to goats. Crucible and Imra talk to a ghost.


Maybe She’s Friendly

Scarecrows, a green light, and some goats.


Scarecrow Dance-off

Elavor gets a wine bottle and a new hat!


Were There Ever Chads in Barovia?

How do you talk to an angel? It is like trying to catch a falling star? It might be more like singing.


How Steep Is this Hill?

Irena takes a swim. Elavor asks a mysterious character to dance.


A Vampire Onion

Finally! Krezk!


Blight Maple Syrup

The gang fights another evil tree, an… Aspen Assassin Balsa wood baddie Coniferous Cad Dogwood devil Evergreen evildoer Fearsome Fir Gruesome grove Hemlock horror Ignoble Ironwood Jungle jackal Kumquat kanji Loathsome larch Maple malefactor Nasty Needle Oak Offender Pugnacious Palm Quick Quince Redwood rascal sylvan scoundrel Truculunt Teak Uncouth Undulate Vulgar Vine Wicked willow Extreme xerophyte Yowling Yucca Zany Zebrawood


The Wicker Strahd

The gang fights an evil tree. Or rather, a Wicker Strahd.


Strahd von Zarovich: Dreamboat

A Wunderhorse vs four heese on a hill!


The Hill I’m About to Die On

The gang finds a really, really, really big hill. Another party member gets a blood-related magic item.


The Last Wine in All of Barovia

The fight against the blights and druids continues, and Elavor gets a bleeding stick.


Dungeon Buddies!

The Dog & Pony crew meets some jerkface druids and their blighted pets.


I Used to Like Nature

The Dog & Pony gang go on a winery tour!


A Really Aggressive Salad

Elavor learns why he should trust the birds, and the gang heads off in search of wine.


Mummy Corps of Engineers

Silver-forging montage!


Horse Law

Did you say elevator? Or Elavor?


Moon Jerks

Lina has a dance-off with a door.



So. Many. Wolves.


A Face Is a Map of a Person

It’s finally time to leave Vallaki! But first, a touching(?) family reunion.


Skeletal Cats

The Dog & Pony Show returns, and it’s still Shocktober! What’s spookier than Barovia? A spooky, cluttered attic in Barovia. Spookier than that? A spooky, cluttered attic populated by skeletal cats! EVEN SPOOKIER? A stroppy teenage wizard and his “students”.


Very Special Holiday Episode

The Dog & Pony gang ends the season with a festival full of rain, a room full of dolls, an attic full of junk, and a door full of lightning!


Backgammon in the Wine Gazebo

Never split the party! Unless you’re going to do some chores and take a furtive walk around town.


Minotaur Maul

A shopping trip, afternoon tea, and a polite murder request. Happily, no flesh bag. Sadly, no book club.


The Bag Holder

What’s in the bag?!?



This episode is kind of like “Hansel and Gretel,” except there’s a bag made of human skin.


Spooky Money

Three witches and a windmill.


Follow Me To Great Deals!

Viral marketing, Barovia style.


Non-Fatal Arm Wrestling

These windows could use a little more garlic.



Our adventurers are off to scenic Valaki, and in the bar of the Bluewater Inn they meet some Very Interesting People.


An Octopus Holding a Bag

Everyone loves a good boat trip.


A Most Interesting Bone Ghost

We’re on the road to Valaki. Don’t go inside the windmill.


Little Joys in Big Barovia

Pick a card, any card.


Sad, Unfortunate, and On Fire

Which are worse, wolves or capybaras?


Better Dead than Undead

What’s the right protocol for burying a vampire?


Non-Union Ghosts

In Barovia, it’s traditional to have a pool party for the dead.


Big Trouble In Little Barovia

It’s implied that you swapped urine. That’s what friendship means.


Let’s Bury the Burgermeister

The Dog and Pony Show returns! With the same dog… but a new pony. And new players! And a new DM! Please enjoy this trip to a tavern in Little Borovia, and watch Tony die a little bit inside in the service of Dungeons and Dragons.


Dragon vs. Octopus

This is it, people! The season finale finds our adventurers up against a terrifying black dragon after literally no preparation or strategic planning. Will they survive to reunite the dog with the pony?


