467 War Picks Have the Power
After seven years Eglath’s Angels finally managed to complete the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure. But at what cost? Maybe they should have stayed in Tyr.
Previous Episodes
September 10, 2024 — Eglath’s Angels VII, Episode 6
466 Don’t Feed the Bulettes
While the party explores so. many. corridors, Carlos doesn’t have an inside voice, Omlöl keeps walkin’, Regdar doesn’t like it when Carlos winks, Zotasha is interested in swirly purple, Kat’chka talks to monstrosities every day, and Shara recognizes Regdar’s hat.
September 3, 2024 — Eglath’s Angels VII, Episode 5
465 I Don’t Talk to Pizzas
As the party battles a whole family of hook horrors, Eglath’s Angels suddenly become competent, efficient, and effective. Scott wonders if he’s in the wrong Zoom.
August 27, 2024 — Eglath’s Angels VII, Episode 4
464 Capering Mud Men
As the party keeps on truckin’, Regdar chews on a stalagbite, Kat’chka invents the frisbee, Omlöl continues learning about himself, Zotasha wants to go mudding, Shara is in search of something shiny, and Carlos ain’t afraid of no crystals. Oh, and Scott reminds us we’re all just skeletons deep inside.
August 20, 2024 — Eglath’s Angels VII, Episode 3
463 Summon Greater Landscaper
As the party continues into the tunnels, Omlöl communes with nature, Carlos looks for a seam, Zotasha doesn’t trust hot mud, Kat’chka discovers weird things, and Shara doesn’t want to levitate a pebble but Regdar does—as long as it’s glowing. Oh, and Scott invents a baby cave.
August 13, 2024 — Eglath’s Angels VII, Episode 2
462 Weekend at Keltar’s
In this episode, Carlos hears roaring and gurgling, Kat’chka puts the bug in bugaloo, Omlöl likes running toward danger, Regdar runs near danger, Shara doesn’t go around the bend, and Zotasha is yellopathic. Oh, and Scott puts up with all of it.
August 6, 2024 — Eglath’s Angels VII, Episode 1
461 Something Dumb Is About to Happen
Welcome back to the blood-soaked sands of Athas! Door Dash your Pegasus and throw your money on the floor because these weirdos are level 10 now. You might think that means fewer hijinks and less nonsense, but you would be very very wrong.
December 27, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 9
377 Live, Laugh, Lava
In this season finale, Eglath’s Angels almost saved the world from a very decentralized cult.
December 20, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 8
376 Salamanders from the South!
Flamin’ hot salamanders and suggestive art.
December 13, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 7
375 Lava Hurts
When you have no thoughts or plans and are surrounded by lava and incompetence, how much worse could it get?
December 6, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 6
374 Everybody out of the Cloud
We camped on a butt because we didn’t watch the floor.
November 29, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 5
373 Totally Capacitated
Regdar is killin’ it. Goth Shara has ghost whales.
November 22, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 4
372 Cinna and Bon
Kat’chka plays peek-a-boo. Zotasha threatens to turn this Phantom Caravan around.
November 15, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 3
371 Minotaur Sandwich
A lot of people running, with Minotaurs on the move.
November 8, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 2
370 Affirmations and Elevators
Please note: Total Party Kill is now a philosophy and life-coaching podcast. We hope you enjoy this change in direction.
November 1, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels VI, episode 1
369 A Bad Use of Carlos
Eglaths’ Angels (Carlos, Kat’chka, Omlol, Regdar, Shara, and Zotasha) are back for another season, and they start it off by beatboxing on a disc!
April 19, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 20
341 Goodbye Plunging Torrents!
In this season finale, these knuckleheads with carved foreheads (and the two without them) leave the Plunging Torrents and try to decide which evil cult to tackle next (season).
April 12, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 19
340 Three Mimics in a Trenchcoat
Spiteful adventurers attack babies. Bitey, wormy babies.
April 5, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 18
339 Four Halflings in a Robe
Baby Chuul doot doot dootdoot dootdoot Baby Chuul doot doot dootdoot dootdoot
March 29, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 17
338 Everybody Hurts
Doin’ the wave with a floppy Halfling.
March 22, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 16
337 Soul Proprietorship
Lots of water, few hootenannies, and a wet Halfling.
March 15, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 15
336 Shaggy Kank Story
Out of the octopus’s garden and into the ghast room.