Tenser’s Floating Dog

The Dog and Pony team finally investigate the forge, then traverse a chain ladder into the depths of the caves. Ladders and bridges take a long time to figure out. After all that trouble, they’re rewarded with something much worse than they expected.


I Don’t Trust This Table

Now that Spurious knows how his go-to spell actually works, he puts it to serious, fatal use. Then the team goes on a wild Duergar chase that leads to a bathroom, a closet, and a secret tunnel. This party is really really bad at secret doors.


What Do You Smell Besides Corpses?

Our intrepid (or maybe just tepid) adventurers continue to explore the old Dwarven ruins. How many adventurers does it take to read a scroll? The answer is too many.


The Room Really Ties the Rug Together

In the life of every party there comes a time to make a gruesome decision about how to defeat one’s foes. Though not every party can notice a rug and a suit of armor, but fail to notice an entire room full of corpses.


Wight Privilege

What happens when you ignore a warning sign? A really long, scary battle! But if you live through it, you just might finally get a long rest. And maybe meet a ggg-ghost!


All Orc Poetry is Slam Poetry

The Dog and Pony gang investigate the forge, and learn some important lessons: Do not trust furniture, but do trust literal warning signs.


Rope Me Once, Shame on Me…

Bruldish fights with her cousins, and we see a whole new side of Elavor. But will the adventurers ever find the forge?


Hell Bent for Orc Leather

How many adventurers does it take to find a secret door? The answer is too many.



How many tentacles does a Roper have? The answer is too many.


Mr. Roper

When is a flopping fish not just a flopping fish? When it’s attached to something that’s trying to eat you.


The Secret of the Ooze

Will our adventurers finally get a long rest? How big is this cave system anyway? What can you do with two magic hands? Do skeletons have belongings? This episode brings you the answers to questions you probably didn’t have.


Bop, Don’t Boop!

In this episode, our adventurers meet more stinky cave-dwellers, learn the difference between bopping and booping, and one of them swings their weapon at an empty square for some reason. Listen and find out why!


Tunnel Pragmatism

Successful cave exploration requires management skills, rope, and a truly epic weaponized hootenany



Elavor talks to a bear.


We Deserve This

Psst, hey, buddy, ya wanna buy a feather?


Don’t Eat Strange Bees!

Come for the orcs, stay for the bee-themed acrobatics.


This Party Is Complicated

Deeper into the mountain we go! Remember all those warnings about orcs? They’re proven to be true! Also we learn where orcs sleep. (It’s beds. They sleep in beds.)


Dog and Pony Show

It’s time to leave town and set out on an adventure! Having given up on their missing compatriot (for now), the party takes a chance on canine companionship and comes up with its official name at last. Now it’s off to the mountains to seek fame, fortune, and forgotten treasure.


Our Monk Is Missing

They touched an orb! They barely survived Death House! (See Episode 105 through 112.) Now Imra and the people she saved are back, in a new adventure. Once again DM stands for Dan Moren, as Dan leads a group of familiar adventurers into new challenges and, most intriguingly, an encounter with a musical halfling riding a pony that might change the course of their adventuring careers forever.


This Is Turning Into a Death House

A final battle with greenery, and then our adventurers will try to escape from the Death House at last! But will the house truly live up to its diabolical name?


Fake Cult News

Death House continues barreling toward its inevitable end! Will all our adventurers make it out alive?


Not My Centipedes, Not My Circus

From a hugging wall come creepy, hulking ghoulish creatures ready to kill (or hug?) our adventurers! And then later there may be a crypt with a whole lot of bugs.


The Legendary Hugging Wall

Death House resumes, and our adventurers must explore strange passageways, discovering deceptive items and even more deceptive walls!


Tugging on the Orb

So there’s this orb, and it’s pretty shiny. Maybe we should touch it?


Paladins Crying Uncontrollably

You’re a mean one, Mr. Grick. Also, Ghouls are not nice.


A Little Dust-Up

The journey into Death House goes a little deeper, with creepy closets, creepy magical foes, and more creepy children!


All Children Are Creepy

A new adventure begins! Led by Dungeon Master Dan Moren, our adventurers wake from a night by a campfire to discover a deserted town, a couple of creepy kids, and a suspiciously creepy mansion.