March 8, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 14
335 Follow That Carlos!
Zotasha tells fancy lies, and everyone tries not to burst Carlos’s bubble.
March 1, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 13
334 We’ve Been Everywhere—and Done Very Little
While infiltrating a multi-level cult, Carlos rides a water ride and incites a very slow-speed chase.
February 22, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 12
333 Grells, Grells, Grells
This whole episode is a quest for rest.
February 15, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 11
332 Step Three Prophet
Don’t pick the door with a bunch of dead corpses behind it. Traps are bad. Let sleeping sarcophagi lie.
February 8, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 10
331 Frosted Demon
You know those D&D sessions where at the end everyone turns to one player and says “What the hell, dude?!” Yeah, this is one of those.
February 1, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 9
330 Regdar’s Demons
Two dudes, a crab, a pizza place, and a ziggurat. But this crab is not answering his emails.
January 25, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 8
329 Invisible Flying Ooze
Without a doubt, the greatest distraction we’ve ever used.
January 18, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 7
328 We’re Specter Inspectors!
Is this a ghost I see before me?
January 11, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 6
327 He Stole My Hat!
Who’s watching Shara? Nobody’s watching Shara.
January 4, 2022 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 5
326 Gargoyles Gonna Gargoyle
Pushy gargoyles and mind bullets!
December 28, 2021 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 4
325 New Plan, Kill Everyone
Welcome to the Umber Hulk Speakeasy.
December 14, 2021 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 2
323 I Open the Door
Shara opens doors. And closes them.
December 7, 2021 — Eglath’s Angels V, episode 1
322 It Was Like This When We Got Here
Eglath’s Angels are back! Remember the bloody sands of Athas? When we last left Carlos, Katchka, Omlöl, Shara, Regdar, and Zotasha, they had just discovered the devastation evil cultists wrought on the town of Freedom. Will they catch the cultists? Certainly not in this episode!
June 4, 2019 — Eglath’s Angels IV, episode 5
190 Tepanyaki Vampire
This mini-season of Eglath’s Angels concludes with a deadly vampire battle, a powerful wizard, and a talking hammer.
May 28, 2019 — Eglath’s Angels IV, episode 4
189 A Hug in the Darkness
Johnny Nine is alive! Our friends and their newfound Golem navigate turnstiles, boiling mud, and darkness. What’s in the darkness, and why does it want to hug Eglath’s Angels… to death?
May 21, 2019 — Eglath’s Angels IV, episode 3
188 Golem Storage Area
Three dummies smash orbs in a locked room. Three bored adventurers wait in a hallway. Then there’s a riddle involving a flesh golem.
May 14, 2019 — Eglath’s Angels IV, episode 2
187 Too Many Orbs
Our mini-season of Eglath’s Angels continues with a series of curious decisions. Flesh golems? No thank you! Creepy room full of suspended colored orbs? Yes please! And why do a dumb thing once when you can do it twice?
May 7, 2019 — Eglath’s Angels IV, episode 1
186 Not Much of a Mountain
Eglath’s Angels return! Your original crew of TPK knuckleheads is back, but they’re not on Athas anymore. In this special mini-season, they’ve been swept onto a different plane, where they’ll play in a classic D&D module! But first, Carlos attacks a tree.
September 26, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 26
154 Yan-C-Bin Expecting Me?
The third season of Eglath’s Angels comes to a conclusion! The fate of the Howling Hatred cult is revealed! Omlol takes a journey entirely unlike any we’ve seen before! Many members of the party are in grave danger! And for those who survive, what is their next destination?
September 19, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 25
153 Regdar’s Unregulated School of Magic
A room full of mushrooms (again?) teaches our adventurers a valuable lesson about… something? It’s finally time to meet the leaders of the windy cult. And despite Regdar’s best advice to refrain, Carlos shows off an extremely unexpected talent.
September 13, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 24
152 My Mom Raised Me Not to Lie to a Bird
Kenku are jerks. Our new friend is very wise for an undercover cultist. Our adventurers need to decide if they’re an ambulance service or not. (They’re not.)
[If your episode sounds like Aleen is out of sync, please delete this episode and then re-download it! We had to re-release the episode to fix this audio problem.]
September 5, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 23
151 Hello from the Tragic Cavern
Presta is dead and her companions are all pretty horribly wounded, except for Carlos, who seems perfectly fine. Can this group of adventurers find their way out of these confounded caverns before they lose all hope? It may take an escape by, as you might expect with this group, a path entirely unexpected by the Dungeon Master.
June 13, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 22
139 For Presta!
Battered and bloodied, our adventurers really want to be anywhere but where they are. How did we get in this mess, anyway? And is there any chance any of them can get out of it?
June 6, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 21
138 Oh Man, My Mouth Tastes Like Goodberry!
When you’re at the bottom of a bottomless pit and you’ve got no hit points left, who you gonna call? Mr. Goodberry! And he… actually may not be any help. Good luck!
May 23, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 20
137 Artisanal Gore
In which our adventurers break stuff and fall in a bottomless pit.
May 9, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 19
136 Ha Ha! You’re In a Cult!
Big wheel keep on turning, Carlos keep on running. We’re flute inspectors.
April 25, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 18
135 Turn Left at the Shallow Graves
Heroic rescues, a murder hallway, and the big wheels keep on turning. You know, it’s just another day in Athas.
April 11, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 17
134 The Best Diplomacy Ever
More Bugbears, more magic, more problems. Our adventurers make a few dozen tactical errors. But Carlos just wants to give diplomacy some time to work.
March 28, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 16
133 Got Kank Milk?
In this episode Carlos wanders off once again, and once again nobody stops him. The healing properties of Kank Milk and its marketing opportunities are explored. Also, Heeeeeeere’s a Bugbear!
March 14, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 15
132 Famed Flautists
Our adventurers abandon the Feathergale Spire and find an underground location in which they can continue to spread lies about who they are and what they’re inspecting.
February 28, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 14
131 Not All Manticores
In this one there’s an awful lot of skulking around the Feathergale spire. Plus, who doesn’t love a hunt?
February 14, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 13
130 An Auspicious Day
Our party makes its way to Feathergale Spire, where it turns out that it is the anniversary of the founding of the Feathergale Knights. Time for a big party! With appetizers! And probably trouble. We’re like that.
January 31, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 12
129 Tattered Gray Cloak
The Feathergale Spire is a tempting building on the horizon. A dead body in a ravine intrigues Carlos. You know, the usual.
January 17, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 11
128 Freedom!
Our adventurers haven’t been run out of town before, but this time it finally happens. Then they go on to Freedom, a town founded by slaves, and investigate the desert wastes in search of more clues to the fate of the missing caravan.
January 12, 2018 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 10
127 To the Sinkhole!
We’re quarry inspectors, actually. (This episode is not endorsed by the Kled Chamber of Commerce.)
December 27, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 9
126 The Mul Who Cried ‘Boy’
It’s time to investigate the place where Carlos (who styles himself a hero) saved that kid, and then we’ll take a journey to the Cave of Floating Rocks to learn about the history of mining accidents on Athas!
December 13, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 8
125 He’s Dead, J’ym
In the wake of Carlos opening a door that should have remained closed, the Bringers of Woe have come to bring the pain to our adventurers. Not everyone with a name will make it out alive!
November 29, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 7
124 Rat Sandwich
The adventurers investigate the underground complex beneath Kled, turning up a magic rock and a serious vermin infestation problem. Also, Carlos carefully studies a closed door and nobody notices until it’s too late.
November 15, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 6
123 A Taste of Kled
In this exciting return to the world of Dark Sun and Eglath’s Angels, pottery is purchased and giant sinkholes are investigated.
September 20, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 5
117 Netflix and Kill
Omlol learns an important lesson about asking doors and chests if they are mimics… the hard way! Then our adventurers return to Kled to have interesting conversations with uninteresting townspeople.
September 6, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 4
116 We’re Hotel Inspectors
After a little more time annoying people in Kled, our adventurers head to the famed Trickle Rock Cave, where there is a little bit of trickling and a little bit of danger!
August 23, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 3
115 Party in the Front, Stables in the Back
Our party invades the city of Kled, splits the party, starts a hootenanny, makes new friends, and does what they do best—which is apparently lying unnecessarily?
August 8, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 2
114 A Chip Off the Old Rock
We were in the desert
Everybody had matching tattoos
Somebody rolled into our flock
And we all saw a rock
It wasn’t a rock
It was a rock monster
Rock monster -
July 26, 2017 — Eglath’s Angels III, Part 1
113 Intimidate the Wind
In a bit of trouble with wind and templars, the adventurers of Eglath’s Angels take on a new mission to get themselves out of the city of Tyr for a little while. Turns out they’re just as bad at lying as they always were. And a new friend joins the party! But once they’re out in the desert, they’ll prove themselves to be cunning warriors… right?
March 23, 2016 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 29
75 Axe Punch His Face
Our adventurers reach the summit of the Ziggurat and have their final confrontation with the Defiler and a threat that could destroy all of Athas.
March 10, 2016 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 28
74 Unguarded Crack
A fierce Mul gladiator (not Carlos) protects the interior of the ziggurat as our separated heroes struggle to reunite and defeat their enemies.
February 25, 2016 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 27
73 Two Muls, a Defiler, and a Beetle Place
Eglath’s Angels conclude their encounter at the city gates and then journey deep into the city to explore a threatening ziggurat.
February 11, 2016 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 26
72 Magical Selfie Stick
Our adventurers approach the gates and statues that mark the entry point to the long-dead city of Kaldinay. But a funny thing happened on the way to the Ziggurat…
January 27, 2016 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 25
71 Strumming His Piccolo
Freshly out of their pit, our heroes regroup and journey back out into the desert to find the source of the shaquat beetles at Fort Melidor. Also, we learn what a group of cacti is called, and discover some strange things about elven musical instruments.
(This episode was initially released with the last 30 minutes of audio translated into Thri’Kreen. We’ve re-released it with the last 30 minutes in English, for our human listeners.)
January 13, 2016 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 24
70 Ways to Not Be a Beetle
The elemental magic-users seem to have what they want—Regdar’s crown—so you’d think the fight would be over. But our adventurers don’t know how to take “no” for an answer! There’s a dramatic transformation and an epic run that will go down in legend and song.
December 30, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 23
69 Epic Hat Destiny
The underground battle for Regdar’s crown has begun! And before it’s over, things are going to get tough for our adventurers.
December 15, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 22
68 Carlos, Have You Learned Nothing?
The battle with Carlos’s nemesis Morningstar is just the beginning of this adventure. There are accountants to terrorize and templars to badger! Will TPK turn into a courtroom drama? Anything’s possible with this group…
December 2, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 21
67 Is This Your Card?
Combat combat combat! The battle with the spooky, speedy psionicist continues, and Carlos meets an old colleague and isn’t remotely happy to see him. Plus Regdar runs out of spells and Omlol hears the Good News about Carlos.
November 18, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 20
66 Descriptions & Doors
Our adventurers return after a long absence (for them, not you) and after remembering where they are, they spend a whole lot of time listening at silent doors and sneaking down hallways, while preparing for the ultimate battle in the basement of the pottery emporium.
November 4, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 19
65 In That Trunk Is Some Funk
We return to the world of Eglath’s Angels, as our adventurers continue to clear out rooms full of sleepy guards before attempting an assault on the source of the mind-control beetles.
September 23, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 18
60 Bedroom Farce
Bedrooms, sleepy guards in loincloths, and a whole lot of confusion. Just another day at the office for our adventurers? Not hardly! Today’s the day they meet Chad.
September 10, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 17
59 The Murder Chute
Our adventurers are still in the midst of their midnight raid into the unaffiliated pottery outpost that they suspect to be the center of the operation that’s distributing mind-control beetles far and wide. In this episode, they battle some guards near the fiery pottery kilns, toss a coin a time or two, make a descent through a hidden shaft, and open up some sacks of flour. Plus, Carlos shows off a few of his special talents.
August 26, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 16
58 Unaffiliated Pottery Outpost
The adventurers return under cover of night to infiltrate the pottery outpost and uncover, at last, the source of the horrible beetle infestation! But do they want to try to kill guards who are just doing their jobs? Sometimes, when you’re fighting near a kiln, you start to wonder about killin’.
August 13, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, part 15
57 Full House
The adventurers return to Tyr and go to a pub, which is exactly what you’d expect. But this pub has a Mul with some very important info that he’d like to provide—if something terrible doesn’t happen to him first! Also, Regdar and some accomplices visit a notable pottery emporium.
July 29, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, part 14
56 Professional Monkey Paw Operator
In the aftermath of a horrible loss, our party struggles to stay alive against an onslaught of webbed and unwebbed Tembo. Is there any hope? Perhaps the slightest ruby glint…
July 15, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, part 13
55 Too Many Tembo
With the caravan and the village of Red Obelisk behind them, and Scale back out of her protective bubble, our adventurers set off back to Tyr. Surely they wouldn’t have the bad luck to run into some dangerous, legendary bogeyman out in the desert, right? Right???
July 1, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, part 12
54 Beetles in Jars
Our adventurers continue their near-naked escape from beetles and cages and defilers and other nasty things in the desert. Also, a certain bedroom containing someone’s purple pants might make a return.
June 17, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 11
53 1d8 Beetles
Trapped in a cage, assaulted by horrendous mind-control beetles, what can our adventurers do to save themselves?
June 3, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 10
52 Dwarven Bards!
Our adventurers try to remember where they left their characters only to find themselves in the clutches of Bezrak and his terrible conspirators from House Shom!
May 21, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 9
51 That’s So Catapult
Our adventurers and their caravan continue their battle with the massive horde of giths. This episode contains: Fighting! Dead guards! Outriders! More fighting! More dead guards! Also: A catapult (not pictured).
May 7, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 8
50 Swan Song
Omlol flees from his bar brawl! Will the party arrive in time to save him? Plus taunting from a caravan, bardic inspiration, Presta has bad luck, the catapult gets used (but not used well), and oh yeah, there’s this horde of Giths…
April 23, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 7
49 Do Giants Stack?
Our adventurers salve their wounds until the caravan reaches a desert settlement. Their suspicions about Bezrak lead them to engage in sleuthing—some of it successful, and the rest of it by Carlos. Also, local muscle is called, and there’s a bar fight!
April 9, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 6
48 Chitin’s Gonna Ichor
You may ask yourself, why is this oasis so plentiful? And you may ask yourself, why is this lady so beautiful? And you may tell yourself, this is not a beautiful tent. And you may tell yourself, these are not beautiful rugs!
March 24, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 5
47 War on Rugs
In the wake of Omlol, Katch’ka, and Regdar getting in trouble for their door-related shenanigans, Carlos, Scale and Presta take on the next round of searching the caravan for creepy beetles. Water is fetched! Bribes are paid! Wicker baskets are moved mysteriously! An oasis is spotted! And is it true love at last for Omlol? (Spoiler: It’s not. Not at all.)
March 11, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 4
46 A Door Killed My Brother
The three interlopers who broke the master’s door are under investigation! Can Carlos, Scale and Presta aid in their defense? The management of the caravan tries to unravel the events of our previous episode, and everyone ends up even more confused. Plus, Presta learns an important lesson about vouching.
February 24, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 3
45 A Night on the Caravan
Paramount Pictures presents the Three Athas Brothers in their funniest film yet! Or to put it another way, Katch’ka and Omlol and Regdar find a whole bunch of wacky ways to get into trouble while the rest of the party is sleeping. Scale makes an uncomfortably enthusiastic new friend! Bowls of stew are ordered! Teak is shattered! And how that Kank got into my pajamas, I’ll never know…
February 11, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 2
44 A Hat and Some Bugs
Our adventurers meet their new boss and set out with the caravan into the desert. Regdar attempts to show the worth of his MBA. Katch’ka startles his new co-workers with his leaping. And a glint of sunlight off metal spotted nearby proves just too exciting to pass up.
January 29, 2015 — Eglath’s Angels, Part 1
43 0 Days Since Last Death
We return to the strange world of Dark Sun and some of the characters from the first season of Total Party Kill! Fresh off their victory at the Face in the Stone, Carlos, Katch’ka, and Regdar are ready for a visit to the pub, but a familiar face stands in their way! Plus there’s a discussion of microeconomics, Carlos shows off his lack of social skills, we learn about warring trading houses and teak futures, and a few new traveling companions are introduced.
April 24, 2014 — Dark Sun Campaign, Part 22
23 Spooky Hat Club
The adventure of the Temple of the Face in the Stone reaches its conclusion! But will our adventurers live to fight another day? Death-saving throws will be failed! Skill checks will be rolled! You’ve come this far, you might as well listen to one more episode with these knuckleheads.
(This marks the end of this season of Total Party Kill. We’ll be back in a month or so with a shortish adventure with new characters, new DMs, and a new setting. But fear not! We’ll return to this group of characters again in the future.)
April 17, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 21
22 Who Knows Origami?
Our adventurers take stock, meet a new fungus-covered friend, discover the fate of the Red Cord mercenaries, and make their way back to the entrance to the temple, where they discover there’s one more battle left to fight.
April 11, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 20
21 Warlocks and Door Locks
Our Carlos-caused battle with the mushroom people continues. Nobody will escape unscathed! Doors will open and close. A retreat will be sounded. One member of the group will be revealed as a macabre MacGyver. And we learn that when you gaze into the mushroom, the mushroom looks back into you.
April 4, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 19
20 Do You Know the Mushroom Man?
Our adventurers recover from their horrible wounds inflicted by the silkworm, take a rest, and then find the final room in this temple too intriguing to ignore. It’s all Carlos’s fault—he runs in where intelligent people fear to tread, and gets a face full of mushroom.
March 21, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 18
18 Pick Out a Pretty Headstone
Our adventurers battle against the giant silkworm at the heart of the temple, and their lives are on the line. No, seriously, unless one of them makes exactly the right dice roll at the right time, they’re all gonna die.
March 14, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 17
17 The Fightin’ Sand Rams
Carlos is at the bottom of the pit, our party is standing in a doorway, and a giant silkworm is about to strike! This isn’t going to go well, isn’t it? In fact, Carlos, you might want to just stay down there in the pit. It’s safer down there.
March 7, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 16
16 Let the Best Mul Win
Our adventurers continue their battle with Nala the Girl-liath and Daroc the Mul, who is even more unpleasant than Carlos. There’s also some exploring, Katchka makes critical rolls for nature and listening, curiously shaped mushrooms are discovered, and stick around for our terrifying cliffhanger!
March 1, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 15
15 Wraith Relations
The battle with the scaled guardians, zombies, and wispy wraiths continues amid the dead bodies and braziers. Asteron eats a valuable gem. We debate the pronunciation of gith. Carlos gets caught thinking about something other than his job at just the wrong time. And we learn a valuable lesson about not letting your Minotaur do the negotiating for you.
February 22, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 14
14 Don’t Lick the Serpent
Our adventurers investigate snake chalk art, disturb some funeral urns, and discover that sometimes a room full of dead bodies is just a room full of dead bodies… just not this time.
February 16, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 13
13 Plaintive Moos
Our adventurers enter a room dominated by powerful winds. (But enough about that burrito Regdar ate back at the tavern.) A creepy whispering fountain and creepier whirling dust devils can’t be good, right? Also, Carlos gets really angry and attacks a statue.
February 9, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 12
12 The Orb Was Obvious
Our dungeon crawl through the desert temple continues. We poke some weird fungus with a stick and then investigate a room containing a very old knight. It’s like that scene in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” except it may be our adventurers who have chosen… poorly. Again.
This is the first “new” episode of TPK. Older episodes originally appeared in the feed of The Incomparable and have been retconned into TPK episodes for new listeners.
February 5, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 11
11 Blazing Skeletons
Skeletons and salt zombies! Oh my!
February 4, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 10
10 Danger’s My Middle Name
A choice between two different magical fountains, plus some zombies and an angry skeleton.
February 3, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 9
9 Swimming Lessons
Obelisks with lightning bolts and a surprising encounter with marine life.
February 2, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 8
8 Torn Between Two Obelisks
The stone temple finally comes into view, but it’s protected by two horrible obelisks that shoot lightning bolts.
February 1, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 7
7 Enter the Minotaur
A new adventurer joins the party, and everyone experiences a terrifying journey through the sandstorm vortex.
January 31, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 6
6 The Trouble With Eglath
Our adventurers finish their battle at the whirlwind, but at a somewhat horrible price.
January 30, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 5
5 Sun, Sand, and Tareks
The battle by the sandstorm vortex continues, with Carlos on the move and unpleasant Tareks doing damage to our adventurers.
January 29, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 4
4 Bone Javelin
Glass spiders and a horrific sandstorm vex our Dark Sun adventurers.
January 28, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 3
3 Kank Merchant
After waking up in an alley, our adventurers outfit themselves for a trip deep into the desert.
January 27, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 2
2 We’ve Been In Worse Situations
Amid a brutal battle in a market area, our brave adventurers try to hide behind a hot dog cart. It works as well as you might expect.
January 26, 2014 — Dark Sun campaign, part 1
1 Meet the Party
Introducing our party of five adventurers in the desert realm of Athas, as they begin their quest and get in a fight with some nasty dwarves. It doesn’t go well.